
Ross Jeffries and the Problem of Aging PUAs

I recently watched part of the documentary The Pickup Game (2019). Obviously, it was made with the intention of depicting the PUA community in a bad light, and in that regard, this documentary surely was a success. Some of the smarter people, however, used their screen time in order to promote themselves and improve their… Continue reading Ross Jeffries and the Problem of Aging PUAs


Guest Post: The Rape Trial of the PUA “Bald and Bankrupt” (By Anonymous)

I have not written a lot about the legal challenges of esteemed PUAs on this blog, in contrast to my former blog on Blogspot. Of course, part of the reason is that the PUA scene is basically dead. It is also the case that after public backlash to maladjusted PUAs accosting women in public there… Continue reading Guest Post: The Rape Trial of the PUA “Bald and Bankrupt” (By Anonymous)


Social Retardation: PUAs and the “Based Incel Warrior”

A while ago a video made the rounds in which a guy goes around, insulting a bunch of scantily dressed women and, upon receiving a less than favorable response, pepper sprays them, supposedly in self-defense. On an aside, I came across the video first with the attached claim that this incel goes around harassing prostitutes.… Continue reading Social Retardation: PUAs and the “Based Incel Warrior”