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Experts Baffled: Fewer Pregnancies, More Cancers

Here is a simple exercise for your critical reasoning skills: when following mainstream news, you quite frequently come across rather disturbing stories. We hear that cancer rates are up. There are now also turbo-cancers around. Young people get cancer, too, something that used to virtually never happen. Similarly, for a couple of years, there has been a precipitous decline in birth rates in, mainly, Western countries. In some, there was a drop of more than 10% in a couple of years. Of other countries we read that their number of births reached a decade-long low if not an all-time low.

Of course, the mainstream is as baffled as the experts they interview. Perhaps someone will point out that there is a strange and inexplicable correlation with the vaxx, but this is only a coincidence. If more people get cancer and fewer children are born, the vaxx obviously cannot be the root cause. Sadly, normies will not be able to draw plausible conclusions. They start with the premise that the vaxx is safe and effective and that is the end of their reasoning journey.

In order to properly think, however, you need to be able to question your assumptions. It also helps to make some potentially outlandish assumptions. One fine day, I asked myself whether it is possible that our rulers do not have our best interests at heart or whether democracy is not the best form of government. This can lead you to some rather surprising conclusions and suddenly the  world will make a lot more sense.

My position is obviously that the vaxx is a biological weapon, designed to wipe out whites. The observations I make seem to corroborate this view, however eccentric it may appear to you. More people are dying, fewer people are being born, and the vaxx was heavily pushed onto white countries. I could be wrong and perhaps all of this was just utter incompetence. Yet, this does not change the outcome. Furthermore, even that explanation is better than the mainstream position that consists of not blaming corrupt politicians and BigPharma. On that note, the monkey-pox pandemic is here. Are you going to roll up your sleeves to get yet another experimental vaxx that could have been designed to kill you?

20 thoughts on “Experts Baffled: Fewer Pregnancies, More Cancers

  1. Aaron, due you think non MRNA vaccines like Novavax are safer? It seems like the mainstream went out of it’s way to shut down the JJ vax even though it had a stronger T cell response.
    I also think Putin’s sputnik vas was far better than the cucked American and Europeon Astra Zeneca bulls!t…

    Also, it’s ben discouraging to here that many truth seekers such as Andrew Hubeman have ben forced to take the tax too keep there jobs at Stanford. I bet even that crybaby cuck Jordan Peterson got jabbed too kept his benefits at the Un diversity.

    1. I think that non-MRNA vaxxes are safer but I would think twice before getting any of these. The Chinese and Russian ones could very well be the safest ones. There are fairly few jobs (and countries) that still require it.

    1. I am sure that Jordan “Benzos” Peterson, who happily took money from the UN, did not need much convincing to get jabbed. There is probably no recommended vaxx he did not get.

  2. Aaron:

    If it is as you say, then how would you explain that the U.S.A. still has a significantly higher birth rate than both Russia and China, whose vaccines you consider safer? And that the countries with the very lowest birth rates are generally Asian?

    Birth rates have been dropping for decades, since long before the vaccine. If the vaccine has contributed to this, it appears that the contribution has been miniscule.

    It seems to be driven more by cultural and economic factors. Lee Kuan Yew, the “Founding Father” of Singapore, once attributed it largely to women’s equal participation in the labor force. I’m inclined to agree with him.

    1. I wouldn’t look at just the birth rate but the health outcomes as Amercans are fatties! Just look at the number of stillberths and the number that are retards. It’s not just that they are full on tards but that many have vaxtism (aka autism) and adhd
      (aka can’t put my phone down and get to frekkin work!) Would you rather have one kid who is a genius or two raging cards and a fatty wife who takes all your money in frivolice court aka divorce court!!!

    2. P Ray:

      Yeah, a lot of Americans have eaten the equivalent of half a hippo before lunch, and that’s why they’re fatties. That’s a completely different issue, though.

    3. Another reason why Americans are such fat fucks is addiction to automobiles (especially Californians). I don’t have a car at the moment and walk to work. People think I’m crazy. It’s almost like a sickness we have.

      The way I see it is that people will pay a gym, and gas money to use their cardio machines. I’m getting paid to get the same results.

    4. I feel like in America, with all the sparse rural areas and poor city planning, a car is necessary for most people. I’ve heard that many European villages are actually quite dense in comparison (but what do I know). Even still, the Winters can be harsh and biking in the cold is not a fun proposition. I do feel that people buy too many vehicles and really unnecessarily expensive and wasteful ones. I recently discovered this dude who basically works an office job commuting to work in an F-350! No, not a 150 or 250, an entire 350. He could have bought a Porsche for that, or just a nice Lexus or something.

    5. Those pick-up trucks are often just status symbols in the United States, right? I have friend working in Munich who tells me that some of the people in his office commute to work in their fancy BMWs, and it takes them longer than public transport. Still, they want everybody else in the office to know what kind of car they can afford.

    6. I live in San Diego so weather is rarely a problem. If worse comes to worst there is always Uber or the bus or a friend to give you a ride. But Californians are obsessed with cars which are a huge economic drain.
      , especially in CA.

    7. The reason why San Diego has poor public transportation is a direct result of obsession with cars and laziness to even walk to a trolley station.

    8. In the US, the higher birthrate is due to Mexican immigrants. Also, the vaxx was primarily marketed towards whites, which was quite suspicious. Based on the statistical analyses I have seen, the vaxx greatly accelerated, er, coincides with an increased decline in birth rates.

      You are right in general, though. Mainly due to forcing women to participate in the labor force did the birth rate drop. This is an observation we can make all over the world. Here is a great clip by Lee Kuan Yew, putting a 27-year-old female PhD student in her place:

      An interesting aspect of Singapore is that the social policies of that country under Lee Kuan Yew may have sealed its fate. By hyper-modernization and widening labormarket participation, the country was able to grow significantly, but it always needed immigrants to sustain itself, and because women were having fewer and fewer babies, more and more foreign labor was necessary. Only via a very authoritarian regime are they able to maintain order. There is forced de-segregation in public-housing areas. Yet, the races still do not mix more than absolutely necessary.

    9. “Those pick-up trucks are often just status symbols in the United States, right?”

      Yes, for sure. I get the sense that it’s more of a blue collar flex, though. Let’s say some guy oversees construction and hasn’t touched a brick in years, you can bet he’s going to drive a big four door pickup truck. Whereas some suit and tie guy might be more inclined to opt for a Tesla or some luxury brand. However, that’s just a generalization because I know a guy in sales who drives a nice truck, and all he is supposed to do is work from home until it’s time to entertain a client.

    10. Here in Europe there is the strange phenomenon that bulky SUVs are very popular among the middle-aged and older. It is even more bizarre to see a guy in his mid to late 60s getting out of an off-road SUV like the Mercedes G-class. These people probably never even drive on unpaved roads. Given how densely populated every country here is, you could not even just head into the wilderness anyway.

    11. Oh, I forgot all about SUVs. I think those are definitely a favorite among women here. I’m always so confused, because whenever a chick pops out a kid it’s basically mandatory to get a SUV. Like, there’s no other option at that point.

  3. “The reason why San Diego has poor public transportation is a direct result of obsession with cars and laziness to even walk to a trolley station.”

    Do you go to tijuawana?

    Have you ben to the Hong Kong sex tourist trap?

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