Clown World · Subversion

Leftist Word Games: Non-Illegal Illegal Immigrants and Non-Free Freedom of Speech

I detest a lot about the unhinged left, in particular their never-ending word games. In this article, I point out two instances, one related to immigration and the other to higher education. They are completely obvious, yet we have a multi-billion media apparatus that wants to tell us that blue is akshually red and that women can become men, and vice versa. It is state-enforced insanity. While the United States have begun to unshackle themselves, Europe is still being suffocated by left. This will probably go on for a while but I hope a backlash is coming.

First, let us talk about illegal immigration. If you enter a foreign country without permission, you commit a crime. End of story. However, the left has spent decades on telling you that black is white and white is black, leading to bizarre mainstream discussion pieces. In 2018, the BBC told us about “legal experts” telling us that akshually, being illegally in a foreign country is not illegal. It is not a crime but simply a “civil violation”. If you go to the link the BBC has placed in their article, you learn that the argument is based on people overstaying their visa not committing a crime whereas illegal entry is most definitely a crime. Well, what apples to the horded of illegals flooding into the United States, do they all get a visa in advance and then just refuse to leave or do they enter the country without a visa, and thus commit the crime of illegal entry? It is obviously the latter. Besides, if you are a traveler who overstayed his welcome you were never even an immigrant to begin with. The dishonesty of these leftists is absolutely mind-boggling.

In order to hide their word games, leftists want us to refer to illegal immigrants as “undocumented workers” or “undocumented non-citizens”. This avoids putting the label “illegal” on them. The desired outcome is that society adopts the view that illegal aliens are legally in the country, which is absurd. You could not easily pull off this deception if you referred to these illegal aliens as “non-illegal illegal aliens”, which essentially is what the left wants to call them, just with different words. As this would not work, they hide behind words that do not mean what you may think they do. This is similar to them embracing “immigration reform”, which only means letting more and more immigrant into the country, illegal or otherwise.

Another great example of leftist word games is their suppression of academic freedom. Conservatives and right-wing academics have systematically been kept out of academia. Now that Trump is back in power, these people are panicking. This is what the radical leftist American Association of University Professors has to say on this topic, via ZeroHedge:

The Trump administration and many Republican led state governments appear poised to accelerate attacks on academic freedom, shared governance, and higher education as a public good. They will attack the curricular authority of the faculty on a number of fronts, including professors’ ability to undertake “teaching, research, and service that respond to the needs of a diverse global public.” It is the higher education community’s responsibility not to surrender to such attacks—and not to surrender in anticipation of them. Instead, we must vigorously and loudly oppose them.

You see, academic freedom does not mean that you can research whatever you want. Instead, it means that a leftist cabal can do what it wants, including deciding what kind of research can even be conducted, and if your research leads to truths that fly in the face of leftist dogma, you clearly need to be run out of academia. Thus, firing leftist professors and administrators who promoted transgenderism or the climate-change hoax are not grifters or liars or political activists. Instead, they were conveyors of social change.

We would probably gain a lot as a society if we shut down all politicized university departments. It is not even clear what value the tens of thousands professors in dozens upon dozens of bullshit disciplines add to society. They clearly do not do any proper research and contribute to the body of knowledge of the human race. To put it more succinctly, I have mathematics textbooks at home that are twenty years old. They are still current, and the same would be true of even older text books in this field, albeit sometimes there are certain notations that have been fallen out of fashion or were significantly improved by later authors. In contrast, the average textbook in political science, sociology, psychology, anthropology, and any other politicized discipline probably has a half-life of just a few years.

For decades, research had to become more and more subversive and some leading researchers where suppressed. Suddenly, the results of some eminent psychologist can no longer be taught because he had “connections to national socialism”. Currently, psychiatrists, for instance, attempt to erase Asperger’s syndrome because its discoverer Hans Asperger was apparently an evil national socialist. They redefined autism, claiming it is a “spectrum”. However, there are fundamental differences between Asperger’s syndrome and regular autism, e.g. the fact that people afflicted by the former have at least a normal level of intelligence. In contrast, in the other group you predominantly if not always find people with below-average intelligence. However, it is more important that science toes the party line of the Democrats, so we better embrace muddled thinking and Asperger’s syndrome therefore no longer exists.

7 thoughts on “Leftist Word Games: Non-Illegal Illegal Immigrants and Non-Free Freedom of Speech

  1. Aaron,
    On a related note, isn’t HIAS responsible for the mass immigration calling all these doctors and engineers asylum seekers or refugees?

    The Jews have been the biggest influencers in academia, media, and corporations. They don’t want Europe to be this monolithic society, and Israel does not have America best interest. They have pushed multiculturalism really hard onto America and Europe. Europe is committing cultural suicide, and European Nationalism is seen at Nazism.

    I’ve come across videos that Japan is starting to commit cultural suicide. Yet, Israel has strict immigration policies.

  2. The loss of tenured track must be a way to bring Humanity doctors to their knee. They are panic if a few thousand Noam Chomaky could rise up and oppose their policies.

    I also think tuition inflation is also a work of the Left, who wish to control the general population by debt and impoverish them.

    1. Very well put of her! Happy to see that this Trump administration seems to be a lot more serious than the last one. It’s sorely needed work to shift the conversation back to where people remember that illegals are breaking the law just by being there.

      It was a disingenuous question to begin with, anyway. You don’t get a criminal record until you’re convicted, so someone could be wanted for three murders, seven rapes, and fourteen counts of drug trafficking and still not have a criminal record.

    2. When I was growing up deportation was routine. Nobody batted an eye. Now liberals see it as gestapo shit. They claim it’s not a felony (which it isn’t, although these people are usually multiple offenders). So they consider deportation to be a violent punishment. What the hell else is the punishment for illegally being in the wrong country? I don’t think they even get fined. They just get put out of where they are trespassing upon.

    3. I do not even understand why liberals are so upset. After all, by deporting these third-worlders, we simply bring them back to their culturally and economically superior home countries, sparing them the constant discrimination and harassment they would have to endure on US soil.

    4. Exactly. And what country in the world has more generous immigration policies than the United States?

      Clown World at its finest.

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