
Are Hot Chicks About to Make a Comeback in Triple-A Gaming?

As anemic as the library of the PlayStation 5 may be, it is still the most popular stationary console around. This is thanks to Microsoft fumbling so badly. I do not follow console gaming news a lot but when I learned about the latest PlayStation “State of Play” event, I had a look. There was the usual woke crap. The tranny shooter Concord will most certainly crash and burn on release. Other highlights included a PC port of a nine year old game, Until Dawn, and a PC port of a two year old game, God of War: Ragnarok. However, there was an interesting piece of news: Capcom presented the first gameplay trailer of Monster Hunter: Wilds. This was a pretty significant event, for the following reason:

Hot blondes are back in triple-A gaming!

Look at this blonde chick! She reminds me of my ex-wife. Regardless of your personal experience with blondes, you probably agree that Capcom put a very attractive female character in this trailer. This is the first prominently placed attractive female video game character with Western traits in a triple-A game I have seen in years. If you watch the entire trailer, you will notice that there is a concerning amount of diversity nonetheless. There is an androgynous black boy that is supposedly transsexual. The other female character looks rather swarthy, a bit like a poor man’s Mia Khalifa without the tits. The blonde, however, seems to be one of the main characters of the story.

I find the inclusion of the aforementioned character quite significant because Capcom is very business-oriented. You could call them cynical but a potentially better interpretation is that they give the customer what they want, until they no longer want it. They have a history of putting out so many sequels of games until people get sick and tired of them, and they have enough strong franchises that they can do this. I think that their games are, and have always been, quite well designed. For decades, Capcom has been solidly in the top 3, perhaps top 5, of Japanese third parties, and the top or second-best studio for action games. In the 1990s Konami gave them a run for their money in that regard, in the 2000s Team Ninja, and since the 2010s From Software. Also note that Monster Hunter is Capcom’s biggest franchise nowadays. Resident Evil has higher lifetime sales, but while Monster Hunter is lagging behind in that regard, the last two Monster Hunter games are the highest selling games Capcom ever made. This makes the inclusion of this superhot blonde even more significant.

Capcom is keeping an eye on the zeitgeist. If they think that audiences demand masculine trannies, they put them in. If they think you like excessive gore, you get excessive gore, like in the Resident Evil 2 remake. If they think you like fetch quests, you get fetch quests. The Resident Evil 4 remake has them. One objection is that Capcom also had Cammy in Street Fighter VI, who is also very attractive. This is true, but Cammy is only one character in a large roster. In contrast, the blonde bombshell in Monster Hunter: Wilds seems to be the main character. She certainly is the main character in the story segment of that recently released trailer. I have a hunch that we are going to see more hot chicks in games again. People are just not buying slop with ugly women in it and now that ZIRP is over, investors are getting nervous.

3 thoughts on “Are Hot Chicks About to Make a Comeback in Triple-A Gaming?

  1. I can see the images again. In this post and in a few others I just tried.

    Just wanted to mention it in case you recently did something different in the blog settings.

    1. I changed nothing at all in the blog settings but WordPress released a few updates. This may have fixed your problem. The image in this post is a very large GIF. It’s a video. If you see a still image then there is still something wrong.

    2. Nope, I see the video GIF, the still pictures, embedded YT videos, everything. God bless WordPress, I guess.

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