
The Dangerous Female Sense of Entitlement to a Relationship

The topic of women with a so-called Cluster B personality disorder has come up repeatedly. The term “Cluster B” is psychiatrist-speak for anti-social, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorder, and oftentimes, a woman who suffers from one of them also shows symptoms of the others. Note that “suffering” is probably not the correct word here as those women, as long as they are young and attractive, do appear to be of rather high spirits. Oh, I am not aware of why this group of disorders is referred to as “cluster B”. Maybe the ‘B’ stands for “bitch”. It would certainly be fitting.

If you ever had random hookups, in particular if they were relatively fast, you have most likely encountered a Cluster B woman. They are risk seeking and they want to experience thrills. Long-term planning is not their strong suit. As you can tell, such women are much more likely than, for instance, homely Betty down the road, to bend over from some dude she does not even know the name of. As much fun as such women can be, in particular for random hookups, they turn your life upside down as they become completely unhinged. The first time you encounter such a woman, you may not even think that anything is wrong with her. Instead, you will think that everything is going splendidly. She wants to have sex all the time, is entertaining, and your bros envy that it is your turn to bang her. Erroneously, you think that she is everything you ever wanted from a chick. Yet, her mask will eventually come of. The borderline types will engage in “splitting”, i.e. the longer you know her, the more she will be absolutely insufferable for you, but whenever she senses that she is going to lose you she will act nice and sweet again.

The quickest way to enrage, and I mean this without any sense of exaggeration, is to turn them down. In the club, this can mean that a chick grabs your crotch, you take her hand away and walk off, only to have her aggressively walk up to you and tell you that no man has ever refused her. If this sudden outburst of affection does not make you change your mind, she is likely to cause trouble for you, for instance by telling the bouncer that you inappropriately touched her (oh, the irony!). I have met a small number of such women, and I am sure that most men never even encountered that kind of reaction as they simply think that it is their happy day if some whore at the club grabs their junk and wants to get fucked right now.

In casual relationships, you may easily be misled to think that you have the perfect fuck buddy. She is hassle-free, does not need a lot of foreplay, and does not make many demands. Yet, at some point it dawns on you that she would not make a good girlfriend, so you break up with her. Here, the problem is that the relationship progressed so well because you were playing along so well. She can only get guys to commit if she puts out, so this is what she does. Your supposed fuck buddy relationship did not look like that from her perspective as she thought that she was gradually reeling you in — and now you want to slip away. With a cluster B woman, in particular one with a strong narcissist bent, anything can happen now. She may key your car, file a false rape accusation, throw kitchenware and glasses at you, terrorize you by sending you a hundred messages, show up at your door uninvited, and so on. Plenty of guys have met such crazies, and the more women you have sex with, the more such women you will encounter, almost by necessity. I hear that in Thailand, the local women have a tendency to cut your dick off if they get mad at you, so compared to that you are probably relatively safe in the West. Still, it probably will not be pleasant.

A positive aspect is that after you have been burnt this way once, you will probably notice the warning signs, and if not, you will break up in a way with her that limits the amount of damage she can do. It is important to keep in mind that you should not blame yourself for her reaction. She cannot help it. In fact, if needed, you have to talk yourself out of trying to fix her as you will only turn yourself into a Captain-Save-A-Hoe. Those women are genuinely defective. Pills will not fix her, and neither will your walking on eggshells around her, which is indeed what men end up doing if they think that they can “help her work through her issues”. At the very least, you will get out of a longer relationship with such a woman with PTSD, and this is probably not worth it, no matter how much may you enjoy banging her.

12 thoughts on “The Dangerous Female Sense of Entitlement to a Relationship

  1. Aaron,
    1. “They are risk seeking and they want to experience thrills”.

    Are these women simply impulsive by nature and remain impulsive into old age (40s-50s), or does their menopause help slow down their impulsiveness?

    2. “Long-term planning is not their strong suit”.

    I think by nature, a lot of people don’t really do much long-term thinking. I’m not sure how much of it its cultural and upbringing, but people who live in the West are socially condition to seek out pleasure since we have all the comforts of life. People don’t really experience much adversity in the West anymore.

    3. “…such women are much more likely…to bend over from some dude she does not even know the name of”.

    Is their sex drive which is higher than the average woman due to sexual abuse, child-hood trauma, or more of a modern-day product of psychological campaigned by feminism who have encourage females to be ultra-slutty?

    4. “She may key your car, file a false rape accusation, throw kitchenware and glasses at you, terrorize you by sending you a hundred messages, show up at your door uninvited, and so on”.

    Are Cluster B women the once who threated to kill themselves if you break up? I don’t have any personal experience with this but I’ve heard stories.

    5. “She wants to have sex all the time”.
    “…she was gradually reeling you in.”

    On different note, it’s been emphasized that women don’t like having sex with their beta male providers. Yet, I’ve come across men who told me that their girlfriends would give them all the lusty porn sex they wanted at the beginning of the relationship. At some point, the sex started to wane down. At first, it didn’t make much sense since theses women weren’t attracted to their providers to begin with. The only explanation I was able to deduce was that these women use the sex to reel him in providing an intoxicated experience. Thus, do women provide all the sex to their beta male providers in the beginning of the relationship to reel him in which is part of their game and/or routine plan and then control him later on? In the end, the mainstream media will say that men and women have different sex drives. Would this be correct?

    1. 1) Menopause generally makes women more mellow. However, keep in mind that the onset of menopause often entails to mood swings. Those are bad enough in normal women, so I do not want to imagine how a Cluster B(itch) woman would act.

      2) I think that historically, we have been trained to plan well for the future. I agree with you that a cultural shift has happened over the last few decades. Our mothers and grandmothers were probably very frugal. Today’s women think nothing about taking out a $100,000 loan for a worthless degree and never saving a cent.

      3) I know that “sexual abuse” is often used as justification for the behavior of such women, but I do not believe this. It is certainly not generally true. In fact, I have met a few women who come from very conservative households. Some even lost their virginity rather late. Then they left home for college and spent four years lying on their back.

      4) I think this kind of overreaction is rare if not unknown among normal women. At least I have never experienced it.

      5) Yes, some women indeed deliberately use sex as a tool to hook the guy. It is cold and calculating. Also, some guys do not need a lot of sex to fall for a chick. I know of guys who got a relatively modest amount of sex that, to them, seemed like “lusty porn sex”, and which was enough to make them fall for those women. Also, men and women do indeed have different sex drives. If a woman frequently initiates sex with you, you should treat carefully because chances are very high that she is using sex to manipulate you. Normally, women are only horny during their fertile days, which is also when they will want to have sex and, for instance, go out and party, hoping to meet Chad.

  2. Aaron,
    1. ” Also, men and women do indeed have different sex drives”.

    Really??? Can you explain this a little bit more in general. I thought that the difference in sex drive was that women didn’t like having sex with their beta male providers as this was a common theme in your articles and/or comments. I do apologize if I may have miss interpreted those articles/comments.

    2. “If a woman frequently initiates sex with you, you should treat carefully because chances are very high that she is using sex to manipulate you”.

    This is very interesting cause I’ve had a number of women initiate sex every time I would go to Las Vegas. Vegas is a party town for adults 21 and over. Its a four hour drive from Los Angeles. Those experiences were one-night stands and there weren’t any future meet ups except for one girl who flew in to visit me. She lived in a different state where I lived.

    3. “Normally, women are only horny during their fertile days…”
    So, women don’t like having sex through out the rest of the month except on fertile days I’m slightly confused cause I’ve come across women who fuck whether they are ovulating or not.

    1. 1) Women are horniest during their fertile days. Their sex drive is strongly diminished outside of those. During their fertile days they much rather bang Chad (there are even mainstream studied on this issue, i.e. they find masculine men more attractive during ovulation), and during their non-fertile days they bang their beta-buxxer boyfriend to keep him around, but she will be a lot less into it than if Chad were to fuck her. Even if she was in a relationship with a Chad, she would be much more into sex during her fertile days.

      2) What did those women get out of these interactions? You could of course always have bumped into women on their fertile days, which is not all that unlikely, considering that women are more sexually aggressive during those days. Also, plenty of women are happy to have sex with a guy just for the validation.

      3) This was maybe too strongly worded. Her sex drive is greatly diminished outside of her fertile days. You may also notice that they need a bit more foreplay whereas she may be dripping wet when she is ovulating. I noticed this even with bipolar sluts who would want to fuck multiple times a day. Also, all of this only applies to women who are not on the pill, for obvious reasons. With women who are taking the pill there is this rather peculiar phenomenon that once they get off the pill they may find their husband to be a lot less attractive. I am not sure if the mainstream acknowledges this problem at all.
      EDIT: Yes, this is, to my surprise, acknowledge by the mainstream. Here is an article I just found via DDG:

    2. Aaron,

      1. “With women who are taking the pill there is this rather peculiar phenomenon that once they get off the pill they may find their husband to be a lot less attractive”.

      If I meet a woman who happens to be on the pill, and I sleep with her on the first night of meeting her, and/or on the first date, how would I know that she genuinely finds me physically attractive? Wait till she gets off the pill?

      2. So, women rather sleep with their beta provider when she’s on the pill and by-pass Chad? Of course, Chad will win once she gets off the pill.

    3. 1) I think that is how it would work. She has to get off the pill, and stay off for a few months, as it takes time for her hormone levels to normalize.

      2) Yes, that is indeed how it works.

  3. “She cannot help it. In fact, if needed, you have to talk yourself out of trying to fix her as you will only turn yourself into a Captain-Save-A-Hoe. Those women are genuinely defective. Pills will not fix her, and neither will your walking on eggshells around her, which is indeed what men end up doing if they think that they can “help her work through her issues”. At the very least, you will get out of a longer relationship with such a woman with PTSD, and this is probably not worth it, no matter how much may you enjoy banging her.”

    I had to come back and revisit this because it really was such an eye opener when first reading it. Cluster Bitches have a knack for being completely unaware of their own character flaws, yet are quick to point out yours and place blame on you for her inherent unhappiness.

    Here’s a really cute example. I wrote about this chick maybe a month ago and Alek and Aaron chimed in. The Bitch will not let it go. I’ve been receiving odd drunken text messages randomly telling me to block her number and never contact her again because of some reason that she has made up in her head. Then, perhaps only a day or two later she will text me again through a random generated number or What’sApp and say something like, “you know, it’s cold that you would just leave me high and dry like this. The least you could do is be brave enough to tell me you don’t want me in your life. But be warned, once I’m gone — I’m gone for good. And also, blah blah blah…”

    This morning I received an angry and hate-filled message because for some reason she thinks I’m talking to or dating someone new (I’m actually not). And even though she’s in an official relationship with some loser, I’m somehow an asshole for hypothetically associating with other women. Imagine dating, marrying or having kids with such a woman. Even as just fuck buddies I was walking on egg shells, and still am.

    1. You may want to consider getting a restraining order for that chick as she simply will not stop harassing you. Also, if you think that she will just go away you may be a bit too optimistic. She may just show up in front of your house, out of the blue, or call your employer to start some shit, or call the police to accuse you of rape. It might take her a year or two to finally move on and until then she may still try to contact you. I once got a vitriolic email after six or seven months of absolutely no contact, and this was well over one year after dumping that psycho bitch. To put it differently: a chick you bang for a few weeks or maybe a couple of months may only leave you alone after a year or two, which is quite a sobering thought for those men who think that no-strings-attached sex does not have any downsides because, hurr durr, you can just pump and dump them. Anybody who says this cannot have much experience with women.

    2. Aaron,

      Do you recommend that men should get involve in relationships with Cluster B women who are manipulative, crazy, play so many mind games, etc. so men can learn how to handle them in the future? It’s quite the learning experience. My experience with the girl I discussed in the consultation we had was quite the learning experience. I’ve come across other women who are similar to her. Now a days, I just walk away and I don’t even bother with the sex. If I do get sexually involve, I make sure things end quite neutral and not on bad note. Fortunately, in my situation, I didn’t have to worry about her stalking me.

    3. This is a tough question. I think if you want to truly understand how crazy women are, and be able to quickly identify red flags, you may need to get burnt at least once. Those women can be very tempting, with their hypersexuality and impulsiveness. Yet, many a man found himself ruined spiritually and financially after having gotten involved with such a woman. It is easy to say to yourself that you will be able to get out of such a relationship once she becomes too crazy, but this is a lot easier said than done. Probably, you are better off learning from observation.

      On a related note, when I have a client with relationship problems, very often a Cluster Bitch woman is involved. The underlying issue is almost invariably that those men want to make rational sense of those women, so I spend some time explaining to them how such women really function.

    4. “Those women can be very tempting, with their hypersexuality and impulsiveness.”

      This is it right here. In my experience, these women seek you out and seduce you. You just have to say yes. In the beginning they’re really adept at making you feel at ease and comfortable, they like you and want to make it easy for you. Everything is great at first — she’s easy to relate to and funnier than other chicks, low maintenance (as in she is in it for your dick [and soul], not your wallet), and the sex and is awesome and forthcoming. If I hadn’t taken the bait initially then I would have probably regretted it, though now I have a different set of regrets. Also, alcoholism (this wasn’t apparent for a good while) made things much worse. She was good and sober for most of our interactions, but eventually turned to drinking for one reason or another.

    5. I do not think that this woman turned to drinking. Instead, she probably was a heavy drinker all along and simply put on a top-notch acting performance for you. At some point they think that they have reeled you in enough and then they fall back on their old habits. I have encountered women who were able to hide for weeks that they were habitual smokers, for instance. I know of a guy who dated a Cluster B chick who was using heroin, which he discovered only after about two weeks but in this case I wonder if he just was not paying much attention as she kept his dick well-lubricated. Also, I have heard (believable) stories from guys who said they were dating a chick for many weeks before they learned that they got involved with a single mother. However, once you learn that there are single mothers who share apartments with other single mothers in order to benefit from synergies, i.e. one of them can watch the whole gaggle of kids while the other is out getting dicked, this is no longer all-that surprising.

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