Gender Dynamics · Relationships · Society

Tales from the Cuck Shed: Tech Bro Can’t Stand the Guy Who Bangs his Wife

The programmer stereotype changed a lot over the years. Before tech was a mainstream career, programmers were perceived as recluses, possibly with a hygiene problem and a complete disregard for fashion. This image persisted even throughout the dot-com boom of the late 1990s. However, with the next boom in the late 2000s, due to the… Continue reading Tales from the Cuck Shed: Tech Bro Can’t Stand the Guy Who Bangs his Wife

Gender Dynamics · Society

The Feminization of Work Continues: Female-Style Hiring

At least every few weeks I casually interview, primarily to keep my interviewing skills sharp. It is also good to not have to start from zero whenever the company you work at needs to lay off people, which is a frequent occurrence nowadays. This year I had two interview processes that were a bit different… Continue reading The Feminization of Work Continues: Female-Style Hiring

Gender Dynamics

Fake Statistics and Supposed Marital Benefits for Men

In the comments section of my recent article Dating Before, During, and After Apps there is an interesting discussion about manipulative statistics and their utility for promoting marriage. Let me just quote what Gert wrote: What I found funny was the claim that men in marriages are happier and live longer. I know so many… Continue reading Fake Statistics and Supposed Marital Benefits for Men

Gender Dynamics · Women

She is “Going Through Some Changes in Her Life”

Nowadays, it is basically unavoidable to interact with women in the workforce, in particular in an office environment. In recent years, there has furthermore been a heavy push, thanks to Larry Fink’s weaponized investment company BlackRock, to push woke policies. This means more women and more (non-white) minorities, and even more women. A practical consequence… Continue reading She is “Going Through Some Changes in Her Life”

Gender Dynamics

The Evolutionary Aspect of Women Telling Men to “Man Up” (by Alek Novy)

Alek Novy left an excellent comment on the evolutionary reason behind women telling men to man up, and why it made sense in the past but not today. The text in block quotes is from me. The rest is his comment. 1) I think there was a lot of competition in the past as well,… Continue reading The Evolutionary Aspect of Women Telling Men to “Man Up” (by Alek Novy)

Gender Dynamics · Social Justice · Subversion

Do Not Find This Woman Attractive!

As I am currently on a Schwarzenegger binge, I watched Conan The Destroyer (1984) today. This movie did not get a particularly favorable critical reception, perhaps because it did not contain high-brow Nietzsche quotes, unlike the first one. Yet, if you have liked Conan the Barbarian (1982), you will most likely also enjoy its sequel,… Continue reading Do Not Find This Woman Attractive!

Gender Dynamics

No, Slut, he Will Not Remember You At The End of his Life!

In order to stay up-to-date with normie thinking, I skim a particular German news site daily. It is called, in case you are curious. A decade or so ago, this was a pretty serious newspaper. Nowadays, though, they have a lot of gossip on the front page, even though normally those articles are placed… Continue reading No, Slut, he Will Not Remember You At The End of his Life!

Gender Dynamics · Men vs Women · Relationships

Divorce and the Invisible Work of Men

The men that keep society running do so behind the scenes. By this I do not refer to shadowy creatures operating in the dark, but instead those men who work in factories, on construction sites, or on infrastructure maintenance. This also includes software engineers who sit in cubicle farms whose work ensures that Stacy can… Continue reading Divorce and the Invisible Work of Men

Black Pill · Gender Dynamics · Women

“Everybody is always so happy to help!”

I recently had to sit in in a few panel interviews as part of the interview process of some senior candidates. For the sake of showcasing diversity, we also had two women take part in it, even though one could question whether their level of experience warranted their inclusion, but this was clearly not the… Continue reading “Everybody is always so happy to help!”

Gender Dynamics · SJWs · Society · Women

Women Going Her Own Way and Economic Conditions

A professional acquaintance of mine is a manager in a UK tech startup. As he was getting a lot of pressure from HR to diversify his hiring, he thought he found a good workaround by taking on an intern. The candidate he got was originally from Eastern Europe and, so she told him in the… Continue reading Women Going Her Own Way and Economic Conditions

Gender Dynamics · Social Justice

The Ultra-Chad Mel Gibson vs Looks Maximus

I wrote a bit about Looks Maximus before. I find his persona quite entertaining but sometimes I think he overdoes it. One of his standard pieces is making fun of Mel Gibson by playing supposedly incriminating audio that is intended to demonstrate that Gibson is pussy-whipped. The context here is that one of the women… Continue reading The Ultra-Chad Mel Gibson vs Looks Maximus

Gender Dynamics

A Great Example of Modern-Day Rape, feat. David Portnoy and a Random Chick

The left loves to redefine words. More recent examples are “heard immunity”, “vaccine”, “fully vaccinated”, and “pandemic”, which all no longer mean what you think they mean. Similarly, the word “rape” has gone through quite a transformation. Originally, it meant to “abduct” women, and, of course, the abducted women normally did not put up much… Continue reading A Great Example of Modern-Day Rape, feat. David Portnoy and a Random Chick

Article Requests · Gender Dynamics · Men vs Women

An Analysis of Captain-Save-A-Hoe Syndrome

A relatively frequent problem of not just inexperienced men is their need to “save a hoe”, i.e. get involved with a woman who could be most aptly described as damaged goods, and stick to her, seemingly no matter how much money it costs them, and how much they suffer physically, emotionally, and spiritually as well.… Continue reading An Analysis of Captain-Save-A-Hoe Syndrome

Gender Dynamics · Men vs Women · Social Justice

Notes on Wrath of Man (I): The Absurdity of Reversed Sexual Roles

For the longest part, human sexuality was quite simple: women tried to be as good-looking as possible whereas men focussed on acquiring resources. Even getting laid based on good looks is a rather recent phenomenon because as little as a few decades ago, society went to great length to ensure that women would keep their… Continue reading Notes on Wrath of Man (I): The Absurdity of Reversed Sexual Roles

Gender Dynamics · Men vs Women

The Male Obsession with Penis Size, and their Looks in General, is an Example of the Feminization of Society

According to the mainstream, and to women who do not want to offend anyone, penis size does not matter. Supposedly it matters a lot more what you do with it. Of course, technique is not unimportant. If you don’t dare to ram your monster cock deep into the dripping pussy in front of you because… Continue reading The Male Obsession with Penis Size, and their Looks in General, is an Example of the Feminization of Society

Gender Dynamics · Women

How Female Competitiveness Ruins Male Finances

In my article The Death of Relationships, I wrote the following: [My ex-wife] oscillated between me having to buy either an expensive apartment smack in the center of the city, in one of the most ostentatious corners that, in my opinion, did not offer commensurate quality of life, or me buying a fucking house for… Continue reading How Female Competitiveness Ruins Male Finances

Gender Dynamics · Mindset

Seemingly Only Slightly Above Average Men and Women are Much Rarer than You May Think

There are a few catchy phrases that summarize what women want, e.g. a man with six-pack abs who is six feet tall and has a six-inch dick. The reason a six-inch dick is mentioned here is not that it’s so staggeringly big but simply that it goes with the theme. Likewise, six feet is tall… Continue reading Seemingly Only Slightly Above Average Men and Women are Much Rarer than You May Think

Gender Dynamics · Society

Realizing how little (some) women add to your life

I shared before that I didn’t care much about women in my teens and early adolescence. I considered them a distraction. Probably, observing the marriage of my parents didn’t do much to warm me towards the fairer sex (lol) either. Yet, I did have some encounters that drove the point home that my suspicions were… Continue reading Realizing how little (some) women add to your life

Gender Dynamics · Prostitution · Society

The Non-Descript Government Employee is the Next Chad

We are currently in a time of deep social unrest. While the current riots have been manufactured, their social and economic consequences are real. The same is true of the effects of the Covid-19 psyops operation. Covid-19 is about as dangerous as the common flu, yet we crashed our economies for it. If you follow… Continue reading The Non-Descript Government Employee is the Next Chad

Gender Dynamics · Open Post

Open Post: The Channel “Hot Guys Fuck”

Neutralrandomthoughts left another interesting comment. This time, he points out a particular amateur porn channel, which might provide us with some good footage of how women respond to Chads. He writes: Has anybody checked out the channel “Hot Guys Fuck” on pornhub? Why is this relevant? Well, the setup is such that hot guys go… Continue reading Open Post: The Channel “Hot Guys Fuck”

Gender Dynamics · Open Post

Open Post: Will Evolution Eliminate Extreme Female Hypergamy?

The following was recently posted by Richard: I had a thought today regarding something that has been on my mind for quite a while. If the women who hold out for the perfect guy the longest end up not having kids, won’t that breed their personality types out of the gene pool? In the past… Continue reading Open Post: Will Evolution Eliminate Extreme Female Hypergamy?

Gender Dynamics

Pickup and the Problem of Incongruent Behavior

We got some good news recently: one of our former regulars, Lisbon, reappeared and told us that he got a girlfriend. Congratulations, bro! This is significant because he had been telling us for many months that he’s an “incel” and can’t get laid to save his life. He somehow had drunk sluts in clubs making… Continue reading Pickup and the Problem of Incongruent Behavior

Gender Dynamics

Women are more Threatening than Men: Reflections on #metoo

Even after well over a year, the #metoo campaign is still going on. There has certainly been some fallout. Guys like Harvey Weinstein had their career ruined because they traded film roles for sexual favors. At the other end of the spectrum, when it comes to stooges in business, something else is happening: Men refuse… Continue reading Women are more Threatening than Men: Reflections on #metoo

Gender Dynamics · Technology · Women

Reflections on Artificial Intelligence for Sex Bots

Recently, I was asked about my views on the future of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) for sex bots and whether men will be able to not just get their sexual needs met by a bunch of silicone and silicon in a hyper-arousing shell, but their emotional needs as well. Of course, technological progress is nothing that… Continue reading Reflections on Artificial Intelligence for Sex Bots

Gender Dynamics

Hookers, move along! Whoremongers Prefer Sex Dolls Now

I previously wrote about how a high-quality sex doll already provides tough competition for women. Thus, I was quite amused when I came across a story about a brothel in Vienna, Austria, in which a poor solitary sex doll had to compete against an armada of battle-hardened hookers. Yet, that sex doll valiantly sought the… Continue reading Hookers, move along! Whoremongers Prefer Sex Dolls Now

Gender Dynamics · Women

No, Women who Pick “Bad Boys” Don’t Have Low Self-Esteem

I recently overheard a blue-pilled cuck say that a chick he is pining for is in a relationship with a guy who treats her rather poorly because she has “low self-esteem”. That is complete bullshit. Of course, your garden-variety simp is quick to make excuses for the questionable behavior of a woman, even more so… Continue reading No, Women who Pick “Bad Boys” Don’t Have Low Self-Esteem

Gender Dynamics · Women

Misguided Female Measures of Material Success

The other day my girlfriend relayed to me that one of her grandmothers briefly summarized how her children turned out in the following heart-warming way: “My daughters have been doing a lot better than my sons.” Now, you may wonder about the female staff engineers, scientists and CFOs that woman has raised, but if you… Continue reading Misguided Female Measures of Material Success

Gender Dynamics · Society

The Sexual Marketplace of the Future: Sex Dolls, Artificial Wombs, Virtual Reality, and Miserable Women

There is no denying that the MGTOW movement has been growing. Men are checking out of the rat race as well as competition for females in record numbers. Don’t take my word for it, but simply look at mainstream media, which is full of women wailing about there not being any good men left. Even… Continue reading The Sexual Marketplace of the Future: Sex Dolls, Artificial Wombs, Virtual Reality, and Miserable Women

Gender Dynamics · Society

The Life of Chad and Stacy: Internet Revenge Fantasies Regarding Studs and Sluts

The various communities that have turned their backs on women for whatever reason, be it lack of success or learning about the true nature of women, are growing. In those communities, you will easily find people who harbor enormous resentments. Instead of getting on with their lives, they fantasize about justice prevailing in the end.… Continue reading The Life of Chad and Stacy: Internet Revenge Fantasies Regarding Studs and Sluts