Open Thread

Open Thread #363

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62 thoughts on “Open Thread #363

  1. This shooter will probably end up being a bit euroshmup-y, but I can’t help being intrigued by what appears the be the highest graphical output for a vertical shooter:

    What’s odd is that the first half of the gameplay in the trailer looks like a more traditional aspect ratio, while the latter half is in 16:9. The ship appears to have high mobility to compensate for this, as well as the ability to shoot across the screen so as to cut down on the mobility required to fire upon enemies spawning on the opposite end of the screen. Probably what will hurt the game will be the cutscenes and boss animations, which will lose their novelty and become tedious on subsequent play throughs. I am very pleased with the explosion, though.

    1. “What’s odd is that the first half of the gameplay in the trailer looks like a more traditional aspect ratio, while the latter half is in 16:9.”

      Scratch that, it’s a small section of the trailer that looks like the ship is in a corridor, which is actually still kind of achieving the same effect of narrowing the aspect ratio.

    2. The gameplay of this shmup does not look convincing but the graphics surely took a lot of effort. Are you familiar with R-Type Final 2? This is arguably the graphically most impressive horizontal shmup, albeit its gameplay is not the best. A good shmup, or arcade game, needs clear visual distinction between relevant and irrelevant elements on the screen. This is why you often have different color palettes in the background or muted if not washed out colors altogether. Street Fighter Alpha (Zero), for instance, got a lot of flak from games journalist because of its supposedly uninspired background, but the point was to make the characters stand out. Have a look at the stage at the timestamp below. You see a similar approach in various arcade games. CAVE also does this a lot, e.g. in Dodonpachi Daioujou.

    3. “A good shmup, or arcade game, needs clear visual distinction between relevant and irrelevant elements on the screen.”

      To be clear, I’m sure this game will definitely be lacking compared to the greats of Cave, for example. However, I think that the fact that everything in the background/foreground has sort of a grey or black and white kind of color pallet while the bullets have lots of brilliant color variations was a decent compromise.

      Btw, my friend sent me that Raiden video last night and we both said hard pass on it. I played through Raiden V on Switch some time back and it was probably top 2 worst shmups I’ve ever sat through.

    4. Thanks! I made a note about the release date of Cygni to check out the reviews (they are not good). I do not mind getting this game for free via the Epic game store.

      EDIT: The next batch of free games on Epic also includes DNF Duel, a fighter by Arc System Works. I like its visual style a lot, so I will add that one to my library as well.

    5. On second thought, I might not even fool with it at all. I will probably just watch some gameplay footage. The mainstream reviews are pretty good for the game—like 7-8/10. But the Steam reviewers are pretty mixed. This review in particular pretty much turned me off:

      “Stages go on for way too long with the same enemy wave repeating once you already figured it out. As a standout, stage 6 in the lategame consists of a whopping 2 basic enemy types you shoot for over 10 minutes. I remember stage 3 having the same enemy spawning for over 2 minutes. It’s as if the stages were stretched out so that the game is longer than the 2 hour steam refund window which is just ass. Doesn’t feel like the game is respecting your time with how much the same pattern is cycled over and over.“

  2. Would you consider having daughters to be an evolutionary dead-end, not necessarily for our species but the specific people involved?

    There is research evidence hinting that women under higher stress are more likely to give birth to girls rather than boys. Therefore, if a man’s wife is only birthing daughters, perhaps it is an indication of underlying instability (financial, etc.) driving up her stress levels?

    Either way, in just about all cultures in the world, descent is carried over from sons, so even though an outwardly successful man can get married and have children, he seems to have amounted to little if none of them are carrying on his family name and distinctive genetic marker.

    On the other hand, no matter how socially retarded or mentally ill a woman is, you can count on universal male thirst to pass on her dysfunctions to whatever children are produced. Could such benign acts contribute to further degeneration of societies?

    1. In some countries (i.e. China),having sons is so sought after that they make the decision to abort as soon as they find out the baby in the womb is female.

      These days though,having a son definitely doesn’t guarantee the passing of your family name. One only needs to look at the rise of inceldom to realize this. heck,since more men have become desperate cucks these days,you can even argue you have a better chance of passing on your family name just by raising a daughter and having her take in some cuck as her husband who lets her family name be carried over instead of his. that is,if you really cared that much about “passing the family name”.

      Honestly though,you have a very steep hill to climb on when it comes to properly raising children in this day and age. Having the proper environment is perhaps one of the most underrated/underestimated aspects of successfully raising children. Your child’s peers has a bigger influence on their development than even you,the parent,has over them.

      Unless you are able to move to an ideal environment,I would honestly recommend to refrain from it. Don’t underestimate the amount of stress and horrific problems an improperly raised child that transforms into a rebellious teen (or a permanent manchild/moocher. do you want to possibly raise the next Chris Chan?) can cause in your life.

      “On the other hand, no matter how socially retarded or mentally ill a woman is, you can count on universal male thirst to pass on her dysfunctions to whatever children are produced. Could such benign acts contribute to further degeneration of societies?”

      Absolutely. No question about it. My distant aunt is a great example. Mentally ill,and now has a son who is glued to his smartphone and can’t socialize to save his life. All because some guy out there was desperate enough to only shove his dick in her,but even MARRY her. She would have done far less damage as a cat lady.

      Just because something has a vagina doesn’t mean they are fit to be a mother. Unfortunately,its the degenerates and people who have absolutely no business raising a child who multiple like rabbits in the greatest numbers.

      Male thirst is really doing a lot of damage. I’m frankly convinced at this point that full legalization of prostitution would be pretty good for our society right now. Better than thirsty dudes multiplying with low quality mentally ill women.

    2. It is news to me that women experiencing stress are more likely to have girls. Given how neurotic women are, you would assume that they are stressed no matter what, and with their fixation on social media, which greatly increased competitive pressure, female stress levels are likely higher than ever. Yet, we do not see an excessive surplus of female births. There is also the hypothesis that beautiful people have more daughters:

    3. he seems to have amounted to little if none of them are carrying on his family name

      I believe most of us here are commoners and don’t have much of a family name. And if we did, well, people tend to marry in their own class, so if my descendants were to be Borgias instead of Medici I wouldn’t mind.

      and distinctive genetic marker.

      Aren’t genes inherited in equal shares from each parent? Your daughter will be thus equally as capable of passing your genes down assuming she has children, and as discussed in this thread already she does have higher chance of having children than a son does. Unless your sons are very attractive, then it probably evens out.

      Males also have higher variance of all traits, meaning if you and your wife are alright your daughters will probably be too, but your sons may turn out to be either significantly better or significantly worse than you. Overall having daughters seems to be a winning strategy to me, not a losing one. I’d prefer some sons as well, of course, since they are more relatable and probably more fun to teach things to.

    4. @Aaron, sounds like we need to marry ugly chicks to increase our chances of passing on our family name!

      @Maou and @Cycle Path

      You are definitely right about the idea of simply passing on genes. Women have a higher chance of getting knocked up than men have a chance of getting laid. Genes are invisible but family name is visible, with marriage symbolizing a successful acquisition for a family in the form of a woman from another family (historically).

      I will share that I am from an Asian background and thus have been raised to consider marriage as the transition from boy to man, or Saiyan to Super-Saiyan. The world is a dojo, and getting married is earning your black belt with the children as degrees. Besides that, family name does matter as a distinction identity and purpose.

      The swallowing up of less common surnames by more common ones is a concern in Japan:

      In cultures where people are judged by surnames, it is embarrassing to be part of a dying lineage when you shall have your professional and social competence questioned, making your life difficult in multiple ways.

    5. @Small Wonder, are you Indian by any chance? If so, then please be advised that you may not be able to relate to our Western perspective. We do not really think in terms of castes and lineages as expressed by family names, which we furthermore do not use to judge people. This does not apply to low-caste Indians of which there are so many in the West that is is now quite well-known that, for instance, anyone using the surname “Kumar” simply wants to cover up his or her low-caste origin.

    6. @Small Wonder

      Actually no, its the contrary. You family name (and property rights) might be carried by the male line if you are in a patriarchal society, but in the evolutionary game what matters is to carry forward your genes. Your daughters carry 50% of your genes, same as your sons, but your daughters are (and historically always have been) more likely to reproduce than your sons, and therefore carry on the genes you gave her.

      I cannot remember the exact stat, there are probably several different estimates, but among evolutionary biologists it is known that we have wider variety of female ancestors than male ancestors, meaning a fewer number of succesful men have reproduced with several females each, while a lot of males dont reproduce at all, and end up being evolutionary dead ends.

      So the only way your sons carry on your genes to further generations is if they are at least moderately successful.

      Bonus point: if your sons wife cheats on him, he is not furthering the genetic line. If your daughter is a slut and cheats on her husband, she will still pass on some of your genes anyway.

      Evolution is a bitch.

    7. Sons are unique because they carry the Y chromosome which is passed through the paternal line, and is one of the few things that maintain their identity in a mishmash of genetic inheritance where number of ancestors grows exponentially the deeper you look.

      For instance, you could trace 1000 people who are your ancestors from 10 generations ago, but only one is the Y-chromosome carrier i.e. your direct paternal ancestor.

    8. @Skeptick

      Fair point, I forgot to mention that.

      SWs question was about evolutionary dead ends, failing to pass on the Y chromosome may indeed not be as successful because it is so unique, but I would not think it constitutes a dead end?

    9. @Aaron “Sleazy” Elias

      Yes, I am Indian but raised in the United States. However, the issue is not about caste but about why Western societies have a growing amount of “spiteful mutations” that are resulting in dysfunctions such as family and community breakdown, woke culture, etc.

      Edward Dutton writes extensively about how lack of any environmental selection pressures result in the least intelligent passing on their genes, causing the problems of today:

      Since exactly women have a higher chance of passing on genes due to greater male thirst, they seem much more responsible for bad ones getting passed on rather than the good ones that men need to develop to successfully reproduce and/or develop the qualifications to do so. Likewise, men born with resources and connections or hitting the genetic lottery in terms of height and race pass in dysfunctional traits to their offspring.

      If you may have seen the photos of the celebrity wedding of Indian billionaire heir Anant Ambani, I can bet you that none of their future daughters will look as good as the bride, Radhika Merchant, in her prime.

      It just seems to mirror the overall degeneration of the bloodline of Kim Il-Sung, the strong leader who created North Korea, into the increasingly retarded descendants of him that will probably run that country to the ground possibly in this or the next generation. Same deal with the British royal family that went from the fairytale of Prince Charles and Princess Diana to the clown show of Prince Harry and Princess Meghan.

      As an ancient Chinese saying goes, “Wealth rarely survives three generations.”

    10. @Small Wonder
      If you want to shit on Western culture, then how come so many of your brethren want to live among us whereas it is virtually unheard — in fact, I have never heard of such a case — that a Westerner wants to live in India? I would like to encourage you to look at the myriad of problems India is facing. Your country has not even made it into modernity yet. Maybe open your mouth again when your people have figured out basic sanitation and stopped defecating in the open.

      With whom do women reproduce? They reproduce with successful men. The genes of unsuccessful men do not get passed on. In your example, women seemingly appear out of nowhere and pass on their supposedly inferior genes.

      The British royal family has been around for far more than three generations.


    Could he (the guy she went on the date with) have laid her,had he “persisted”? She says no “husband energy” which I presume probably means he’s out of the running for anything long term,but the way she laments that he could have “manipulated” her makes me feel like she wanted to get laid,but of course,needed an excuse to be able to tell herself she was talked into it and not because she really wanted it because she ain’t no slut! Chick logic..

  4. There is so little creativity in vidya left that companies are trying to resuscitate franchises that have been dead for decades. We have seen sequels of bottom-tier garbage like Andro Dunos but also companies trying to cash in on supposed cult favorites like Streets of Rage or Windjammers. Then there are franchises that its owners should just allow to rest in piece like Raiden. The first few games of this series, i.e. 1, 2, and DX, were quite successful. Then the company closed down, the IP was sold, and the new owner pumps out a a mediocre sequel every few years. The worst is yet to come as the next Raiden is going to be a twin-stick shooter:

    EDIT: I was wrong about MOSS, the current owner of the Raiden IP. They have hired some of the original developers of the Raiden series. Still, this is no longer a viable franchise.

    1. The idea of releasing a sequel to Crazy Taxi, a franchise that has been dead for two decades and should probably have been abandoned after Crazy Taxi 2, is ludicrous. There is no name-recognition anymore. This is also not a deep game. It’s fun for a few sessions lasting fifteen or thirty minutes but there is just not enough there. On the other hand, if Sega wants to fundamentally modify the formula, then why use the Crazy Taxi name? I recall reading a while ago that Sega also wants to revive the Jet Set Radio franchise. Well, let’s see how that goes. Looking at Sega’s corporate history, you almost wonder if the top brass starts feeling uncomfortable whenever they are not teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.

  5. Anybody seeing the ladies crying about Tobey McGuire dating a chick 30 years younger? Seems to be happening more and more frequently and the freaking out is hilarious to watch

    1. You know it’s a trend that the mainstream is panicking about when theyre doing damage control. I’m now seeing articles on front pages like “How big of an age gap should we allow”.

      I loved the comments suggesting we as a society should hunt down dudes who date younger lol. This was a comment about Tobey (an adult) dating another adult. Insane.

    2. This reminds me of the snarky comment that if the mass-immigration waves into the US and Europe consisted of young, hot women, white women would form death squads overnight.

    3. I looked him up and one of the top articles was his ex-wife defending him and claiming he’s not dating the chick. I honestly don’t know either way, but I thought it was strange that the photo of them together had them wearing matching color schemes as if they had coordinated their dress.

    4. I love the articles that they write. One is called “Tobey Maguire, 49, spotted with model Lily Chee, 20: We need to talk about age gaps”.

      The part I find interesting is how they basically use it as an excuse to try and push an agenda.

      First things first: these examples of 20-30 year gaps are super rare. Like literally very few men can even get them. So why even discuss it if so rare?

      Are they freaking out that suddenly average guys will start copying Leo di caprio? Of course not.

      I think the real motivation is that they don’t want the average gap to increase from men seeing what’s possible.

      You might not do 30, but you might increase your preference to 10 years younger. Now that could realistically happen at scale and it is a frightening prospect for these feminists.

      One piece of evidence is how in this article they place alongside examples of 8 and 9 year gaps. That’s not even in the same universe as 30 year gaps. But it’s what they really fear. Guys could in fact decide en masse to go 8-9 years younger.

    5. It’s weird how it disturbs them so much. But jealousy is one of the most powerful human emotions I can think of. Especially female jealousy.

    1. This seems to be a function of supply and demand, combined with market interference. There are no price controls on the medical profession so salaries are also affected by this. In contrast, I was quite surprised by how low salaries for doctors in Sweden are. The numbers have gone up a bit, doctors have to go through years of low pay until they are specialized:
      I have the impression that over one’s lifetime, in Sweden it only makes sense to go into medicine if you do so right after high-school and even then I wonder if you would come out ahead compared to someone who had a decent career in tech or finance.

    2. 92.200 SEK are 7.980 Euro a month? That’s not that bad. That’s around 100k a year. Could be better, but isn’t that bad.

      I met too many incompetent Loser physicians to grant them millionaire salaries.

    3. This is by no means a low salary. My reasoning is based on the fact that people who go into medicine are normally on the right side of the bell curve and could also be successful in other fields. Not all doctors go all the way and complete a specialization either. Assuming you do, you are looking at a very long educational path and extensive additional training. In contrast, you can become a partner at McKinsey after five or six years and you will make more than that. Even if we are not looking at outliers, it takes a while for a doctor to catch up with an engineer.

    1. I have not been following TheQuartering for a while. When I was watching him, he was talking about games. Today, his channel is at least ten times bigger and he is lambasting the mainstream. This is quite an interesting pivot.

  6. There was an assassination attempt on Trump. I wonder if the feds were involved, JFK-style. Also, I do not think the feds thought this through. Is the plan to kill every Republican presidential candidate in order to shore up support for Joe “Vegetable” Brandon?

    1. This video is ridiculous, but not Boeing-tier ridiculous. I laughed at the Secret Service allowing some influencer thot to play-act as an agent.

    2. Leftards are saying the assassination attempt is “staged”, lol. Except there is a dead bystander and they killed the apparent shooter.

      Thankfully there is Elon Musk’s X / Twitter. Otherwise, you would believe CNN and other media headlines saying that Trump fell or that Trump cancelled his rally due to noise.

  7. I recently picked up the Vanquish/Bayonetta combo on sale at Steam and started really uncovering all the not so explained mechanics of Vanquish. I had played this game before a few years back, but I just now realized how deep this game goes. The replay value isn’t really so much about score, not dying, or speedrunning the game. It’s about being as badass and stylish as you can throughout the campaign. Make sure to skip all the cutscenes, though, and check out this 5 minute clip of some high level play to see what I mean.

    1. I liked Vanquish a lot back in the days but have not gotten around to replaying it. I just looked up the release date: it came out in October 2010. Time flies, and technology does no longer meaningfully progress. This game is a good example as its graphics still look very good, but the art style also plays a role.

      The content of that channel looks great. I am not sure if I came across this guy before but there was a time when I watched a few Vanquish world-record videos. This combo video of Vanquish I also really enjoyed:

    2. This video you linked to features more impressive gameplay actually. I particularly enjoyed the part at about the 0:31 mark where he expends the rest of his meter to deal a bitch-slapping death blow to the giant robot. I feel like this game utilized meter better than just about any other game that I can think of, btw. It basically boils down to a game blackjack, where you want to get as close to zero as possible so as to constantly be playing at full tilt, while at the same time avoiding compromising yourself by running out of juice where there is no cover. If you play well enough you can clear an entire arena without ever exhausting your meter.

      Also, I just very recently learned that Shinji Mikami directed this game. I wasn’t a huge Evil Within fan, but it was a very serviceable game, I thought. Pretty much everything he’s been involved with has been high quality. I might even be tempted to check out Hi-Fi Rush someday.

    3. Shinji Mikami has an outstanding track record. However, I think he never reached the same heights than at Capcom, similar to Hideki Kamiya. The same can be said by a lot of people who left powerful positions at big studios to go their own way, such as Keiji Inafude, Tomonobu Itagaki, or Koji Igarashi. Hideo Kojima should probably get a lot more credit as a leader and studio head, considering that he did extremely well with Death Stranding.

    4. Forgot to mention some other games I picked up on this sale. Those being the Ninja Gaiden trilogy, as well as the very controversial Wanted: Dead. The latter being a game I probably would have never considered if not for Mark_MSX. The cutscenes in it are really bad, though.

    5. I do not know how good the PC port of the Ninja Gaiden games is but on PS3 the first two games run phenomenally well. The third part runs on a really low resolution, though. Wanted: Dead does not look good. I have not watched a lot of footage but it is in the running for the most cringe-worthy cutscene in gaming:

      While I have a lot of respect for Mark_MSX as a reviewer, I think he gets a bit too autistic about gameplay mechanics at times. For instance, he is full of praise for 2D beat ’em ups (“belt scrollers”) like Final Fight but this genre died out for a very good reason: You get about one hour of highly repetitive content and pretty limited mechanics. I also do not think that Devil May Cry is an evolution of this genre, unlike what he claims. If anything, Street Fighter II is. It took the boss fights of Final Fight, put the character on a 2D plane, and gave them more special moves. There were attempts at 3D beat ’em ups, such as the relatively obscure but highly regarded Spike Out, but this was also an evolutionary dead end.

    6. Have you seen Mark’s gameplay and commentary for Wanted: Dead? I don’t think it looks bad gameplay wise:

      I’ll admit I have no knowledge of 2D beat ‘em ups and very limited experience with fighting games. As far as so-called belt scroller go, I’ve played TMNT for NES and Streets of Rage for Genesis. They did not leave a lasting impression on me aside from the co-op component to them.

    7. This game looks quite serviceable. I also looked it up on my backlog: I had put it down as “Wanted: Dead (?)”, so the little research I did when it came out led me to conclude that this game is probably worth a closer look. Let me know how you like it!

      I am currently systematically going through Capcom’s arcade output. The other day, I played trough “Cadillac and Dinosaurs” (1993). The title is silly, the setting is silly, but it plays really well. My familiarity with belt scrollers is limited but this is easily the best game in this genre I have come across. It is leagues above Final Fight (1989).

    8. I finished the first stage of Wanted: Dead last night and honestly had a blast playing it. I’m not trying to be contrarian or anything but I feel like it is quite solid. Were you aware that some of the people on the development team worked on Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive games? I also found this short video featuring some high quality gameplay clips of it if you’re interested:

    9. This looks pretty good. I recall reading that some of the Ninja Gaiden staff was involved in developing this game, but I did not put too much weight on it. If any of the big guys had been involved, we probably would have heard about it. For instance, there is a big difference between people in charge of creating or implementing combat systems or some dudes who work in quality assurance. Did you play Devil’s Third, by the way? Critics did not like it but I thought it was pretty solid. It also combines shooting and weapon-based combat and possibly served as an inspiration for Wanted: Dead.

      EDIT: I just learned that there is a direct line from Devil’s Third to Wanted: Dead. After Itagaki had left Tecmo, he founded Valhalla Game Studios, which developed Devil’s Third, and that studio was eventually sold and, by its new owner, merged with Soleil, the developer of Wanted: Dead.

    10. I got curious and skipped through some Cadillacs and Dinosaurs long play to the part where you’re in some sort of foundry with lava flowing in the background or something. The game immediately has these morbidly obese enemies bum-rushing you, but what was funny is that they drop chocolate bars that grant you small amounts of health. I thought, “ahh, the good ol’ days of gaming.”

    11. Interesting track. That guy does not think highly of Cadillac and Dinosaurs, seeing that he writes, “The game’s nothing special though haha”. Today, I played through Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (1994), a fantastic Capcom beat ’em up. This is a game I could see myself playing repeatedly, albeit a 1CC may be a tall order. The graphics are fantastic and the setting really appeals to my European sensibilities. I also like that there are multiple paths available. According to videogame journalists, this concept did not exist before Gears of War 2 (2008) on the Xbox 360.

    12. That is an interesting revelation. So, you did play Devil’s Third and enjoyed it? I have never heard of it before, but I will look it up now.

    13. Yes, I played through Devil’s Third on the Wii U. I enjoyed it, but there is as bit of a learning curve involved. If you want to check out, I would not recommend getting a used Wii U for it because these consoles have already started dying, which is quite unusual for a Nintendo product. The Wii U emulator CEMU probably runs really well on the Steam Deck, though.

      Devi’s Third is a pretty odd game. I think Nintendo funded it in order to have a more mature game on the Wii U. Back then Itagaki was still in a position to cash in on his Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive fame. In the end, this game probably sunk his career. He would have been far better off with staying at Koei Tecmo. Team Ninja clearly is so talented that they did not need him, albeit their more recent output has been hit-or-miss.

    14. That’s a bold statement for a so-called professional game journalist to make. Those same people probably think that the boring cover-based shooting aspect that Gears so heavily leans on is superior to the high-octane action of Vanquish, which also features cover mechanics. I have always praised Contra: Hard Corps, originally developed exclusively for the Mega Drive, for its many diverging pathways. According to this reddit post there are nine different branches:

  8. Haven’t played a vidya game since lockdown (which was the final metal gear solid). Played through the first two max paynes last week, and am almost done with Far Cry 5.

    Anyone played Far Cry 5? I’m almost done and extremely impressed with it.

    1. Did you end up playing Max Payne 1 and 2 on PCSX2? I have not played Far Cry 5, only Far Cry 3, perhaps a decade ago. It’s pretty good but this is not the kind of game I would replay. I tried Far Cry 4 later on as well but I was tired of the formula already so I only stuck with it for a couple of hours.

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