Here is a simple exercise for your critical reasoning skills: when following mainstream news, you quite frequently come across rather disturbing stories. We hear that cancer rates are up. There are now also turbo-cancers around. Young people get cancer, too, something that used to virtually never happen. Similarly, for a couple of years, there has been a precipitous decline in birth rates in, mainly, Western countries. In some, there was a drop of more than 10% in a couple of years. Of other countries we read that their number of births reached a decade-long low if not an all-time low.
Of course, the mainstream is as baffled as the experts they interview. Perhaps someone will point out that there is a strange and inexplicable correlation with the vaxx, but this is only a coincidence. If more people get cancer and fewer children are born, the vaxx obviously cannot be the root cause. Sadly, normies will not be able to draw plausible conclusions. They start with the premise that the vaxx is safe and effective and that is the end of their reasoning journey.
In order to properly think, however, you need to be able to question your assumptions. It also helps to make some potentially outlandish assumptions. One fine day, I asked myself whether it is possible that our rulers do not have our best interests at heart or whether democracy is not the best form of government. This can lead you to some rather surprising conclusions and suddenly the world will make a lot more sense.
My position is obviously that the vaxx is a biological weapon, designed to wipe out whites. The observations I make seem to corroborate this view, however eccentric it may appear to you. More people are dying, fewer people are being born, and the vaxx was heavily pushed onto white countries. I could be wrong and perhaps all of this was just utter incompetence. Yet, this does not change the outcome. Furthermore, even that explanation is better than the mainstream position that consists of not blaming corrupt politicians and BigPharma. On that note, the monkey-pox pandemic is here. Are you going to roll up your sleeves to get yet another experimental vaxx that could have been designed to kill you?