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[Sticky] Open Thread #385: Misc.

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10 thoughts on “[Sticky] Open Thread #385: Misc.

  1. I came across a most interesting paper titled The Great Male Renunciation: Men’s Dress Reform in Inter-war Britain. You can find it on sci-hub if interested.

    Here’s the ChatGPT summary of the paper:

    “The article “The Great Male Renunciation: Men’s Dress Reform in Inter-war Britain” explores how men’s fashion became more austere from the late 18th century, focusing on the Men’s Dress Reform Party (MDRP) founded in 1929. The MDRP sought to free men from restrictive clothing norms, advocating for more comfortable, health-conscious, and individualistic attire. The movement was influenced by post-WWI conditions, health concerns, and a reaction against rising feminism. Despite some successes, like legitimizing casualwear, the movement largely failed due to resistance from societal norms and industry interests”

    Here’s a quote from the opening paragraph:

    “… John Carl Flugel (a psychologist from University College London), contended that since the end of the eighteenth century men had been progressively ignoring brighter, more elaborate, and more varied forms of masculine ornamentation by ‘making their own tailoring the more austere and ascetic of the arts’.

    He called this event ‘The Great Masculine Renunciation’, or the occasion when men ‘abandoned their claim to be considered beautiful’ and ‘henceforth aimed at being only useful’. In the face of inter-war feminism and the denigration of masculinity, the professionals who joined the Men’s Dress Reform Party regarded it as their duty to lobby for the aesthetic liberation of men.”

    And a few more quotes from later on:

    “Men were actually proud, rather than mortified, to find other men wearing identical clothes.”

    “Just as men feared that they had become mere accessories to women, so, too, men’s clothing was said to have become simply a foil to women’s clothing… Ironically, they argued, to regain masculine power, men needed to take inspiration from feminism… Men’s dress expressed imprisonment; women’s expressed emancipation.”

    1. It seems the author believes that men are supposed to wear not utilitarian clothes but follow inane fashion, just like women. With the exception of gays and old-school PUAs, men care little about their clothes. Women, on the other hand, often buy clothes they never even wear. I can guess which kind of company would be interested in sponsoring research on the supposed “imprisonment” of men via their comparatively basic clothes.

    2. I took a look at the paper. It’s written by Dr. Joanna Bourke, a self-proclaimed socialist feminist. Pass.

      Either way, the goal of the MDRP has already been achieved. Those were the days when all men dressed borderline identical: a full suit and jacket. Even just taking off the jacket and standing around in your shirtsleeves was considered inappropriate, and something hoodlums did.

      Look at street photos from the civilized world at the time, and that’s all you’ll see on men. The only exceptions will be those whose work required them to wear other things, like policemen in uniform, or construction workers in their gear.

      This lasted into the 1950s or 60s or so. Since that time, the breadth of acceptable clothing for men has consistently broadened. Today you can see a man in a suit, a man in uniform, and a man in jeans and a brightly colored t-shirt next to each other on the street, and nobody will even blink at any of those outfits.


    Man, these are really catchy tunes.

    I don’t think all foreigners should get out. There are foreigners from Europe, South America, China, South-East Asia, etc. who are willing to integrate and are culturally compatible. Our problem in Germany are the bush monkeys from Muslim nations who are establishing their parallel societies here and have nothing but derision and hatred for Germany and its culture.

    1. This is the song you can hear in the second video. YouTube is clamping down hard on it. I encourage even those who do not speak German to blast it from their car. It is a banger.

    2. @ Sleazy.
      Love the video, those blondie fit dancer chicks are my #1 type of chick I go for OD.
      And the pilot is pure square-jawed Aryan master race 😆 what’s the theme of the song “ immigrants go home(?).

      Hey when I lived in Bremen there was a punk song that was top of the charts “ Men Are Pigs” I think it was ( mannar sind Sweine) .. do u remember that ? By Die Artze.

      Very funny – everyone used to sing it in bars and clubs in Bremen that summer 😆

      My German friend sent me a Rammstein song recently called “ Dicke Titten” also a hilarious video. Love a bit of Rammstein. Could only have come from Germany that band. 😆 🔥

    3. Muslims are problematic where ever they settle. As by their religion they don’t want to integrate or live side by side they want to dominate and impose. They are a barbaric fighting middle eastern mentality stuck in the dark ages and should not relocate.
      Here they piss off the aussies by building massive mosques in their areas and taking over that suburb. Until it ends up looking like Istanbul or some shit,

      Asians and other cultures are smarter and respect the rule of “ when in Rome do as the Roman’s do” .
      Indians can integrate but just stink out the place with their cooking mainly. And creep out the chicks looking for bobs and vagene.

    4. Aussies are very proud of their country , quite racist and don’t take shit from the “mozzies” They cracked it with the Lebanese in Sydney back in 2005 in a big way. fair play to them for putting the foot down I say. The Lebanese were tryna dominate and take the beach off the locals and they weren’t having it . Aussies hate the “ Lebbo’s” as they call them. As they are a thieving ,scamming, gangster-thug race of people as they consider them .

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