Open Thread

[Sticky] Open Thread #383: Women/Dating

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17 thoughts on “[Sticky] Open Thread #383: Women/Dating

    1. I used to do this kind of thing back in the day.
      Sneaky shots of sexy chicks on the street in hot outfits. Very risky activity. I got busted by an older women one time doing it. luckily I bullshitted my way out of it. She was pretty pissed off and lectured me for 5 mins or so and probably would have called over a cop if one nearby 👮‍♂️ 😱
      A guy could get arrested here for this as it’s breach of consent or something or so I’ve heard.

    2. I gotta ask you, man, what’s so tempting about doing stuff like that?

      Best case scenario you get a picture of a random girl, but you can find five million equally good ones on the Internet with a simple Google search.

      Worst case scenario you get arrested.

      It seems like a really bad idea, to me.

      (And I haven’t even gotten into the negative effects on the psyche that come from engaging in degenerate behavior.)

    3. It’s the thrill of having a photo taken of a run-of-the-mill girl (Girl from Next Door). On the Internet, you never know whether these are fakes or AI photos…

    4. “Best case scenario you get a picture of a random girl, but you can find five million equally good ones on the Internet with a simple Google search.”

      I’ve been guilty of this myself when I was much younger, but aside from the “thrill” of doing something naughty (“forbidden fruit” effect is a bitch), to someone you know personally (so the “girl-next-door” effect is added), I feel it also has to do with the novelty effect. sure, you can go on google and find countless women who are just as good looking or even better, but you most likely won’t find someone who looks EXACTLY like her. (unless she’s a celebrity or you have access to her socials and she loves posting provocative photos. Younger me had a field day with these types of chicks, lol. though I refrained from liking/interacting with the photos back in those days.)

      For better or worse, the primitive part of our brains has a tendency to associate “rare/hard to access = valuable”. This is one of those things where “Game” influences results. It won’t make up for a complete lack of attraction, as we all already know. (I’m sure some of us here has had the hilarious experience of having unattractive chicks attempt to run this on us only to fall flat on their faces. In fact, maybe some of the “Hallucinated Rejections” we’ve talked about before might be an attempt at reverse psychology. it wouldn’t surprise me. lol) But if there is some meaningful degree of it, your actions can certainly influence the results.

      “Girl Game” works incredibly well on bluepilled men. I’d say that’s a big part of the reason you see so many dudes who end up with chicks who are just a plain terrible deal in retrospect. they play the scarcity game and the men’s primitive brains tricks them into thinking they’ve got something special in front of them. We needed experienced Seducers like Sleazy to warn us of this tactic to avoid falling into it.

      Just to be clear though, I don’t condone the degenerate behavior of sneaking snapshots on strangers. I haven’t done that shit in many years (and, fortunately or unfortunately, I don’t need to anyway. Many women’s instagram profiles have turned into softcore porn these days,LOL), but just to explain why some dudes may get enticed to doing it.

    5. Side note: all of those chicks are wearing lululemon. There was a controversy about their fabrics causing infertility and/or cancer.

    6. There are reports about both. Well, the female mind cares much more about the present so if Stacy can show off her camel toe and firm ass in the present, long-term effects of the chemicals in these overpriced yoga pants (social status!) are not really a concern for her. If I had my schizo hat on, I would speculate if lululemon is a CIA operation, designed to lower the white birth rate even further.

    7. Cheap creepy thrills I guess
      Cos they are real random hot women IRL and it’s taboo.
      Why do peeping Toms do what they do?
      Or flashers ? Da sexual thrillz of da ‘sex fever’

    8. @Maou
      You are correct re Girl Game and perceived scarcity. That works both ways tbh. A lot of the older game books are based on some books for women called “The Rules” and “why men love bitches” .. just the script flipped for men Re being scarce .

      Re the sneaky pics.. my brother busted me one day along with that other older woman. So I stopped once I got the “creep” label from mah bro,

      Had them on a hard drive somewhere but deleted them all at some point (cough )

      Ps how long do HDD type external storage units last?
      I read somewhere they were actually as reliable as SSDs. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Maybe moreso if handled with care.

    9. If you do not drop a hard disk, they easily outlast their useful life. You will eventually run into the problem that technological progress makes it implausible to keep old hardware around, for instance because you need to use adapters or new products are faster, cheaper, and more reliable. I would not want to go back to HDDs, though, because they are unbearably slow. Arguably, they only make sense if you want to store many TBs of data that you do not often access.

  1. Need some opinions and thoughts for someone else here on a bumble date I’m going on tmrw.
    This is a hotter chick whereby I had to overcome her objections that I didn’t have LTR listed as an option on my Bumble Bio, ( casual fun dates and intimacy w/o commitment I’ve selected – must revise this)

    It’s an Audio recording laying out what’s happened so far

    Question I have is – do u think she’s likely down to bang or not ?

  2. Ok, you guys will love this one. I’ve been building a high-status brand on social media as I might have hinted at. Basically it’s profile full of high-status activities, surrounded by models etc…

    I’ve always called out feminists on their bullshit online whenever they post BS. They used to call me an incel (as they do). Now that I have a high-status presence, surrounded by beatiful women, etc… they respond to my comments (exact same comments I’ve always made) by being all sweet and reasonable and nice.

    1. I see dismantling gaslighting as my life’s mission and purpose. It’s wide-scale bullying as far as I’m concerned.

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