Dating · Meeting Women · Relationships

Guest Post: Reflecting on Cluster B-Type Women (By Pickernanny)

Pickernanny just posted a detailed and highly accurate post on the correlation between porn-like sex and dealing with a cluster B-type woman, which I have decided to repost as an article to give it greater visibility. In light of Cheeky_James recent arrival and skimming through the conversations, and reflecting on some of my past encounters… Continue reading Guest Post: Reflecting on Cluster B-Type Women (By Pickernanny)

Dating · Relationships

Sexual Attraction and the Drive to Reproduce

A while ago I rewatched James Cameron’s True Lies. It is generally considered one of his weakest movies, if not the weakest one. The criticism is not unwarranted as the plot is pretty nonsensical, the narration long-winded, Schwarzenegger’s acting comical, and the humor and slapstick often fall flat. Nonetheless, it is not a bad movie.… Continue reading Sexual Attraction and the Drive to Reproduce

Dating · Women

Female Resource Extraction Strategies, Fast and Slow

We previously discussed the importance of hints at a woman being of good or bad character, e.g. her doing small favors for you or actively trying to please you, not necessarily restricted only to sex. Alas, the opposite also exists, meaning that some where women care little about your needs. I mentioned the example of… Continue reading Female Resource Extraction Strategies, Fast and Slow

Black Pill · Dating

In Dating, “Something” is Not Necessarily Better than Nothing

After a brutal two or three months, I have finally had a bit of spare time for myself. Some of it I spent on catching up on my favorite content creators. This is a relatively short list, which includes FaceandLMS. I’m not this guy’s target audience but I like his sense of humor. He’s tuned… Continue reading In Dating, “Something” is Not Necessarily Better than Nothing

Dating · Society

Open Post: “I’m playing these women hard like a pimp in today’s dating market”

Jack Ryan left a great comment on the new reality of dating in a world stricken by the Covid-19 hoax. He writes: I work as a Correctional Officer in a state prison in the United States and I can tell you everything you said is on point. I noticed when I was still going to… Continue reading Open Post: “I’m playing these women hard like a pimp in today’s dating market”

Black Pill · Dating

MGTOW Message from a 64-year-old Veteran

Blog reader “john smith” left a great comment on my recent article, There Will be Increasingly Fewer ‘Good Men’ in the Future. I think it deserves more attention, so I am reproducing it in full below, with some minor edits. Message for the younger men: I’m 64, soon to be 65. Divorce-raped, false domestic violence… Continue reading MGTOW Message from a 64-year-old Veteran

Dating · Relationships · Women

How Women Try to Gradually Milk you For Money

Arguably the key element of seduction is sexual escalation. If you don’t push the interaction from hello to sex, with various steps in between, you will hardly ever get your dick wet because women just won’t do the work for you. Exceptions to the rule exist, for instance if some gold-digger targets you for your… Continue reading How Women Try to Gradually Milk you For Money

Dating · Relationships

How Your Fuck Buddy Deludes Herself

I recently read the Korean high literature manga “H-Campus”, which is short for “Hentai Campus”. It’s reasonably entertaining but I can’t recommend it fully, so there won’t be a proper review. The story is irrelevant, but for context I’ll add that it’s about a new degree program at a fictional Korean university that teaches you… Continue reading How Your Fuck Buddy Deludes Herself

Dating · Relationships

Men are not the Gatekeepers of Relationships

One of the dumbest pieces of supposed wisdom relating to the sexes that are floating around is that women are the gatekeepers of sex, but men are the gatekeepers of relationships. Women often say that crap. It has very little to do with reality, however. Here is what is going on: Your typical uncritical woman… Continue reading Men are not the Gatekeepers of Relationships

Dating · Men vs Women

The Richest Man in the World is Getting a Divorce

Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world if you exclude all those shadowy people who hold their wealth in trusts which they do not legally own, such as the Queen of England and the trillions she has stashed away this way. Bezos made his money with Amazon, which briefly was the most valuable… Continue reading The Richest Man in the World is Getting a Divorce

Dating · Relationships

The happy couple you see may hate each other’s guts

If you want to be happily married, the odds are stacked against you. The divorce rate is around 50%. On top, you can safely assume that not all the remaining marriages are happy ones. Just read up on issues like dead bedrooms, marital infidelity, or, for a perhaps unexpected twist, the fate of guys who… Continue reading The happy couple you see may hate each other’s guts


Acknowledging the realities of dating is not defeatism

My dating advice largely centers around the importance of looks, status, and money. Of course, this is in stark contrast to mainstream advice by dating gurus who proclaim that “looks don’t matter”. It is of little surprise that about a decade after the PUA heydays, such claims are no longer as prominently made. People have… Continue reading Acknowledging the realities of dating is not defeatism


Men not Wanting to Marry or even Date: Anecdotes from Singapore

When I had dinner with a friend of mine in Singapore, I dropped that I was intending to get married once more. He is married himself, but because very few of his friends are, he could not contain his bewilderment. The first thing he mentioned was that those friends of his “don’t think women are… Continue reading Men not Wanting to Marry or even Date: Anecdotes from Singapore

Dating · Men

The Korean manga “SStudy” shows how women lead men astray and wreck their life

I recently came across the seedy Korean manga SStudy by Husky-Nom and Edge-Edge, which has been translated as Sunggi’s Study Group. I quite enjoyed it. During its three seasons, which total 77 installments, we follow a group of young Korean men and women whose life is in limbo. They have finished high school, and their… Continue reading The Korean manga “SStudy” shows how women lead men astray and wreck their life


The Breathtaking Economics of a Sex Doll vs a Girl Friend vs a Hooker

Previously, I have written about various aspects of sex dolls, both their effect on the dating market as well as economic aspects from the point of view of a whoremonger or a brothel owner. In this post, I will do some back-of-the-envelope calculations that will show how truly disastrous sex dolls will be for real… Continue reading The Breathtaking Economics of a Sex Doll vs a Girl Friend vs a Hooker

Dating · Men

Does a (perceived) lack of choice make men settle for fat women?

Some weeks ago I came across a blog post by a high-ranking Google engineer, an early employee who is most certainly worth many millions of dollars. His post was about his wife, who died all of a sudden. He didn’t mention the cause of death. I don’t want to draw undue attention to him, and… Continue reading Does a (perceived) lack of choice make men settle for fat women?

Dating · Women

Women from China and South East Asia aren’t Unicorns

We are all very aware of the issues with typical Western women. They are entitled, overweight and unattractive, disrespectful, and slutty. In general, they bring very little to the table. Of course, not all women are like that, but if you pick a Western woman at random, it is much more likely than not that… Continue reading Women from China and South East Asia aren’t Unicorns

Dating · Men

With Women, Your Reward for Success is Working Harder and Paying More

You’re horny and you want to get laid. Because you know what matters for short-term sexual attraction, you work out and dress well. Thus, you spend a lot of time, energy, and money to look good so that one of the girls at the local club decides to spread her legs for you. You think… Continue reading With Women, Your Reward for Success is Working Harder and Paying More

Dating · Men · Women

Guest post by my girlfriend: Two exemplary cucked Asian men

A topic I’ve been discussing quite a bit with my girlfriend recently is how Asian culture affects men much more negatively than women. After all, a submissive woman is desirable, while a submissive man is not. In this post, my submissive Asian cutie describes two of her cucked friends. I will follow this up with… Continue reading Guest post by my girlfriend: Two exemplary cucked Asian men


Don’t bother settling down if you can only get sub-standard women

While my piece on Nelly Furtado hitting The Wall could be seen as a spiteful attack on the dignity of a woman, it is much closer to the truth that there is a very important message hidden in it, and one most of you should be well-aware of: modern Western women age brutally fast. From… Continue reading Don’t bother settling down if you can only get sub-standard women