Open Thread

Open Thread #307

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67 thoughts on “Open Thread #307

  1. Aaron, I’ve always been curious about this. To what do you attribute the coinciding of political views on this site.? Of course we don’t agree on everything, but particularly the Jewish question is interesting, especially revisionism. I mean, when I first started reading your work it had absolutely nothing to do with politics and everything to do with dating advice. You didn’t shape my views on politics
    and history. They existed before I knew about you. Yet, somehow our views are usually in alignment especially regarding history, and WWII. It could be simply more rational men are attracted to more rational views in general. In fact revisionism is much more popular in the general public than people think. They just usually don’t speak in public about it. I’m often surprised when people question the official narrative about WWII and the holocaust with me.

    1. I think there are two aspects. First, men who seek out alternative sources for dating advice online normally realize that the mainstream blue-pilled advice they have been given is not effective. Thus, they already question the mainstream, albeit perhaps only subconsciously, and once you question one part of the mainstream narrative, what would keep you from questioning another part, too? I am at the point where my default assumption is that we are ruled by a hostile elite who wants to wipe us out. I imagine them doing satanic rituals and concocting plans to genocide or enslave us, and if this is your working hypothesis, then you are likely to wonder why, for instance, the vaxx was free and why the elites were suddenly so concerned about our health. (Of course they weren’t.)

      The second aspect is that this blog has a highly self-selected reader base. You will not stick around if you think that Klaus Schwab is looking out for you or that Joe Brandon was democratically elected. Also, my blog, just as any other non-mainstream source, is suppressed in the Google search results. I get virtually no search engine traffic, so for the last few years, only a quite stable hard core of readers has remained. This is survivorship bias, i.e. any blue-haired leftist cuck who does not get his dick wet and stumbles upon my site is probably going to reflexively close the browser tab the moment he reads the tagline of my blog.

    2. Very good point about COVID/the vaxx. One of the things (of many) that initially made me perk up and be skeptical was this sudden interest in protecting us. I mean, if they cared about public health so much, why the open border, and push for amnesty? Letting in tens of millions of illegal third worlders in from countries that do not have vaccination requirements.

  2. Starfield will be released in a few days. If the trailer is anything to go by, it will be pretty woke:
    Of course, an argument can be made that the black girl with blue eyes and a white guardian can be seen as being “oppressed”. After all, her black parents are absent and what about her having Nordic blue eyes?

    1. I think it’s crazy to think that this is so far the pinnacle of this generation for Microsoft triple A gaming.

    2. I have a hard time seeing this game come anywhere remotely close to the success of Skyrim. Their next game will do worse, due to Microsoft’s reverse Midas touch where every studio they buy turns to shit, due to how they run their business, which includes their forced diversity. Microsoft does not seem to care about quality at all, not even if it affects their bottom line. Windows still randomly shuts down without warning to install updates, for instance, which is utterly ridiculous. Microsoft also does not care about the value of their IPs, it seems. It is as if they believe that people are locked in and have to buy their games, similar to their shady business practices that are based on vendor lock-in. They ran Gears of War and Halo into the ground, and have done nothing of note with the IPs they got due to the Rare acquisition in the early 2000s. They also seem so tone-deaf that they believe that Fable is such a beloved IP that they can put the ugliest female protagonist ever envisioned in it. Oh, a reboot of Perfect Dark is coming, with a bunch of women at the helm. I am waiting for the story reveal trailer, which will likely introduce us to a fat and deformed Joanna Dark who can do anything a male protagonist could do, just better.

    3. A new Perfect Dark? Isn’t that the same studio (Rare) responsible for Metroid Prime, or did something happen and the IP change hands? If what you say is accurate, that a bunch of roasties are at the helm, then it will certainly be a ridiculous reveal. I’m not aware of Perfect Dark being relevant since the N64 era, so I can’t imagine many people care about a return of this franchise.

    4. Metroid Prime was developed by Retro Studios. Rare, on the other hand, is behind Perfect Dark. The amusing aspect, or tragedy, depending on your point of view, is that the top-tier studio that Rare was in the 1990s no longer exists. The name does, and so do its IPs, but the talent is all gone, which is not at all surprising. Presumably in an attempt to further fellate Larry Fink’s dick, Microsoft has announced that they are going to reboot Perfect Dark, as it has a female protagonist. This game was only a minor hit when it came out, selling a fraction of its inspiration GoldenEye. I have the impression that Perfect Dark has virtually no brand value nowadays, outside of perhaps a small niche of speed runners, but even those people vastly prefer GoldenEye.

      Reveal trailer:

      Studio interviews:

      There was another trailer that showed a few female developers who looked about as non-binary as you would imagine, but it seems to have been scrubbed off the Internet. I wish them the best of luck because I would really like to laugh at another disastrous launch. I hope that it will dethrone Bleeding Edge as the wokest dumpster fire in the history of Microsoft Game Studios:

      It seems that development is not going well, with mass departures at the supposed super-studio The Initiative:

      Crystal Dynamics is also helping out, and this studio has unfortunately been on a downward slope. The 2013 reboot of Tomb Raider was pretty good, but the two sequels were not nearly as well received. I keep my fingers crossed that we will see another heaping pile of woke garbage.

    5. I was also not even aware that the DK IP had crossed over to Retro Studios for development. It looks like the brave and stunning Christine Thompson will be taking over the lead writing duties for this upcoming PD gem. Likewise, the males on this team look about as high T as you can get, so you can rest assured they’ll keep Christine in check. In all seriousness, I expect Joanne to have a long and blocky masculinized face at the very least. And to also be an unlikable bitch with no character flaws, aside from being uninspiring and unrelatable.

    1. This tweet was already deleted. Your overall point still stands as there is no enthusiasm for the vaxx anymore. This is one reason why we now get the “climate crisis” narrative, with arsonists torching one country after another.

  3. Biden said he’s putting forth a bill to congress for funding for a vax “that works”. As if the differentiating feature of this next vax is that “it works”. Pretty funny

    1. It seems the next vaxx will be designed to really cripple you. The Western world as a whole is gearing up for the next lockdown, by the way. I wonder how this will work out. The current “climate crisis” psy-op is not going so well as countless arsonists have been caught red-handed. There is also the problem that the number of the vaxx-injured are quite high. Even the mainstream is reporting on it.

    1. Translation: “Alek, I’d like to reiterate a few points that I’ve made 70k times already whenever you get a spare moment. I super duper promise that I’m only trying to help you guys hone your game and increase your notch counts, and not at all trying to muddy the waters. Please see my master thesis linked below. Hehehe.”

    2. Haha PN.
      I’m not that interested in honing THEIR game lol mine ..maybe 🙂
      could see newbies using MG and still not getting anywhere tho..even decent looking guys.
      I wanna test my understanding, if totally deluded i need to deprogram. Can’t see exactly where my thinking is wrong tho..

      I’ve got a great example on video I’d love to get an analysis of to understand what’s happening from the MG /black pill perspective. Fair or no?

    3. Haha PN. I’m not that interested in honing THEIR game lol. mine ..maybe ????
      I wanted to test my understanding, if totally deluded i need to deprogram.
      I could see newbies using MG and still not getting anywhere tbh even decent looking guys? important bits missing imo.

      Hey I’ve got a great example on video I’d love to get the experts analysis of understand what’s happening from the MG /black pill perspective. Fair or no? It’ll be a fun experiment Red Pill v Black 🙂

    4. Aaron,
      Why pray tell do u ask? 🙂
      I would say 2 warm & 3 cold approaches maybe.
      I interact with volumes of people each day. I flirt a bit when I have the opportunity.

      My club days are over dude. But the pickup process can’t have changed THAT much since then.

      Let’s play the video analysis game !! Cmon!
      Red vs black 🙂 it’ll be quick and fun 😀
      This boomer GOTS to know the MG/BlackPill breakdown..

    5. LOL I was thinking the same thing. Just post it Cheeky. Why the hell are you asking for permission?

    6. I just wanted to make sure I get a reply before I put it all together.
      Cool. Heres the video and a little ‘ test’.

      Firstly we have to agree that these performances are ‘real’ or at least ‘ realistic’.
      Afaik the setups are scripted but the performances are real. from this AMA on reddit below. Looks legit to me.

      KTTVIP Se2 Ep 3

      From what I can see in the footage here’s my assumptions about the guys values
      Justin Rigo – looks in 9-10 range, height 6ft (Chad?)
      Rob ‘Fromeo’ – looks in 8-9 range, height 5ft 10″
      (Robs defa couple inches shorter, looks difference is debateable , doesnt matter)

      Analysis questions

      1) Why is Rob doing better than Justin? Please break it down WHAT you see him doing well and WHY its working in the pickup from your perspective.

      2) What is Justin doing wrong and whats your MG advice to help him do better.

      3) If Justin gets MG coaching how do you think he would fare against Rob again.

      4)What MG advice if any would you give to Rob Fromeo to make him more efficient
      and effective at pickup than he is already.

      Your short analysis and input please…much appreciated.
      Looking forward. Thanks 🙂

    7. As far as legitimacy goes, it’s basically a game show. Even if the guys and the chicks they approach are real, much of it was set up, and involved actresses. It’s not exactly the real world.

      I think I remember this very episode. I definitely remember the show from back in the day. Rob physically escalated quicker. The negs are just stupid but shows what you can get away with when a girl thinks your hot. Risky as hell though.

      Justin was better looking but used a stupid routine to get a kiss. This may have been PUA influenced. He should own his looks more, pick up on signals better, and physically escalate quicker. I don’t think being an ass hole has anything to do with it honestly.

    8. “I don’t think being an ass hole has anything to do with it honestly.”

      On this note YouTube, for example, is filled with post-PUA types going on about how women don’t like “nice guys.” This is incorrect language, I believe. What they mean to say is women don’t like unattractive dudes that try to make up for it by being supplicating beta providers. If a chick is into you then there is a chance that she is even somewhat intimidated by you. Even if she isn’t super anxious around you she would much rather you be nice to her, though my personality would enjoy some light teasing here and there. However, negs are just going to insult, intimidate and otherwise just plain turn her off. I’d go as far as to say that chicks prefer nice guys in general.

    9. Agreed Pickernanny. One of the things that guys miss is that women are human beings with insecurities just like we are. LOL and PUAs talk about “confidence.”. They set guys up for failure. Guys should just treat women like fellow humans.

    10. GL&S- Thanks for the reply. I’m hoping Sleazy and Alek and others will chip in also.

      That show is about as realistic a footage as I have seen of pickup in bars & clubs. A few “PUAs” we’re on the show and bombed , showing they were frauds.

      Your breakdown is a bit too simplistic and general for me tbh . This is how I’d break it down; Rob smokes the other guy here.
      Rob is a very smart & cunning guy , high degrees of ‘Street Smarts’ I’d call it. I love how the coaches called him a “Dirtbag” . Spot on.

      His verbals, voice and strategy are excellent along with his looks.
      Re escalation I’d disagree a bit. He breaks the touch barrier quickly (great idea) then pulls it back and let’s the talking do the work imo.

      His “banter” is great! This is what I see him doing with his verbals:
      – signalling to the chick he knows they are the sexual selector (‘are u retarded? /’’what do I need to do to make u love me? ‘)-‘cutting the shit ‘ – getting compliance from the chick to play inside his ‘frame’ that he sets up immediately.
      Once he sets up the frame and she responds(complies) to play ‘in’ it that’s it then the game is set, they both agree on the frame and what’s going on. From there he can banter, neg etc etc ,it’s all gravy, she’s on board and playing . After that he can up the ante, give her choices A or B etc fuck me next week /fuck me tonite. Etc

      That’s very very Smart how he does it.
      That’s a good pickup to me and how I see it go down with guys who are really good. It’s similar to a sale and good salesmanship in my mind.
      A lot of that used to be taught in the ‘old school’ but has gone by the wayside.

    11. PN and GL&S u are both taking like ‘nice guys’.
      Step 1. Is establish there is mutual sexual interest.
      If you haven’t done that , teasing , negging etc is a waste of time . That’s why PUA doesn’t work for ugly dudes ,nerds or where there is zero interest. They miss step 1.

    12. “Being an asshole” to me means the guy is ‘cutting the blue-pill shit’. He’s play the right kind of game. That’s just what chicks say cos they can’t admit anything else. they can’t say “you’re a smart guy” , “you get it”.
      So they call him an asshole or the worst person I know . Asshole = Very Assertive in that meaning.

    13. PN – disagree , chicks don’t like non-assertive guys who don’t assert what they want. Assertiveness is masculine. Non assertive guys play nice guy which is basically beta, manipulative and lame. They want the chick to do the work and lead. Not good.

    14. Cheeky, nobody said that Justin did it right. He was clearly waiting for the girl to take the lead (which she did to the extent that females do). But being assertive and being nice are NOT mutually exclusive. It can be argued that being assertive IS being nice if the girl is GTF.

    15. Taking her hand and leading her out of the club would be giving her exactly what she wants. Without even insulting her 🙂

    16. GL&S
      “It can be argued that being assertive IS being nice if the girl is GTF.”
      I disagree. Justin is around a 9 in looks. The chicks should have been GTF based on his looks alone if they were interested (in theory). He was being ‘ Nice Assertive’ and getting nowhere clearly.

      I was replying to PNs comment re post-pua types talking on youtube about ‘Nice Guy’.
      Just in general, the term ‘ nice guy’/ nice guy syndrome = non assertive pussy guy.

    17. GL&S “Taking her hand and leading her out of the club would be giving her exactly what she wants. Without even insulting her ????-”

      Are you talking about Justin or Rob? What if she resists and objects with excuses (as she most likely will) what then?

    18. Given the interaction I don’t think she would. But if she did, he can simply move on to the next one.

    19. Pickernanny –
      “I’d go as far as to say that chicks prefer nice guys in general.”

      Not for a ONS they dont. they prefer good looking Alphas /Bad-boys/Dirt-bags.
      This has already been established around here I’d thought? Arent you guys Black Pill? The example video is a ‘pickup’ attempt in a Bar/Club. Thats blue pill talk. somebody is confused 🙂
      Nice Guys are for relationships remember.

    20. GL&S –
      Correct . she wont leave with him. Because he hasn’t really even established step 1.
      Step 1. Is establish there is mutual sexual interest.
      Or set anything up with his verbals for her to leave.
      He can move along yes and try the same thing with next one. But he’ll get the same result. She wont leave either. And on. Cos hes using the same strategy.
      And its a shit one that doesn’t work. Hed be much better off using Robs .

    21. GL&S
      “Given the interaction I don’t think she would.”

      Ah right I think I misunderstood your meaning . You mean Re Justin that chick wouldn’t object or resist him with excuses taking her hand and leading her out of club.
      True. Maybe. She did put it on a plate for him.
      But he is a 9 or 10 in looks more or less. Would his nice guy approach work for a 7 or 8 guy?
      They will put up some form of objection usually.. there’s some ‘wrangling’ to be done.

    22. It’s not so much about being a nice guy or a bad boy, it’s about being attractive enough and a girl’s “type” (fitting her preferred niche). However, just being super attractive may be enough. But, for example, some chicks will never consider fucking or dating a guy with long hair while another chick may give you 2 extra points simply for having rocker hair. You can be an asshole and get by sometimes, but the vast majority of chicks for hookups and LTRs would prefer a guy to be “nice” and safe to be around. Being a nice person has nothing to do with how assertive you are. You still have to escalate and attempt to isolate the chick to a bathroom stall or your bedroom etc. Sometimes chicks will even do that work for you.

      Also, assuming the chick is super into you then she’ll just rationalize your behavior regardless of what it is to justify her behavior, i.e. hooking up or committing to you. I’d say it’s a small percentage of women overall that actively seek out dangerous men. You hear about chicks that write fan mail to rapists and murderers, but that’s a niche all in itself I’d argue. And not one you want to be apart of, nor is it in particularly high demand.

    23. Pickernanny.
      “Being a nice person has nothing to do with how assertive you are“
      That’s statement is very debateable.
      The best definition of “nice” I can see from the dictionary =‘requiring careful consideration’
      That’s the proverbial ‘nice’ guy . Very considerate and respectful.

      Not sure how you get a girl into a bathroom stall and fuck her being ‘nice’. Considering the situation.
      Sleazy describes that kind of pickup as “aggressive”. I would too. There’s no way around that.

      ‘Nice’ and ‘aggressive’ are a contradiction in terms? It’s a rare chick I’ve met that aggressive to lead that situation, a few, but quite rare.

    24. You’re flipping terms now from “assertive” to “aggressive”. You can certainly be a “nice guy” and be assertive. There’s nothing inherently “bad” about being assertive. In fact, part of being charismatic is exuding warmth, or you could go as far as to say kindness.

    25. PN also
      “However, just being super attractive may be enough.”
      Well being super attractive is a key to a lot of things. of course. Chicks will up the work if ur too stupid or pussy to lead as per Justin in the video and put it on a plate.
      I am not super attractive so a lot of advice from super attractive dudes is useless for me.

      “it’s about being attractive enough and a girl’s “type” (fitting her preferred niche).
      Uhhh I get types and niches. But don’t think so?
      If a chick is out and about and DTF . She wants a naughty boy bro. A guy with enough looks yes, her ‘type’ yes, that looks and acts like he knows how to take her to the stall. Simple as that.

      If she sees 2 seven rating guys at the bar and both are acceptable looks wise but one looks and acts naughty, she’ll pick the naughty boy not the “nice” boy. She doesn’t want to do the work. That’s logic. If that’s a ‘false dichotomy’ make it 3 guys. same same.

    26. Pickernanny-
      Nope . Both words are on the same sliding scale. One is greater than the other.

      assertive (adjective)=‘having or showing a confident and forceful personality’

      aggressive (adjective) =‘behaving or done in a determined and forceful way’

      Force ->> more Force.

      So aggression could be considered as just an increase in assertiveness levels. As one goes up , ‘warmth and kindness’ and “niceness and consideration” go down. Can’t have both. Unless you are being sarcastically “nice” as you are at the same time being aggressive 🙂 passive aggressive I guess haha

    27. Pickernanny
      Dude I’m kinda LOLing here considering what we are talking about. Picking up chicks for quick ONS sex. and quick sex in bathroom stalls. And I’m reading words like ‘nice’ ‘safe’ ‘warmth’ and ‘kindness’ … haha oh my. It’s funny man 🙂
      Dude, there’s nothing ‘nice’ about 2 strangers fucking in a bathroom stall! You are not trying to help an old lady cross the road!!

      The terms are ‘sleazy’ ‘nasty’ ‘dirty’ ‘naughty’ ‘filthy’ ‘wild’ and maybe ‘drunken monkey sex ‘! .

      Funny shit PN 😀

    28. Cheeky, I’m going to have to reiterate what Pickernanny suggested earlier. Believe it or not, some women are intimidated by guys that look like Justin. They assume they are assholes. Just showing interest without being an asshole is a relief to them. Hence “nice guy.” Yes, Justin should have closed that deal that night. She was down. Like the nice guy commentator suggested I think Justin is a relationship guy. Nothing wrong with it.

    29. Then again, as Aaron suggests in his books, you can still fuck a girl the first night and start the relationship from there. Justin just moved slowly.

    30. Now that I think about it. Some of the toughest dudes, at least in my family, are the most sensitive. Cocky is a put on and overcompensation. Talk to some war veterans or firemen. None of them are cocky.

    31. GL&S –
      Re ur comment
      “Believe it or not, some women are intimidated by guys that look like Justin. They assume they are assholes. Just showing interest without being an asshole is a relief to them. Hence “nice guy.” Yes“

      Yes yes yes. I agree with that point dude. That’s what I’m trying to point out over and over.
      Guys that look like Justin. 9-10 looking guys can be nice sure. Of course.

      * I * do not look like Justin.
      Afaik you don’t either.

      So therefore that kind of MG advice is useless to me . Do you get it? We don’t look like Justin.

      I’m proposing the lower down the looks scale the more a guy needs other things working for him. A-la Rob Fromeo. That’s effective. Nice doesn’t work to get quick lays the lower down u go in looks. A guy needs other things working for him. Smart things. Street Smarts.

      That’s my whole point. “personality” becomes relevant the lower down u go. Personality includes a look of things including image , assertiveness. Sexiness, Wit, yada yada. To make the “push” work. (The woman is still the selector of course. Always.)

      That’s what I’m tryna demonstrate with the video.
      Robs strategy works imo for a 7-8 looks dude tryna pickup decent looking chicks. that’s what works for me. I’ve seen it work for others in my looks range. Even shorter guys than me. Same kinda game. MG theory says it’s unnecessary I disagree cos I don’t look like Justin . Or Sleazy obvs.

    32. Look at Scotty F.
      Scotty can be “nice’ too. Sure. In fact it prob smart for him to be nice . Cos of his image. Bad-Boy. A chick talking to him knows what’s up from the start. His “personality” is all UP FRONT in his whole image . Bad Boy , Sex – Guy.
      He doesn’t need to ‘sell’ in conversation. It’s a given. I bet he can do that too though if needs be.
      Also remember if ur a 7 guy talking to a decently hot chick.. there’s competition sharking around in the water from 8 guys 9 guys etc . If they come in, You’ll have to block them and keep the chicks attention .. see how well being ‘nice ‘ works then. Nope.

    33. As the woman is the sexual selector ( always, Sleazy is correct) then as a 7-8 u want to do what Rob does at the start. Very smart move he does. I love it. He establishes early up front with every chick “I know how this works, are u in or out” with his verbals/comms so he’s not stuck wasting time . Great play. Sleazy does that too.
      But Sleazys play (complete asshole) requires a ton of looks value.
      That’s almost a “buyer” frame . Won’t work for a 7. Won’t work for me. unless chick is borderline ugly.
      “Nice” will only work if the guys value > than chicks value. As per video Justin is a 9 she is a dressed up 7. He can do nice moves or he can do bold moves ,whatever he likes. Bold more effective and effecient tho of course.
      Nice won’t work for a 7 dude.

    34. GL&S
      “Like the nice guy commentator suggested I think Justin is a relationship guy. Nothing wrong with it.“

      You’ve hit the nail on the head there.
      Could be debated Wtf is he doing in a pickup contest. He’s in a blue-pill frame going in.
      He’s getting an offer from a chick to fuck DESPITE what he’s doing due to his looks. Not BECAUSE of it.. think about that.
      We’re talking about pickup dude not relationships. The objective is to get laid TONITE.

    35. Also have to say , my mind boggles as I’m debating pickup with a guy who has ‘Sleazy’ in his internet nickname. And he keeps dropping the word “nice” . I have defined from the dictionary what “nice” means.
      So One explanation is he somehow has the exceptional skill of talking and acting very “nice” to a chick at a bar , whilst at the same time having one hands in her knickers rubbing her pussy and another up her top massaging her tits. If this is the case please teach me this ‘game’ !!! Or the other explanation is it’s a mis-nomer and he doesn’t know how it goes down.

      I’ve been called “cheeky” a “sleaze” and a “creep” quite often. I’ve never been called “nice”. That’s an insult to me.

    36. Dude as for retired veterans and firefighters not being ‘cocky’ ..mate u should have seen them in their 20s .. T levels drop off massively with age that’s all over this blog.

      And if there’s any kind of video evidence of the existence of such ‘nice +sleazy’ game please feel free to post it. Otherwise bullshit, Illogical and irrational. And contradiction in terms also!

    37. I was saying across the spectrum of age. My job and my location brings me to interaction with these guys. They are the least pretentious men you will ever meet, and it certainly isn’t because they lack fortitude.

      I’ve never served myself. Wish I did. But I come from a long line of war veterans. Being a real man has nothing to do with acting like a jerk.

    38. GL&S
      Are you blue pill or what??
      Also have to say , my mind boggles as I’m debating pickup with a guy who has ‘Sleazy’ in his internet nickname. And he keeps dropping the word “nice” . I have defined from the dictionary what “nice” means.
      So One explanation is he somehow has the exceptional skill of talking and acting very “nice” to a chick at a bar , whilst at the same time having one hands in her knickers rubbing her pussy and another up her top massaging her tits. If this is the case please teach me this ‘game’ !!! Or the other explanation is it’s a mis-nomer and he doesn’t know how it goes down.

      I’ve been called “cheeky” a “sleaze” and a “creep” quite often. I’ve never been called “nice”. That’s an insult to me.

      Lookup the words ‘Nice’ and ‘Sleazy’ in the dictionary. They are a fucking contradiction in terms dude.

    39. The Sleazy part of it is a tribute to Aaron. Nothing more. I think even he doesn’t identify with it anymore.

    40. oh right. so it IS a mis-nomer. makes sense.
      Pretty sure Aaron still identifies with being more aggressive in relation to picking up sluts and still talks regularly about fucking sluts in bathroom stalls minutes after meeting them. If thats not still termed “Sleazy” I dont know what is. Pretty sure he still identifies. Its certainly not ” Nice”.

      Hey anyway thanks for the back and forth about the video.
      while we are talking . I signed up to Aarons forum years ago to find it was completely inactive (ps waste of 40 Euros Aaron ..I want my money back! :P)
      Do you or anyone know of any decent *ACTIVE* pickup forums to discuss this stuff? Red Pill ones or whatever ? With legit guys active..I assume u are all legit but I never know who is ” On” here and it takes 12 hours to get a reply as I’m on the opposite side of the planet. Hence all the shitposting. I try to get it out when I have free time and its clear in my mind. 🙂 Any help appreciated Muchos Gracias senor GL&S.

    41. oh wait i fucked that up
      Purple is a mix of Blue and Red hey..
      A mix of Red and Black would be ‘Burgundy’. the Burgundy Pill???
      anyway, any suggestions for forums much appreciated.

    42. Sleazy – very disappointed in my guru, zero comments on that KTTVIP video I posted looking for some analysis here. Whats your advice to Rob ” Fromeo” on how to make his pickup game more minimal and efficient? Come on mate..I bought all your books in good faith.

    43. Dude, I have no time for this, and based on what I observe, you would be very likely to involve me in a discussion about some obscure points. You no longer pick up girls in bars and clubs so what is the point in this mental masturbation? If you were arguing in good faith, I would be much more inclined to chime in.

    44. Hey sleazy thanks for replying mate. I appreciate u are a busy man with a life and lots going on.
      I’m in an LTR of many years and picking up chicks in bars/ clubs would not be conducive to continuing my relationship. She would cut my balls off if discovered basically :O I think it would be lame to quote my lay count and it can’t be proven anyway. But I was averaging a lay once every two weekends or so in my heyday for a few years in a row. Thereabouts. Not bad I thought. Personal best was 6 different chicks in a week (but most from tinder then time only 1 cold approach that time).
      A man needs one day of rest in a week of course 🙂
      I won’t debate obscure points I promise.
      I think “Rob Fromeo”’s pickup game is great personally, I just wanted to know at the high level wether u consider it similarly great , just good or just inefficient etc
      and if u think that guy could just drop all that kind of verbals , go minimal and succeed more efficiently in That kind of environment ?
      A basic quick summary of why and how would suffice. 2-3 lines tops. Promise I won’t debate minmaxxing micro shit. 🙂
      I give guys advice a lot if I’m totally off it’s shit advice I’m giving them.

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