Clown World · Society

Forced Race-Mixing in Primary School

The other day I had to get up early for an errand. On the way, I crossed paths with primary school class. It seems they were on an excursion. All the kids were holding hands in pairs. Of course, doing so is good practice, assuming the kids follow this simple instruction, as it makes it easier to control the group. There were only two teachers and with a group of about 20 children, so a bit of discipline was surely needed. Yet, this post is not about general discipline but a rather curious observation.

The area I was in was quite white, once of the the districts whose inhabitants enthusiastically support unrestricted mass-immigration, as long as they can keep their own little bubble going. There are cracks showing, though. One was that in this primary school class there was one black boy. He was holding hands with one of his class mates, incidentally a blonde, white girl. She did not look particularly pleased and it certainly seemed odd that there was this mixed-race and mixed-gender pairing when the more common occurrence was to have friends hold hands, and these pairings where normally of the same sex as well as race. They kept chattering happily away. Granted, the boy had a big grin on his face, so for him this was surely working out.

As I walked past this group, I could not help but wonder if this blonde, white girl was told to pair up with that black boy because it was the will of the teachers. Clearly, they can feel so good about themselves and tell self-congratulatory stories to their shit-for-brains leftist friends at their next gathering. Surely, it is “cute” for them to force such a pairing. It is only a problem if their own children are affected.

Interestingly, a little later I read about one of the leading politicians of the German Green party, Cem Özdemir, himself an immigrant, and one of the biggest promoters of unfettered mass-immigration, having second thoughts. What happened was that his at most quarter-German daughter is afraid for her safety as she frequently gets accosted by “men from patriarchal cultures”. Thus, Germany needs to rethink its immigration policy. It is fine if hundreds if not thousands of German women every year get raped and killed but if one illegal immigrant as much as glances at his daughter then this is irrefutable evidence that this immigration project has gone one step to far and needs to be rolled back a little bit. The hypocrisy is palpable. Society would be a lot better if every supporter of mass-immigration from the third world had to get a daily dose of diversity himself, for instance by putting up migrant housing right next to their own.

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