Subversion · Technology

Leaks Reveal Censorship Mechanisms in Google’s Search Engine

We have talked about how useless the Google search engine nowadays is, with its incessant censorship and the somewhat more recent trend of putting one ad after another into your results page. There was a recent leak from which you can infer how that search engine works. This is the key part:

Google has always said that it advises “people-first content” focusing on readers and users rather than search engines. The general philosophy there is “EEAT” — or expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness. Which is all pretty self-explanatory. However the leaked documents suggest Google actually takes a different approach. Analysis by SparkToro and iPullRank of these documents suggest that different factors may be involved. These include domain authority, Chrome data, clicks as a measure of success, the author in the byline, as well as seemingly using a sandbox to segregate new sites that haven’t developed the search engine’s trust yet. These are all factors Google has denied using in the past. While it makes sense Google wants to keep the secrets of its flagship product, well, a secret these documents do suggest it’s been deliberately misleading.

This is some pretty explosive information that only confirms our observations, namely that Google is heavily engaged in censoring online content. No, wait, this is not censorship! It just so happens that some authors are not liked, domain authority is lacking, or that Google does not “trust” the content. I suppose the issue that there is a mutual lack of trust. You may not like that Google tells you that European nobility and inventors were black, and Google does not like that you do not like that. Thus, don’t get uppity, goy! As you can clearly see, the problem is not censorship by Google but your own rotten political views. Google simply prevents you from further polluting your mind.

Caught red-handed, Google stated that you should not make “inaccurate assumptions about Search based on out-of-context, outdated, or incomplete information”. Thus, Google may have deceived you in the past and suppressed information, but today they are, like, totally honest. Seven years ago I already advised people to stop using Google products or at least explore alternatives. The aforementioned article, like the rest of this blog, is suppressed in Google search results. If you use the exact title of that blog post, you get links to comments that reference it. If you still use Google, maybe consider switching. Nowadays I mainly use and, in this order.

One thought on “Leaks Reveal Censorship Mechanisms in Google’s Search Engine

  1. I wish there was a search engine that used a search logic that is inverse to that of a Google. My dream search engine would filter out sites that have ‘domain authority’, attached webshop or contain excessive user tracking.

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