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Open Thread #372: Women/Dating

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33 thoughts on “Open Thread #372: Women/Dating

  1. 👍
    I’ll start w an update on my Online Exp ( still grinding /experimenting w/o much success tbh ) .Finished a 3 hr morning shift after 1 hr today. Still have blueballs so decided fuck it I’d just proposition a few bangable chicks with good bodies on RedHotPie app.

    I pinged them with
    “Hey 👋
    You working today?
    I’m driving around the city and bored.
    Want to have some impromptu Fun with me? 😏 “
    Got 2 replies out of 6 a la;
    “I’m at work today babe.”
    Which led me to getting info re their work schedules (9-5)

    I was very surprised they replied at all tbh.( dead convos from wks ago)
    This is defo a green light to me to keep them in my pocket for a hit up.

    It made me reflect on Sleazys stories In Berlin and the situation of having odd hours available can defs be a big lever in getting a hookup rotation going.

    Never know when chicks are horny tbh.
    it can be a Monday lunchtime.
    And they dont generally want to fuck on weekday evenings after a long day unless He’s a “catch”. But they may take up a proposal spontaneously IME if they got that throbbing pussy that needs scratching

    Must target some bored housewives going forward 🤔 and spend some real time dialling in my pics. I forgot how important they are. Chicks pour over the details in pics for any signs to exclude a guy. 🧐picky bitches.

    1. In that situation, a woman telling you that she is at work, followed by her sending you her work schedule is a green flag, and so is her calling you “babe”. Obviously, for anything more than a quick romp, such behavior constitutes a bright red flag, but that is not your goal, apparently.

    2. absolutely re the flag.
      Yep she’s been using the ‘easy and familiar babe-talk from the get go (a few wks back)
      chick is a butter-face barbie w a great body and the fake melons. I got lost in the shuffle of suitors no doubt.
      It is a great advantage to be available when other guys are not imo 👍 .

      Re ur Berlin days was KitKat Club going then?
      Caught the Love Parade one weekend there but didn’t know of the clubs back then.

    3. I did not particularly like KitKat. There is at least one previous exchange in the comments on it. My main club was Berghain for electronic music, which is still around, but most of the clubs I went to for indie rock no longer exist.

    4. Berghain being the big one w the famously picky bouncers ? A younger workmate did a Euro trip recently ,on his must-do list was to gain entry to Berghain and planned to go shirtless with body paint or something (he’s very buff) not sure if he was successful. I replied “it’s gonna take more than that mate!”.

      Also re online – wtf is up with the insane amount of airbrushing/ filtering chicks are using in their pics ? These average bitches now all look like models on Bumble when I’m swiping . That ought to be forbidden.
      I can’t even blur out the background in my pics without the pic getting rejected by the app. And these hoes can morph their face into Katy Perry’s. Rediculous!

      Ps how do I host pics I want to show one I’ve screenshot for an example, She’s morphed her main pic but others not and the difference is stark.

    5. Yes, Berghain is known for its tough door policy. From what I gather, this is no longer really the case. The place is really big and needs to be filled up. In addition, there are plenty of other clubs in Berlin, and some give Berghain a run for its money. There is another big club, Sisyphos, that seems to be more popular nowadays, and that is despite its much less favorable location.

      Not even Katy Perry looks like Katy Perry. Russel Brand once uploaded pictures of her without makeup. It was not a pretty sight.

      You can upload images to providers like or imgur and put a link in your comment. I would be careful with posting pictures of people. At least put black bars over their eyes.

    6. Check this shit out
      And then 2nd pic


      Fuck that I’m getting the photoshop app. If it’s good for the Geese it’s good for the Gander as they say 😏 😆

      I recall old RSD Jeffy had an online dating video course yrs ago “ Execute The Program” .. his tips on photos were actually quite good. Must dig it out of my dusty 1TB hard drive full of PUA crap 😯

    7. KP must put the make up on with a trowel.
      I follow her IG. Her new image is basically ‘pornstar’ now. She’s getting flamed by feminists for her latest “girl power” posts as she’s a role model for young women and her message is ‘show flesh / dress like a whore/be a sex object ‘ basically.
      Her famous rack is sagging now also the poor thing. 😆

    8. I miss the vibe of the big Euro clubs . The clubs down here in Aus are terrible.
      The most famous one in Melb ,which stays open 3 days straight, looks like a crack house inside.
      The rave/ club scene v different down under these days as casual meth-use is a popular thing here (aka “Ice”). Very intense aggressive vibe where they congregate to party,
      I holidayed in Ibiza long ago in the heyday and the big ‘Manumission’ club was the most impressive I’ve ever seen tbh.

    9. At her age, an outfit like that is quite inappropriate. This is similar to the fairy tale about the emperor having no clothes, no pun intended. In her case, she surely has a small army of sycophants around her who tell her who fabulous she looks. All it takes is someone point out that she is a 40 year-old hag and that her time is over.

    10. She got flamed pretty badly in the comments section from a bunch of women re same 😆 was a video reel for her new song “ it’s a woman’s world (and we’re lucky to be living in it)”.
      So basically to me the message m is “ it’s a womens world girls , cos we have the power of the pussy and flesh, so make sure you show as much as possible/ dress like a hooker and work it 😉 “
      Like where is it gonna be in 10 years?
      There is no more soft core porn as everything is now mainstream for all to see.
      What’s the future nipple tassels and denim hot pants at the grocery store? 🤷🏻‍♂️
      It’s almost already at that stage here in Aus in summertime 🥵

      Womens gym wear is basically body stockings here also and all the rage.

      KPs fabulous rack is now sagging obviously also in all her latest pics she’s almost showing that off . Perhaps they were never perky at all.

    11. Aus is a funny place. I have to LOL at the hardcore Muslim guys that migrate here with their families. In summer for example I’ll see them gathered at the beach having a BBQ. The men with big beards in robes . With all the wives in full black hijab /ninja wear ( in the scorching heat).
      All sweating their balls off no doubt.

      And 50 metres away on the beach in front there’s all these hot Aussie chicks sunbathing in g strings with their asses in the air covered in suntan oil. and some going full topless with the big fake tits out loud and proud.

      It’s quite the juxtaposition 😂

    1. I used to do that kind of thing back in the day. My brother disowned me for it ( “ you’re a creep dude”)
      Very risky pastime that one. Especially here in Aus.

  2. I have a question re this 80/20 debate of online dating – is this a good source of info? I don’t fully understand where that all came from.

    Also re cat-fishing chicks. I’m aware of Face&LMS and PWFs experiments with this.
    Have any of you fellas cat-fished a chick all the way up to a one on one meeting .. and if so how did it turn out?

    And if not… why not.
    That’s my next experiment for success 😀

    1. This 80/20 has prob been thrashed to death here already and is OD reality now for sure.
      But musing on this new reality of

      “But ONLINE is how Gen Z and Millennials date… and soon-to-be Gen Alpha “ and
      “the 80/20 ratio exists because social media and dating apps exist. It isn’t incels vs. everyone else; it’s literally a reflection of the way people date in our digital age”. And the “bottom half of the 80% giving up entirely”.

      Why are the bottom 80% of men playing ‘fair’ on OD? Why aren’t men turning the tables and cat-fishing / trying to manipulate more chicks into dates w them instead of struggling or giving up?

      Can chicks not be cat-fished or ‘gamed’ anymore? 🤷🏻‍♂️
      Is there no “hacks” for OD basically I’m asking I guess. It’s my last hope now 🙏

    2. Online dating is on the decline. Look up the stock price of Match Group, the company behind the biggest dating apps in the West. While they are still profitable, they are on a clear downward trajectory. Earnings per share are a fraction of what they were a couple of years ago.

    3. The real numbers are even worse. We have discussed this topic on this blog before. Contemporary women are incredibly deluded.

    4. Sleazy -re real numbers – agreed.
What do u estimate % wise then?
      From experiments mass swiping on Bumble ($5 for 24hrs) I’m getting about 4 matches per 400 swipes (maybe more) which is pitiful 1%. And of those 4 it’s 1 decent . So 0.25%!
So I’m to put myself in the mind of a hot chick (the horror!) using Bumble for a few hours per week or weekend swiping, to try understand what they are using it for. Im rationalising that a hot chick has plenty of demand / offers IRL. So is only using apps for a chance at the guys she does not have access to IRL . Ie the 5%. ( chads or M&S guys just a guess) So that’s 1 in 20 swipes to the right.
      To me the extrapolation of this dating study outwards could be correlation/ causation error.
And not so much ‘contemporary women are deluded ‘ as much as hot chicks don’t really need to use OD to meet guys – they already have a big supply IRL?
      Moreso the economics of supply and demand no?
      And going down in ‘chick hotness scale’ would be a similar effect. A 7 chick has plenty options IRL also. And IRL a man can be assessed much better in person than an OD profile.
      So perhaps OD is just not necessary for chicks 8 and above at all. Only to try grab the 5% .
      I don’t think this equates out to 80% of women find 20% of men attractive IRL as a broader ‘rule’.. but perhaps it’s this generational effect on perceptions of male attractiveness at play as is said here in discussions . Ie looks are now paramount completely due to OD / app usage?
Is it really that bad now?
      I’m going to run my full-catfish experiments from this week and go all the way to the meetup to see what happens. Fuck it why not.

      There must be “hacks” to OD.

  3. @Sleazy 1 so what do you estimate the real numbers to be ?
    5%? Ie women swipe right 1 in 20 or some such.

    So I’m trying to think what are chicks doing using OD then.
    To me it’s just the Economics of supply and demand . Chicks have the supply and already have plenty of demand/offers of men IRL.
    As they go up the ‘ hottness scale ‘ the more offers/demand they have IRL.
    So they are online using OD in an extremely picky fashion for the 5%-10% they cannot get access to IRL yeah?

    So I don’t think an online study can be extrapolated further out than that. Ie to say as a wider rule 80% of women find 20% of men attractive . That’s not a cope on my part.
    The article above also mentioned “OKCupid found the same 80/20 rule years ago. This isn’t new. ”
    So the data has not changed over those years (how long?) which means it’s not trending for new generations ?
    So it’s a correlation/ causation error this widening of an OD study to IRL.
    Chicks use OD mainly to find a hot player guy for a quick fuck imo. Or a crack at a small % high LM&S guy,
    They don’t really need to use it for much else as they already have a big demand IRL and can make better assessments. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    They all use in a hypergamous fashion because they don’t really need to use it at all tbh.

    Would that be correct.
    I think it can surely be hacked somehow to get better results for guys. Just be that 5% guy online 🤷🏻‍♂️

    1. Some women just love the validation. They have thousands of matches, yet may not even meet up with anybody as they are already getting enough Chad cock thrown at them in real life.

    2. Indeed.
      I see a lot of this. If I get a sniff of it I disconnect quickly.
      So are any of these hotties I see on Bumble actually using OD for anything more than validation / compliments/ to pass some idle time by tooling guys ?
      Like we agree – if they are getting plenty of offers of Chad cock IRL.
      So it must be just the 7s and lower who are using OD and dreaming on they can catfish/ snag a Chad for a fuck online perhaps.

      The tinder swindler did a pretty good job of hacking the system tbh. I will use him as my role model 😆 very interesting doco that one,

  4. Further update on my OD experiments.
    My new cat-fishing approach is yielding results already (hooray)
    I’ve updated my pic 1 on this fuck app to be a shirtless Bruce Lee with a ripped torso and added a beard to his face and blurred pic from neck up.
    The rest of the 4 pics clear or slightly blurred pics of my face.
    I currently have 1 extremely hot Asian chick on the hook who is telling me she is not a hooker,
    And another less hot curvy but very bangable dark chick.
    Both are messaging me good-o today.
    Will report how this ends.

    1. Did you ask the Asian woman if she is a hooker? It seems a bit odd that she would bring this up herself. There are also scammers as well as “traps” who are overeager to tell you that they are not what they are.

    2. Yea I asked my the 2nd message I sent her was “ what are you rates” (how much $?)

      She replied “ my what? I’m confused, what do you mean ”

      A hooker or sugar dating chick would know what this means – they send a big text with their services and rates by the hour. I’ve received many at this point. They usually clarify early ‘interested in sugar arrangements ‘ or some such.

      So I’m assuming she is legit.
      She’s defs not a dude with this kind of body, definitely female . Possibly Asian but still has not confirmed her background.

      Could be a cat-fish. Will report

      They are currently offline and not yet accepted my hints at a quick meet up,
      But I’ll keep them in my pocket.

  5. If you were a white expat in a non-white country looking for a white wife, would you go to Europe, or would you stay where you are and try your luck there? On one hand, it makes sense to go where the women are; on the other hand it doesn’t sound like a good time to move to Europe (or USA and especially Canada), considering everything happening there. Not to mention upending one’s entire life for that. There are few white women where I am, but there are few white guys as well, so I have an edge. My concern is that women who are wife material probably don’t immigrate, especially to non-white countries.

    And if you would move to Europe, then where to? “Just go back to your country, bro” unfortunately isn’t a great option for a few reasons. Just assume I don’t have any legal connection to any European country.

    1. Are you happy where you are? In that case, you may have better luck getting a traditionalist woman to move to your country. This is the “trailing spouse” phenomenon and this is a very viable model if you are either able to support a family on one income or would not need her to be employed full-time to make ends meet.

    2. Are you happy where you are?

      I am.

      if you are either able to support a family on one income or would not need her to be employed full-time to make ends meet.

      That’s basically my ideal scenario, with my income it doesn’t make sense to have a working wife because it’s unlikely she will make anything comparable.

      But all the trailing spouses I know have met in their home country and then moved together. How do I find someone when I am already in my new country? I do have money and I do have a desirable residency status here, so I have something to offer. But I don’t know the process. I don’t think finding a traditional woman in another country on Instagram and messaging her is a viable approach. I can work from another country for a month or so every year, though, and of course I can take some time off as well, so I can arrange a meeting in person after I found a promising candidate, but just going to the county first will not work because one month is not enough to build a social circle

    3. Are there any exchange students or graduate students in your city? How large is the transient tourist population?

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