Open Thread

Open Thread #171

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44 thoughts on “Open Thread #171

    1. Thanks for sharing this! We can probably blame Covid for this. In my recent exchanges with friends who live abroad, several have told me that regular dating is completely dead. It is seemingly all done via dating apps in their corner of the world, and for those, women of course very carefully select whom to meet up with, unlike random hookups at a club that happens because she “feels like it”, and those can of course lead to repeat encounters.

    2. Also wanted to ask – why do you think the male sexlessness umber has decreased slightly while the female number is up? We could argue women may lie about not having sex and men lie about having sex, but that wouldnt explain why there is grend movement (even if the numbers are off X% in a certain direction that doesnt explain the trendline).

    3. I did not look into how representative the used data set is. Assuming that this is not statistical noise, one explanation would be men making use of hookers, for instance. I am not joking as the feminist-driven shame campaign on prostitution is in shambles. Sex tourism to SEA and prostitution have been normalized. Thus, any man can get laid in exchange for a bit of money. Women, on the other hand, are not quite so lucky. They may also double down on their strategy, which consists of waiting for the billionaire with DiCaprio’s looks (and Bezos’ money, I suppose), and the personality of Jamal down in da hood who readily guns down his rivals but would of course never hit her.

  1. I imagine it women getting even fatter may contribute.

    Regardless, let’s hope it continues – it’s my bitterness but women need an L. Men can do okay on their own but women are hopeless without a romantic partner.

  2. Me again with those stupid questions about development and programming. I’ve only been into this stuff seriously for like a year and a half, so I am probably saying something stupid…

    But I keep running into the same thing… Developers/programmers talking about how difficult/complex something is… ooooh you have to learn, then you have to learn this, oooooooooo and then you have to learn this other thing ooooooo…. like they make it sound so scary and overwhelming…

    And then you go into it, and learn it, and you’re like “that’s it?” – this is the super scary thing they were hyping so much?

    I have a similar experience from another thing I was involved in, where all the pros did the same bullshit, so I’m sensing it’s the same thing. In this other field I did actually become a pro and crush everyone, including all the people who tried to tell me its super complex and takes a gazillion years.

    It’s almost like this cartel to keep competitors out, since the pool being lower keeps wages up.

    1. But I keep running into the same thing… Developers/programmers talking about how difficult/complex something is… ooooh you have to learn, then you have to learn this, oooooooooo and then you have to learn this other thing ooooooo…. like they make it sound so scary and overwhelming…

      I miswrote that completely. I am not talking about difficulty. More so the amount of things to learn. In most cases I’m left wondering what else is there to learn about x, and not being able to find things to fail at, and learn. But when people were talking about x, they spoke about it as if it were the equivalent of 10 years of medical school. Then you find out its nowhere near that.

    2. Programming is really not that difficult. In case you enter this profession, however, you will notice that it is brimming with a lot of IQ105 midwits who absolutely love creating artificial complexity. Those people will drive you up the wall. In one of my internships I was once given a program to work with, object-oriented code with over 500 lines in multiple files. I looked at the spec and just laughed at the stupidity of all of it. Then I rewrote it in the same programming language, but in an imperative style, and the resulting code was about 50 lines. I think the biggest problem of this field is that most people in it are simply not intelligent enough. You will not believe how much bullshit there is, like people telling you that it is an example of “best practices” to shoehorn a third-party library into your project, thus adding a dependency, when the functionality you need is so trivial that you could write it in a function with 20 lines or so.

      The bottom line, Alek, is that your impression is absolutely correct. Software development is a perennial amateur hour. For a paying gig, your biggest hurdle will be HR because, as a white male, your CV will go to the bottom of the pile if you are lucky. You may even get rejected outright. On the plus side, once you are in, it is quite easy to stand out because many of your colleagues will be incompetent. Just make sure you do not irate your diversity-hire manager.

      You will also encounter people telling you that you are “too old” for this field and that you have no chance if you did not start when you were 12. This is complete nonsense as well. I was a tutor at university, and the hubris of some of the incoming students was off the charts. You had people who knew how to enter a formula in Excel believe they have nothing to learn. One little dipshit told me that he has been programming since the age of four, when his father taught him. As I was also involved in either marking or checking the grading of exam papers, it was easy for me to check his grades, and others’, and they were distinctly average, if not even below average. The genius programmer who had 16 years of experience at the age of 20 barely got a C in the intro course, by the way. In the end, it is about raw intelligence, not repetition. The best students were invariably those who did well in mathematics in high school, even if they had no exposure to programming before enrolling in university.

    3. You will also encounter people telling you that you are “too old” for this field and that you have no chance if you did not start when you were 12.

      Funny you should mention that. This other field that I mentioned, this was a popular bullshit scare-tactic as well. It’s dominated by midwits who are super-lazy and make simple things sound complex… and they keep telling anyone over the age of 13 that they’re way too old, and should have started when they were 8 and that there’s no way to learn anything if you don’t start at 8 year old because it will take you 15-20 years bla bla bla bla bla…

      And then I learned that these dumb motherfuckers… the reason i took them 15 years to learn all the knowledge, was NOT because it takes 15 years. It’s because the whole field is dominated by lazy dumbasses who take 15 years to learn 2 years worth of knowledge by being super inefficient.

      I’m still reading your comment. It’s a gold mine of insights. Just wanted to respond to that part before I read and re-read the rest of everything you said. Thank you for the elaborate insights.

    4. The genius programmer who had 16 years of experience at the age of 20 barely got a C in the intro course, by the way. In the end, it is about raw intelligence, not repetition.

      Loook so funny, I had these same experiences in this other field. Almost word-for-word. In there I’m now also an authority in charge of evaluating and assessing people (as a teacher), and I also have to deal with dumbasses who come to me and talk about doing it for 16 years (since they were 4)… but they know less than I teach to my beginner students within the first 3-6 months.

      My favorite type of story (you probably had something similar) is when one of these dumbasses comes in and says something like “I can’t believe so and so got the gig, he started as an adult and has only beeing doing it for 2 years! I’ve been doing this for 16 years since I was 4 years old! I’ve been doing this for 16 years, and they gave it to that dude who started as an adult 2 years ago!”

      And I’m sitting there like “Do you not even realize how retarded what you’re saying is”? Do you think you should be assessed based on how many years have lapsed since you first did something related to a certain skills?

      Do you not GET that you’re humiliating yourself by admitting that you’ve learned less valuable shit in 16 years than someone can learn in 2 years? Are you not getting that might be the issue?

    5. Yeah thing about software is that you can rely on frameworks and libraries to hide away a lot of complexity. People who have deep knowledge about certain subject usually work in companies making software tools, while people working on consumer-oriented apps tend to be what Aaron aptly calls glue programmers.

      App development doesn’t require years of education, especially if you aren’t dealing with big data, large number of concurrent users or real time processing.

    6. Yeah thing about software is that you can rely on frameworks and libraries to hide away a lot of complexity. People who have deep knowledge about certain subject usually work in companies making software tools, while people working on consumer-oriented apps tend to be what Aaron aptly calls glue programmers.

      App development doesn’t require years of education, especially if you aren’t dealing with big data, large number of concurrent users or real time processing.

      Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying computers or software are not complex. I realize that there are deeper levels that are in fact genuinely complex.

      Like being at the level where you can actually build the tools that make it easy to build apps. So these are simplified abstractions and languages, but the people who come up with them need to really know their stuff at even the hardware level.

      What’s funny (what I was observing) is that these people who use easy abstracted languages and frameworks make it sound like its like some super-difficult journey to learn this stuff – equivalent to 10-15 years of medical school.

  3. We have another impressive game from China: Bright Memory Infinite. It originally started as a one-man project, interestingly enough. The game is a frantic FPS with spectacular graphics. People on Steam like it a lot, but game journos found plenty to hate, such as the hot female protagonist (remember that it’s not “diversity” if the woman is hot) and the relatively short length of the game, conveniently ignoring that it is sold at a small fraction of the regular asking price of AAA games. I just watched some gameplay and must say that I am really impressed. There is a clear generational leap visible. Games from one or two years ago look dated in comparison. See for yourself here:

    1. It looks like for every game that goes Poz the Chinese have us covered. This is a brilliant strategy all on its own. This game gives me Advanced Warfare vibes, obviously with the benefit of looking way better and with an attractive female protagonist. The animations and controls look as if they feel more true to life than many FPS games. I think you get to play as an Israeli with dual American citizenship in the new the CoD: Vanguard. How lame.

      I’ve got to say that it gives me an uneasy feeling that they’re pretty much developing these games for a Western audience. They’re either restricted from playing too many games or are busy being productive. I also recently learned that Russia is supposedly cooperating with the Chinese and their plans for setting up bases on the moon. I’m not highly impressed with Bezos so far, and I’m not sure what Musk is up to. Let’s see what happens.

  4. If you have never been to Hooters’ because the idea of hot women in scanty clothes serving you food and drinks repels you, then you may want to reconsider as the company is now pushing for a big, fat dose of diversity & inclusion. I do not quite understand how this works, though, as I always thought that there is no difference at all between people and a fat and old woman is exactly as attractive as a young and slender one, and if you think there is then you clearly need to educate yourself on contemporary science:

    1. On a related note, I’ve come across old and fat strippers at strip clubs who think they are still sexually attractive. Sadly, there’s quite a few men who spend money on this demographic of women.

    2. I don’t really understand this either. My best explanation is that those men have low self-esteem and think that hot strippers are out of their league. If anything, this is a prime example of feminist brainwashing.

    3. Replying to Chris’s reply to Aaron: I’ve stayed at the Rio off the Strip in Los Vegas; but had my meals next door at the Gold Coast, which is cheaper. The cocktail waitresses are 45-65 years old, but the people staying and gambling there are 65-85; so it kind of works.

    1. The worst part is not that they’re talking about adults. They’re talking about anyone over the age of 12

    2. There are now trials for babies as young as six months. If you think that it is a bug of the system that we kill 117 kids in order to save one, the elites would like to let you know that this is by design. It is a feature, not a bug. Oh, speaking of bugs, maybe change your diet too. What better way to accompany quarterly booster shots than with a rich diet consisting of insects?

    3. I remember being 12 and getting to ride bikes miles away from home and playing sports everyday without parental supervision everyday after school. We had Winter days where we’d go sleigh ride off of a mountain and sneak up on the plebs with super soakers in the Summer. Kids these days have it rough and they probably don’t even know what they’re missing. Even before the covid fiasco helicopter parenting was the general rule (and probably for very valid reasons in many urban and suburban areas).

    4. Germany will follow suit. You are not even going to be able to use public transport. On top, even though there will not be any vaxx mandate, you will need to provide negative test results in order to go to work, and those are only valid for six hours. Oh, and it is your responsibility to get those tests as your employer will not need to provide them. You also will have to pay for them yourself. Covid tyranny, after having had a trial run in Australia, has now arrived in Europe. As unpleasant as those measures may be, you bigots need to remember that it is for your own good. Meanwhile, break-through infections among the vulnerable have crossed the 50% mark. Somehow, I do not quite see how the vaxx is a good sell, but maybe that’s just me.

    5. Meanwhile, break-through infections among the vulnerable have crossed the 50% mark. Somehow, I do not quite see how the vaxx is a good sell, but maybe that’s just me.

      And they are the most highly-vaccinated group. The anti-logic is mind-numbingly absurd.

      Here’s what Austrian authorities are saying:

      A) We have a record number of cases,
      B) therefore we need to force more people to get vaccinated

      The implication being that more vaccines ==> less cases. Ok, but then if the vaccine mandates are any good at lowering cases, how come you have a record number of cases!! This is like failing basic logic 101.

    6. Ireland has vaxxed about 98% of its population, and infections as well as hospitalizations are through the roof, far above the numbers last year. Somehow, this seems to mean that the vaxx is working. I genuinely wonder how stupid people have to be to not assume ill-intent on behalf of government. The vaxx is not working and, in fact, is killing people. Furthermore, there are legitimate public health crises such as obesity or substance abuse, yet nobody in power cares about them, and if you point out this discrepancy you are some kind of conspiracy theorist.

      Also, remember that the unvaxxed are killing the vaxxed with Covid. Thus, we need to vaxx everybody because even though the vaxx is ineffective, it is effective if everyone is vaxxed, supposedly. You probably need five years of hardcore wokism indoctrination to follow this logic.

    7. In Austria the media & government & “experts” are also telling us:

      – antibody test results don’t count, we don’t know anything about correlation between immunity and amount of antibodies

      – we need to vaccinate/boost everyone to raise the amount of antibodies.


      But the majority of the population goes along with the measures, so I don’t see any backlash coming.

    8. Somewhat related, Moderna is suspended in Germany and France for those under 30. It seems Pfizer really knows how to stamp out the competition:

      What’s really odd about this to me is how J&J got sidelined so quick. It caused some blood clots in a few cases of mostly (or all?) women and it was halted for a while. How many blood clots, strokes and heart related illnesses has Pfizer caused? I was under the impression that it was leading (perhaps due to sheer numbers) in vaccine related injuries.

  5. I recently watched the documentary “Pornocracy: The New Sex Multinationals”, which is about the contemporary porn business. A key insight was that officially every streaming site is owned by MindGeek, yet none of their properties seem to be making any money. There are allegations of money laundry, but we also know that there are powerful financial interests that fund “blacked” porn even though it loses a lot of money, just to subvert society. Also, some well-known names show up such as Pierre Woodman who nowadays films himself with a handicam, Rocco, and Stoya, some prostitute I recall writing about a few years ago because of some feminist nonsense she spouted.

    Porn is also a good example to highlight the priorities of the powers that be. Remember that several people have had their domains seized and their income streams taken away, such as Alex Jones or Andrew Anglin. Yet, porn sites that are accessible to children are allowed to stay in business despite their flagrant violations of the law. If government was concerned about the harmful effects of porn on kids, they would shut down those sites. Porn and drugs and shitty food and mass migration and the climate hoax and a fake vaxx are all good in their eyes because they are bad for you, so this is the mainstream.

    1. I recall at one point you didn’t see any issue with watching porn as long as it wasn’t interfering with your productivity (like anything else). Has your position changed?

    2. My position on porn has indeed changed as I was not aware of the societal implications. Granted, if you quickly rub one out to porn every two weeks or so, or even every other day, you will most likely be fine. Yet, I do not think this garbage should exist in the first place. Porn addition is real. I was made aware of this only via two or three clients over the years. There really are men out there who spend hours a day watching porn and “edging” themselves. One guy told me that he was a “compulsive masturbator” and that porn has taken over his life to the point where he neglected doing chores or studying.

    1. Thanks for providing this missing puzzle piece. Now it all makes total sense! On a related note, by the looks of it, it seems that we are getting a really cold winter her in Europe. This makes me wonder if those climate terrorists will be out demonstrating in thick winter gear, holding up signs warning us of rising sea levels and the planet frying to death.

    2. @pickernanny

      Ah, so is that why all the professional athletes are spontaneously keeling over??

      That darn, pesky climate change!

  6. Click the link to tis Kirby Air Ride song and read the comments. The goyim know:

    “My fellow Nintendo smash bros combatants. We must allow more third party characters into smash bros. The series will not survive with(out) it.”

    1. At first I wondered why a Kirby track would prompt people to make based comments but after two notes I wondered no more. Nintendo is a great analogy for the plight of the white man, by the way. Their characters are the most recognized in the industry, and by a wide margin, no matter what some Forbes contributor may write about Halo’s “Master Chief” or Knack’s Knack. Everybody wants a piece of that pie, which is why mainstream journos spent years putting out crappy articles for why Nintendo should leave the console business and release their games on Xbox or PlayStation. Speaking of Smash Bros., Nintendo added third-party characters, but only very popular ones. To reflect the West, they should have added 50 nondescript black and brown characters who control poorly, chimp out every other round, and randomly trigger glitches like your console resetting, permanently removing characters from the game, or draining your e-store wallet. They should also preemptively call you a racist in case you do not want to get with the program.

  7. Aaron,
    In regards to the Jeff Bezo and Leonardo DiCaprio situation where Laura Sanchez goes gaga for DiCaprio, would you say that her behaviour was completely inappropriate and therefore Bezo should dump her as this relates to what you consider cheating?

    1. This woman engaged in highly inappropriate flirting, and right in front of Bezos. If this guy can think straight, he should dump her. On the other hand, seeing what kind of woman he dates, you can rest assured that he is a cuck. This dude could bang way hotter women. The argument that they would only be in it for the money does not hold because the same can be said of his current girlfriend. Bezos with balls would roll up with a hot escort for that kind of event, Bilzerian-style.

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