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The Woke-Industrial Complex

This year has seen a lot of high-profile commercial disasters in the movie and vidya industries. It is all-too-easy to make fun of game or movie studios that burn a solid nine figures in order to push an agenda. More interesting, though, is looking at the mechanisms in place behind it.

I felt motivated to write this article after reading that the critically acclaimed game Unknown 9: Awakening, with its visually unappealing protagonist, was supposed to launch a media franchise, similar to Pokemon. As I had mentioned in a previous Open Thread, there were plans for “Unknown 9” games, novels, comics, podcasts, etc. There surely were wet dreams about big-budget movies, too.

The future of Unknown 9 that never was.

Unknown 9: Awakening peaked at around 250 concurrent players on Steam, despite the publisher handing out vouchers of this game. Probably tens of thousands of vouchers were given away for free with the purchase of an AMD graphics card. The disparity between the actual success and the ambitions of the game studio and its backers is extreme. I do not think it can be explained by delusion alone because there was too much money involved, and too many people. They furthermore did not just woke-ify an existing franchise, hoping that nobody will notice that they took a sledgehammer to a beloved franchise. With that approach, there is often an extended time lag between the rot setting in and fans getting wise to the fact that their favorite franchise is no longer what it used to be. Thus, initial sales may still be quite respectable. We have seen this with the Star Wars franchise. The latest trilogy of movies made $2.0, $1.3, and $1.0 billion, respectively, at the box office. Fans were eagerly awaiting the first of these movies, and fewer and fewer returned to learn that Han Solo has always been a tranny or that the Rebel Alliance is an all-female fighting force.

I believe the people behind Unknown 9: Awakening were well-connected. They had people willing to spend a lot of money, hoping for a big pay-off. However, the goal to do that was not to produce a great game. No, instead these people were convinced that they could use their stranglehold on the media to create a new hit franchise out of thin air. Well, his can be done but not very often. Normally, you start with a game or movie that surprisingly ends up being much more successful than expected. A decade or two later you either have a cultural behemoth like Pokemon or a franchise everybody is sick and tired of like Terminator. There are game studios that try to kick-start franchises, but the underlying product is at least competent. Level-5 does this frequently. These franchises rarely survive for more than a few years, though. Their most recent attempt is Megaton Musashi.

Starting with the assumption that your game or movie will lay the foundation of a multi-billion franchise, even if the product is utterly mediocre is only plausible when these factors are met: access to easy money, strong press contacts to ensure positive coverage, and a view on mainstream society according to which the underlying quality of a product is completely irrelevant because “marketing” creates value and desirability. This is really what not a few people in business think.

Key to the woke-industrial complex is the belief that you can get people to spend money on something they do not want if you only manipulate and coerce them enough. Surely, you do not want to be called a “racist”, so go and buy that crappy game with unattractive female protagonist! That these people could even form this belief is a consequence of simply having had too much control over mass media for too long. However, as it turns out, you can deceive your target audience for quite a while, but not indefinitely long. The chickens are coming home to roost, and a lot of alleged creators in both the gaming and movie industry have found themselves out of a job. The woke-industrial complex is not dead yet, far from it, but it has been weakened.

3 thoughts on “The Woke-Industrial Complex

  1. Where the woke-ism may resist extinction is in academia.

    This woman recently posted on Twitter, showing off how she’s now a “doctor” and ensured she changed her name to reflect her new title.

    So she has this post that already has 83 million views showing off / humble bragging she is a PHD now:

    She is quite smug…with the underlying tone how the lay-man or lay-lady would not understand what her PHD is about. (As she follows-up in a tweet to her original post, “To be clear, this abstract was written for experts within my discipline and field. It was not written for a lay audience and this is not how I would communicate my ideas to the average person.”)

    (Lots of word play gobbledigook in her abstract..but essentially, her thesis is that noting certain ethnic people as ‘smelly’ is racist.

    Oh, and her PHD is in English Literature.

    1. It seems she got her PhD from Cambridge University. Unfortunately, the rot is deepest in our once most esteemed seats of learning. Her thesis, as politically-correct it may be, however, seems to have a flaw: white people may perceive the smell of, for instance, Indian gentlemen as somewhat unpleasant. They may even call them smelly. One wonders if Indian gentlemen perceive each other as smelly. Additionally, I wonder if there are caste distinctions. Are only the dalit smelly or does this also apply to the higher castes? Be that as it may, it stands to reason that this young and most promising scholar has unfortunately assumed a colonizing mindset in her research, which is a most unfortunate occurrence. I hope it will not hinder her further progression in academia.

    2. They may resist the eradication of wokeism, but “resistance is futile.” 🙂

      It’s interesting to note how universities changed over time. In the 1960s in Sweden, universities were generally seen as right-wing, “bourgeois” institutions. 30 years later they were more left-wing. 30 years after that, today, they’re full of insanity.

      Reminds me of Rudi Dutschke’s “Long march through the institutions”:

      A brilliant plan, that actually worked fairly well. Though I don’t think it was a centralized conspiracy (there’s no person or group with the ability to compel random people from all over the world to seek employment in various institutions in that way), but rather pressure from various players in the institutions.

      They seem to have forgotten that the same process can work in reverse, though. 🙂

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