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Open Thread #374: Misc.

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29 thoughts on “Open Thread #374: Misc.

  1. I’ve posted this before but will try again.
    Has anyone here had experience in a career change? I’m am out of finance and office life 3 years and never happier tbh. My life is less stable and future uncertain but Much less stressed & depressed out of an office environment. My down time is my own now.

    How about you sleazy ? Ever think of striking out with your own STEM business and if not, why..

    1. I am not sure about setting up my own business. First, there needs to be more free or cheap money around. I am leaning more towards becoming a contractor at some point, in order to reduce the amount of corporate b.s. I need to deal with.

    2. Contracting is great money but tough.
      It’s usually a ‘hit the ground running , pick up business processes, systems and mgt structure very quick and clean up a big mess the last guy left ‘scenario. Contracting is a bit of a game in that respect also. If the problem is easy to be solved I’d want to stretch it out for more time /money vs. the problem being just too hard to solve as it being such a complex mess or unsolveable.
      And there is still the corporate BS if the client is corporate tbh. Maybe as much if not moreso in ways.

      Then there is the downside of downtime between contracts /uncertainty of next contract. And it’s the same cycle again.

      That’s in my old realm of finance projects / finance system projects tho. Not sure your world.

      I reckon you could be a YT influencer .
      Would need a rebrand tho “sleazy/ schizo” may not fly.

      Easy life that influencing I reckon . Must still be money in it.

    3. @Cheeky_James: I think starting out as a social media influencer (on Youtube or any other social media) in 2024 will be really damn tough. Even for a guy who already has some following like Sleazy.

      I think guys who make a living as manosphere creators on Youtube all sell products/courses or have a Patreon/Subscribestar to make money since Youtube demonetizes them for talking about non-kosher topics. Aaron does offer coaching and he has his books to market. But could his persona and content be different enough to compete with the incumbents on Youtube? The old redpill personalities like Aaron Clarey, Rollo Tomassi and Rich Cooper?

      Regardless if the niche is dating/PUA, career advice or anti-woke commentary there is already over-saturation. One would need a really unique gimmick or very eye-catching spectacles to break through the noise and attract an audience.

      If the content is truly unique but too provocative you may suffer the fate of Looks Maximus who was banned from Youtube multiple times and faded into obscurity on smaller platforms. FACEandLMS also had a fresh take when he started and seemed a rising star, but he also struggled with finding the balance between speaking enough controversial truths to attract an audience and avoiding being demonetized or banned, despite being far less extreme than Maximus. FACE got frustrated and quit and now there are a hundred imitators, so even if he came back his content wouldn’t stand out anymore. And anyway I don’t think either FACE or Maximus made a livable income off of Youtube, despite having fresh new takes on men’s issues. Wheat Waffles took up FACE’s mantle for a while before he also gave up, defeated by Youtube’s algorithm, and decided to try to sell an e-book instead.

      If you want to make money on social media you should sell people lies rather than red pills or black pills.

    4. @Burt thanks for the detailed reply.
      Very interesting and yes YT for sure is very oversaturated now and full of lies/bullshit/charlatans.
      I reckon Sleazy has enough attributes to stand out from the pack there tho with his Minimal Game approach and understanding of women ( not that has any interest in this most likely )
      He has the real world experience that the others do not in particular.

      Rollo Tommasi for example I never could take to. He just looked like a bitter old divorced dude with an inflated ego to me from the get go. With his massive essays of mental masturbation plus his claim coined the term “hypergamy” (lol) like it was some new undiscovered idea or insight . “Wait ..Women date-up and marry-up ??Woooah really no wayyy 🤯 What a big reveal.
      Yeah no shit dude. That’s 101 stuff my mother told me when I was 12 ?( “ women want what other women want” she said. Wise woman!) plus that stupid ass big beanie hat he used to wear. Tool!

      Clarey and Cooper I’m not that familiar with.

      I think there may be an uptapped market of guys out there that would benefit from Sleazy MG style advice.

      Re “If the content is truly unique but too provocative you may suffer the fate of Looks Maximus & FACEandLMS etc”
      I liked F&LMS for the level of detail he went to measuring facial geometry. That was Funny and interesting stuff to me tbh that level of breakdown of Chads.

      Ah yes I had forgotten about YT censorship. But that could be gotten around speaking in metaphors about the subjects perhaps. 🤷🏻‍♂️

      A video title such as “ How To Bang Hot Club Chicks In A Bathrooom Stall -TONIGHT ! “ would not fly nowadays.

      Selling how to get more sex to horny males is a market that will never die. I am brainstorming how to tap into it myself. There must be a untapped niche still.

      The Indian niche of Bobs&Vagene perhaps

    5. You may have been joking when you mentioned “bobs and vagene”. However, Indians were arguably the most important demographic in the heydays of the PUA industry. There are untold numbers of Indian men in the US, working in tech, and they lust after white women, so much so that, well, you know the memes. These people also had plenty of disposable income. PUAs where there to relieve them of their excess money.

    6. Tbh the only niche I could think of for myself to make a side living in this sphere was being a Dating Coach. But moreso a ‘fashion coach’. That could be a useful niche for guys. Mainly to focus on the fundamentals of fashion, posture, body language and voice. Sort of like an acting coach. With small group classes then 1 on 1 makeovers.
      And then teach assertiveness skills and dealing with chicks IRL / strategies as a secondary ‘phase’ after the above.
      Could be a part time job/ hobby job in that area.

      I suppose I’d have to get a clue about fashion myself firstly tho 😆

      But to me that is the only “honest” way of teaching what works ie mainly Looks for attraction.
      Kinda like a “big brother” dating coach.
      I love Aaron’s books but they are just books and pretty broad in application his princliples. A lot of DIY is required which can take time. A mentor/ coach is the quickest way to improvement.

      I wonder how Scotty F is doing with his coaching biz . I see he’s using the term “GLL” now in his channel to get more biz.

    7. @Sleazy oh true I did not know they were the biggest target demographic. Makes sense. I do recall being at a seminar in Melbourne and it being quite a lot of Indians and asians. In front the front row were 2 of the shortest Asian/ Chinese guys I ever saw. Like tiny 4.5 foot tall twins . All decked out in peacock gear/ flashy jackets . I lol’d hard.
      That seminar was run by a aussie scammer named”James Social Coach “ who had hired two models to demo in class and threw out lil chocolate sweets to the audience members who guessed correct answers to his questions on ‘what works with women’.
      My mate got relieved of $4K from that guy for a weekender boot camp in Sydney. I warned him to canc but he wouldn’t listen 🤷🏻‍♂️ ( think of the FUTURE VALUE dude he replied)
      This scammer also has “ testimonials” from famous Aussie TV celebs on his website saying he’s legit and great .

    8. I reckon a lil hobby business / side hustle of this. Take 6 guys x $1000 each. For that give them 4 weekends of coaching. Includes many group’ classes’ and 1 on 1 makeovers/ coaching. Run that 3 times a year =$18K in the pocket.
      Plus some follow ups with the dudes to course correct. Could be $25K per year extra income tax free.
      That’s doable I reckon. And it’s not a scam. It’s Legit mentoring guys on what works. If I were to get a reputation then and there’s demand I could increase the fees and pull $50K the next year at best estimate. That’s a reasonable enough business case to me.

    9. What’s niche in your sector of Automation Sleazy? Whatever it is, focus on it and become an expert in that niche, then setup own business and charge what you like. That’s the way for success imo.

  2. @Cheeky_James: I don’t know if Scotty Flamingo is doing well with his coaching business, but he has connected with a few people who were his fans in the old GLL community and who had basically talked Scotty up to be a demigod of seduction during his absence from the public eye.

    The most most notable of these is an Australian-Indian guy named Ravi ( who actually took over GLL Scotty’s channel for a while. Perhaps to “help” Scotty because he had no idea how to run a channel on Youtube? They made a few podcast episodes on the channel were Scotty almost seemed to be more of a guest than a host. IronWill Ravi seems to have backed off now though and doesn’t have a visible presence in recent content on Scotty’s channel. Anyway it is another example of Indians being everywhere in the PUA community.

    Another high-profile GLL fan is KillYourInnerLoser/Andy Wells who created a new forum for the GLL community at
    He and his buddy Radical ( are basically making the same type of content that you want to do, except body language I think. I don’t know if they are doing well financially or if they had to get day jobs.

    So the particular niche of doing GLL style “the brother you never had” content is quite saturated, both by the OG Scotty (who mostly leads by example) and throng of GLL imitators who started out re-making GLL:s in-depth content and then began to weer towards their own specializations (Like BDSM for KillYourInnerLoser).

    1. Important to add is that the GLL site was taken offline. This seems to indicate that it was not a viable business. Chris put a lot of effort into it. The main angle seems to have been to promote various questionable products such as supplements, penis-enlargement devices, and drugs like kratom. This was probably where the money was, until it no longer was. I vaguely recall that Chris comes from a wealthy family, so he should easily have been able to afford running GLL at a loss for a few years. I do not think it is much of an exaggeration to say that PUA and red-pill content will no longer sustain anybody.

    2. @Burt
      Thanks I missed this reply somehow in the heated PUA debate over on the other Ross Jeffries blog post 🔥 😆

      Yeah ive also observed Scotty is not doing too well w it from looking at his YT channels (old and now the new one). I saw he was using the “GLL” on his new channel so that was not a good sign, resting on old laurels. Plus the gofundme type stuff,

      As a full time job it’d be hard to earn a living (if that’s what he’s doing). It’s a part time /hobby /weekender job at best. In this scenario it would be quite profitable in my mind and could be $30K extra tax free for me ( 💰 👍 👌 )
      Tbh if I didn’t have responsibilities I’d love to fly over to US and train w Scotty just to see his game IRL that would be awesome. He fucking SLAYS that guy I’d say w da sexy bitches 😃

      I wouldn’t need to train w him to learn his “game “ really tho. I could be like Scotty tbh just don’t wanna go lift weights for a year solid and get tattoos all over. That’s a key to his Game ie his persona / avatar of Bad Boy and his good face,
      It’s a fucking cake-walk after that to bang bitches in bathroom stalls tbh (!) for realz.

      Bad-Boy is the ultimate Archetype for getting pussy,

      Ps anyone know how tall Scotty is? He looks my height 5’10” – 5’ 11” from old videos.
      I ❤️ Scotty F 😆 watch his infields much to learn.
      I have a backup of all the old GLL videos that are relevant w Scotty’s old infields and interviews with Chris. Solid gold that shit and highly recommended 👍

      If that Ravi is still in Aus I’m going to try contact him directly and see if he needs a “wing” now that I’m single. I wanna learn how to smash again in cold approach and be strong like bull ! 👿 💪 bars and clubs are where all the hot pussy collects and are open to CA need to get back out there!!

      Can’t find any active pickup “forums” or sites here either, the old “PUA lair “ is inactive.
      and actually back in the day, there were a few scammy Coaches using it frequently and posing as normal guys looking for Wings to get new clients there, didn’t like that, sneaky cunts.

    3. @Sleazy.

      Important to add is that the GLL site was taken offline. This seems to indicate that it was not a viable business. Chris put a lot of effort into it. “

      Nah bro. Disagree, Don’t think thats reason ur not viable, Chris fucked up big time and did fake infields using hired actresses and got busted for it, dumb ass. That killed his cred and prob sank the business. Can’t come back after that. As then it was ‘GLL=fraud ‘everywhere.
      That was a big misstep on his part to do that.
      Gotta compete to stay in Da Game I guess!

      And totally re all the supplements and the gimmicks for the bodybuilding crowd. I found that quite funny myself. Similar to “black label alpha brain” lol 😆

      The market and demand levels of horny dudes looking to get more pussy should be relatively static over time, I don’t think Black pill is that big a % of the market now . Is it(??)

      Ps @ Burt – re this Ravi character , it looks like he’s black pill from a quick squizz so it’s a pass from me, can’t be dealing w that defeatist shit, 👎
      GLL Chris was all about self improvement and Red Pill I thought no? Why are his spin offs Black Pill now? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    4. Speaking of those supplements.
      I don’t think there is really any over the counter / black market “pills” that will make a guy more “alpha” .. is there? Besides steroids/ Juice I mean.

      Do u fellas know of any legit Testosterone boosting supplements in the health / fitness sales sector?

      To me its;

      (a) hit the weights and build muscle

      b) do more risk taking activities for more adrenaline and T-flow

      C) No Fap!!

      I’m a b) and c) guy as I find lifting boring AF and hard yakka. I’m lazy.

      I think I’ll start lifting this year tho and get real buff, that’s my goal in 2 years now (maybe) get buff and become a weapon with some martial arts skills. Btw how long to get as buff as Chris &Scotty were and can it be done without Da Juice(?)

      Then after the 2 year transformation ,return home to UK.,, and face my Alpha older brother …
      And Kick his Ass once and for all!

      Then * I* will be the Alpha of the family Mwahahaha

      My “opener “ to him will be this (from the meme) ;

      Hello brother.
      My name is Cheekyio JamesToya
      You Amog’d me when I was a youngster.
      Prepare to Die.”
      BOFF! 👊 🦶

    5. @Cheeky_James: Ravi was black pill for a while but I think that was before he became a GLL disciple. Nowadays he’s all about self improvement and positive mindset. His turning point from black pill to self-improvement focus is probably illustrated best by a guest post which he wrote on Pancake Mouse’s blog:

      In that post he uses black pill terms but talks about how he learned that “NYC game” is the only method that defeats the black pill. So he basically found a cope in Dante’s and Scotty’s methods that let him abandon all his black pill attitudes. Nowadays he is all about internal locus of control, i.e. red pill.

      If you want to connect with the GLL/NYC game sphere this forum will probably be a good start, they can point you in the right direction:
      They seem really into accountability and taking action though so it’s probably not the place for you if you just want to talk theory endlessly.

  3. “An Armed Society is a Polite Society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life” – Robert A. Heinlein

    I think CQV brought up the topic of “Manners” somewhere here before. I think a big part of the reason we have so many sheltered normies these days who never realize the importance of manners also comes down to this quote by Mike Tyson:

    “Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people & not getting punched in the face for it”

    Honestly, had those shitbag parents and brat survived, (I don’t condone it, but I can’t be arsed to feel sorry for them either.) I wonder if that incident would have caused a 180 on their way of carrying themselves.

    I’d say this is also a good reason to support kids standing up to their bullies while they are still going to school. A swift ass ass-kicking as a consequence of disregard and cruelty to others can set a good lesson for life. People usually regret having fights, because they are often started for the dumbest and pettiest of reasons, but I’m proud to say I don’t regret any of mine. (Though I won’t say I was always 100% the good guy)

    1. I like that Tyson quote. I thought I would love social media when I first discovered it. Turns out it mostly appeals to cowards who can’t make it in the real world. Basement dwellers lashing out. Revenge of the nerds.

    2. I think we can all agree that the internet is a boon. If you know where to look, you can find treasure troves of information and valuable experiences that you are almost certainly never going to discover on your own. The average bluepilled dude would probably need several lifetimes to learn the lessons Sleazy has outlined in many of his previous writings.

      But sadly, the internet is even more infested with dangerous misinformation and the malicious losers spreading. Who the fuck tells a 14 year old he needs to rope because of “eye area”!? Referring to the James Sapphire incident again here. Lets be honest, many self-proclaimed “incels” online really do have…”problematic personalities” to say the least. Its a chicken-and-egg question though. Did they start out with that way or did the constant negative feedback and unfair treatment they received throughout their life resulted in the outlook?

      I used to have a twisted outlook myself when I used to get heavily bullied in school on a regular basis. I used to admire school shooters, in fact! After having cooled off a decade after graduating and living a much better life, I have cooled down and have a much clearer outlook but I do think my younger self was very much justified for being angry and hateful back then.

      At least now I know the problem wasn’t me, but the shitty system we had in place that cares for the profit and convenience of the facilitators, rather than maximizing the quality of life, growth, and learning of the people we are supposed to be raising to become the future of our society!

    1. If I was a cynic, I would write that these vaccinations will accomplish what the IDF could not. Alas, I am not, so I am not going to even hint at the UN vaxx corps being part of the Israeli military campaign. I hear that instead of the Caduceus, the vaxx corps wears an armband with a printed skull but this surely does not mean anything.

    1. The German AfD has two factions, a proper nationalist one and a centrist one. The former just won the election in Thuringia while the latter achieved an excellent second place in Saxony, just minimally behind the CDU. We will have to see what they will achieve. So far, they have not ruled any of the German states yet. The election results in Thuringia was the first victorious election at the state-level in AfD history.

      With the recent results, the AfD can put significant pressure on the other parties, regardless of who will sit in the governing coalitions. One, they can block key decisions, the German legal term is “Sperrminorität”, i.e. “blocking minority”. For instance, if a decision requires the approval of 2/3 of the parliament and the AfD holds more than 1/3 of the seats, they can stop the usual tyrannical leftist bullshit in its tracks, such as their incessant rewriting of the constitution. Two, with more than 1/4 of the seats, the AfD is furthermore able to launch official investigations (German: “Untersuchungsausschuss”). The leader of the Thuringian AfD, Björn Höcke, already announced launching an investigation of the scamdemic. In fact, he uses the term “plandemic” himself. For some reason, the tyrannical radical-leftists parties are fully opposed to it. I wonder if they have something to hide.

    2. Thanks. If they are as you say, they look at least a bit more promising than the usual “far” right gatekeepers. Let’s hope they can start something.

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