
Experiments in Lowering Blood Pressure and Heart Rate

Recently I wrote, albeit more in passing, about my increased focus on health, based on tracking certain biomarkers. This is not because I live an unhealthy life, which I most certainly do not. Instead, I want to better understand my body and be aware of any potential issue, however minor. This became more relevant after I began taking methylphenidate (MPH) as a very common if not inevitable side effect is that it raises your blood pressure as well as your heart rate. I did notice this effect as well, so I explored if I could lower these biomarkers. Before I full delve into this topic, I want to add that my experience with doctors has not always been ideal. I once had an elevated reading during a routine checkout and the young but nonetheless surprisingly unattractive female doctor suggested I immediately start taking medication to lower my blood pressure to prevent it from becoming an issue later in my life. She needed to get her subscriber numbers up, it seems. I think the systolic pressure was slightly above 130, which is not even particularly alarming. I pretended to be curious to learn more, so I asked her about alternatives, to which she responded that there are none. Needless to say, you can actively get these numbers down, even without medication and this article describes how I managed to do so.

My starting point was that before MPH, I had pretty good numbers. It is ideal if your blood pressure is below 120/80 (systole/diastole), and your heart rate between 60 and 90. At 140/90 you may start to look into changing your lifestyle, in particular if you want to avoid taking meds. My numbers were around 120/80, but often below. With MPH, however, I initially had readings in the mid-120 and mid-80s, which was quite surprising as this was a noticeable jump. Around that time I also began to take daily measurements of these biomarkers to keep an eye on them, but I quickly concluded that I should tackle this issue head-on and explore certain lifestyle changes as well.

In terms of nutrition, I basically eliminated salt. This may seem unrealistic for many of you but within just a few days I have learned to enjoy food even without salting it. For instance, I used to routinely salt eggs. Yet, even without any salt they taste perfectly fine to me nowadays. In fact, an argument can be made that without salt you much better appreciate the natural taste of food. The other big change was greatly reducing my consumption of sausage and even most cheeses. Bread I also eat a lot less frequently. I cannot even estimate how much salt there is in bread but it must be a non-trivial amount. In addition to changing my nutrition, I started spending more time on endurance exercises, which I had neglected for far too long. For that purpose, I bought a skip rope, which I have been using more or less every day, with the goal of getting my heart rate up to the point where I can feel my heart beat faster. I also do a basic program of compound exercises, which probably also helps keeping the aforementioned biomarkes in check.

To give you some concrete numbers, here are my readings for the last seven days for systole, diastole, and heart rate:


All measurements were taken at approximately the same time in the evening. The only non-optimal value is a single systole of 121. Otherwise, the systole as at around a healthy 115, while the diastole sits consistently below 80. I did not take MPH on all these days, so the best conclusion is that even with MPH my numbers are at the level of a very healthy adult. For this assessment, keep in mind that according to the CDC, about half of adults have high blood pressure, i.e. a reading greater than 130/80. Either of theses two conditions have to be met for a high-blood-pressure diagnosis. In addition, my resting heart rate is low. The typical range for a healthy adult goes from 60 to 90, and I am consistently below that. Meditation probably also contributes to these results. After all, after I began taking MPH, I also changed my meditation routine. For the past few months I have meditated, once again, every single day. My resting heart rate used to be in the mid-60s but I have brought it down to below 60, even going as low as 52 a few days ago. I have such low readings about once a week, roughly as often as a reading in the low-60s. The data above is thus quite indicative of my long-term observations.

The gist of this article is that I was very surprised by how much you can influence your blood pressure and heart rate with simple lifestyle changes. Without MPH, my numbers would most certainly be even better but even with MPH I am in the optimal range. I intend to keep it this way. Now imagine how much healthier society could be if everybody did what I do! This is of course not realistic, but from a public health perspective, I think our elites should probably spend more time promoting a healthy lifestyle instead of vaxxes and medications. Well, who am I kidding? This is not going to happen under the current regime.

16 thoughts on “Experiments in Lowering Blood Pressure and Heart Rate

    1. I bought one in Germany. There is an established brand called Weinberger, which is readily available but I do not know if their devices are available overseas.

  1. I haven’t exactly reduced my salt consumption but, I do avoid adding salt to my eggs and they taste just fine, sometimes I eat my broccoli without it as well.

    OTOH, I tried a supermarket seafood mix (octopus, clams, etc.) without salt but then I felt inclined to add it, which is weird because one would assume preserved food has a good amount of salt. I guess it’s always better fresh, I have prepared lots of fresh shrimp and it tastes good with or without it.

    I assume you don’t drink any coffee at allx otherwise you’d have tried reducing or avoiding it altogether.

    1. You are correct: I do not drink coffee. In addition, I do not drink alcohol, sugary drinks, or even fruit juice either. Avoiding salt altogether is quite difficult, on the other hand. With the measures I mention in the article, I can probably cut down my salt consumption by over 90%. Of course, I do not ask my wife to stop using salt in the kitchen.

    2. “Avoiding salt altogether is quite difficult, on the other hand”.

      Yep, my late father had a few miserable last years mostly because of this. Beside avoiding preserved food, I guess the trick would be to try what food you like fine without added salt (like the eggs example), and gradually decreasing the amount for the rest.

    3. “Avoiding salt altogether is quite difficult, on the other hand.”

      That’s for the better, Aaron.

      The body does need some sodium to function properly. Think of it like air in a tire: you don’t wanna overinflate it or leave it flat; you want to be somewhere in between. 🙂

  2. Aaron,
    ” The other big change was greatly reducing my consumption of sausage …”

    Of all these sausages which one do you recommend? Thüringer Bratwurst, Nürnberger Rostbratwurst, Weißwurst, Krakauer, Käsekrainer, Currywurst..

    Is there one particular you enjoy?

    or Bratwurst?

    1. I really like sausages. Of the one you mentioned, I rank them as follows: Nürnberger Rostbratwurst, Weißwurst, Käsekrainer, Krakauer, Currywurst. Currywurst I have eaten perhaps once or twice in my life. It is pretty low in quality. There are various kinds of bratwurst. Thüringer Rostbratwurst is also really good. More of a rarity is bratwurst made of horse meat, which you should give at try if you ever have the chance. It is called Kutscherbratwurst (Kutscher = coachman).

    2. Do you guys enjoy sauerkraut (the really high quality non-pasteurized kind—I like to make my own sometimes) and German-style fried potatoes ( ) with your wurst? It’s such a good hearty meal to have the night after a hard workout.

    3. Yes, we do. Sauerkraut is really good. My wife even makes it at home at times. Kimchi you can also make at home. Unlike with bratwurst, both are very healthy so I suppose it with balancing the meal.

    4. On the subject of sauerkraut, I’ve made the purple/red variety before and love it. Apparently, the vitamin C content in it is astronomical.

    5. Kimchi is great. I assume it’s a bit more complex to make. I’ve never used fish sauce with anything.

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