Open Thread

[Sticky] Open Thread #378: Misc.

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16 thoughts on “[Sticky] Open Thread #378: Misc.

  1. Aaron,
    Have you heard of following house music called Klubbheads – Kickin Hard?

    Klubbheads – Kickin Hard was popular during the late 90s among the L.A. youth subculture called “rebels”. It was a subculture that involved dancing to hard house music. Mark V and Poogie Bear, DJ Irene were among the most popular DJs in the subculture.

    1. I am not sure whether I have heard this track before but some of the samples used in it I am familiar with. This is not the kind of music I would listen to at home or in the car but I can certainly see it working well in a club, ideally one that is the size of a big warehouse.

  2. What are your favourite classical composers in the 20th century? I am listening to Shostakovich’s 7th Symphony. I find it a beautifully haunting symphony. I have listened to some classical pieces of John Williams, the composer for film music, but his pieces do not struck a chord with me.

    I remember Sleazy or someone else mentions that by the end of the last century, musicians fail to produce original classical pieces.

    This piece is film music that steeps in classical tradition. That’s the best I can find and have came to know.

    Why there are no longer any worthy classical music pieces today?

    1. There is the far-right hypothesis that a meddling tribe took over the major Western music academies and installed their own, for instance Arnold Schönberg. By doing so, they managed to put an end to classical music. A similar far-right hypothesis is that the same happened in the visual arts as well, but these are just utterly ludicrous speculations. Probably only a bigot would prefer Beethoven to the genius Arnold Schönberg, or Rembrandt to a revolutionary luminary such as Mark Rothko.

      Shostakovich is arguably the most important composer of the 20th century. I am familiar with film music, but I find it shallow. On a side note, in the past a small number of women I met wanted to impress me with how cultured they are by putting on some crappy Hollywood film music such as the Lord of the Rings soundtrack. Probably the best modern composers work in the Japanese film and video game industries. The Dragon Quest IV soundtrack (Koichi Sugiyama) is pretty good. It is not Beethoven but it surely ranks above anything Hollywood composers have ever produced:

      Other big names are Joe Hisaishi and Nobuo Uematsu.

    1. I was not aware that YouTube allows such content so they probably realize that having some men among their user base is economically viable. In the past, YouTube shut down the channels of a lot of e-thots. Let’s see if this one survives. The content she produces seems to be made for TikTok, though.


    I think you guys will find this video just as interesting as I did. Here I thought our physical evolution was mostly about fending off (and hunting) animal predators, but it turns out there’s decent evidence to support a good amount of our physical development is for the purpose of fighting other men/human beings.

    1. Intuitively, this makes a lot of sense. Clearly, those who proactively kill others are going to be, in general, evolutionarily more successful than those who are only able to fend of predators. There are also simple corner cases such as a surplus of predators, which will entail a war of attrition that cannot be won.

    1. According to the study, this is all due to statistical bias. Of course, women are at least as good as men. I chuckled when I read that not even female doctors give better ratings to their female colleagues.

    2. I’ve had some extremely incompetent female doctors in my life who didn’t even know the basics of their field. When I have to explain to a female psychiatrist what exactly the binding affinities (Ki in nMol) of various medical substances stand for and the female doctors don’t grasp the concept, it leaves me speechless and sad. That’s first semester of medical studies.

      That’s like an engineer not knowing that pressure is measured in Pascal or N/m² and that the unit of energy is Nm or J.

      I even had one young female doctor (general practitioner) who told me that high TSH means hyperthyroidism and low TSH equals hypothyroidism. It’s the other way around.

    3. I like how when men are shown to be superior to women, they scramble for excuses.

      When some metric indicates female superiority, they scramble for justifications.

      The pro-woman, anti-man bias is pretty clear.

    4. I’ve heard for like 25 years that the majority of med students in the US are women. Yeh, STUDENTS. Do they finish? Almost every doctor I deal with is a man. Asian men, but still. Affirmative action probably accounts for the high volume of female med students, because they know the chicks are unlikely to finish.

  4. I wonder whether German migration and asylum politics gets the curve. There has definitely been some movement in the discussion, but the Greens and SPD are still blocking it and with Merz you don’t really know where you stand either…

    I am of the opinion that it is almost too late for that. The damage has already been done and demographics are working in favor of “our” doctors and engineers.

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