Clown World · Politics · Society

Infrastructure Collapse is the Tipping Point of Clown World

A few weeks ago, a bridge in one of the larger German cities collapsed, seemingly out of nowhere. This happened in Dresden, which is probably only known to people outside of Europe for the Allied bombing campaign. Presumably the Allies thought there were child soldiers hiding in tunnels and the Germans were using civilians as human shields. It definitely was not a war crime! (The playbook is always the same.) Anyway, after the German reunification a lot of money was pumped into Dresden in order to restore or rebuild parts of the city. Wikipedia has a good collage:

Dresden, with a fraction of the beauty before the Allied bombing. You may spot architectural enrichment of one building.

A major headache of modern cities is that they all cost a lot of money for maintenance. You need to use a lot of money to just keep things running, and this may leave little money left for more important goals such as housing and feeding endless numbers of illegal immigrants. The city of Dresden faced this very problem. Thus, instead of making sure that buildings and infrastructure are well-maintained, the money was spent on leftist political causes. This was fine until it no longer was. While there have been some party-poopers who had informed the city government of the dismal state of the infrastructure, this was not considered a major problem by the radical leftist politicians in charge. Then a major bridge, the Carolabrücke, suddenly collapsed:

Most amazingly, the mainstream claimed that “climate change” was to blame for it. In any case, absolutely nobody of the politicians is responsible for this, despite a structural assessment report from 2021 showing that this bridge is in dire need of repair. Of course, all of this is utterly boring compared to the cultural enrichment of illegal immigrants. Surely, you would rather enjoy some third-world street food, or a knife between your ribs, instead of an uneventful stroll across a bridge. This bridge was also used to transport energy to a few 10,000 households, which is no longer possible until a workaround is finalized. Well, may the affected inhabitants of the affected more affluent area of Dresden warm themselves by thinking of all the benefits of rampant diversity.

Clown World can go on for a long time. You abuse money and power here and there, and because it is so much fun to undermine a working society, politicians in charge just keep doing that, high-fiving each other as they work on impoverishing white families and letting it rain on illegal immigrants. The politically less tuned-in may not even be aware that this is happening. For them, life is just getting a little bit worse every single day, and every single day they just get robbed of a little bit more of their money. At the end of the month they may have less money left than they used to have but as long as these people still get by reasonably well, they may simply shrug their shoulders, sedate themselves with some mindless entertainment via YouTube or TikTok, and carry on with their lives.

However, if there are obvious signs of societal collapse, which is perfectly illustrated by collapsing bridges, even the most clueless normie realizes that something is not quite right. “Someone was supposed to take care of that bridge, so why was it not done?”, he may ask himself. After all, taxes are only ever going up. It is a bit odd that the quality of life is nosediving. A collapsed bridge reminds you every time of the quality of the leadership in your country.

On a more general note, failing infrastructure cannot be explained away. Sure, the first blackout may be an “unfortunate accident”, but if there are recurring blackouts, nobody will care about government assurances anymore. The consequence is accelerating loss of trust in government. This can lead to all kinds of effects, such as voting for supposedly radical political parties, people forming militias, secession attempts, or people leaving a state or even the country. A lot of people are leaving California, for instance. Once the tax payers are leaving, politicians have a problem because there is a limit with regards to the amount of debt that can be served. It also clearly does not work to replace highly productive local people with unskilled foreign labor. Oh, how they have tried that one!

I would prefer not to be affected by infrastructure collapse, but I have experienced plenty in the West. In Sweden, I get to enjoy about one blackout, lasting several hours, per year. There is never a good explanation provided for it. It seems that I am expected to believe that this is normal. If you experience this in summer, at the very least you can throw out everything you had kept in your fridge and freezer, so this is certainly an inconvenience I could do without. The new normal, however, seems to be to have bridges and buildings collapse.

The positive aspect of the cracks in society widening is that it will usher in the end of Clown World. There is a basic pact in modern society: you work and pay taxes and in exchange the government ensures your safety and some level of comfort. Looking at the state in the West, you can be forgiven for thinking that we do not get anything at all in exchange for our taxes anymore. Once this view hits a critical mass of people, there will be accelerating change. Arguably, we are seeing this already but this is only the beginning.

One thought on “Infrastructure Collapse is the Tipping Point of Clown World

  1. Compounding this will be schools prioritizing one’s Identity instead of their IQ.

    For example, a new medical school in leftist hell hole Toronto will allocate 75% for the alphabet crowd:

    (That university used to have a different name but had to change it, as part of the whole BLM and George Floyd martyrdom that was en vogue in 2020-2021.)

    So our future in Clown World will include: collapsing bridges, airplanes falling out of the sky…and surgeries that will be based on your feelz! (Well, actually, the first two have already happened…)

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