Open Thread

Open Thread #405: Clown World/Politics/Economics

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21 thoughts on “Open Thread #405: Clown World/Politics/Economics

  1. Today there was a terrorist attack at a Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany. Dozens were injured and it is not clear yet how many were killed. The attacker is a muslim from Saudi-Arabia who has been in the country since 2006. He was employed as a doctor in a local hospital. This is a symbolic event: a seemingly well-integrated immigrant, a literal doctor even, goes on a killing spree, at a time when the hostile elites want to double down on mass immigration. Recently there was an announcement that the government wants to bring in countless numbers of Kenyans, which is a clear win- win because unemployment in Kenya is high and Germany is in dire need of trained specialists, obviously.

    1. According to news outlets, there are estimates of 60 to 80 people that have been injured, and 11 people dead. Such a huge discrepancy. I always keep asking myself “when will the German people rise?”

    2. I wonder how the German people feel about bringing back the old Germany where they shot people because they didn’t have papers. Lol … this might fix the immigration problem.

  2. Here is ChatGPT listing and responding to 150 feminist lies and exaggerations:
    I skimmed parts of that article. My impression is that ChatGPT is very blue-pilled, trying to give a supposedly balanced response. Plenty of the responses are still distorting the truth. For instance, example 35 claims implies is equal discrimination in the workplace, e.g. men in female-dominated fields may be discriminated against. However, there is wide-spread and systemic preferential treatment of women, with explicit hiring quotas, which ChatGPT seems to be strangely unaware of.

    1. This video cracked me up. More amusingly, the YouTube algorithm filled the entire recommendations list with videos on STDs in Thailand. Apparently, our benevolent rules do not want that guys bang Thai hookers raw. See, they are looking out for us!

      EDIT: It seems this guy uses OnlyFans to upload videos of himself banging Thai whores, which is an unexpected use of that platform and, if it works out, a great way for him to finance his travels. His videos are behind a paywall, so I cannot confirm this hunch. Yet, the alternative hypothesis that he is uploading videos just of himself seems hard to believe.

    2. Aaron,
      “…a great way for him to finance his travels.”

      I’ve come across influences who travel all year long/full time who do not seem to have any kind of career back home. Do these influences come from wealthy families? I’ve seen influences go to countries I would never step foot on. I’ve seen them travel to Afghanistan, remote places in Africa etc…

    3. My assumption is that such people are supported by their families. This is surely also the case for a lot of “influencers” at the start of their career as hardly anybody has the means, in particular at the typical starting age in this field, to support themselves for many months, when it is not at all clear whether they will succeed. Numerically speaking, most will not. I just remembered a guy who gained some prominence in right-wing circles for his travels to war zones. He uses the name “Lord Miles“, and when I heard this, my first association was that he was probably part of the British gentry. Given that he grew up in a seemingly affluent part of the UK and, at least that is my impression, tries to downplay his RP accent in his videos, I do not think I am widely off the mark. Oh, and a I just learned, he grew up in a small castle. With this kind of financial support, it is easy to attempt becoming an influencer.

    1. This woman has stereotypical crazy eyes. Tragically, the main reason she was not caught sooner was that people are used to women leaving the bathroom in a complete mess, so giving birth in a bathroom apparently leads only to a marginal deterioration over the status quo in a sorority house. This woman is a sickening human being. Some of the statements she made, which are mentioned in the article, are revolting.

  3. Aaron,

    IDK why but my previous reply to you got cuck’de by the moderation filters.

    All I said was if the guy was filming to put on his Only Fans he would need a reals form and they wood probably charge him a fortune>

    1. There is nothing in either the spam folder or the moderation queue. Mentioning OnlyFans likely triggers the algorithm.

    1. Also, it feels odd that the New Orleans attacker is a 42 year old lifelong IS citizen old ex-military guy that just suddenly went postal for no apparent reason.

    2. There was also an IS-linked terrorist in Germany, which is arguably one of the premier puppet states of the US. Also, the media are strangely more willing to mention the ethnicity of these attackers. There are certainly very obvious signs that there is a build-up towards a war in the Middle East. Also note that, as we previously discussed, that recruitment ads of the military focus a lot more on white men nowadays because not only are those people better fighters than other races, the men in power also much rather have them die than their preferred races.

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