
Higher-Order Sour Grapes: When Everything that is Inferior is Actually Better

Obviously, you all know about “sour grapes”, i.e. someone claiming that something they failed to achieve or cannot afford it not all that great anyway. This goes back to a fable by Aesop. Recently, though, I came across a pattern that goes beyond that. The context is that there is someone in my extended family who semi-regularly talks to me. He is older than me, but single and childless, so he cannot relate to people older than him in this social circle who all have their own family, and he cannot easily speak to people younger than him because the age gap is quite large. In a way, he has missed the boat. In a social context, though, it is normally not a good idea to make someone lose face, so you can easily end up in situations you would otherwise not encounter.

This guy can be quite negative. As I do not speak that frequently with him, it is not that noticeable. Perhaps he simply had a bad day or a bad week, because the last time I had a conversation with him, it seemed that everything was bad. He was not even that explicit, but when he spoke about his car, by now a fifteen-year old sedan from a high-quality marque, he was adamant that if it broke down, he would get the very same model once again because newer cars were all inferior. He kept going. Asking about what laptop I had, I mentioned that my main machine was a 15″ MacBook. Upon hearing this, he responded that his is a 13″ MacBook but that it was a better choice because there was no point in having a bigger screen anyway. I had no interest in arguing with him. Besides, it struck me as silly so I just let him keep talking. I did not have the impression that he wanted to seriously debate the issue anyway.

The most absurd claim he made was when he spoke about his apartment. He has an interest in construction, so he asked me about the place I rent. Upon hearing that my expenses for heating are quite moderate because that house is well-insulated, he disputed this, arguing that you need to spend less money for heating in a poorly insulated house. The argument he made was that single or double-pane windows do not block sun rays so even in autumn and winter the house warms up. This was patent nonsense because temperatures are not nearly high enough, and sunshine is quite limited. Even if the sun comes out for a few hours and you have a peak temperature of a few degrees Celsius above zero, you still need to heat your place. Besides, whenever there are sub-zero temperatures, you can easily see that the snow around an old and poorly insulated house melts, which is not the case in a more modern house.

The details I just mentioned are not even that important. However, I found it interesting that this guy managed to go beyond the sour-grapes parable. Not only are the grapes sour, he is better off not having any grapes at all. I have not come across this pattern before. It is too bad that this did not happen in an online conversation with someone I did not know because then I could have properly responded, for instance by provocatively asking if it is better to have an ugly wife instead of an attractive one. Well, in that case, such a guy would probably tell you that it is better because this means that other men will not lust after her. Similarly, it is probably better to be poor than rich because it makes you appreciate the value of money more. There is probably a way to turn everything around, no matter how ridiculous it may sound.

8 thoughts on “Higher-Order Sour Grapes: When Everything that is Inferior is Actually Better

  1. After posting this article, I recalled that some PUAs tried to claim that height not only did not matter. In addition, they argued that it was better to be short than tall. This is precisely the pattern I describe above.

  2. His claim about insulation and heating has to be among the dumbest things I have heard. The average high school graduate should know that a poorly insulated house will cool down faster in winter, whether the sun is out or not.

    Re: an ugly wife being better, Aaron, somebody made a song, If You Wanna Be Happy, with that claim already back in 1963. 😉


    (The lyrics are in the video description.)

    1. This song made me laugh. The lyrics are ridiculous:

      But if you make an ugly woman your wife
      you’ll be happy for the rest of your life
      An ugly woman cooks meals on time
      And she’ll always give you peace of mind


      Say man!
      Hey baby!
      I saw your wife the other day!
      Yeah, an’ she’s ug-leeee!
      Yeah, she’s ugly, but she sure can cook, baby!
      Yeah, alright!

      That must have been times when women could still cook. Obviously, this is just a cope, just as saying that fat chicks have a “better personality”.

    2. LMAO, Aaron! I never caught that, and I’ve known this song forever! I also didn’t know this was an interracial group. And you’re right. Fat girls DO NOT have better personalities. Most of the women who have treated me like crap have been fat asses.

    3. Aaron:
      Yeah, “I turned down the beautiful women on purpose, and went with an ugly one (“her face is ugly, her eyes don’t match“) on purpose because they make for better wives,” is a cope if I ever heard one. 😀

      In his defense, this was still back during 50s culture (1963), and back then less attractive women often actually did improve their personalities to make up for it. But I have a hard time believing they were better enough to make ugly women attractive spouse-choices, heh.

      Not sure what you mean by interracial group – Jimmy Soul was an urban solo artist. Was this meant in reply to another post, perhaps?

    4. No, I was just referring to the three white guys with him in the picture.

      I didn’t read the artist’s name, just assumed they were a group.

    5. GLAS:
      Sorry, I hadn’t even looked at the image, I just listened to the music. 🙂

      I’m guessing they played the instruments for him when he sang the song, maybe.

  3. This guy sounds like he is the embodiment of what blackpillers refer to as the coper. In realtime you can endure and brush off, but then we can come here and be like, “what a fool”.

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