From friends and colleagues with young children I sometimes hear pretty baffling stories, such as girls as young as seven or eight having their first period, the so-called menarche. There are some hypotheses for that, such as the rise of single motherhood, to which nature responds by accelerating the sexual maturity of daughters. In the ancestral environment, this was apparently an evolutionarily beneficial strategy. Presumably, there is also a connection with “forever chemicals” and micro plastics. I would not be surprised if there are multiple causes. Perhaps increased economic hardship in the West also plays a role, considering that most children are born in the lower socioeconomic strata.
One of the least politically correct observations a man can make is that women seem to not mature much beyond the age of 14, if at all. The early teens used to be when girls got their fist period. For nature, that was enough in terms of intellectual development. From then onwards, the focus was on procreation, not intellectual frivolities. I do not intend this to be a particularly chauvinistic statement. Surely, many of you have noticed that women struggle mightily with Calculus whereas they were perfectly able to compete with boys in mathematics up to middle school. Somehow, it seems that boys get smarter as they get older while girls hit a ceiling.
Having adult women with the maturity of a 14-year-old girl around leads to enough problems, as anybody who had to enjoy working with women may be able, but perhaps not willing, to confirm. Yet, what will happen to society if the typical age of menarche is seven or eight? Assuming the same pattern as with menarche at 13 or 14 holds, we will end up with adult women who have the maturity of second-graders. Looking at politics and media today, we are probably already moving in that direction. If you extrapolate from the present to the year 2040 or 2050, I really wonder how such a society would be able to function, of course assuming that we somehow manage to fix current-year societal issues by then.
There is also the open question of how to deal with sexually mature girls in second grade who have boobs, pubic hair, and a phone full of dick picks. The gap in maturity in middle school between boys and girls is bad enough already. How will this be when little Timmy has to sit in a classroom with ten girls whose biological age is seven but who could get into a night club if they put on some makeup and dressed adequately. I shudder at the thought that Cuties may turn out to be a prophetic movie. The most sickening part of this sexual dystopia is that there are elements in society that would welcome the accelerated biological maturity of little girls very much.
Some of the information got repeated twice.
Have you heard of Embla Matilde Njerve? She is a Norwegian pole vaulter. Turns out she is 17 years old, but she looks like 22-23 years old. She is very attractive.
I was not aware of this woman. She is incredibly attractive. It is tantamount to psychological torture to put her into a classroom with boys the same age whose physical development is years behind. At 14, she probably did not look much different. On a side note, it is not surprising that she put on makeup and earrings, and had her hair done for the competition. It is almost as if women always want to put themselves in the center of attention, i.e. putting their appearance above their performance. Ideally, both converge, i.e. when they have sex.
I am disgusted at what you have noticed Sleazy. Girls should be instructed to enjoy their youth innocence until its end. I am so sick of a society ridden of sex like our current time.
I have observed, in utter exasperation, that Vietnamese society is moving towards that direction of depravity like in the West. Girls are becoming more loose and slutty.
No countries are spared of this sickening wickedness now.
I sometimes wonder if Islam will be what finally cures feminism and its countless attendant modern ailments. Of course, this would be a rather harsh cure, akin to developing a tiny skin cancer on your foot, refusing to treat it, and finally having to saw off the entire leg without anesthetic.
In Britain the usual Soros-employed types are marching with signs reading “Racists Out, Refugees In.” Makes me think of the meme where some Taliban-looking fellows throw a rainbow-flag freak off a rooftop as xe cries, “But I’m on your side!”