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[Sticky] Open Thread #388: Women/Dating

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22 thoughts on “[Sticky] Open Thread #388: Women/Dating

  1. I recently just watched a new video Wheat Waffles put out:

    I heard of him before but never watched any of his stuff and I’m shocked anyone bothers with him. He thinks looks=game and attraction for women is the same as it is for men lol. I scrolled over another one of his videos and he basically said it was over for men after 25 as they’ll start showing signs of aging and won’t be able to compete with young Chads anymore lol. His beliefs are so bizarre and I feel bad for younger men who find his content as he’ll only make them depressed and miserable.

    The thing I never understood about these guys is the facial rating/attractiveness thingy. I remember seeing a video before that rated Christian Bale in American Psycho as a 7.5. I couldn’t believe it! I feel confident in saying that 99% of the female population would consider him in the 9-10 range in that movie, yet, apparently he has tons of flaws facially lol.

    1. “I remember seeing a video before that rated Christian Bale in American Psycho as a 7.5. I couldn’t believe it!”

      There are women that rate Ryan Gosling a 5, why so surprised?

    2. This is an interesting one.
      I once showed a chick at work pictures of famous handsome dudes on my phone and asked her to rate them 1-10.
      Top model David Gandy was first. She rated him 9/10.
      Ryan Gosling next – yuk ! Rated him a 3/10 somesuch.

      A few others I showed and again large variations in ratings of the “worlds sexiest guys.” She has some preference for Pitt Vs Clooney can’t recall which.

      I asked her who her ultimate #1 10/10 was.
      She choose David Mamoa.
      But added the caveat the latest DM.
      Not the younger one without Tatts. “He was too clean then, and not ripped enough so not my type the younger DM.” (Lol)

      She was a short fat single mum and still had her “types.” Ie Tall Dark and Handsome or ultimate warrior type (or whatever DM is)
      A certain face with a certain square jaw and stubble and certain eyes or whatever.

      I did the same thing with another chick and it was the opposite as she preferred the Gosling blonde type. Etc etc

  2. I’ve got some JBW experiences to share. Lots of ethnic chicks have been super nice to me. Has anyone ever experienced chicks consistently holding doors for you and handing you stuff in anticipation? Some chicks have done this multiple times so it isn’t like a one off thing. I’ve been getting signals from white girls too but it’s always either the same kind of vague sort of signals I usually get, or they’re just the super slutty (not very cute) kind that hit on lots of guys anyway. I’m referring more to the timid and demur ethnic types that are almost exhibiting what I would have to call simping behavior.

    1. I can confirm this. Asian women have, on average, been far nicer to me than Western women. Many men, after they have met their first Asian woman, are often puzzled because of the absence of antagonistic behavior. Granted, Thai women are known to be potentially dangerous due to their dick-severing antics but your chances of a White woman trying to poison you are probably higher. Then again, you would probably prefer getting poisoned over having your dick cut off. Oh, of course the women are the real victims here, according to science.

    2. I wonder if dick severing in Thailand is why there are so many lady boys (jk). I haven’t really had the chance to mingle with any East or SE Asian chicks. It is worth noting that the ethnic chicks I’m referring to are indeed not originally from the USA. Also, the couple South Asian or so chicks (AKA poojeets) I’ve dealt with have not been pleasant. There is a phenomenon here also of poojeets migrating to this area en masse because of the tech sector and filling up these newly constructed cookie cutter housing developments. The white guy who lives there with his Hispanic wife both say they are difficult to endure, and not very pleasant or friendly. They tend to go on scheduled night walks around the development in packs as well, which just adds to the creep factor.

    3. People are telling me that having Indian restaurants in your neighborhood makes it all worth it. On a more serious note, I think that Indians are fundamentally incompatible with Western society. They not only make the life of that white guy you mentioned unbearable. They also collective work on undermining their host society. At this point, it is almost a meme that Indian tech CEOs who presumably get elevated to these positions because they are “minorities”, smarter than blacks, and expert ass-kissers fire US workers and increase headcount in Indian corporate offices.

  3. Whoring chronicles continued:

    I found some sketchy but cheap Asian whore provider. I’m reluctant to try it because the chicks are not independent and are advertised as giving bareback blowjobs etc. It’s also difficult to ascertain how accurate the photos are, so I’ll probably pass. I tried hitting up some porn stars. One, a 20 year old rising star, gave me some astronomical quotes via e-mail. $1,600 starting out all the way to $10k for an all nighter. I wonder if this includes filming? Filming this chick POV might actually be a good idea?

    I’m also definitely going to be filtering these chicks for language barriers from now on. I got curious about this one hot chick and she wanted to act like she didn’t only Russian, so I cut contact. Also, I messaged another pornstar just recently that quoted me $1k an hour to which I ignored, and she came back at me asking me what my budget is. So, there does seem to be some wiggle room as Aaron had previously suggested.

    I’m currently looking at a Vietnamese chick (language barrier flag but super hot), and a half Japanese/Euro chick. I just haven’t reached out yet.

    1. That chick who asked for $1k first and quickly changed her tune, basically wanting to know how much you are willing to spend probably deals with a lot of suckers. Some people surely pay her $1k but not nearly enough. Her strategy may be to get the top end of the range, for her, when someone willing to spend this much comes along and otherwise be fine with $300 or so. For her that may still be a lot of money. I would be quite curious to learn about the economics of the whoring trade. For instance, a whore who believes she is worth $1k per hour probably does not make all that much money because not a lot of men want to spent that much money. I would not be surprised if these are part-time whores who have at least a part-time job. This may be being a porn starlet but it could just mean that she is a barista who happily takes an extra $1k every other week or so, knowing that this source of income is too unreliable to do nothing else.

    2. I’ve fucked a fairly attractive whore in my neighborhood for 50 bucks. Women are so easy here though, I haven’t really bothered with whores in a minute.

    3. Aaron, you should be proud! I just haggled with this hot 20 year old from California. I asked her what her asking price was for hour/half hour. Then I got her to cut her half hour asking price by 20%, and then I convinced her to give me the whole hour for that price point. She agreed but wanted to do a FaceTime verification, presumably to make sure she wasn’t going to be giving a discount to a sub 5. Chick spoke fluent English and seemed able to come across as real down to earth. Will report back with the results.

    4. Okay, so that’s over with. This chick was borderline psycho for sure. Bad service. I guess it’s hit or miss with these things. I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten my fill at this point. This one, just like the first encounter, I had a hard time getting hard mostly because I just found this chick to be insufferable. But after like 20 mins I finally got into the mood and just got off as quick as I could while staring at her ass. I’m going to go back to trying to bang regular chicks for now. I will say that of the three escorts I banged, the first one at least tried, the second one was super pleasant, but the third was just like your typical spoiled entitled slut. I don’t think she was trying to be unpleasant, she just simply was. It was the absolute most mechanical and uninspiring sex I’ve ever had.

    5. On the positive side, you got this experience for a lot less than this woman originally asked for. Entitlement is, as you all know, not at all uncommon among regular women so perhaps this is the new normal, at least until the backlash against DEI/ESG fully picks up steam.

    6. If I had to give any advice from my limited experience it’d be to maybe just avoid the USA (pricing/legality issues) almost entirely, unless maybe you can get a foreign chick.

    7. “…at least until the backlash against DEI/ESG fully picks up steam.”

      I just assume entitlement isn’t going anywhere due to social media and sexual market imbalances between men and women becoming more pronounced. In this particular case, this chick makes more than a surgeon does per hour. She probably thinks the universe was spawned and led up to this moment to cater to her lol. I did end up browsing some Asian escorts who actually advertise being submissive and attentive etc. in their bios. It’s probably not all bad, but the scene is probably full of landmines.

    8. I am hearing that, in GTA, government has hired countless women who do virtually no work and the same seems to be true for the enormously large GTA tech industry. Once the tide turns, I would expect that women lose their job en masse. A prelude of this is already happening, with companies shutting down their DEI/ESG departments. With women unable to make six figures for taking corporate yoga classes, chilling out on rooftop terraces and “vibing” with their besties in the office their attitude towards men will change quickly.

    9. @PN
      Are there no Brothels where you are?
      An upmarket brothel is much more straightforward and fixed prices.

      Re the porn stars,
      I’d imagine they’ll bring their BF/ Handler with them to collect the money. They usually have a big dude or BF (or husband!) that acts as a money manager etc, so he’ll be coming to the meet also I’d imagine.

      How much are you willing to pay for a smoking hot hooker?
      Also what about sugar arrangements

    10. It’s definitely hit and miss with whores.
      same experience in Indonesia last year.
      Had one young goddess first then the next 3 were downhill from there. On my last day there I got #1 to bring her “sister” for a 3 way.
      Her whore -friend was hotter than the previous 3 . So it ended well.

      Try get a 3-way with the hottie and a hottie mate of hers. Hot chicks tend to hang with other hot or slightly less hot that them friends. They’ll be in the ballpark tho.

      My Online Game is going well now,
      I did 4 chicks this week,
      2 new ones. 1 second timer and 1 regular hot one,
      Another I met a few weeks ago socially I caught up with tonite also spur of the moment. she was too drunk and had to work tmrw, so just a hot pash when her friend left to go home 20 mins before she did.
      Both chicks were pretty smashed on White wine and annoying tonite tbh,

      For me it’s a ‘snowball effect’ or a force multiplier, if I can bang 1 I can bang 3.
      And if I can bang 3 I can bang 9.
      My pet theory is that chicks can smell the pussy off me once I’ve got a rotation going and start getting laid goodo. It becomes so much easier to get new ones then.

  4. Aaron,

    Since we spoke about high-IQ women in the other thread, what’s your general experience with them? (aside from your wife right now)

    Maybe you’ve had clients that have dated women smarter than themselves. (however rare such a case may be) Does it usually work out when the woman is smarter than the man?

    Anyone else here is welcome to chime in if they have relevant experience.

    1. This is more fiction than reality. I do not recall any such case. Of course, there are cases where the women are more intelligent but in that case, they are at most interested in a short-term relationship.

    2. I’ve had women that got better grades than me in school, but I feel that’s just a result of me being very unengaged (for reasons I already got into plenty of times here) with school, and possibly schools favoring female students more in general.

      Regarding that latter observation, that reminds me of a time when I was in elementary school, when we were made to do a speech in front of school staff. The memory is incredibly blurry right now, but I remember that I was the only one who was able to make the whole staff laugh. with nearly everybody else, it felt like they were just going through the motions, including the woman who they gave first place to.

      After all was said and done, one of the teachers clued me in to the fact that the reason the woman got first place is for publicity purposes. If not for that, they would have awarded me first place. I didn’t really care to be honest, because I didn’t care about school in general (I will admit the enthusiastic applause felt very validating though, haha), but it was quite the experience.

      Have I ever met a woman IRL who can truly engage me on a philosophical level? Honestly, no I have not. Part of me kinda hopes to meet a woman like that one day, but I might have to accept that may be unlikely. (or if I DO meet a woman like that, she may well not be attractive)

    3. Lee Kuan Yew’s spinster daughter passed away last week, aged 69. I briefly discussed her case with Aaron. She seems to have been highly intelligent with many achievements, but also looked extremely unfeminine and unattractive. Section 2 of this article features an old write-up of hers on why she chose (she says) to remain single:

      I may be the smartest woman that Aaron has ever met (hey, he wived me up!), but:
      – I suck at maths and science. Struggled with these subjects ever since I was a girl. And I’ve tried hard before to understand say a physics concept, but used such warped reasoning that I don’t think I can be helped! It’s like my fundamental understanding of how laws of nature work is completely off.
      – I lack the tenacity to be argumentative. I find it tedious and I’m not interested in debating people to push a point.
      – Aaron made the harsh observation that I’ve “never studied anything properly” in my life. I was initially offended as I think I did pretty well for myself in school. At all stages of education my school work was used as a model example for my peers. But I slowly came round to see his POV, that I never really tackled a subject or topic systematically and rigorously. I also played the school system of course, by avoiding difficult subjects.

      In short, I’m in agreement with you men that women aren’t very smart 🙂

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