In the recent Joe Rogan podcast with Elon Musk, there is a rather amusing bit at the start where Elon demonstrates the latest Grok-infused AI persona, jokingly referring to it as “unhinged mode”. His unhinged AI has a female voice and the attitude of an utterly spoilt brat. She ignores the questions she is asked and is instead rude to the user. Sometimes she even insults the user. Joe Rogan jokes in response that really hot women can get through life behaving like that but they would have to be “really, really hot”. It is certainly true that Western society holds women to lower standards, in particular very attractive ones.
Seeing the end result, i.e. a young woman at the height of her sexual market value demonstrating that she thinks that she can do and say whatever she wants, believing she is never going to have to face negative consequences is an experience some of you may have made first-hand. Perhaps it is less common to see children act this way, at least if you do not interact a lot with children. Interestingly, I had this opportunity quite recently, watching an interaction in my neighborhood between two parents and their daughter, and another adult. The daughter was probably between 8 and 10 and had really attractive features. I am saying this in a completely non-pedo way. Some young girls are simply a lot better looking than others, based on beauty markers. The sexual aspect only comes with puberty.
The parents tried to get this girl to say goodbye to the other adult who was about to get in his car. The girl, however, was obstinate, telling her mother that she does not want to say goodbye and that her mother should not tell her what to do. Her father then tried to intervene and he was just loudly told, “no!” by his presumed daughter. Then she demonstratively turned her back to all the adults and crossed her arms. I obviously did not want to linger so I do not know how this interaction continued. In any case, it seemed the parents were quite embarrassed by their daughter’s behavior.
As I continued my walk, I wondered how much the environment is to blame for such an outcome. You can of course blame a kid or an adult woman for being a spoilt brat or behaving like one. However, a lot needs to go wrong until you end up with a young girl or woman with such an attitude. To some extent, this is probably inevitable and if not, then parents need to make a lot of extra effort. The fact of the matter is simply that we cut attractive girls a lot more slack. Cute little boys probably get the same treatment. I recall reading as study according to which parents are quicker to tend to more attractive children. I think this was a sibling study were the siblings were rated by attractiveness. Even in such a context, children enjoy a beauty premium.
There is also the problem of bad behavior. Here I am reminded of some women I dated who had poor impulse control. There were some who still threw tantrums, despite having already entered their 20s. This made me realize that a lot of men apparently accept a lot of really poor behavior from women, provided she is hot enough. However, young adult women do not just randomly get the idea that they should throw tantrums to get their way. This surely is behavior they carried over from their childhood. Attractive young adult women almost always if not always were cute little girls at some point. What if the root cause of all this bad behavior is simply that parents enable the bad behavior of their daughters? If you had a regular-looking son and he threw a fit, you would tell him to get a grip. However, you may be inclined to show a lot more lenience towards a really cute daughter and perhaps even reward her bad behavior. The aforementioned problematic adult women I knew threw tantrums, expecting that they would get a reward in some way. The root cause was that they heard the unpleasant word, “no”, and they did not like that. I would not at all be surprised if these very women, when they were little girls, got gifts, extra attention, sweets, or other rewards when they threw a tantrum, in a misguided attempt to make them stop. Of course, the logical outcome of this is that they learn that they can get their way if they only behave poorly enough.
Speaking of bad behavior, some of you are probably quite aware of the fact that women use tears to emotionally manipulate men. Amazingly, many women can deliberately start and stop crying. I have had such interactions myself, with some chick sitting in front of me, trying to use tears to get something out of me. Upon telling them to cut it out because you have no time for this, or perhaps a less diplomatic variant of the same statement, they can all suddenly sit up straight and immediately stop crying. If you have never experienced this yourself you may not believe it. Again, such behavior only exists in adult women because they were encouraged as children to behave poorly. Thus, I do not think it is far-fetched to say that poor behavior in adult women is due to her parents not having done a good job. Good luck playing captain-save-a-ho and trying to “fix” such a manic pixie dream girl who has mastered one skill perfectly: using the full range of her emotions and physical behavior to get what she wants from the world. She better be really, really hot for you to put up with this.