Open Thread

Open Thread #145

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67 thoughts on “Open Thread #145

  1. South Africa is falling apart, for literally no reason at all. Check out some of the clips collected on the site below:
    It’s like Resident Evil 5, Dead Island, or Days Gone in real life.

    1. ” for literally no reason at all”

      Serious question: why actually is it falling apart?

    2. I suppose the simplistic right-wing explanation is that up to 1960, whites organized a well-run state in which even the blacks enjoyed, compared to the rest of Africa, high wealth and a very comfortable status of living. This all stopped after “the West”, with some help from its Middle Eastern friends and “greatest ally” pulled off a regime change. From then on, the black man was on top. There is, unfortunately, a big problem. Despite all proclamations to the contrary, the left is deeply racist. They believe that blacks are a monolithic block when in reality, they are deeply tribal and routinely kill each other. Isn’t it funny how the left mainstream seems to have forgotten about, for instance, the Rwandan genocide or ignores that most blacks in the U.S. die at the hands of other blacks? Well, let’s not blame the lefties. After all, to them all blacks apparently look the same, so why assume that they can’t get along with each other? Besides, their newspapers never told them about it and they never really thought about these issues anyway.

      What we are currently witnessing in South Africa is tribal warfare, which got sparked due to seemingly legitimate grievances. Yet, anything else could have set off this powder keg. That’s what the modern world wants, so that’s what it gets. For this nonsense to stop, we’d have to get rid of Washington. (I’m taking cues from Putin here who refers to “Washington” when he is talking about the rotten political elite of the US, in contrast to the people of the country.)

    3. Creative/constructive mindset vs destructive mindset to be vague. Apparently people are pissed off about former president Jacob Zuma’s recent arrest. I don’t know much about what’s happening, but from what I understand the whites fled the cities some time ago and what is happening now is black on black political violence concentrated in urban areas, not unlike BLM riots that have been happening here in the states. Just more of the same. I think a lot of this results from an INCOMPATIBILITY WITH WESTERN CULTURE. Give it another thousand years or so and these formerly tribalistic people will have adapted better.

    4. @Aaron
      Great point about Leftists not even understanding the racial groups they claim to represent. They do the same thing in the US. Seeing Latino-Americans as one monolithic Bloc. Asian Americans as well. There are huge divisions amongst Latinos from different countries. And as you know Asian countries have deep divisions and a bloody history fighting each other.

  2. Guys, the last presidential election was totally legit:🚨-hard-evidence-coming-out-of-fulton-county-georgia-duplicate-ballots-were-counted-in-2020-presidential-election.25272/
    Some votes just count more than others so, of course, they got counted multiple times. Besides, this goes hand-in-hand with the push towards a green economy. Why waste paper on multiple ballots if you can just count them multiple times instead?

    1. Goddamn y’all, CQV is roasting the shit out of me!

      “Why don’t you lay down your own experience instead of living vicariously through youtube videos?”

      Yes, because video and other empirical evidence is trumped by anecdotal experiences.

    2. I just noticed that emojis can apparently be part of URLs nowadays. Apparently absolutely everything is turning to shit these days. Not even basic technology is safe anymore. On the bright side, though, we have activists campaigning for a “pregnant man” emoji:

  3. Seems like this whole mystery juice pressure is ramping up. They’re now talking about implementing passports here.

    Do you guys have any recommendations how one would approach a doctor to “get the shot”?

    I don’t know why but I’m extremely against getting this shot. It’s like a burning fire inside me telling me to not get it. If my company implements it’s I will have to quit. The thing is what do you do after that? Move to the woods?

    1. I found this video of health department officials being accompanied by soldiers as they go door to door offering vaccines in NC. Seems a little odd that they’re being escorted by the military but I’m sure I’m just over exaggerating per usual:

    2. I just remembered that those who have not yet been vaccinated or are on the fence about it have a much higher propensity of being domestic terrorists, so yes the military being present is highly justified.

    3. The next step is getting asked at gun point to take the vaxx. Of course, bigots, this would still be voluntary because you will clearly keep having the choice not to take it.

    4. @Deus – I have the same sentiment as you i.e. “I don’t know why but I’m extremely against getting this shot.”

      I still feel and get pressure about getting jabbed. Even though I “know” to mistrust the Narrative and mistrust any government “official” advice or updates, I feel I am in the minority and I’ll have to get jabbed. Or someone will tie me up and jab me. Jab-rape?

      I’m also wondering if I am suffering confirmation bias as I’m seeking out outsider news sources. Even looking at people’s own anecdotes on FaceBook of how they had bad reactions to the jab.

      I came across this guy’s post ( But then I see he’s been demonized as some right-wing fear-monger.

      Maybe I am crazy. Maybe taking the vaxx is OK because big government and everyone says so.

    5. When did Big Government ever not lie to you?

      From what I gather, there is growing resistance against vaxxing and all that Covid shenanigans in a bunch of European countries. The British are demonstrating, the French have begun to riot. Meanwhile, in Poland apparently nobody is wearing masks anymore. I consider myself lucky that I can work fully remotely, so if the bank I work for starts asking for vaccination proof, I can quit. I’ll probably sue them first, though.

    6. Have you even watched the video? The lady from the heath department politely asked the residence whether she would be interested in having vaccine injected. When the resident said no, she and the soldier walked away.

      That’s called being forced to get vaccinated at gun’s point?

    7. By “next step” I meant after the non-violent campaign doesn’t bring in quite the numbers Sleepy Joe wants. Also, you are either dense (which I don’t think you are) or deliberately obtuse to not realize that bringing a soldier with you on those house visits is a show of force. Obviously, this is meant to threaten and intimidate. Surely, the idea is that many people will get the vaxx in order to avoid repercussions as the threat of violence is in the air.

      Maybe answer this one question: Why the fuck is there a solider in the picture?

    8. @Sleazy

      “Obviously, this is meant to threaten and intimidate. ”

      Maybe you haven’t lived in the US. But even if you bring an American special force to my house, I wouldn’t even waver. Why? Because all Americans internalize their personal rights. This is the obvious difference between a citizen of American, and that of China. In the US, it is the policeman that must be fearful, for if he deviates from the prescribed procedure, he risks of being kicked out of his field, and one of my cousin’s friend got indeed kicked out of the police field because he failed to comply with the procedure. He forcefully stroke down a Black guy and later ought to serve the court for his misdemeanor.

      It is in China and Vietnam that policemen and soldiers are feared for their presence. Do you know why? Because there are no personal rights in these states! They can come and claim that you violate certain regulations out of thin air and ask you to come to the police department.

      It has been suggested by some historians in China that the submissive behaviours of Chinese people towards policemen are direct inheritances from the past. In the past, “citizens” of China must bow before the mandarins to get things done, and they must watch their language when speaking to a law enforcer.

      Once again, you get everything backward.

      “deliberately obtuse”
      Stop calling people obtuse because you better re-examine your life experience. You haven’t lived in the US long enough to know everything about this country. Some of your posts show clearly that you haven’t even been taught of your personal rights.

    9. What good are your “personal rights” if they can rendered void by claiming that there is a pandemic?

    10. Also, in the US, suing people is indeed a lucrative job. If you win the case, you could be awarded a large sum.

      Don’t fuck with the law.

    11. Stay focused on the topic. Your claim is that they bring soldiers to intimidate the residents.

      My counterargument is that it would take much more to intimidate the residents.

      Off the video, we all know that legal protection offers full guardship to the residents. The court would stay on their side should the soldier do something stupid.

      On the video, the soldier simply keeps distance from both the health department representative and the resident. He maintains a non-threatening composure throughout.

      That is enough to demolish your misunderstanding that the US gov brings soldier to “intimidate” the residents.

      There are more effective ways to force the populace to comply. Bringing a soldier to do so is just a childish farce.

      You scare nobody in the US, unless you are an illegal resident.

    12. Illegal immigrants have nothing to fear in the US.

      Again, please answer this one question: Why are soldiers accompanying the door-to-door vaxx brigade?

    13. “What good are your “personal rights” if they can rendered void by claiming that there is a pandemic?”

      And it seems to me that you are being obtuse right now.

      If the soldier decides to force you to take the vaccine, he can only do so through citing legal clauses which allow him to operate so. And to pass a law that forces people to take vaccine is as hard as enacting a law to ban fast food chains out of the public health concern.

      Not even the totalitarian regime like China has successfully passed such a law.

      That is the problem of consuming news without real life experience

    14. “Again, please answer this one question: Why are soldiers accompanying the door-to-door vaxx brigade?”

      I am not the right person to ask that question. From my guess, it could just be for the protection of the representative. And there are no reasons to think that all “brigades” have soldiers accompanying them in all states.

      I am here to discount the claim that they are there to “intimidate” the population.

      If this matter interests you that much, why not try contacting the poster of that video to find out yourself. It is better than conjecture out of thin air.

      “Illegal immigrants have nothing to fear in the US.”
      Why don’t you try to enter the US territory without authorization to test the validity of that statement. If it is true, half of the Vietnamese population in Vietnam would sneak into the US so that they can be lazy here.

      In fact, most of the Fuzhou illegal immigrants would not even hide like poor (with my deep care and understanding) rats in the US.

    15. What about the protection of the citizens who have military knock on their door?

      Cuong, you are obviously very smart, probably with an IQ in excess of 125, but you don’t seem able to make proper use of it. Your problem is that you are apparently unable to look beyond the surface level. You watch a clip of a solder accompanying a member of Biden’s vaxx force, notice that the person on the video didn’t get vaxxed, didn’t get threatened, and the vaxx pushers just walked off. How dense can you be to not realize the implications of having military knock on your door? Also, how limited is your mind to realize that perhaps the video you got to watch was deliberately chosen? Did it occur at all to you that the people who shot the video might have an agenda? Do you further realize that this agenda will not be helped by videos of people getting scared by the look of buff military men intimidating them, or by people submitting to getting vaxxed out of fear? Do you think it is completely outlandish to assume that some people would comply in order to avoid any kind of retaliation? When the police or the military shows up, force is always implied. Or did you ever see anybody walk up to a policeman, making jokes?

    16. cqv, not that this is going to make a difference. But why in the fucking hell would you be so driven to shoot down a possible explanation if you don’t have one of your own?

      I mean if you did, its still obvious you’re being obtuse on purpose, but you would have at least a bit of a plausible deniability. Oh I have no idea why they would take a solider, but it can’t be Aaron’s explanation. No idea why they would take one, but Aaron is wrong, Aaron is always wrong. Whatever Aaron says on the blog, CQV immediatelly posts a comment to point out how it has to be wrong. A complete fucking coincidence.

      I honestly think if Aaron says 2+2 is 4, the first reply is CQV saying “akshually…”.

    17. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if CQV gets paid a few shekels an hour via the SPLC to spread disinformation on here. Just like you, Alek, I sometimes can’t find a rational explanation for his behavior.

    18. Lmgdao @ Alek

      It’s times like this when I honestly believe freedom of speech is not a right. W just need to censor the correct people.

    19. Lmao, I’m an American and agree with everything Aaron says here. Having soldiers show up at your house is unprecedented. I don’t know anyone who that’s happened to unless you count my white nationalist friend who was raided by the FBI (for illegal weapons possession, but the real reason was obviously his politics). It’s amazing how obstinate you Viets are.

    20. Having soldiers show up at your door step is not unlike the National Guard occupying DC after the election. Of course, the narrative was that right wing extremists were the biggest threat to muh democracy. If you think about it, this isn’t exactly untrue. Sure, whites aren’t exactly the most violent bunch in the US statistically but ‘white supremacy’ is actually the thing that the current regime fears most. They’re being proactive by calling it out and defending against it in advance. The thing is, it reeks of desperation. It reminds me anti-drug campaigns in the 50s when the right knew the young boomers were tipping the balance to the left. The right was desperate to hold on around that point, yet there was no stopping the shift. Today we have leftist puppets rioting and causing chaos, more and more censorship and the cancel culture movement, radical feminism and metoo etc. It’s as if the (((left))) knows something is amiss.

    21. I would add that the current excesses of the system happen because they are so desperate to hold on to power. They know that the jig is up. They were only able to control a docile white majority but wait until the US is “majority minority”! You’ll have beaners ganging up on blacks, cops going rogue based on racial allegiances, corruption at a level you’ve never seen, and so on. Right now whites are the enemy because that is the only demographic group they dare to attack.

      Also, “democracy” means different things to us versus the elites. The elites obviously want to save their interpretation of democracy. I once read that Russians joke about democracy to mean “rule by the democrats”. I have not yet figured out what the joke is, though.

    22. “cqv, not that this is going to make a difference. But why in the fucking hell would you be so driven to shoot down a possible explanation if you don’t have one of your own?”

      What are you gonna do with a soldier in front of the house of the residents?

      What could that soldier do? If you want to take Sleazy’s side, answer that question.

      The video shows clearly that the resident rejects the shot.

      “No idea why they would take one, but Aaron is wrong, Aaron is always wrong. Whatever Aaron says on the blog, CQV immediatelly posts a comment to point out how it has to be wrong. A complete fucking coincidence.”

      Who is obtuse here? I have posted some comments agreeing with him on many issues. But this particular case is clearly obscure.

      I have offered a possible explanation.

      Do you even know in which state this video is shot? In what kind of neighbourhood? The duty of the soldier?

      Just follow my logic and see for yourself if this makes sense in America.

    23. @Novy

      I don’t know how things work out in your country (Serbia right?). But if you encroach personal property, that is already 1 crime. If you force a person to take a vaccine, that act in itself creates at least another crime.

      So, in total, that soldier faces at least 2 crimes.

      Face it, using the military to force the population to take vaccine is just a farce. There is nothing a soldier could do to increase the effect. Heck, if you like, you could ask him “What is that guy doing in my property?”. If you don’t like their presence, you have your rights to demand him to leave.

    24. OK, joker, let’s say that getting forcefully injected with the vaxx is a crime. Now go up against government in court! Also, even if you win, you still got vaxxed and have spike proteins fuck up your immune system. There are now more vaxx deaths than Covid deaths in VAERS, by the way. It will probably not take long until the database gets cleaned again.

    25. CQV is right, guys. These people are totally reasonable. All you need to do is simply talk to them. They’ll understand! That was the mistake the rioters at the capitol made. They weren’t willing to talk things out. If they had shown up and talked things through then Trump would be in office right now. It’s completely understandable for soldiers to accompany these health care workers because obviously anti-vaxxers like us are being way too hasty and unwilling to use our voice to form words. Private property is sacred and all government officials realize this. Just look at what happened when BLM got a little bit out of control those couple of times. It’s crazy people like Kyle Rittenhouse that give us a bad name. If only he had been taught by his extremist parents to simply talk about the tough subjects and empathize with the pain and suffering of others, we wouldn’t have these terrible outcomes.

    26. @Picklenanny

      You are refusing to meet the elephant in the room.

      The video shows clearly that the resident says no, and the soldier peacefully walk off even before the representative. That is called intimidation?

      The only kind of people this could work is immigrants who have no understandings of US laws.

      Yet among legal immigrants like me, we are offered free civic courses that teach us things high schoolers are learning.

      Only illegal immigrants would be fearful.

    27. “The video shows clearly that the resident says no, and the soldier peacefully walk off even before the representative. That is called intimidation?”

      The media is completely unbiased and representative of objective reality. They would never present things on the news in a certain light so as to give people a false perception of our current administration. It’s all about choice, you guys! Which clearly we are gaining more and more opportunities with each passing day, not fewer. I know this is true because when that woman who was clearly not being pressured by random healthcare workers accompanied by the military refused the vaccine, they listened and respected her wishes. Imagine how stupid it would have looked on them if they chimped out on her instead and they were dumb enough to broadcast it on the news. Clearly the media is fair and impartial, as demonstrated by their phenomenal track record throughout the years of being so.

    28. Just deflect the question with your high sarcasm. You can start writing satires and imitations of Sleazy.

    29. “Up to you, man.”

      Did you just assume my gender? Look, if you’re going to live in this country you may want to familiarize yourself with our cultural norms. Maybe back where you’re from you can go around assuming the gender all day long but here that shit won’t fly.

      “Just deflect the question with your high sarcasm. You can start writing satires and imitations of Sleazy.”

      Sick burn! In all serious it wasn’t a deflection. You focused in on the fact I was using sarcasm but failed to read between the lines.

    30. Indeed, CQV, assuming ones gender is a big no-no on here. Please don’t display such flagrant intolerance! We are an inclusive community. (Believe it or not, but I run a biweekly LGBTQ reading circle in Vilnius. Everybody is welcome, except bigots!)

    31. They are not gonna do anything if I assume your agenda.

      There are plenty of Latinos here, just try to rub them that kind of stuff, they are gonna like you.

      Us Vietnamese don’t care about your gender politics.

      Just think of the US as segregated pockets of race.

      In fact, I am grateful for Sleazy when it comes to gender issues. I am a man, and take pride in that.

      As for your between the lines, I don’t have the energy to reply to those. They don’t make sense to me anyway

    32. Now I see. They have no money to put policemen on the streets but when it comes to intimidating citizens into getting the injection, no money is spared. Thanks for clearing this up!

    33. “Cuong, you are obviously very smart, probably with an IQ in excess of 125, but you don’t seem able to make proper use of it.”

      Man, I respectfully leave that IQ point to you. I would be happy if I could get my IQ up to 115 range. I think my estimation is around 110-115, with 110 to be the happy balance.

      Perhaps I am a bit too myopic and narrowmind when I react to this video. I just personally think the US gov could be more effective when they aim at forcing residents to take the vaxx (like demanding companies to ask for vaxx proofs) than bringing soldiers to their doors. They a thousand ways to conspire against the population, this show of might seems to me to be far too rude for them to pull off. After all, even monks in that monastery see clearly like the US gov exerts their control over their population through much more subtle means than Chinese or Vietnamese govs. This is the basest method that they use.

      Let us get rid of this unhappy disagreement and move on then.

    34. Sending soldiers to people’s homes is an act of desperation. You see this in the animal kingdom, too. Heck, typical videogame boss behavior is modelled after this, when they engage in high-risk, high-reward actions once they are almost defeated. I think we only need to hang in there, maybe for a few years or a decade, and then there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Of course, there is the very real possibility that the current elites just nuke the planet because if they can’t rule it, then nobody else shall.

    35. “Or did you ever see anybody walk up to a policeman, making jokes?”

      I am tired so I would let you run on with your arguments. I have said all that can be said.

      Now, I will respond to this point. I have joked around with policemen. I even pointed at their belly to smile. We all goof off.

      Among my past coworkers, we joked constantly with policemen. I chatted with them often near the Philadelphia city hall.

      In fact, it is in the US that we can interact peacefully with policemen.

      In Vietnam, if you are a traffic policemen, you hated for taking bribes.

      If you are a policeman of a ward within a district, you are hated for demanding bribes from local businessmen.

      That is the stark contrast between the two countries.

    36. “Among my past coworkers, we joked constantly with policemen. I chatted with them often near the Philadelphia city hall.”

      Yea, you’re definitely full of shit, my dude. Imagine CQV constantly joking around in the first place. Now imagine it’s with policeman.

    37. CQV, why don’t you keep joking around with more policemen? Let us know how it goes.

    38. “Yea, you’re definitely full of shit, my dude. Imagine CQV constantly joking around in the first place. Now imagine it’s with policeman.”

      I used work for the Dunkin Donuts branch near the city hall. We met and greeted police officers on regular basis.

      As for being scare of policemen, I see no reasons to be scared of them. As long as you demonstrate that you are not harmful to them, then there is no reason to feel intimidated.

      I am like a free swan flapping wings across the calm lake, and not a hen filled with fear and and anger for being stuffed to roast. Why? Because no passerby intend to harm me.

    39. “CQV, why don’t you keep joking around with more policemen? Let us know how it goes.”

      I’ll give you the benefit of doubts, but this line makes me think you are bordering a chicken shit.

    40. “As for being scare of policemen, I see no reasons to be scared of them. As long as you demonstrate that you are not harmful to them, then there is no reason to feel intimidated.”

      Try defending yourself or your property from an antifa or black lives activist in any major metro area, you’ll have plenty of reason to fear the police even though you’re technically operating within the law.

    41. “Yea, you’re definitely full of shit, my dude. Imagine CQV constantly joking around in the first place. Now imagine it’s with policeman.”


      Yeah, you are quite like a chicken shit who freeze when you see a soldier at your doorstep or a policemen on your welcome carpet.

      Just to inject more “bullshits” into you, I was once asked to hop on a police car because I walked along the highway to a bookstore. After asking if I had committed an offence and was insured that I had none, I was taken to the nearest and safest gas station. I only needed to walk another 15 minutes to the bookstore.

      I hope you don’t shit in your pants next time you see an officer.

      That is right dude, they are there to rape you a new hole, just to make you more manly.

    42. “Try defending yourself or your property from an antifa or black lives activist in any major metro area, you’ll have plenty of reason to fear the police even though you’re technically operating within the law.”

      Why don’t you lay down your own experience instead of living vicariously through youtube videos?

  4. Here is some food for though: how many famous or prominent people are there, and how many famous or prominent people have died of the vaxx? Then, do a back of the envelope calculation to figure out how many people must have died in the wider population. The point is that the deaths of known people are much harder to hide than the deaths of average Joes. Consequently, this seems to imply that there is a much larger number of vaxx deaths that the powers that be let on. Well, this is not a big surprise in itself, but using celebrities as a metric probably makes this claim more plausible.

  5. So the recent comments sidebar shows like a gazillion comments by CQV. I’m not clicking on that or have any intention or looking at those. Is he blowing a gasket or something?

    1. Skimmed it. He won’t stop cucking for soldiers showing up at law-abiding citizens houses. It’s fine if they “peacefully walk off”.

    2. The script he got from the ADL didn’t include the part where they tell him how to present seemingly plausible-sounding counter arguments so he’s stuck in a loop.

  6. I refuse to look at this torrent of comments, so I just scroll directly to bottom of page directly, but this is scary, this guy (CQV) just keeps adding comments. Is he having a meltdown? There’s just an endless torrent of “CQV” in the recent comments sidebar, and new ones just keep coming up. Scary stuff.

    1. You need me to draw a smiling face to ensure you that I am emotionally well and healthy? There you go 🙂

    2. Maybe what you are insinuating to Sleazy is that you guys should put my comments on moderation queue.

      For that to happen, may I ask what did I do wrong?

      After all, it is you who could not properly respond to my objections.

      BTW, sometimes Sleazy releases a small torrent of comments, that didn’t rub you off as scary, yet when I promptly make my replies to Picklenanny, it is just a horror.

      So who is obtuse here? You refuse to read my comments, but call me “scary’.

      What are you trying to get at?

    3. BTW, sometimes Sleazy releases a small torrent of comments

      Aaron responds to multiple people on multiple subjects. Like he’ll be away from the blog for a day or two, come back, and respond to all the conversation threads that have begun in the meantime.

      Your torrents however are obsessive, where you get obsessed with proving a point and literally bombard a single point-of-conversation with like 5-10-15 comments about the same point. It’s actually obsessive and unhealthy. Comparing that to Aaron making sure to chime in on the different topics that have arisen since he was gone is just severely inappropriate.

    4. The chutzpah of me leaving comments on my own blog! I think it’s time that someone bans me. Oh, wait…

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