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We Need to Worry About Blacks and Jews!

Before I start, let me preface this article by saying that I originally wanted to publish it in April this year but did not get around to. As time progressed, however, I was wondering if I would see my original hypothesis hold in the short term. Now, over six months later, I think that what may have been a somewhat controversial article may not even raise an eyebrow anymore. With the preface out of the way, onto the main claim: Blacks and Jews have lost tremendous cultural power. Let us see how!

Mass media are quite curious. You could almost be forgiven for believing that those who control them control what people think and what values society holds. There are certain natural limits to the power of mass media, as the recent backlash against wokeness and, in particular, troonism, illustrates. Still, for about one century, modern mass media have been a formidable tool for controlling minds. Its power is waning, though.

There were some ideas promoted by mass media that may or may not have corresponded to reality. Before I go any further, though, I want to add that I do not intend to make judgments of any kind. For instance, I hold dear both the contributions to society of urban gentlemen and Jews, and those of any other group in society. That is besides the point. Instead, the issue is that mass media has attempted, quite successfully, to present a curated view on the world and we see this strategy for mind control no longer working.

For about half a century, mass media have shown us how marvelous urban gentlemen are. We were educated about their influence on music (jazz!), their athleticism (basketball!), and even the size of their penises (interracial pornography!). Some specimens were even upheld for their sophistication and erudition, such as Barack Obama, or their towering intellect, like Neil deGrasse Tyson. In TV shows and movies, urban gentlemen were the good guys. They did not rape, shoot, or kill anybody. Arson was a word they did not know, and great effort would need to be extended to discover a Hollywood movie that shows an urban gentlemen engaging in an activity referred to as shoplifting. Mass media showed us that the black man is not only the equal of the white man but his superior, in any way imaginable.

With the case of the Jews, the situation is even clearer. They are the smartest, the kindest, the richest. They even have super-hot women. As we all know, in the Israeli army, all female soldiers look like porn stars. There are rumors that these are Slavic women they fly in for photo shootings but why would they have to do that? Anyway, never was a Jew caught lying or swindling. Any criticism of Jews is simply anti-semitism. We should not give the Jews a hard time. Hitler gassed six million of them, for no reason at all, so the world owes them something. The least we can provide is infinite empathy.

If you run the mass media, you can shape perceptions quite well. Blacks are smart and funny. If you don’t believe me, recall that people used to laugh with Steve Urkel in Family Matters for years because there is a laugh track. They got conditioned like Pavlov’s dogs. In the case of Jews, the default response was compassion and sympathy. Of course, I am not saying that any of these conditioned responses were not appropriate, far from it.

With the rise of social media and in particular unregulated communication channels, however, views have been spreading that run counter to the mainstream narrative. There are absolutely horrendous websites and apps which spread shocking content. Instead of getting shown a funny urban gentleman like Chris Rock, or interracial porn on your favorite adult site, you get to see shocking images of urban gentlemen pursing an activity that seems to be known as “wiling”. I have it on good authority that racists derisively call it “chimping out”, albeit I fail to grasp the metaphor behind this expression. Whereas in the past, there was a carefully curated image of blacks in the media that helped mend racial relationships, today we have easy access to footage showing us how cities with a majority of urban gentlemen look like. While this may deter racists, I, for one, cannot wait for my next trip to the United States, which will be a journey through three cities, taking in the best that Detroit, Baltimore, and Gary have to offer! (I should probably pack heat, to be on the safe side.)

I am not sure it is appropriate to link to videos of urban gentlemen “wiling”, but you probably all remember the fiery-but-mostly-peaceful protests we had in the summer of Saint George Floyd. I am a tolerant person, so such footage does not upset me, but there are others who have formed a less-than-favorable opinion of urban gentlemen and their different ways of expressing themselves in its wake. Shame on them!

Arguably, the image of Jews has been damaged even more than the image of blacks. After all, we went from not being allowed to criticize Jews at all, not that they ever gave us a reason to do so, to people protesting in the streets and on campus. What these people do not understand is that each Palestinian is a civilian combatant, and each Palestinian child is a future soldier. However, the absolutely vicious hive mind of the Internet is too short-sighted. People get outraged about videos showing the Israeli Defense League flattening a hospital or sniping children who are barely old enough to walk. However, Hamas uses libraries, laboratories, schools, operating rooms (the name gives it away!), and kindergartens as command centers. You may read about Israel killing 6,000 women and 11,000 children, but this is a gross distortion of reality. Those women were breeding future soldiers and future wives of soldiers, just like those children were either future soldiers or future wives of soldiers. Thus, these women and children were legitimate targets for the Israeli army. Why do people not understand this?

While I do not condone the shifting of mainstream sentiment, it is quite clear that it is happening. This process may even have picked up steam recently. There is increasing evidence that it is nowadays possible to publicly criticize both Israel and Jews, as well as wonder whether there are problems in black communities. As a consequence, the perception of blacks, Jews, and any other minority, has fundamentally shifted. Blacks have been hit pretty bad: Rap is no longer cool, baggy jeans are out, and the NBA has seen much better times. Any PR agency wanting to promote some black actor or singer as “cool” has its work cut out for themselves. Perhaps there was simply an oversaturation of blacks in the mass media that led to some kind of fatigue, which only increased due to footage shared on social media. Jews, on the other hand, have the problem that they have lost a lot of goodwill. Due to the behavior of Israel, Jews are getting widely criticized. I am not sure there is a way out, except draconian censorship of opposition media.

One thought on “We Need to Worry About Blacks and Jews!

  1. “chimping out” comes from the fact that urban gentlemen are commonly called monkeys and apes. So think of a chimpanzee going nuts.

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