
Feminists are Scared of Age-Gaps in Relationships

Alek Novy mentioned, in the current Open Thread, that the actor Tobey Maguire is getting pummeled by the mainstream for dating a much younger woman. He is 49 years old. His girlfriend Lily Chee, is 20 years old. An age-gap of 29 years is beyond the pale for feminists. At best, they tolerate two years but they would prefer if men dated women who are older than them. After all, you should have “similar levels of life experience.”

In the headline I wrote that feminists are “scared”. This is a heavily overused word nowadays but it is justified here. In the faggotized tech industry, for instance, I frequently hear engineers talk about some minor bug fix they found “scary”. Scary this. Scary that. It makes me cringe. (How about you don’t shoot in the dark and instead figure out what you are supposed to do, faggots?). However, I think that feminists are genuinely scared by the thought of successful men dating younger women. It is bad enough if some successful guy nobody knows does it but if a world-famous actor is involved, in particular one who is not known for being eccentric, this is absolutely horrible for them as it is the worst-case scenario.

Feminism is a competitive group-dating strategy for women. It consists of older women telling young and more attractive women that they should have sex with a lot of guys, preferably non-white ones, that out-of-wedlock births are great, that short hair is sexy, and that tattoos are empowering. On top, getting fat means getting more beautiful. All of this will only make young women less attractive to desirable men, which means that the relative position of older women in the dating market improves, regardless of what they look like. With feminism, older women simply kneecap their competition.

Dating young women is not some kind of biological aberration, however. Young women are more fertile and more attractive. In fact, thanks to evolution you find them more attractive because they are more fertile. Mainstream media, on the other hand, has been working like crazy on telling men that they are perverts and basically pedophiles if they are sexually attracted to young, attractive women. If you spell it out like that you realize how utterly ridiculous the mainstream position is.

Women flock towards successful men. If society manages to brainwash these men, which tend to be a bit older, into thinking that they should only consider older women, then these older women win, or at least one of them does. However, evolutionarily speaking it makes a lot of sense for young women to go for older, successful guys. Of course, the competition is tough because a lot of women want them but if they succeed, they can start having children right away and they also know that they no longer need to worry about being able to pay their rent.

Older women have it really rough on the dating market. They would find the dating market even more challenging if a lot of men were inspired by guys like Tobey Maguire to go for much younger women. Of course, these women are in high demand but older men will get a lot more out of a young woman than an old one. Just imagine the typical case of a guy who managed to establish himself by the time he reached his mid-30s and wants to settle down. Finally, women are paying attention to him. His wallet is so sexy, after all. If he goes for a woman his age, his wife will likely have to go for IVF if they want to have children, and he will also have to live with the fact that others got to enjoy the woman he married in her physical prime. What is worse, within a few years, she will hit menopause and her looks will go to total shit. Really, marrying a woman in her mid-30s is a shockingly bad decision. See if you get someone who is at least a decade younger than you. These women not only look better, they also come with a lot less baggage. Feminists do not want you to know about that, though.

14 thoughts on “Feminists are Scared of Age-Gaps in Relationships

  1. Over my adult life; an equivalent single woman my own age would have dated more, had more relationships, and had more sex. That’s not a “similar level of life experience”.

  2. It is just fair for older guys to date young women. When these men were out carving a career path to success for themselves, did girls pay them any attention? Except for fugly opportunists?

    Those girls did not stay by their sides. So why would these guys date those women when they are now successful?

    Women are incredibly selfish and opportunistic!

  3. Yah I always found the “different levels of experience” thing ridiculous.

    When a guy sacrifices all of his 20s to make something of himself and then starts dating in his 30s, he has the sexual and social experience of a 20 year old girl. So a 30 year old guy dating a 20 year old chick is dating his equivalent.

    They say that the one with more experience has too much power over the other. So essentially they admit that the reason they want you dating older women is so the woman holds unfair power over you? Because if a guy dates women his age, he is dating someone with a lot more experience

    1. “They say that the one with more experience has too much power over the other.”

      Out of curiosity,what’s your take in general about potential “power imbalances” in relationships because of positions in life?

      I can see the validity of it for something like,say…a boss dating his employee/subordinate. There IS a power imbalance there. If the employee displeases the boss by not accepting his advances or standing her ground in the relationship,she could lose her job. That can also apply to a school teacher dating a student. While I don’t necessarily agree with the viewpoint that people in this position can never date under ANY circumstances,I can see where the “power imbalance” issue can come from in this context.

      But a celebrity dating a fan? As you excellently put it on this post:

      > If a celebrity has sex with a fan, this celebrity has commited rape, because the celebrity has “too much power” and the fan is unable to give consent. WTF? Apparently a raving fan is like a toddler in terms of mental ability when around a celebrity

      All in all,I’d say you summed it up well here in this old comment of yours:

      And then they kept expanding it to where any sex not had for the purest of motives is “rape”. If she had sex because she was trying to impress you. Rape. If she had sex because she felt internal fear that you’d dump her for not putting out – rape. If she had sex to impress her friends that she banged the cute guy first – still rape, because societal pressure… because like societal pressure totally equivalent to knife under throat.

      “Any Sex that is not had for the purest of motives is rape/sexual harassment”

      Geez,such a reasonable standard to set towards men,isn’t it? Most chicks don’t even hold themselves to HALF this standard.🤦‍♂️

    2. @maou, yeah basically.

      First the notion itself, that people must be of equal power is never argued for. They just say that it’s wrong as a foregone conclusion.

      But ironically even if you accepted this (and I don’t) you often find they stretch things to imply a power differential even where there is none.

      So even if people should only get together if they have similar ‘power levels’, it’s kind of interesting how they make up power imbalances even when there isn’t one.

      The hot popular 22 year old doesn’t have less social power than the 32 year old programmer who busted his ass off and went monk mode for 10 years so he can start dating at 32.

    3. And then they kept expanding it to where any sex not had for the purest of motives is “rape”. If she had sex because she was trying to impress you. Rape. If she had sex because she felt internal fear that you’d dump her for not putting out – rape. If she had sex to impress her friends that she banged the cute guy first – still rape, because societal pressure… because like societal pressure totally equivalent to knife under throat.

      And as I said in the other article you linked to, you find that conveniently one way remains. Only one way isn’t deemed inproper.

      It’s when an ugly girl throws herself at a physically better looking guy. That’s the only power imbalance they have no issue with. How convenient that a movement made up of ugly sluts playing the genetic lottery promote the idea that this is the only way that men and women can hookup. You wait for an ugly slut to throw herself at you. How convenient.

  4. Somehow noticed there are these Holly-weird films pushing/pumping May-December (i.e. younger/older) affairs, BUT with women as the older partner.

    For example, Anne Hathaway is the older woman (lol) in “Idea of you” (

    And Nicole Kidman is getting in on it:

    I am sure there will be more. In reality, with hyperinflation and dim prospects, it wouldn’t be surprising if we have f–k boys in the West.

    1. I clicked on that link, saw this sentence and busted out laughing: “it chronicles the love affair between a beautiful single mother and the lead singer of a popular boy band.” Omfg hahahahah

    2. I consider such a scenario quite unlikely, simply because men do not find older women attractive. The mainstream has been pushing the idea of dating older women for a long time and it has never caught on, as it is fundamentally opposed to human nature, whereas men need little convincing to go for women in their sexual prime.

    3. Men even feel they need to pay respect to older women by calling them “Aunt Kidman”, or “Madam Hathaway”. Lol. I guess they were “insulted and humiliated” by young men’s overt respectful gesture.

  5. Aaron,
    What should the minimum and maximum age gap be between a man and a woman be, and does a “huge” age gap affect a relationship? What would you consider a healthy age gap?

    1. As a guy, you should probably go for the youngest woman you can get, assuming you stay within the law. I think that female “maturity” is greatly overrated. Most do not evolve meaningfully past the age of 14, and you are a lot better off with a 14-year-old in the body of a hot 22-year-old than a 36-year-old roastie.

    2. Do you deal with any issues in social gatherings,Aaron? The sad reality is that we live in bluepill clown world. Hope you’re not dealing with nasty stares and passive-aggressive shit from normies in parties as a result of having a much younger partner.

    3. Maou, social pressure does not have much of an impact on me. Of course, I follow basic customs, but I could not care less if some old hag is unhappy about me having a much younger wife.

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