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Woman Has Sex with 22 Guys in one Night, 122 in Three Weeks

In a recent post, I had added a reminder that we have video evidence of one woman sucking two dozen dicks in two minutes in a night club, confirming our worst stereotypes about women. However, this is hardly the worst. There is a “performer” on OnlyFans named “Bonnie Blue” who seems to have made it her life’s purpose to shatter all barriers of modesty. A few days ago, a clip of her went viral in which she casually talks about having had sex with 22 guys in one night. She had posted her location and room number online, inviting guys to line up. The interviewer acts as if Bonnie Blue had just told her about the bagel she ate for breakfast. The only ones disturbed are blue-pilled men it seems.

Yet, Bonnie Blue considers 22 guys in one night to be nothing. Her high score consists of 122 men in three weeks! Based on what I have read, it is not clear whether there is a direct connection between both events, but it seems quite plausible that the 22 men were the start and then she set herself the goal of filing herself having sex with 100 additional men during her stay. It’s a nice, round number so perhaps this hints at Bonnie Blue having an appreciation for some of the philosophical aspects surrounding mathematics in general and number theory in particular.

Feminists may screech about patriarchy and all these men “exploiting” this porn whore. Yet, Bonnie Blue is the one exploiting men here because she is turning all this bonking into cash via OnlyFans. This is yet another instance of feminist double-think: getting all this money for whoring is good and a sign of empowerment, but having to take all those dicks is clearly a sign of suppression. In a truly feminist society, all these men should line up, donate money to Bonnie Blue, and leave. The most these men should get is hearing Bonnie Blue getting railed by a vibrant enricher. Yet, not even rubbing one out to that, a prime cuck fantasy, is OK for feminists as this would be another instance of objectifying women.

Over the years, women have advertised their depravity online so much that I would not be surprised if most of you reading about the esteemed sex worker Bonnie Blue having sex with more men than she can count at best shrug their shoulders. This is simply the new normal. I wonder, though, if this is an expression of a bifurcation in society. It seems that there are two extremes towards which women tend to gravitate towards, either ultra-whoring or trad-wiving. Obviously, you cannot be both and once a woman commits to a path, she has chosen her destiny.

In fact, we are seeing this increased bi-modality in many parts of society and the economy overall. For instance, the middle class has been disappearing. There is a rise in poverty, with 56% of Americans being unable to cover a $1,000 emergency expense. On the other hand, the billionaire class has been expanding. We see similar phenomena in entertainment. Movies are either low-budget efforts or $100m+ projects. Gaming is the same. There is a flood of indie games, hardly any “AA” releases, and games that had a cost hundreds of millions whose failure may lead to the closure of entire game studios. The collapse is not only coming but already ongoing.

8 thoughts on “Woman Has Sex with 22 Guys in one Night, 122 in Three Weeks

  1. Here is another peak-woman moment: the “influencer” who went viral after licking the seat of an airplane during the scamdemic thought it would be fun to have sex on her father’s grave. You can bet that she turned out more or less exactly the way her father warned her about.

    1. Wow . What an idiotic attention-seeking wannabe. 🙄
      The OnlyFans & TikTok generation hey…
      This also;

      “After having sex on her father’s grave, she said: ‘I feel like what I created really spoke to the trauma women as a collective feel with male and father figure abandonment”

      She reckons she’s a spokesperson

      “The social media sensation also appeared on Dr Phil to reveal that she would ‘rather die hot than live ugly’”

      A lot of these glamourpuss chicks think like that I reckon. They are so thick.

  2. Aaron,
    “A few days ago, a clip of her went viral in which she casually talks about having had sex with 22 guys in one night”.

    In your article Exploring Slut Psychology you mention that a lot of these sluts who have high body counts are fucking for validation – the main driving force. So, how much of their promiscuity is due to an absent father (since the lack of father figure leads to women being sexually deviant) compared to their validation needs? I have come across YouTube videos where these so-called influencers are quick to blame dead-beat dads for having a daughter who is a whore. Oddly enough, they never seem blame the whore or the mother who teaches her daughter to be a money grabbing whore.

    1. The supposed dead-beat dad is normally no longer in the picture because he was divorced, often for no fault on his own. Arguably, the blame should be on the mother as she is the one raising her daughter. She also divorced her husband, thus keeping the father out of the life of the daughter. Regarding your question about validation, this does not seem to apply here. This woman has sex for money and all these men are just a means to an end for her. There was probably a time in her life, when she was in her teens, where she had a lot of sex with strangers just for the validation. Give her a few more years and she will regress to that stage as single women during their wall-hitting years also tend to bang random guys, just so that they can keep up their delusion that they “still got it.”

    1. The money comes from her OnlyFans account, it seems, whereas the guys fucked her for free. They only paid with a part of their soul for it.

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