
“Always a F…ing Android, never an iPhone!”

Recently I came across a video, sadly not on YouTube, so it is not easy to share it, in which a woman in her late 20s or early 30s vents for a few minutes about her lack of success in the dating market. She still looked pretty good for her age, which means that she has not hit the wall yet, but certainly lightly bumped into it a few times. The main issue this woman was facing was that no guy this NYC urbanite meets on dating apps has the slightest interest in entering a long-term relationship with her. Instead, they only pump-and-dump her and this is of course not her fault at all.

This woman still looked decent enough, and if you are a Chad or Chad-lite who likes to get some easy pussy, she would certainly fit the bill. These guys were probably not all rich but surely none of them was poor. Yet, she seemed to firmly believe that the money these guys had was hers already. She was not pleased that plenty of guys insisted on splitting the bill or refused to go on expensive dinner dates. She let them fuck her anyway, of course.

After the fact, i.e. after these guys had bailed, her perception of them changed. That is the hamster in her little brain getting a serious workout! Suddenly, these guys were to blame because they did not want to commit. Perhaps they even tricked her. Certainly, a big problem was that they were not showering her with money. She wanted fancy dinners, flowers, and presents, but all she got was a decent pounding, but she was not even grateful for that, albeit it will not take long until she will wistfully think back of when she could still get some semi-Chad to put her beef curtains to good use.

The most amusing part was when this woman wanted to denigrate the men by drawing attention to how stingy they were. Not only did they not want to cover her expenses, which would have increased the cost of banging her to the level of a mid-tier hooker, if not more. In addition, these guys even refused to pay for an iPhone. Supposedly, they were losers because many of them had Android phones, not an iPhone like herself. After all, sophisticated consumers know that only a really expensive phone is a good one.

Overall, men are simply much more conservative with money than women. While many women rush out to get the latest iPhone, which is virtually indistinguishable from their last one, men are not so easily convinced by expensive advertising chock-full of diversity. As a consequence, it is perhaps not a surprise that about twice as many women than men buy this product. According to a recent study,

Apple customer demographics include people aged 18 to 45. The Apple target audience skews strongly female, with around 66% female to 34% male customers.

Arguably, there are more men who could afford an iPhone but don’t than there are women who cannot really afford an iPhone but get one nonetheless because they deserve to own one. In my industry, for instance, I quite often see that guys privately use an Android phone, not necessarily one of the cheapest models, while their company-issued device is an iPhone. Plonking down $1k for a phone, even if you make decent money, is not chump change, after all.

Evolutionary speaking, we surely cannot blame women for wanting a man who has resources. Of course they want that, just as men want a young, attractive women. However, a major blunder of women is to aggressively be on the prowl for an accomplished man. There is a world of difference between the behavior of a woman hailing from a well-off family who wants a man of a similar background and some status-climber who is in debt up to her eyeballs but thinks that her excessive spending habits will make her attractive to well-off men. This is all due to a fundamental misconception. They want men who use money to elevate their status, i.e. the $30k millionaire, and are not able to look beyond their flashy facade. Thus, this is what they present to men themselves. It is a mindbogglingly stupid approach, so both $30k millionaires and more well-off guys only pump-and-dump such women because they realize that they either cannot finance the lifestyle they want or do not want to bother with such shallow and utterly materialistic women beyond a short-lived sexual encounter. You really cannot blame them.

16 thoughts on ““Always a F…ing Android, never an iPhone!”

    1. Here’s an old comment by Alek on another old blog:


      I’ve noticed and discussed the same with female friends, but they just won’t accept it and go out of their way to deny it.

      There is always in a given group ONE girl who’s no better looking than the other girls, but she always gets 100x more date offers and ussually has much hotter boyfriends.

      It IS ALWAYS the case that unlike her friends, she is pro-active. And I’m not saying that she goes around asking men out.

      In most cases it’s simply that she does the FEMALE side of the equation with effort. Puts A LOT of effort into very direct and clear displays of interest. Makes sure that the man is clear she’s interested in being asked out. She GOES OUT OF HER WAY to create a situation for him to make a move. She makes it easy and comfortable for him to make a move… etc… etc… etc…

      The thing is, we live in a society that has taught women that if nothing happens, it’s the men’s fault for not playing his part right – but this has been driven to such an extreme, that most women no longer feel the need to even play THEIR traditional role even.

      This alone will go a long ass way. By relying on really subtle signals, she’s ironically filtering out the actual “good guys” (those who may be willing to commit to her) and leaving only either the players (the only people who can read them) or the men that don’t give a fuck about her boundaries and go for it anyway.

      This piece of advise is probably too late for the woman Aaron is talking about here though, but this would be golden advice for young women out there.

    2. Ahhh so Aleks Journey= Johnny Journey book
      I didn’t put 2+2 together there. His letfoecgifr makes more sense now.

      This Andrew Hussey guy does seminars in Australia. I had him pegged as a PUA scammer type but targeting women from what I’ve heard of him from the type of women who’ve attended ( desperate ones) . 🤷🏻‍♂️

      Asking a woman to go Dutch on dinner is socially clunky and not masculine imo. If I took a hot chick out on a dinner date I wouldn’t do that. Unless it was clear she was a user as per the example chick in the blog piece and I didn’t want to see her again or fuck her. A fuck is worth the price of dinner to me.

      Later on in a relationship both parties should be taking turns paying imo.

    3. I reckon the majority of women use iPhones because that’s what all the other chicks are using. It’s just the most popular and easiest / smoothest to use. It’s a social proof thing. And a’ conspicuous consumption ‘ display re buying the newest version .

      Chicks want to be on trend with the latest even if it’s basically the same model. They don’t even know how to use most of the iphones functionality most of em.

      And if they got an Android they’d be made fun of by the group of chicks probably also. ( an android?! Ewwww!)
      Chicks are a pack animal and social proof being part of the group is way more important than the Tech. The Tech is for dudes. Who they’ll just flirt with and use to help them work anyway. 😆

      I’d pick an iPhone over an android myself .
      My old XR would smoke some of the latest similarly priced androids for useability (bar the camera quality). But I’m not a techie. It’s ease of use and smoothness important to me. Hard to beat apple for that. I’d bet all the apps are developed for iPhone firstly also.

    4. His *perspective* should say.
      After getting that shitty coaching from Rob judge etc.

      Seduction does exist tho. It’s not a myth and it’s everywhere.

  1. All Women live in the short term Sleazy.
    They are not logical and rational like us men.
    They know their beauty and attractiveness has a limited time span. And spend stupid amounts money accordingly on beauty & fashion. As their looks fade day by day after they hit @ ripeness” . They are just like fruit – their looks ripen, then start to mould and then they rot and shrivel completely in later years.

    The avg women is also* much* more aware than the avg man that dating and mating is a competition. And it’s fiercer for them as women are all bitches also.

    I kinda feel sorry for them tbh. They are a very confused species these days. Most whine they don’t want to be career women . They want to go back in time and be housewives and mothers tbh. For real. Then the career driven ones lament in their 40s they missed out on having kids and it was all for nothing the career path.
    Pretty sad state of affairs.

  2. Is it possible that the so-called cheap men are using Galaxy phones? The base model is comparable to a base iphone, plus the top tier model is actually more expensive than an Iphone Pro Max. Not to mention the cameras on the Galaxy phones are significantly more powerful.

    1. This is quite possible. I would not at all be surprised if such women think in simple binary categories such as “iPhone = good, has money, likes to spend it” versus “Android = cheap bastard, knows nothing about trends”. Considering that people pay huge premiums even for used Apple hardware, this is surely a pretty widespread phenomenon.

    2. Google pixel android phones are reputed to have the best camera from my recent googling research, pixel 9 pro or something.

      I wanted to upgrade an old iPhone XR and move to a Galaxy A55 premium budget android.

      But tbh I cbf relearning all fhe functionality of a Samsung. The last Samsung ( years ago admittedly) I used had a rediculous amount of “ cool” auto- functions that had to be disabled in settings . It was going crazy on me with said functions going off every time I used. Very annoying.

      Is the galaxy top tier (? SR series? ) camera THAT much better than latest iPhone ?? Hard to believe for me . Apple are very competitive re the tech and camera.

      iPhone smokes android for useability and smoothness imo. The ‘syncing’ shit is a pain in the ass tho using a windows laptop to transfer pics.

    3. Cheeky, regarding camera specs comparisons, AI spit this answer out:

      “The S24 Ultra has four rear cameras, including a 200-megapixel sensor, while the iPhone 15 Pro Max has three rear cameras, including a 48-megapixel sensor. The S24 Ultra has a dedicated optical zoom camera, while the iPhone 15 Pro Max uses digital zoom.”

      The S24 also appears to utilize digital zoom beyond a certain threshold.

  3. All hot women are on the prowl for an accomplished man?
    It’s like a car analogy.
    They want the man to sit in the drivers seat, steer the car, work the gears and pedals , put the fuel in, make all the decisions re where to go and how fast to get there.

    Hot chicks just want to sit in the passenger seat and look pretty basically (plus be witty/ bitchy and trending.)

    That’s why they go for alpha guys that look accomplished and have their shit together.
    It’s all about perception for them. If he appears accomplished he may well be. So they only date those guys and see if he can provide all of that for them.

    That’s masculine and feminine in a nutshell that car analogy for me.
    Same with a dancing analogy. The man leads and makes all the moves. Etc etc

    The hotter the chick the more she will want it that way IME.

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