Politics · Society

Sudden Societal Shifts: Immigrants in the West are Getting Less Confident

The last few weeks have been most interesting as they have allowed us to witness the impact of a tipping point in the culture wars. We have not won yet, but the momentum is on our side and the left is on the defense. In fact, they are even on the retreat in many areas. The last time there was such a cultural tipping point was in the mid to late 1960s, which led to over half a century of increasing societal subversion from the left. This political movement overextended itself in the summer of St. George Floyd, so much so that even some of the elites got fed up and conspired to get Trump back into office. However, given the rapid advancement of technology in the last fifty years, the push-back does not happen slowly. It happens rapidly. Trump is changing the cultural climate at a speed that even Hitler could not achieved in 1933 as the available means back then were a lot more limited.

If you have decades to change society, you can operate slowly. You slowly but deliberately change how history is taught, and what is being taught, and you slowly remove content from the mathematics curriculum to ensure that people remain stupid. Then you work on your mass immigration agenda until you go full-Biden and let in millions every year. The effect of slow brainwashing is that the average person who eats, sleeps, and breathes the mainstream narrative becomes the typical leftist moron. They want to be on the “right side of history”, which they do not even realize to mean that they blindly follow the dominant ideology of the day because in hindsight that is always the right side. Not once in human history have the bad guys ever won a war, for instance. It is similar in the culture wars. Once we have the upper hand again, we will be on the right side of history and many of today’s cuckfaced leftist losers will openly embrace right-wing positions.

Up until late last year, the normies with their minds full of pedicured opinions were certain that Kamala would win. After the elites had managed to put Trump back into power, the first phase of their coping consisted of claiming that he will not be able to do much, considering that he was a lame-duck president during his first term in office. As his first week in office has shown, Trump is serious this time, deploying the military at the border and kicking more illegals out of the country in a day than Biden did in four years. Illegal border crossing have dropped sharply from multiple thousands a day during the Biden regime. The last figure I saw was less than 50 on Trump’s third or fourth day in office. The tide is shifting on migration, legal and illegal alike, and this is the issue you can currently study deeper to learn more about the hive mind of people.

There was the infamous statement Vivek Ramaswamy that Americans are “fat, lazy, and stupid”, or something along these lines. This display of arrogance got him booted from the Trump administration. No longer is he going to co-lead the Department of Government Efficiency. When that guy was waffling about the superiority of the Indian race, you could find a lot of supportive statements on LinkedIn and Blind. In case you do not use these apps: the former is a social network with a professional focus and the latter is a chat app for people in tech. In particular on Blind an army of nameless Indians were talking about all the jobs they do which white Americans are supposedly to stupid to do, conveniently ignoring the systemic discrimination against white men under the leftist terror regime the Western world had to live under for so long.

The tone on LinkedIn and Blind has changed a lot. On LinkedIn, my feed is full of people who complain about Trump and bitching about their path to easy citizenship apparently closing in front of their eyes. Today I saw a post by some whiny foreign software engineer who wrote that he has “paid a shitload of taxes, got a German driver’s license, and attended many concerts of German rock bands”. Supposedly, this should qualify for getting German citizenship in addition to his own, and he seemed very concerned about the burgeoning anti-immigration sentiments in both Europe and the United States. There are also a lot of post from people from outside of Europe who are at risk of losing their residence permit, after having lost their job. It is quite something to see the India Number One crowd fretting over having to move back to India. Really, what even is the issue here? I thought India is so superior to the West so these people should be happy to have a reason to go back so that they can take in all the achievements of Indian society again.

On Blind, Indians are freaking out. They are genuinely worried that Trump will limit the number of H-1B’s in the country. Indian techies who bought real estate in the Bay Area are getting nervous of having to sell at a time when other Indians will also have to sell, thus entailing that they will have to take a loss. They are all very upset that they do not have full citizenship status and may indeed get told to fuck off. Well, these are the rules. The H1-B visa is only temporary. On top, this particular visa is supposed to be for foreign specialists with rare skills, not run-of-the-mill software developers who are willing to work for less.

I have quite a few contacts in tech, and I am quite aware how openly hostile these foreigners are towards their hosts. Ethnic hiring is rampant. You can bet that every Indian in a leadership position will hire as many Indians as he or she possibly can, while actively discriminating against every non-Indian on his or her team. In a previous role I was involved in hiring and we only got CVs from Indians who were still residing in India. These people were garbage-tier. They could barely communicate in English and their knowledge gaps were staggering. After a few such interviews I reached out to our in-house recruiter to have a chat with her. She was Indian herself and it seemed that her understanding of her role was to help as many Indians as possible with getting into the West. I told her to stop pre-selecting applicants and asked for access to the queue of applicants. I quickly saw that there was a fairly high number of white applicants, some of which were highly qualified, and from this subset we hired people, with the exception of an absolutely outstanding candidate from Japan. If you do not hire based on merit, you end up with a total clown show of a company.

I should also add that one of the best managers I have ever had was an Indian, incidentally an upper-cast member of Indian society. Two of the most pleasant female colleagues I ever worked with were, incidentally, also Indian Brahmin. These people were highly professional and well-educated, coming from families that could afford sending them to England to study. The three good Indians I worked with do not even come near to balancing my less-than-pleasant experiences with this crowd, which includes the worst manager I have ever had, and some of the most unprofessional and laziest people I have ever encountered among my peers. This includes clowns like a low-performer from one of the supposedly fabled Indian Institutes of Technology who claimed that Indians had “invented” partial differential equations. In my world view, mathematical concepts are discovered, not invented, and when Leibniz wrote down the first known example of a partial differential equation, in the 17th century, mathematics in India seem to have been in a somewhat dormant state.

Let us return to the topic of immigrants hiring immigrants: In a recent conversation with an HR drone, a foreigner who works in Berlin, I heard worrying statements. In case you are not aware, quite a few of the tech companies in Berlin have laid of a lot of people in recent months and years. This is simply a market response to the total clown show that tech had degenerated into. More local applicants looking for a job means that it is easier to fill roles locally, and if you get decent local applicants you do not need to relocate people from abroad. However, this person lamented that with this surge in local applicants it will be very difficult to justify hiring people from abroad. Apparently her goal, being a Romanian woman, was to help Romanians getting a job at her company.

I am curious to see how the immigration situation evolves. If the immigrants had not overplayed their hand to such an utterly incredible degree, we would not even have this discussion. Yet, this is what they did so now they need to pack their things and leave. My current view is that immigrants, regardless of their legal status, are panicking because they realize that most of them are not welcome, and may only have been “useful idiots” for the left to undermine society. Now that the tide is shifting, they are no longer needed as the “cultural enrichment” they can provide is not in demand anywhere. The United States are leading the way, so let us hope that Europe will also get off its collective behind and work on improving society once again. It has been a while since this last happened.

9 thoughts on “Sudden Societal Shifts: Immigrants in the West are Getting Less Confident

  1. Member of the Parliament Rupert Lowe goes on to say that Europe needs to follow in the foot steps of Trump… deport, deport, deport all the doctors and engineers. However, Labour see these culturally enrich doctors and engineers as potential Labour supporters.

  2. I’m saying this as a White American. After Seeing Trump get up after getting shot and raising the fist we all knew that the anti-White/Straight/Male era post civil rights act was over. I can also report that you’re actually wrong on the vibe shift, it’s stronger than you Report (Unless you live here it’s hard to understand).

    Ave Caesar

    1. I agree that we should forcibly get every damn criminal alien out forcibly and immediately. But for the rest, the aesthetics are much better, cheaper, and cleaner if we go after their employers. Fining, and if need be, jailing criminal rich white males gives the libs nothing to wale about. Why does Trump never talk about this? Could it be similar to his relationship with Elon Musk?

    2. I thought there are already fines for hiring illegals in the US. These laws only need to get enforced. Speaking of illegals, the White House also issued a statement that the new terminology is the old terminology, i.e. “illegal aliens” or “illegal alien criminals”, not some nonsense like “undocumented non-citizens”. It was in one of the press releases on the White House webpage.

    3. It is good that the vibe shift is stronger than I think. I am very happy to be wrong in this regard.

    4. You are 100 percent right, Aaron. Lack of enforcement is the number one problem. All of the presidents since, and Reagan himself (who signed it into law) have not enforced the law on employer sanctions. That includes Donald J Trump.

  3. The vibe shift in the US seems very strong. But in Europe I do not see a vibe shift yet. Politicians and boomers continue their “orange man” bad takes, while young antifas protest on the street against “nazis”.

    You are right that Europe normally follows the US so it is reasonable to predict a vibe shift in Europe, too. But:
    – while most Americans don’t trust main stream media (all republicans and a lot of independents), most euripeans still do (only the “far right” is critical)
    – while a large part of the elite seems to be on the Trump train (from very supportive Elon, to a mild approval like Zuck or Bezos), I do not see elite support for the “far right” in Europe.

    1. There is a big shift in Europe, too. Germany in particular seems to be waking up, with the AfD in particular breaking into the mainstream. In a recent AfD event, Musk joined in per video, telling Germans that they have to be proud to be German and that they need to maintain their cultural identity. Here is the full video:

      Even the top candidate of the biggest mainstream party recently, Friedrich Merz, jumped on the Trump train, speaking of the need to kick out all the third-world doctors and engineers. People distrust this guy due to his strong ties to BlackRock and the elites. His personal net worth is in the hundreds of millions if not above a billion. More interestingly, some of the die-hard leftists clowns in the mainstream media have begun to comment critically on leftist policies. People who used to cheer-lead the deindustrialization of Germany suddenly go on the attack against the Green party.

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