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Women and Mass Layoffs in the Tech Industry

A few years ago, when the scamdemic was being ramped up and companies told their employees that they should work from home, the societal consequences were probably not quite as expected. Fuel to the fire was provided by die DEI agenda, according to which you needed to stop hiring white men and instead increase the number of women and non-East-Asian minorities in your company. The discrimination against white was so bad that only 6% of additional hires in the 100 largest publicly traded US companies in 2021 were whites, and it surely was not because every white man or woman was already gainfully employed.

When you get told to hire people for which you have no use for, it can be difficult to find work for them. Sometimes, they get put on projects that go nowhere or perhaps you spread women and minorities across existing teams, hoping they contribute a little bit this way. In reality, though, a non-trivial amount of women seemed to not do any work at all. There was a glut of videos on TikTok in which Stacy and Shaqueesha broadcasted to the world what they did for a living. The world learned that Big Tech paid women lavish six-figure salaries to enjoy catered lunches, wine on tap, on-site yoga and massages, and sunbathing on the roof. Sometimes, they “vibed” a bit with their female colleagues, congratulating them on working so hard and doing so well at their job.

There is the rumor that Elon Musk decided to fire 80% of Twitter because he had seen one too many of such videos. As it turned out, a lot of people really seemed to not do any work at Twitter, or elsewhere. In fact, some people make negative contributions because they want to be “part of the conversation” and happily waste everybody’s time, or dream up bizarre procedures that slow everybody down. I recall having to deal with a clueless “product manager” who insisted we only wrote tests for the “really important” part of the code as this would “deliver the most business value”. She was so annoying and persistent that we had to escalate this to the department head. What was worse was that she was not even good-looking. The blonde in the video below, for instance, is cute enough, but probably did not add a lot of value apart from that:

There is a really bizarre aspect of female psychology, i.e. the need to broadcast what you do, all the time, while being so unbelievably entitled that you think you deserve everything good you got. Of course, for all negative consequences somebody else is responsible. They are completely oblivious to the consequences of boasting about supposedly working from home. Instead, they were taking swims in the pool. Probably they took a lot of dick on the side, too, while they were on the clock. What did women like the above think would happen after posting such moronic videos? In particular in owner-run businesses, managers would be fuming if they heard about that but even in publicly traded companies, executives also got angry at that.

When the TikTok trend of women bragging about getting six-figures for not working was at its peak, my manager once sent me a few links to relevant videos, asking if I am aware of this phenomenon and, more importantly, if I believed that we had people like that on our payroll. In this particular case, we ended up laying off a few people. They did not post videos about their leisurely working days, but their output was so minimal that management decided that this was clear breach of contract. Yet, without this TikTok trend, probably nobody would have looked that closely. These people could have stayed under the radar otherwise.

In particular if you work in larger companies, or have been engaged in project-based work, you probably know that sometimes there is not that much to do. For instance, perhaps the work on a project is done, you have finished the final presentation, but there is still about a week left until the date of that presentation. It does not make sense to add anything to the project and a bit of mentoring or preliminary work on your next project, which you could not even bill to the customer, also does not keep you busy for eight hours a day. Thus, you take it easy for a few days, perhaps reading some vaguely work-related articles online for a few hours or taking longer lunch breaks. This is all understood to be normal. Everybody else is doing it too. However, guys would not boast about getting paid for not doing any real work for a week or two. They just view it as a somewhat restful period before the next ramp-up.

The tech craze could perhaps have gone on for a bit longer had all those women simply kept their mouth shut. Their desire of getting likes and views, as well as the hope that Chad might “slide into her DMs”, made them do it, so presumably we cannot even blame them. It is just their female nature that causes them to make questionable decisions. I would not even be surprised if women who were laid off after posting such videos had no feelings of remorse at all. After all, in the moment it surely felt right to them.

11 thoughts on “Women and Mass Layoffs in the Tech Industry

  1. On a related note, I’ve noticed a pattern in videos discussing compensation where a coder from desirable minority group would always be making significantly more than the average developer who happens to be white or Asian.

    I guess that being proficient at coding and belonging to an ‘under-represented’ group is a recipe for making a lot of money in tech.

    1. Perhaps it is sufficient to merely belong to a minority group to make a lot more money than the average. I have come across claims that Big Tech, at the height of the DEI craze, paid recent graduates from certain backgrounds significantly above the norm. On Hackernews I once read of a black woman claiming that she was offered $200k+ as a recent graduate (BSc, not PhD) because she managed to get Google and Meta into a bidding war.

  2. Have you heard the concept of the Potemkin job? It’s a fake job whose purpose is to provide an external façade to a situation, to make people believe that the situation is better than it is. So, the companies knew but didn’t really care. The ladies and Bipocs were there for the company to secure higher amounts of funding and to look good for the bullshit investors. So you inflate the stock price of the company from this. Now look what happens when ZIRP ends.

    1. I have not heard of this term, but I am familiar with the phenomenon in the context of start-ups. This seems to happen when funding is easy to get. Just an inflated number of engineers on staff apparently leads to a higher valuation, thanks to clueless venture-capital firms that are sitting on too much money. Presumably the thinking is that these companies would not have that many engineers on staff if there was no good reason for it. Well, there is a good reason but it is probably not one a savvy investor would approve of. It also makes sense that publicly traded companies would engage in the same kind of nonsense, in particular if they are not profitable yet and therefore still require external funding. This leads to the question why companies that are not profitable are even able to do an IPO. In my view, it is some kind of mass delusion that makes this possible.

  3. Feels like the dot com bubble all over again. As before, you have a technology (AI) that’s poised to be useful, but the hype is years far ahead of the reality. As before, the root cause is unsound money.

    Our boomer bosses hired plenty of nice young tail to pretty the place up – as John said, it was probably also for the benefit of investors and clients. One of said bosses ran off with one of said pieces of tail (about half his age), ditching wife and toddler in the process.

    1. She wasn’t one of the people who weren’t doing their jobs? Or she wasn’t one of the people who were exposed for not doing their jobs?

      “I can’t recommend this candidate too highly”
      “You would be very lucky to have this candidate work for you”

    1. I have had a very busy week. Expect some more articles next week. Also, GMail seems to suppress notifications of comments, so if you rely on email notifications, it is probably better to just check the blog instead.

    2. I was ready to tell you that you having a busy week is one thing, but that all of us did at the same time is too much of a coinkidink.

      But yeah, the email notifications f*cked up apparently.

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