Open Thread

Open Thread #149

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54 thoughts on “Open Thread #149

  1. I was quite amused when my go-to German newspaper published an article on the Jew Theodore Kaufmann’s book “Germany Must Perish”, claiming that the evil Nazis exploited it for their own nefarious goals by pointing out that it exemplifies the racial hatred of Jews towards Germans. I learned that nobody read the book and that it sold at most a few hundred copies. Yet, the bootlicker who wrote that article didn’t quite manage to come up with a good cover story for how the Nazis learned about the book in the first place and why it got a “satirical” review in Time Magazine. The article disappeared behind a paywall already, and the comments were purged as well:
    Of course, there is no censorship in the media, and they never feed you bullshit either.

  2. Here is a well-written article on how the US government conspired against the indigenous population:
    Oh, I forgot that this didn’t happen because conspiracies don’t exist and there are still indigenous people around. Here is the outlandish opening:

    It is common to see the term “conspiracy” used in a disparaging manner, especially when it comes to such issues as the JFK assassination and 9/11. I have often said with tongue in cheek, “I don’t believe in conspiracies, but I do believe in long-range plans.” It is often assumed that people who believe in “conspiracies” are probably a little unbalanced, and most likely delusional.

    Having given the subject of conspiracy a great deal of thought, it recently occurred to me that the history of U.S. Indian policy provides a great deal of evidence about white men conspiring (planning) to eliminate American Indians. Take the example of Thomas Jefferson’s plan, expressed in a private letter to Northwest Territory Governor William Henry Harrison, regarding the use of trading posts. What did Jefferson propose? Simple: “…we shall push our trading houses, and be glad to see the good and influential individuals among them run in debt, because we observe that when these debts get beyond what the individuals can pay, they become willing to lop them off by a cession of lands.”

    What long term goal did Jefferson have in mind? “In this way our settlements will gradually circumscribe and approach the Indians, and they will in time either incorporate with us as citizens of the United States, or remove beyond the Mississippi.” Jefferson saw the first idea (to “incorporate with us as citizens”) as resulting “certainly the termination of their history most happy for themselves…”

    1. “I don’t believe in conspiracies, but I do believe in long-range plans.”

      Great quote. Love it.

    2. The term “conspiracy” is, of course, burnt. I presume this is due to an, err, conspiracy on behalf of the elites to simply slander everybody who does not follow the mainstream narrative.

    3. You’d have to define what you mean by “good” and “bad” in this context.

    4. “You’d have to define what you mean by “good” and “bad” in this context.”

      Like, for example, bad conspiracy theories would be those that sounds bizzare like “flat earth”. “Good” conspiracy would be suspicions of Soros’ machinations.

      “Bad” conspiracy theories could be that Soros and his father was a Jew who turned other Jews to Nazis.

      Obviously, the problem with conspiracy theories is that they lacks evidence. Obviously, political conspiracies are forged secretively, outside of the public eyes, so strong evidences are scant. This makes me sometimes wonder if there is any basis to believe in them. But then, if you keep tabs on alternative media outlets, you may see certain trends and cautious signs that allow you to discern the presence of a conspiracy.

      I tend to think, if you are open-minded, then you should collect all conspiracy theories on a theme like you collect antiques. You organize them and keep them at the back of your mind. You may have different alternative explanations for the bizzare developments in the real world. The nature of secrecy forces you to hold on to many theories.

  3. I have been thinking about Sleazy’s argument against the hypocrisy of governments when they announce that all measures imposed upon the population is to save them from Covid.

    In short presentation, the argument is as followed:

    “There currently exists in our world many more evils than Covid, including all health risks incurred by fast food industry, by aggressive uses of agricultural pesticides and insecticides, by uncontrolled drug uses and failure in stopping drug trafficking, by the prevalence of cigarettes and smoking. These are few among a myriad of other malaises that plagued our societies. Why then would you assume that the governments intervene on behalf of you to save you from Covid?”

    While I currently cannot find an answer that directly addresses this question, I notice that there is a pattern in how governments react to plagues, and it is not just Western governments. Prior to the transformation of its economy, fast food chains did not exist in China. Yet after opening its economy, all kinds of fast foods imported from the West has entered China in succession. The government, with all its mighty power, could have stopped these chains from wrecking the health of the native population, just like how they have forced foreign corporations to transfer technology to China. Yet they did not intervene for the sake of the population. And now, they, just like Western governments, imposes strict control on internal and external movements to curb the plague.

    Prior to all these malaises, there was once an epidemic called the Spanish flu. All governments also exercised various controls to curb the power of this epidemic. Yet, I assume that at the time, there were less health risks than now. The relevance of this reference is that even with less social harms, governments still prioritized pandemic control. Of course, you could argue that all concerned governments were hypocrite because they did not seek to stop the World War 1, which was one of the main causes of the Spanish Flu.

    This leads me to think that in capitalist or socialist-capitalist societies, the government would not intervene to help you to save your health if they could extract economic benefits from those harmful activities. The validity of this statement may obviously be contested by the Prohibition in 1920s. It was, according to some authorities, a failure. Similarly, the strict control of prostitution and HIV infections is viewed as a somewhat failure in my native country. Yet, I still think it is a potent statement.

    One counterargument to this observation is the traditional concept of “personal responsibility”. Eating fast foods is a choice. You have full liberty to choose whatever you eat, to smoke whenever you want, or not to, to take drugs whenever you wish, or not to. But this counterargument is superficial. The gist of the argument is that governments should foresee and act in the best interest of its citizens. If you give citizens no choice but healthy options, wouldn’t this be better?

    I am not sure if this is connected to a larger question: to what extent should government intervene to shape the heath and morality of a society. In the past, most governments ban sexual explicit materials, even in the form of poetry. Nowadays, porns are prevalent and sexual promiscuity is prevalent in both the West and the East.

    What do you guys think on this?

    1. In short, I find Sleazy’s argument very convincing, and cannot find any reasonable counterarguments except that it is all for profits, both in the East and the West.

    2. Thanks for this well thought-out comment. I think a big part of the reason the Covid scamdemic is getting pushed is that some people are making a lot of money off it. The same does not work with, for instance, making people eat healthy food. In fact, the opposite is the case: the crappier the food, the better the profit margins, I’d presume. Thus, your “economic benefit” makes sense. It explains both the inactivity regarding, e.g. fast food, and the overeagerness when it comes to pushing the vaxx onto society. In neither case does the government have the best interest of citizens in mind.

      The liberty argument, in the case of Covid, would of course be that if you are allowed to gorge on hamburgers, you should also be allowed not to take the vaxx. Yet, the real conviction of the elites may be that the government should be able to destroy your body any way it pleases. Thus, you get fast food, STDs, drugs, and the vaxx. (I honestly can’t tell if this is sarcasm because even though this was my intention, it seems to be a perfect match for observable reality.)

    3. “The liberty argument, in the case of Covid, would of course be that if you are allowed to gorge on hamburgers, you should also be allowed not to take the vaxx.”

      I am guessing, and this is just my guess, that forced vaccination will not be carried out by any kind of legal measures. The elites will attempt to use more secretive methods, like coercing you to show proofs of vaccination to your companies. They will certainly also magnify the horror of Covid-19 through media to scare you into doing so.

      I will be anxious to watch news for any legal maneuver in the Senate.

      The prime beneficiaries of the vaccines are obviously big pharmaceutical companies. The collusion between the US government and this industry is nothing new. Indeed, it has left a deep imprint in the consciousness of American public.

      My own bird-eye view that surveys the public opinion in America is that lots and lots of Americans are skeptical of the Covid 19 and its vaccines. The talk of avoiding vaccines even spread to the Buddhist monastery that I mention in a private correspondence with Sleazy.

    4. COVID acts more acutely than burgers. Government may not particularly care about your long term health but they do care if they get the blame in case healthcare service is not able to handle a surge in hospitalizations. Isn’t that what happened during Trump’s mandate?


      “Now, a major new study shows that the virus spike proteins (which behave very differently than those safely ENCODEF by VACCINED) also play a key role in the disease itself.”

      “This conclusion suggests that vaccination-generated antibody and/or exogenous antibody against S protein not only protects the host from SARS-CoV-2 infectivity but also inhibits S protein-imposed endothelial injury.”

      These are reproduced from Thread #149:

      I think, if you give the benefits of doubt to pro-vaxx, then one thing could be said, for sure: it is quite more serious than common flu.

      That being said, the lethality is not vehement among young people. So the media did try to panic the public.

    6. I have 1 comment waiting for moderation. They contain 3 links, 2 linked to the report of Salk Institute.


    I feel the mortal bitterness of this guy. He graduated from Iowa University, with a degree in Computer Science. His expense was 140,000-150,000 USD. After adding his daily expenses (foods, utility), the total fee mounts to 300,000 USD. Now he had to get back to China and could only earn 4000 RMB (617.15 USD).

    He honestly confesses that he did not study well in his last two years. He stated that two years prior he studied something related to business or commerce (商科). I think that he switches to a major that doesn’t suit him and his personality. The eventual result is that he has to go back to China. I also think his English has not reached a stage where he could speak fluently and effortlessly. He said that his grade is very good, all A. It is not very clear from what he speaks, but it seems that he got good grades in the first half of his college career, but failed in the last 2 years of specialization.

    The commentaries are all dismissive to him.

    The huge disparity between incomes of two countries is precisely the reason why there are still too many Chinese students travel to the US to study, and hoping to stay in the US. (I have recently seen a table issued by the Ministry of Education of CCP and it states that in 2015, 70% Chinese students return). This is also the reason why poor Chinese from Guangdong and Fujian (the majority comes from these 2 provinces) band together to be smuggled into the US and work back-breaking jobs (like those I used to briefly work for).

    For those of you who wish to inquire more about the fate of immigrants in Germany, try to look for Paul Carlos in Quora. He is also in a miserable state right now, and lives in Germany without knowing what tomorrow is going to be like.

    1. Where did the money come from? If it’s from his parents, then they will have a word with him. On the other hand, if he got student loans from the US, he only needs to go to China. This is also how Jews skirt the law. They only have to travel, er, flee to Israel and then they can rest assured that they will not be extradited, even for crimes like murder, espionage, or large-scale financial fraud.

      I am not too sympathetic towards people who overspend on their education. It’s indeed easy to do so. I had offers from excellent universities without attached scholarships that would have cost me well into the six figures. One was for a degree with a strong reputation for employability, but I had doubts about the value for money. In the end, my education cost me very little. Thanks to scholarships, I got some renowned names on my CV, and everything turned out quite well. Not just based on my experience, I’d say that college is not worth the equivalent cost of a house. This even applies to elite institutions. There, they tell you that you can get into Goldman Sachs or McKinsey and other companies, yet fail to point out that many of those who make it have strong networks to fall back on, due to family ties. If you don’t have that, you’ll have a much harder time. Also, competition in selective non-tech careers is so tough nowadays that it’s not enough to got to Harvard or Oxbridge. You also need to have attended an expensive prep school. It’s quite bizarre.

    2. “Carlos Paul” seems to have a few problems that are unrelated to his degree. All he needs to get is a relatively well-paying job to get his “blue card”. We’re looking at around 4.500 Euros/month, which is quite feasible. Of course, one issue is that such jobs are normally only to be found in cities with a high cost of living such as Frankfurt or Munich. I think the starting salary in many high-skilled jobs is already at roughly that level. This number may not sound like a lot of you are used to US salary figures, but you can live very comfortably with it. A single person making 4.500 Euros/month will have around 2.800 after taxes (I just looked it up). Even in expensive cities, you can rent a spacious-enough luxury apartment for one person for maybe around 800. Groceries may add another 200, and that’s a generous figure. Our Indian friend would easily have 1.000 Euros for coke and hookers left, or for savings, depending on his inclinations.

    3. “Where did the money come from? If it’s from his parents, then they will have a word with him. On the other hand, if he got student loans from the US, he only needs to go to China.”

      I don’t think you can take educational loans in the US if you are an international student. Obviously, the education industry tries to advertise themselves to foreign students to attract them to their institutions, thereby maximizing profits. His family paid for him, I am sure of that.

      “I am not too sympathetic towards people who overspend on their education. It’s indeed easy to do so. ”

      I think I am more in a position to be sympathetic to this guy. Obviously, I don’t come from a first world country like you, but a newly ascending second world state. My family is very well off by Vietnamese standard, though it is still pleb according to the US standard. I went to the US to study for 1 year in high school when I was 17, but had to retreat due to severe stress. Admittedly, most of these stresses are caused by self-imposed pressure, like getting all As in all subjects and skip community colleges. I got very stressed out when it comes to Statistics. My SAT is not good due to the Math section. Strangely enough, I got high score on verbal, which is entirely opposite of most of international students. I am not scared of foreign languages. Eventually, I decided to study in China to lower the cost so that my siblings could study in the US.

      ” One was for a degree with a strong reputation for employability, but I had doubts about the value for money. In the end, my education cost me very little. Thanks to scholarships, I got some renowned names on my CV, and everything turned out quite well. Not just based on my experience, I’d say that college is not worth the equivalent cost of a house. ”

      But then you are born in Germany, and your unusually high intelligence just add more force to your progress. A student in China would face much more difficulties due to cultural and linguistical challenges. China, in many respects, is still not that developed, even compared to Germany. The reason Chinese parents are doing everything to push their students to the US is that they hope they can earn a secured job in that country and then sponsor them to the US. Most Chinese would choose to keep their green cards indefinitely to not be forced to give up their Chinese citizenships (China does not permit you to possess dual citizenship).

      “In the end, my education cost me very little.”
      If I am correct, you studied at a prestigious British school (I know the name but I would not post it here publicly for your privacy). This is extremely rare if you come from China or Vietnam. Scholarships are usually offered for Masters, and they are extremely competitive, so much so that only the brightest students could go to the US to study. Most of these scholarships are also for STEM subjects. A guy like me who doesn’t have a strong aptitude for Natural Sciences will in no ways obtain it.

    4. “Our Indian friend would easily have 1.000 Euros for coke and hookers left, or for savings, depending on his inclinations.”
      Carlos is from a hispanic country, not from India. I have talked to many foreign students who come back from Germany. They, even though graduated in STEM, could not easily find a job in Germany and are forced to go back. Vietnamese are even more eager than Chinese to stay permanently in Germany or Western European countries, since the cost of education is much lower than in Canada, Australia, or the US.

      Carlos’ thesis of “technology transfer” makes complete sense to me, especially after I talked to Vietnamese students from Germany.

  5. Hey what do you guys recommend to lower stress levels.

    I have a pretty high stress job that’s starting to affect my health. I’m at the point where I might quit but before then I want to pull back, work less hours and say fuck it.

    I’m trying to get back into meditation but is there any thing else that can lower the stress response in the body? Maybe it’s Jsut my mindset

    1. Yeah, exercise, yoga, and then make sure you do some cardio every day to run out any energy you have left. That will leave you calmer.

    2. What’s the source of the stress in your job? If it’s a bad manager, then moving to a different team, either within your company or outside of it will probably help. This is also true in case of an excessive workload. It is not at all uncommon that two people with the same job have vastly different workloads.

    3. It’s an issue with volume. I can handle the job pretty well as I’ve been going it for over 5 years . Its already a relatively stressful job but with the recent changes in weather we are all dealing with a substantial increase of volume.

      The only thing keeping me here is the money otherwise I’d go work in another field with slightly less pay. I’m contemplating it as it’s becoming too much, not too sound beta. It’s hard to stay sane when all you do is work 10-12 hours each day…

    4. Have you discussed this with your manager? Normally, companies have an incentive of keeping hard-working employees. Of course, if they don’t, then that’s also important information. You should furthermore consider how much you make per hour because it may well be the case that a different company would pay you about the same, or maybe even a bit less, but you’d not have to work 60-hour weeks. Of course, you could also get lucky and find an employer that pays more while respecting that you do not want to work excessive hours.

  6. Do you guys think it’ll ever get bad in Europe or the us/Canada as it has in South Africa? I feel like it’ll be inevitable since generally proximity+diversity=war.

    1. Yes absolutely. You can go back further to the LA riots in 1992 and even further to the riots in every major city in 1968. The only difference is even more “diversity.” With various fresh immigrant groups that are either indifferent to the US or have outright animosity. Just listen to the crowd at a US/Mexico soccer match, especially when they play the Star Spangled Banner. They do the same for baseball games and boxing matches. I think the end game is balkanization, which has already happened to a degree.

    2. I have not sat down to calculate the speed of demographic change, but my guess is it would require a couple hundred years at least to flip the population proportion to something approaching South Africa levels. And demographic trends vary over time, a future rebounding of the european birth rates is not out of the question if the political mainstream becomes more conservative again.

      That said, what would probably happen long before then (it is actually happening already), is that the disruptive minorities and the social dysfunction than they bring with them will be concentrated mostly into a few large urban areas. So I see war as unlikely in the long term, but it cannot be ruled out entirely, especially if some of those migrant communities bring some of their background to enrich the culture (because Sweden was so boring without bombs going off on a regular basis. Even for South American standards, I find this extremely crazy).

      Immigrant communities of a similar background tend to cluster together, this has always been the case everywhere. Over time some communities will melt into the mainstream, and some may not. Society will self-segregate despite politicians best efforts, so in that case make sure you move into the right area.

    3. The SPLC keeps track of the percentage of non-hispanic whites as a key metric:
      The US went from 85% in 1960 to 62% in 2015, so I’d say it will take at most one generation for whites to become a minority, and about 50 to 60 years for an SA-like situation, assuming current trends continue. Also, the percentage of whites is probably smaller because I don’t think the US government is open about the number of illegal immigrants in the country. I came across a discussion online according to which this number has stood at around 13 million for two decades.

    4. Moving into majority-white areas is getting more and more difficult due to enforced racial mixing. I supposed the gated communities of politicians are excluded. Even once solid-white middle-class neighborhoods are getting enriched by refugee shelters and Section 8 housing. We don’t want them to miss out on diversity, after all.

    5. I find Yarara’s opinions usually moderate and reasonable. I concur with what he says.

      “Immigrant communities of a similar background tend to cluster together, this has always been the case everywhere. Over time some communities will melt into the mainstream, and some may not. Society will self-segregate despite politicians best efforts, so in that case make sure you move into the right area.”

      This observation is indeed corroborated by a mountain of evidences from history across all continents. I find it so disturbing that European politicians are completely oblivious to this unwritten law of History, despite holding this and that degrees from some prestigious universities. I am not a professional historian and yet I have already seen through this law since I’ve started to study history of China in 2008.

      The process of assimilation is not at all simple. There is an idea of acculturation, which means one ethnic group doesn’t give up his identities while still absorbing cultural elements of another ethnic.

      I wish to find more books to read about what shapes the immigration crisis in Europe. What are those politicians thinking when they decide to unleash waves of immigrants to Europe. The book “The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam” is a good starting point. I will have to find times to read it.

      Please recommend it more.

      I am also currently familiarize myself with various historical regulations of immigration in the US. This book seems to address some basic issues: Legislative History of American Immigration Policy, 1798-1965.

      For members who are interested to widen his scope of knowledge, like GoodLookingLoser, I highly recommend it.

      I hope that politicians in modern America can see how dangerous unselective immigration bring to the US. With the protection of the two large oceans, perhaps these natural geographic obstacles could save the US for some times. But nothing can save this country if politicians sell out their people.

      As a new immigrant to the US, I am very grateful for the moral Humanitarian Operation (HO) program because it allows my family to move the US. So, on the issue of immigration, I think I have some internal conflicts of beliefs right now.

      But I guess it would be a strawman to counter the argument that there should be no immigration at all for every developed country. Obviously, immigrants can certainly benefit the host family, but this can only occur when there is a tacit understanding, appreciation and cooperation between immigrants and the host governments. Immigrants must, aside from demonstrating a deep sense of gratitude and abiding laws, show strong wills of integrating into the host society. These elements are completely lacked in Muslim immigrants in the Europe, and in some communities in the US.

      What must become a target for our vicious condemnation is unselective immigration.

    6. Note that prosecuted whites from South Africa do not seem to qualify for asylum anywhere.

    7. “Yes absolutely. You can go back further to the LA riots in 1992 and even further to the riots in every major city in 1968. ”
      Hi GoodLookingLoser, thank you for bringing up the LA riots in 1992. I have had a quick look on wiki and this statement stands out to me:

      “Rioters targeted Korean-American shops in their areas, as there had been considerable tension between the two communities. Such sources as Newsweek and Time suggested that blacks thought Korean-American merchants were “taking money out of their community”, that they were racist as they refused to hire blacks, and often treated them without respect. There were cultural and language differences, as some shop owners were immigrants.”

      This tension exists also between the Chinese community and Black community in the US. It is a phenomenon that I cannot explain, but Blacks hate East Asians very much, much more than Whites. In return, Asians are very skeptical of Blacks, viewing them as uncouth, uncultured and are mainly thieves. My Chinese bosses all said I had to keep an eye on Black customers, although I can discerned instantly who should I be cautious. For example, all Chinese bosses made dismissive comments about Black manners, even though, they were to me educated and safe.

      There were indeed many incidences where Blacks stole goods or stole half of the good and paid for the other half. The mother used her child as an excuse for putting items in her bags.

      From a perspective of an Asian, I think many of these stereotypes are well found and well rooted in reality. But many of them are exaggeration. Blacks constitute a high proportion in occupations like bus drivers. In Philly, they are responsible for daily traffic activities. I find myself grateful for their service.

    8. I think everyone here acknowledges that racial conflict won’t affect rural areas for quite some time. As far as suburbs go, racial conflict is actually already there in a sense. There were plenty of examples of BLM/Antifa protests spilling into the burbs in 2020. It’s really just a matter of time. As long as your suburb is far enough away from a multiculti city, you’ll be fine for the years ahead. Indefinitely? Probably not.

    9. Hi CQV, just to be clear, I am GoodLookingAndSleazy not GoodLookingLoser. Although I am a big fan of his content. My name is a hybrid of GLL and Aaron Sleazy, my 2 favorite dating/lifestyle coaches.

      And you’re welcome, I was glad to bring up the 92 riots. The Koreans using automatic weapons to defend their businesses was a breathe of fresh air amid all of the chaos on that tragic day. I have to add that there were black good Samaritans that stepped in to save white people who were getting beat half to death by gangster scum of the earth.

    10. I have not sat down to calculate the speed of demographic change, but my guess is it would require a couple hundred years at least to flip the population proportion to something approaching South Africa levels.

      Thing is Europeans have very low birth lates. It is barely more than 1 child per woman. Every 2 or 3 decades the proportion of Europeans will be cut in half if other ethnicities can maintain 2 children per women. But in reality their average is more than 3 children per women. So if we assume 80:20 population proportion then after 30 years the proportions will be 40:30 and after another 30 years the current minorities will outnumber the natives by 2:1. If Europe keeps getting flooded by immigrants then we will see the population flip well within our lifetime.

    11. Ofc this is very much a back-of-the-envelope calculation as I assumed children mature in batches and didn’t use the differential equation for estimating future population.

    12. I coincidentally did a search yesterday on the population of Scandinavia out of curiosity. The figure I got was approximately 21 million. What percentage of that number are natives, I wonder? Seems like such a very small number. Very distressing.

    13. I’d have to look up numbers for the other countries, but in Sweden, which has about 10 million inhabitants, roughly 2.5 to 3 million are non-ethnic Swedes.

    14. @Skepdic

      You are also assuming too much homogeneity and continuity on part of the immigrant minorities.

      Truth is, as I mentioned in the other thread, composition matters. There are plenty of different immigrant groups, and not all of them are alike. Some immigrant groups cause trouble, some come from cultural backgrounds that are very difficult to harmonize with their new country (for example muslims in Europe. Not all muslims, but specifically middle eastern and african muslims in Europe). Some groups hate each others guts and will rather ally with the mainstream whites than with the other minorities.

      Even within a minority community, some integrate more successfully into the mainstream over time, some do not. Jews are a good example, despite whatever the Daily Stormer may claim they are not, by far, a unified group. I have known and worked with plenty in my life. Sure, they display ingroup bias, like every tribe, but they are equally deivided among themselves. The more conservative ones tend to keep to themselves and isolate from the rest of society to the degree this is possible (like the Amish or the Menonites), others drop most of their traditions and integrate into mainstream society.

      Then, there is continuity over time, the minority groups usually do not stay the way they are , but evolve over generations (with some ultra-conservative exceptions like hasidic jews or amish). With some groups of immigrants, after a few generations, you can barely tell the difference anymore. But this takes time, and progressive severing of the connections to the country of origin. Here in Latin America, for example, we all usually know where our great-grandparents came from, and we still celebrate some traditions of our ancestors, but by and large we identify with the country we are in. Here in Argentina, no one is rooting for Spain or Italy to win the World Cup.

      This means, their birthrate over successive generations will probably not stay the same, particularly if their women can get an education and move up somewhat the income ladder (this is a reproductive pattern that replicates quite well across cultures).

    15. That all cultures blend into one, given enough time, seems to be a rather strong claim. It is not happening, even with the kind of forced multiculturalims we have to deal with in our most degenerate time. A good example may be the Germans in Argentine, which keep their culture alive, even running their own schools and publishing their own newspapers:
      On the Daily Stormer, I came across the statement, “The races separate once the Jewish spoon stops stirring.” Of course, I’m appalled at the anti-semitism expressed here, but it seems rather self-evident that everybody prefers to stick to their own kind. Certainly, the millions of highly qualified doctors and engineers who Europe keeps getting flooded with do. Government does their best to use them to break up white neighborhoods, but you never see any of them mingle with whites, with the exception of the occasional trashy white chick, and even that is rare.

    16. @Aaron

      As you know, I am one of those german argentines, and our story here illustrates my point exactly. As I said in the previous post, some of us speak german as second language, we do keep some traditions, but by and large we blended into the mainstream culture by now. There are few german schools left, and only one german (weekly) newspaper survives.

      Given enough time people tend to blend in, the pace of assimilation probably depends on how closely related the cultures are in the first place. Fellow latin Americans from Colombia or Venezuela integrate much faster than chinese. Latin americans in the US or Europe would integrate much better and faster than middle easterners.

    17. But do you think you really blend in? I have worked with German-Argentines but also with the occasional Argentine and my perception was that I was dealing with clearly different ethnic groups. Let’s put it differently: given the choice, would you be more inclined to associate with German-Argentines or members of mainstream society? If you were fully assimilated, you would have given up your language and traditions.

    18. @Yarara

      I think the technical term for your German community is acculturation, not assimilation. Basically, you guys still maintain your own ethnic identity.

      I could be wrong. Usually, just because a person speaks a language of his ancestors doesn’t mean he considers himself belonging to the former country.

    1. Yeah man. It’s endless. No fault divorce for thee but not for me, ingroup preference for me but not for thee, etc.

    2. The ME has proven to be a shitty place for a Jewish nation. What do you guys think of the Nazi plan to relocate them to Madagascar?

    3. Once the U.S. collapses, the Jews may have to think long and hard about where they can live. I have a feeling that it won’t be where they currently are.

    4. This is pretty sickening. You may also want to look into descriptions of Jesus and Christianity in the Talmud.

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