Open Thread

Open Thread #146

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107 thoughts on “Open Thread #146

  1. Hey guys,

    Long time lurker here. I’m a late 30’s American, with I think more disposable income than the average person. I’m looking to travel around the Mediterranean this summer. The problem is I’ll be going alone: everyone else can’t take the time off or doesn’t have enough money. I did it twice before 3 and 5 years ago and I F&*^ing HATED IT! As nice as going through Spain was or hopping around the Greek islands, the amount of loneliness was frickin’ unbearable. Constant thoughts through my head “Why am I hear alone? Okay nothing is going on in this place let me get up and leave, maybe I should go here instead…or there…why am I alone…”

    You get the picture. I am an otherwise “mentally stable” guy lol but I just can’t bear being alone, or travelling alone or whatever label you want to put on it. But I want to get the hell out of here and travel!

    Any solo travel tips? Should I try to stay in busier areas? Anything? lol

    1. Congratulations on leaving the 20,000th comment on this blog, Arnold!

      If you have problems with travelling alone, it doesn’t matter where you go. I would do some soul-searching first. Maybe try hiking first, or taking day trips, and once you have gotten used to being on your own, travel further away. You could also do what once of my friends recently did: take whatever random chick you currently bang on a trip with you, watch her turn into an entitled bitch, hating yourself for being dumb enough to take her with you, regretting the money you spend on the trip and the extra money on her, don’t have sex with her, and dump her the moment you are back home.

    2. I honestly wouldn’t mind taking a random chick with me – I’d be doing it for me not for her, and if she puts out every day during a nice beach vacation I can justify it haha 🙂

      I don’t think it’s a distance thing, I just get kind of stuck in my head. I’ve been told I’m quite the funny guy that really makes trips fun but by myself on these trips I become Mr. Depreso. I used to date this slut who seemed to always be meeting people wherever she went – just by opening her mouth(no pun intended haha) – I don’t like being the annoying guy but I think I remember someone by the name Martin a while back on your forum talk about “pinging” – which is just finding something to start a convo with with any random strangers

    3. My experience staying at hostels was that you can form mini-friendships with the others in the hostel that last for the time you are both staying at said hostel. If you can’t stomach the more rustic hostel experience, then you’ll have to go out and get social, and be able to stomach some people just not being interested in hanging out with you.

      The whole getting out of your head thing is similar to a lot of other things I’ve wanted for myself. For example, I wanted to quit smoking cigarettes, so I decided to quit. However, when I decided to quit, I relapsed several times on the way to ACTUALLY quitting. When I decided I wanted to get out of my head, I didn’t become a social master right off the bat (still not), but I eventually got to a place I was satisfied with, despite multiple incidents along the way of me getting stuck in my head when part of me wanted to be socializing.

  2. There is a recent sensation of white-hating, particularly white french, in many Vietnamese history groups on face right now.

    It all starts with a prominent member digging up historical evidence that suggests that French administrators could not overcome the French oversea community to provide decent education to the indigenous people. White French at the time feared of encountering fierce competition and demanded that Vietnamese should be treated like second or even third-class citizens. This resulted in widespread illiteracy and a strong decline in intellectualism among the Vietnamese elites, who could barely pass what was equivalent now to grade 12.

    Needless to say, netizens in that far corner of the world spoke out with rage and let racist enflamed language seep through their tongue. Yet, facebook lets all this go even though they sometimes spoke in plain English.

    My view is that it was indeed a bewitching time, when European racial theories were in vogue. But all these have receded into the edge of our memory. You recite the last to learn from it, not to infuse more racism and hatred to whites.

    It is quite worrying that the Chinese are also going through this stage. Their government, riding on the wave of white-hating created by the Jews, published news to stir up racial hatred against whites. They think that the time of old coughing white men has come, and it is time for the yellows to band together to exact revenge for their “100 years of ignonimity”.

    I am now a Buddhist, so part of me think perhaps this is karma for wrong past deeds. But hatred will breed hatred and then regret.

    Now is the bewitching time when hell breaks loose and white angels are driven turn into dark devils. It is indeed a conundrum that an open-minded Asian like me face.

  3. So, I noticed a funny thing in the media trying to downplay the mini-revolution going on in france. I see some media added a line like “Polling however shows that most people (over 60%) support mandatory vaccination and covid-passes”… i.e. that the protesters are fringe.

    Except it logically doesn’t add up. Most people haven’t gotten the vaccine, only 50% have shown interest in it 😀

    So apparently there’s more people who support being jabbed by the use force, then people who want to get jabbed 🙂 Doesn’t add up, now does it.

    1. Makes sense to me. Got any links for polls showing that only half of Frenchies have shown interest it?

      What do you think will happen with the vax passport stuff. Will this be a worldwide thing? Will some countries cuck while others don’t?

    2. I think the media strategy will be that they just don’t report about countries that don’t follow the protocol. Here in Europe you don’t get news stories about Texas or Florida, who have shut down the Covid nonsense completely. You also don’t hear about the anti-vaxx riots going on in France etc.

    3. Thats how many have gotten vaccinated so far. You can check vaccination rates.

      They don’t have a vaccine shortage so their vaccination rate is only limited by interest.

      If 60% of the people are such vaccine fanatics that they believe people should be jabbed by force… Don’t you think AT LEAST that many would run to get jabbed themselves?

      And logically it should be a lot more.
      Like if 20% believe in forcible vaccination, you might see 40% getting vaccinated (for example).

      But more people believe in forcible jabbing then wanting to be jabbed themselves? That makes no sense at all.

      – Because it’s normal for a person to think something is very important, but still not believe it should be FORCED onto others.

    4. Maybe the poll was conducted by a government stooge who was walking around with a non-intimidating soldier who was very aware of the special rights of citizens due to the French constitution. This may have led to some Frenchies pledging allegiance to the vaxx regime. Also, if a normie asks you if you’re vaxxed, one good way out of an inane conversation is to just lie to them. Months ago you could tell them that you just can’t seem to get an appointment at an injection center, but now that governments all over the world have to throw away their vaxxes because nobody wants them anymore, this is no longer a good-enough deflection. (Personally, I tell them in a very serious tone of voice that I am not going to discuss private health matters publicly. You should see how quickly this shuts them up. Some actually recoil. To one person I said that I don’t think they are allowed to ask that question. Keep up a poker face for a few more seconds until they get embarrassed and bugger off.)

    5. To put it differently, if the people wanted the vaxx, there would be no need for this incessant propaganda campaign. The public health narrative collapses completely once you realize that governments are strangely indifferent to public health crises like alcoholism, smoking, drugs, obesity, and so on. Oh, but this one time, goy, they really care about your health!

    6. Let me put it as different way.

      – If % of people want to do X
      – The % of people who believe everyone should be forced to do X is a lot smaller

      And in this particular case it would say something interesting if it were true.

      Let’s assume these kind of weird numbers are true. So, it’s true that 60% of people want to get jabbed. And 60% of people believe the state should jab people by force.

      Do you realize what this says? It means that for some reason there is a perfect overlap between having an authoritarian bent and wanting to get jabbed? Does that make sense at all?

      Like if you believe in forcing people to do stuff, you also want to get vaccinated. But if you don’t think people should be forced into stuff, you somehow also happen to not want this particular vaccine.

      It doesn’t make sense.

    7. @Aaron

      My last comment went into moderation because I typoed the tld of the email address, but it is me.

    8. I think that MSM surveys are generally b.s. Some are probably completely made up. If not, then they are massively biased. Infamous are the 2016 predictions of the U.S. presidential election, which saw Hilary Clinton, war criminal and enabler of her rapist husband Bill, win by a landslide. Apparently the Democrats didn’t furnish enough fake votes, so they complained about “Russian hacking” for four years because they couldn’t fathom that they lost an election they rigged. Four years later, they would not be so careless. (All of this comment is just made up. None of it is true.)

    9. To put it differently, if the people wanted the vaxx, there would be no need for this incessant propaganda campaign.

      That’s a great point.

      And another thing I noticed ties into this. I don’t know if everyone noticed, but they’re starting the mandated vaccine attempts by forcing vaccines on doctors and other medical workers 🙂

      If the vaxx is so great, why do they have to FORCE it upon the profession of people who are the most informed about it. Wouldn’t they be rushing to get it?

    10. Health care workers in this context encompases much more than doctors; it includes nursing homes, support staff at hospitals etc..

      Generally, doctors have highest vaccination rates, followed by nurses and then rest of the non-medical staff.

    11. Generally, doctors have highest vaccination rates, followed by nurses and then rest of the non-medical staff

      Can you link me to this data? Mine is anecdotal, but most doctors I know are delaying vaccination, and every nurse I know is postponing it.

      And, if what you’re saying is true, then are politicians just really horrible at messaging? If it’s not the doctors and nurses that they’re targetting (but actually supporting staff like hospital janitors and what not), then why are they doing themselves this kind of disservice where they phrase it as forced vaccination for “MEDICAL”… they don’t say medical-adjacent.

    12. They are targetting all employees working in a healthcare facility, not specifically janitors lol. I don’t know how it was phrased exactly in French but you need either a vaccination proof or negative PCR test in order to enter the hospital which effectively forces all employees to either get vaxxed or change jobs.

      As for the vaxx data, I don’t keep references for every news article I read. I could google it but so can you :). There is plenty of research showing that lower education correlates with anti-vaxx stance. In my country 70% of doctors are vaxxed, 60% of nurses and in general population the rate is less than 50%.

    13. You should update your research. Just as right-wingers are, in reality, not in-bread Southerners but more highly educated, more successful, and sexually more attractive than leftists, who tend to, for some strange reason, be of inferior genetic stock and economically less successful, is is the case that anti-vaxxers are smarter. The effing MIT admits it:

      “It’s a very striking finding,” says Lee. “It shows that characterizing antimask groups as data-illiterate or not engaging with the data, is empirically false.”
      The qualitative findings from deep lurking appeared consistent with the quantitative Twitter findings. Antimaskers on Facebook weren’t eschewing data. Rather, they discussed how different kinds of data were collected and why. “Their arguments are really quite nuanced,” says Lee. “It’s often a question of metrics.” For example, antimask groups might argue that visualizations of infection numbers could be misleading, in part because of the wide range of uncertainty in infection rates, compared to measurements like the number of deaths. In response, members of the group would often create their own counter-visualizations, even instructing each other in data visualization techniques.

      I’m surprised the study even came out as it indirectly shows that people who follow the mainstream are uncritical sheep. It’s not as if this any surprise. Yet, it is a surprise to see this point pushed in a mainstream publication. Well, a few people will probably soon find themselves out of work. At least those MIT guys probably know how to code already.

    14. In my country 70% of doctors are vaxxed, 60% of nurses

      You do realize that’s low if the vaxx is amazing and great, and this is the profession who knows most about vaccines, right? Doesn’t add up logically.

      Your bending over backwards to make about “people who are in hospitals”, was just a lame diversion, when my point was, if the vaxx is so amazing and great, shouldn’t doctors and nurses be having super-high-vacination rates on their own, without needing to be forced? Why is the rate so low?

      Let’s take your diversion that the forcing is due to “not nurses” and “not doctors”, which is just pathetic on your end.

      Why are the rates among doctors and nurses so low? Again these are the professions who know most about vaccines. Logic tells you what if the vaccine was great they’d be rushing to get it.

    15. Those vaxx rates are pathetic, if true. You can bet that the sample was biased because the mainstream media are incredibly biased. Also, some of the most outspoken critics of the vaxx are doctors. This includes the men who invented the PCR and whose research led to mRNA-based vaccines. Of course, according to the mainstream, those people only spread fake news. Also, in Fauci’s government agency, less than half of employees are vaxxed. What does this tell you? I would not be surprised if Faggot Fauci wasn’t vaxxed himself either.

    16. Look, there is lot of wild speculation going on regarding the COVID-19 origin and the new vaccines. Most people are naturaly on the fence and want to postpone vaccination until they see that it is safe. This also holds true for doctors. Yes, the medical profession knows the most about vaccines but that doesn’t make every doctor a vaccine expert. As a matter of fact most doctors outside of major medical centers aren’t fit for anything other than routine medical procedures. Why would you expect near total consensus from people like that or from doctors with unrelated specializations like child psychiatry or what not?

      I’m not saying that vaccination rate in medical profession is irrelevant, it’s just naive to expect a complete consensus in a situation like this where both the disease and the vaccine cause health issues in some people and there is a question of cost-benefit analysis, both for the individual and the society.

    17. Do you think specialized doctors somehow skipped their basic training? They all went through biochemistry and other relevant subjects.

    18. The doctor argument is a little bit weak. Just because someone is a doctor, does not automatically mean they are the most rational people. (only more rational on average)
      You can still find many doctors who do homeopathy, for example.

      Or other kinds of “alternative medicine”

    19. By the time you becomes an MD, most of your knowledge of basic Chemistry and Biology are forgotten. Your mind is filled up with specialized knowledge obtained from Grad schools. And an MD takes you almost 10 years to go through.

      Skepdick is right when he says that not all doctors are specialists in vaccine and virology. Think of neurologists, psychiatrists, optomiligists, dentists…

    20. Also many doctors are overweight. Or the typical case of a dentist who has very bad teeth.
      They might be professionals when it comes to treating others, does not imply in any way they necessarily will be rational about themselves and their own health

    21. @Sleazy
      “Do you think specialized doctors somehow skipped their basic training? They all went through biochemistry and other relevant subjects.”

      How much do you remember of Chemistry learned in high school?

    22. And to properly understand the effects of Rna vaccines, you need to not just be specialists, but specialists who work on that family of viruses as well. Given the extreme specialization of medical fields in the US, there would not be many doctors in the whole country who could properly understand the vaccines and the virus.

  4. I know everyone has different opinions of roids. I’m researching test. Injections as I think I have low test – I’m getting blood work to verify. I’ve been dealing with various health issues over the last 8-9 years and I have no idea what it is or how to heal it. Long story short I’m stuck is a low level fight or flight response that’s affected me in various ways. Physically and mentally.

    Anyways wondering if anyone has any websites that I can research each steroid and learn more about it. Looks Maximus makes good points about why to take it. I’ve always been self conscious about my body so why not try it out.

    1. Idk what you’ve done to boost your test naturally. Get those results. Max out your sleep, diet. and work out. Then get another blood test to see if you fixed it, and go from there.

    2. You can naturally boost your testosterone, but it will be marginal and you won’t see any effects from it.

      When it comes to artificial testosterone, you can say everything but it definitely works like hell.
      Here is the study:
      and here is the analysis on graph:
      There were four groups:
      -(1 group)men on testosterone and doing exercise
      -(2 group)men on testosterone and no exercise
      -(3 group)men without testosterone(placebo) and doing exercise
      -(4 group)men without testosterone(placebo) and no exercise
      As you can expect the first group gained by far the most muscle mass (6 kg free-fat mass vs 2 kg of free-fat mass that gained 3rd group). What is more interesting is the 2nd group had better results than 3rd group! Yeah, guys who inject testosterone and are doing nothing had better gains than guys who exercise and don’t take testosterone.

      From what I know on average steroids are far less dangerous than alcohol or other hard drugs. But if it’s worth to take them I don’t know.

    1. From what I’ve been hearing, Eastern Europe isn’t really going along with the Covid bullshit. In Warsaw, for instance, apparently the only people who are masked are tourists.

    2. Right-wing lunatics like Andrew Anglin predicted this. We are long past the point where nuanced debate has gone out the window.

      “I can serve notice now that by the end of September when all over 18s will have had their chance to be double jabbed, we’re planning to make full vaccination the condition of entry to nightclubs and other venues where large crowds gather,” Johnson told a press conference.

      “Proof of a negative test will no longer be enough.”

      When do you think people will realize that they have been living in the most oppressive society in history? Not even in Soviet Russia were you banned from talking to your neighbor or socializing. At this point, I am also not sure if getting sent to a Gulag is objectively worse than your government forcing you into poverty, shutting you in, restricting your oxygen supply, and telling you to eat bugs.

  5. The only vaccine that is being administered here in my country is the Sputnik. I trust it as much as I trust the ones peddled in Western countries, that is close to 0. But hey, my dad is 65 years old with diabetes and liver issues, might as well try it since he listens to my normie sister and CNN anyway (who trust the mainstream ones but not the Russian one). My other siblings are not rushing to get it and I hope it stays that way.

    1. Since it really wasn’t clear in this comment, dad already got both dosages of the vaxx. No visible side effects so far.

    2. My parents have gotten 1st jab of Sputnik as well. Both grandparents double Sputnik jab as well. No side effects as far as I can tell.

      I am in the process of getting purposefully infected with covid to build natural immunity. Wish me luck.

    3. @Aaron

      I think it is likely, as you say, that I already had it. But I never confirmed it via test.

      Now that one of my girls is positively, symptomatically sick, i went to see her. I will find out soon enough. In the mean time I am taking ivermectin as a precautionary measure.

  6. @Aaaron and the others.

    I’m a bit surprised at the low level of argumentation here when it comes to the Covid situation.
    It seems to me you really try very hard to find a deep conspiracy here, when everything can be explained much more simple, and following Okhams razor, this is what we should do.

    Covid is most likely a natural Virus, maybe it escaped from a Chinese lab. We will never have enough evidence to proof that, so it is useless speculation.
    (even if it in fact escaped from a lab, that does not change anything)

    It is not very dangerous, especially for young and healthy people, what makes it more problematic than the flu is its much higher transmission rate.

    Now, given that, it seems dubious that the governments are pushing for vaccination so hard.

    But, it’s very easily explained without involving any big plans for genocide or depopulation.

    If I was a government, I would do exactly the same.

    First, think about what would have happend if the governments would have done nothing.
    Some people would have died from Covid. Maybe the healthcare system would have reached its limit. (in Austria it was very close to it, and we have one of the best systems in the world capacity wise)

    Then the media would have blamed the politicians. In Sweden some of them got death threats.

    So basically, they had no other choice.

    Pushing the vaccine is also a totally understandable move.

    This can be explained from a game theoretical point of view.

    Each individual has the incentive, to not get the vaccine, while wanting all other people to get it. So you don’t take the risk yourself, but profit from others taking it.
    It’s a variant of a prisoners dilemna

    And on some emotional level, many people realize this.

    So it makes a lot of sense for the government to push it on people. They are not concerned about the individual risk, only the risk for the entire population.

    Of course there are some individuals, young and healthy ones, for them it does not make sense to take the vaccine.

    But it’s much easier from a political POV to just push the vaccine on everyone.
    In some countries it would not even be allowed to make distinctions here.
    Many constitutions have a clause “you cannot discriminate on age/gender/health status whatever”.

    And yeah, the governments were quite incompetent at handling this whole situation. But did you expect anything else from them?

    You can explain this whole situation with just sheer incompetence and some game theoretical arguments… there is no need to plot a deep conspiracy for genocide here.

    1. Also @Aaron:

      You often agreed with me when we argued that the majority of the population are complete morons and they need to be managed.

      Now we have exactly such a situation happening, but now you seem to be arguing from a “the government should never force anyone to do everything” stance.
      (basically very libertarian)

      Obviously. you don’t want to be forced, but the government obviously cannot make a policy (force the morons but not the smart people).

      Which is the dilemma of libertarianism. It would work if everyone was smart.

    2. My favorite counter-argument is that if the government is oh-so concerned about our health and well-being, then why can you buy readymade food, sodas, cigarettes. Why are there drug dealers on every corner in every major city? In fact, the “public health” argument is incredibly weak because all evidence points towards the government being genuinely hostile towards you. They want you to be miserable. It’s an added benefit is a few families get richer in the process, like the Sacklers with the opioids they are pushing onto society with the help of the medical establishment.

    3. It has been proved in the report of the Salk Institute that Covid-19 has never been just another flu. It causes a lot more damages. In that same report, it has been suggested that vaccines are effective against the virus.

      Yet, here, people just keep equating cold flu and Covid, which you wonder if they even read what they bring up in the first place.

    4. @Cuong Quoc Vu: I don’t know the details.

      But the point of my argument is, Covid does not even need to be more dangerous than the flu, it only requires a higher transmission rate, to explain why you would want to vaccinate people against it.

      Of course the vaccination is a little bit sketchy. For a given individual who is healthy, the covid risk is very low, so it is reasonable to want to avoid the vaccine.

      Yet for the entire population, it makes total sense to push it.

    5. Higher transmission rates imply that it is less lethal because otherwise the virus would “burn itself out” quicker. Even some mainstream sources state that the “delta variant” is similar to a flu.

    6. I meant:

      “the government should never force anyone to do anything”

      and not

      “the government should never force anyone to do everything”

    7. Strong counter argument Alek. Doesn’t put you into a very good light. I would not expect unbiased analysis from you on this issue anyways, given how it seems to have affected you.

    8. Do you claim that the b.s. Corona counter-measures did not affect you in any way?

    9. “Higher transmission rates imply that it is less lethal because otherwise the virus would “burn itself out” quicker. Even some mainstream sources state that the “delta variant” is similar to a flu.”

      A high transmission rate does not necessarily imply low lethality. If the incubation time is long enough, even if it was 100% lethal it could still infect almost everyone.

      Only for viruses with a very short incubation time (which is most) does this relationship hold.

      If every host manages to infect more than 1 other person before dying, you would still get exponential growth, even with a 100% death rate.

      Although I agree that covid has low lethality, it is not very dangerous.

      But the virus does not have to be very lethal to overwhelm the healthcare system. A high transmission rate with some % of cases that require a hospital is enough.

    10. Of course, we have seen how packed all hospitals were, in particular the ICUs, with all those nurses choreographing their titillating dances for TikTok.

    11. “Do you claim that the b.s. Corona counter-measures did not affect you in any way?”

      In small ways, yes. but my life overall did not change much.

      I can still be biased obviously. I cannot know my own bias. That’s what you will have to judge.
      But given how it affected Alek, it would be very unlikely that he is unbiased about this.

      And given that he is smart, he should also be aware how his own unfortunate situation would bias him in this situation.

    12. “Of course, we have seen how packed all hospitals were, in particular the ICUs, with all those nurses choreographing their titillating dances for TikTok.”

      Common Aaron, you are much better than that.

      A few TikTok videos from some hospitals now counts as evidence for you? Is this stronger evidence than actually reported data from public health organizations?

    13. The ICUs were empty. If you want to venture into German news, you’ll easily find mainstream reports of hospitals lying about ICUs being full so that they could get more money.

    14. “My favorite counter-argument is that if the government is oh-so concerned about our health and well-being, then why can you buy readymade food, sodas, cigarettes. Why are there drug dealers on every corner in every major city? In fact, the “public health” argument is incredibly weak because all evidence points towards the government being genuinely hostile towards you. They want you to be miserable. It’s an added benefit is a few families get richer in the process, like the Sacklers with the opioids they are pushing onto society with the help of the medical establishment.”

      The government consists of many interest groups and many people. Some governments are more or less functional.

      Overall, governments do a lot to limit health problems:

      Building hospitals
      Public healthcare insurance
      Making certain drugs illegal
      High regulations on the food industry
      Regulations against pollution

      Now of course those only work to some degree… but your argument that governments want all of their citizens sick and suffering, you would need much stronger evidence for that.

      And health/freedom in not a simple issue. Of course there will be many disagreements about it.

      Can there be some elements of the governments who have bad incentives? Of course. But you have to show me some evidence that all elements of all governments are affected by this.

      So far, paranoia on your part seems to be a more likely explanation, given how unhappy you are with the current cultural trends and so on.

      Even if we were living in a totalitarian system. Why would the government want its citizen sick? If you had a slave, would you want the slave to be healthy and productive, or sick and almost not able to work?

    15. Imagine you’re a woke politician who hates whites and also believes that every human is the same, no matter how low their IQ or where they come from. This is not much of an exaggeration. Some politicians even go on record with such outlandish claims. I know, I know, “the great replacement” is a total fabrication of right-wing extremists.

    16. “But the virus does not have to be very lethal to overwhelm the healthcare system. A high transmission rate with some % of cases that require a hospital is enough.”

      This is true, and it’s especially pernicious in third-world countries, the primary cause of the current (unprecedented) Cuban uprising, and the main argument in favor of governments having SOME measures against Covid-19.

      Yet that isn’t enough to justify forced vaccinations, total lockdowns, forced masks (which don’t work anyway), etc. In fact, Covid-related healthcare system collapse has most likely been directly caused by *other* diseases taking hold of more people because of the rearranged priorities.

    17. @Ubermensch I’m skeptical that the hospitals are full in first-world areas, but if the data you mention is accurate, would you agree that the hospitals being full is more due to fear-mongering and poor response than the actual virus?

      If you fear-monger, all the hypochondriacs will show up, when they ordinarily would have done nothing or maybe hit the pharmacy or family doctor.

      Also, simply pushing employers to make time for their employees to get extra sunlight, and maybe tax benefits on purchases of unprocessed foods would have gone a long way.

    18. Guys… the data already came out. The delta variant is 40 times less lethal than alpha.

      That’s 4000% less… yes really. Just like every fucking virus in the history of viruses. As a virus becomes more transmissible it lowers in lethality.

      Chris Martenson did a video laying out the data. Forty times less lethal. What more do you want?

    19. Quick, mask up, don’t talk to your neighbor, get quarterly booster shots, don’t have children, don’t leave your home! The delta variant is going to kill you. However, due to its somewhat reduced lethality, we now need to have a conversation of flinging open our borders again. It reeks of utter Nazism that we didn’t relocate 100 million Africans into Europe last year. This has to stop!

    20. “Imagine you’re a woke politician who hates whites and also believes that every human is the same, no matter how low their IQ or where they come from. This is not much of an exaggeration. Some politicians even go on record with such outlandish claims. I know, I know, “the great replacement” is a total fabrication of right-wing extremists.”

      Look Aaron, I don’t like woke culture either. And I also agree that the current ZeitGeist is anti-white, at least partially.

      But not everything in the world is a conspiracy to genocide the white race.

      Covid is affecting everyone. They don’t just push the vaccine on white people. They push it on everyone.

      But that you bring this up, when clearly it is totally unrelated to covid, it just makes me think you now perceive every issue through the anti-white lens, so I just don’t think you are unbiased anymore.

    21. How come vaccination rates are very low among non-whites? This is primarily being pushed on whites. Sure, for the sake of the argument we can say that this is not the case. I even grant you that, readily. The net effect is the same, though as, in the West, primarily whites are lining up to get the vaxx.

    22. “Yet that isn’t enough to justify forced vaccinations, total lockdowns, forced masks (which don’t work anyway), etc. In fact, Covid-related healthcare system collapse has most likely been directly caused by *other* diseases taking hold of more people because of the rearranged priorities”

      I agree, most governments over reacted to Covid.
      But that is just good old plain incompetence. You don’t need a conspiracy theory to explain it.

      And it makes sense that politicians who want to get reelected, error on the side of caution.

      If I was a politician, I would have done the same. Yes lockdowns are unpopular, but so is people dying.

      And you can be sure the media mob would have blamed politicians for every single covid death, if they had done nothing.

    23. Why didn’t we do the same when the last media panic was promoted? I’d have to look up if it was the swine flu or bird flu. There is one such panic every few years.

    24. “The ICUs were empty. If you want to venture into German news, you’ll easily find mainstream reports of hospitals lying about ICUs being full so that they could get more money.”

      In the biggest hospital in Vienna, the ICUs were almost full.
      This is what was reported, and I also know 2 people who work there, who told me the same.

      Now could it be possible that a few selected hospitals tried to misreport to get more money? Of course.

      But this cherry picking of data to suit your narrative, is not rational thinking Aaron.

      You only look at the few hospitals who misreported numbers, you don’t look at the hospital who didn’t.

      That some people try to exploit the situation is going to be expected.

    25. You are cherry-picking by referring to the biggest hospital in Vienna, when it is a fact that in Germany hospitals systematically underreported the number of available ICU beds.

    26. @HerkerDerker:

      “If you fear-monger, all the hypochondriacs will show up, when they ordinarily would have done nothing or maybe hit the pharmacy or family doctor.”

      might be a small factor, but those people won’t end up in the ICU.

      Also there is a counter effect to this, many people avoided the hospitals because they were scared of getting infected with COVID.

    27. “How come vaccination rates are very low among non-whites? This is primarily being pushed on whites. Sure, for the sake of the argument we can say that this is not the case. I even grant you that, readily. The net effect is the same, though as, in the West, primarily whites are lining up to get the vaxx.”

      Aaron. If I wanted the genocide the white race. I don’t need to do anything at all.
      They have such low birthrates, they are happily doing it themselves. No need for pandemic.

      You are paranoid here.

      And I can easily spin this into a totally different direction. Whites are higher IQ on average than blacks. So if more whites get the vaccine than blacks (or some other groups), maybe it is just high IQ that makes someone get the vaccine? and the braindead morons don’t get it?

    28. We view the world in a fundamentally different way in this regard. Try this angle: Has there been a long-lasting and very intense attack on stable families, yes or no? Divorce, abortion, homosexuality and all kinds of paraphiliae, childlessness, patchwork families, and countless other brainwashing programs have been unleashed on the public. Looking at the shambles modern society is in and saying that this apparently happened for absolutely no reason at all strikes me as difficult to defend. If the vaxx is used for depopulation purposes, then the aim is simply to speed things up.

    29. “Why didn’t we do the same when the last media panic was promoted? I’d have to look up if it was the swine flu or bird flu. There is one such panic every few years.”

      Social media didn’t exist the last time. It changed the dynamics of politics a lot.

  7. Boyos check out this video. Amazing I’m one hour in and it’s a mind fuck. This global reset had happened before. Infact only 200+ years ago.

    The juice will kill all adults and leave the children to rebuild society. Just like it happened before. Anyone’s thoughts or opinions are appreciated.

    1. I’ll check it out later. In general, if you come across a YouTube video that seems interesting but which you can’t watch right now, I would highly recommend that you use a downloader to save it locally. I have had cases were videos became unavailable as I was watching them.

    2. There are already millions of people who got the vaccine. Almost all of them did not die.
      It’s time to get back to reality.

    3. Just add up the reported deaths as well as the large numbers of people who ended up with disabilities, and then take into account that those number are, for political reasons, likely underreported. Do you then still feel so confident that it’s a good idea to take the vaxx? Also, even if the risk of getting vaxxed to death are very low, why should I take it? My risk of dying of Covid (lol) is arguably lower.

    4. No, I didn’t argue here that you should take it.

      I argued, that it’s not a bioweapon to genocide humanity.

      It being a bioweapon or it being totally safe, are not the only 2 options.

    5. Deus,

      I did not watch the whole video (it’s almost five hours!) but I skipped around a bit, and it seems the guy is promoting a flat Earth theory? Like, not me using that as a metaphor for an idea that is really silly in my personal opinion, but a literal flat Earth theory?

    6. I watched parts of it as well. Admittedly, there are quite some interesting points. For one, I do not think that we cold recreate the architectural marvels of the past, even with today’s technology. He points out that next to the comparatively primitive people of the 18th or 19th century, monuments like the Arc de Triomphe look out of place and simply implausible. I would argue that we simply do not know enough about how such monuments were built. The flat-earth material is quite bizarre, though.

  8. Guys provide one piece of evidence that confirms 100% without a doubt that covid intact is a real virus. There is no isolation or purification of the virus. Therefore no evidence of it.

    There’s nothing. There’s no proof that covid exists. The PCR is a false test that doesn’t even test for viruses. Those two things along discredit the entire covid hysteria.

    It’s pretty obvious at this point that this is all about the mystery juice.

    1. It’s one thing to be skeptical of the vaccines. I’m skeptical as well.

      But if you really believe COVID is fake, and this is a conspiracy involving 100s of millions of people, 1000s of scientists, almost all politicians in the entire world…

      you lost your mind

      you might as well believe this is the Truman show, and everyone else is a paid actor, besides you. Because it would boil down to that.

    2. Dude, every scientist and doctor who questions the official narrative gets silenced or de-platformed. Are you even aware that the inventor of the PCR test came out, telling that it’s bullshit to use it for detecting Covid, or that the inventor of mRNA-based “vaccines”, Robert Malone, got hounded off the Internet for pointing out that this is highly experimental and risky technology? We are not following a bunch of crackheads online. Yes, there is a global conspiracy going on and at the core there are maybe a few hundred or a few thousand families who control banking and the media. This is how the world works. Oh, right, I guess the fact that institutions like the Trilateral Commission, the Council of Foreign Relations, the WEF, or Bilderberg exist is a totally kooky conspiracy theory.

      The powers that be have been caught red-handed so many times that I find it hard to believe anything in the mainstream media these days. For starters, the CDC uses different PCR cycle counts for the vaxxed and unvaxxed, and due to the unreliability of this test, you can get any incident rate you want. It’s a giant kabuki theater.

    3. And if you really think “there is not one piece of evidence for covid”

      you clearly lack the ability to even judge what would be valid evidence.

    4. Ok Aaron, lets say I buy your conspiracy claim.

      Lets say there are a few 1000 people who really have the power to plot a conspiracy of the proportions we are seeing.

      Why do they want to vaccinate everyone with some experimental drug? What is their plan?

    5. It is not quite clear what their plan is, but a few candidates would be:
      1) Enormous profits for Big Pharma
      2) Ruining the middle and working class to increase dependency of the state
      3) Destroying small and medium-sized businesses
      4) Establishing a surveillance state (I know, this one is really hard to believe!)
      5) Enriching a few billionaires, which is a side effect of 2)
      6) Destroying stable countries in order to usher in communism (this happened before, and many times)
      7) Depopulation
      8) The desire to simply lord it over the goyim and taking their freedoms away

      What of 1) to 8) do you observe in reality? I’d argue that we are seeing all of it already, to varying degrees.

    6. 1) yes Pharma industry probably loves covid.

      But there are other industries, for example tourism, airlines, who heavily suffer from the lockdowns.

      You would expect powerful people to have a stake in those other industries as well.

      Overall, economic growth was reduced by the pandemic. That means if powerful people orchestrated all of that for more profit, they are clearly idiots.

      2) why didn’t they just implement a UBI for that purpose?

      3) they could have just made some new regulations for that.

      4) why not just make some false flag terrorist attacks for that? That worked pretty well in the past. And probably much cheaper then shutting down the world.

      5) The pandemic reduced economic growth. While some individuals got richer, overall the ruling class probably didn’t get richer.

      6) why not just push a UBI if they want communism?

      7) why do they want to depopulate?

      8) boils down to Jews are evil and want to kill everyone?
      why did Israel was one of the first countries to vaccinate its entire population, in that case?

    7. 1) The wealth transfer to the top 1% is undeniable. Please do a bit of research.

      2) UBI is coming, too. Germany has recently rolled out a pilot project.

      3) With regulations, it’s a lot more obvious. Besides, technically, new regulations did indeed cause the bleeding of the 99% during the pandemic. We just call them “public health measures”.

      4) Compare 9/11 and its aftermatch to Covid, please. The former is utterly trivial in comparison.

      5) This is patently false. They gained over one trillion USD.

      6) A UBI is being pushed as well.

      7) I suspect that part of the depopulation drive is due to the elites believing their own climate-change bullshit. Then again, maybe I’m mixing up cause and effect here and the starting point is indeed the desire to kill the people they hate.

      8) When I use the term “goy”, I don’t mean to disparage Jews in any way. Most Jews arguably suffer from the actions of the elites as well. I’d like to know if the Jewish 1% got the vaxx. You shouldn’t view them as some kind of monolithic block. They are tribal even among themselves, so I would not be surprised if they pushed the vaxx harder on, for instance, orthodox Jews.

    8. to 1) and 5)

      you misunderstood my argument, let me rephrase it:

      “if the pandemic didn’t happen, the top 1% would be even richer now”

      that they still gained wealth, does not matter to this argument.

      of course, we cannot prove this, as we would have to run he simulation again, this time without covid, which is not possible.

      My argument boils down to, that wealth concentration is inevitable in a capitalist system (and probably in any other system as well), because the exponential nature on returns on capital, means that a very small difference in growth rates will lead to this concentration.

    9. Your claims are patently false. The 1% got much richer, as a consequence of SMEs shutting down. Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and many other stocks went through the roof. We’ve had the first people break the $100bn barrier, of course this only applies to publicly acknowledged wealth. Do you honestly think that e-commerce and tech would have accelerated as much without Covid? I mean, in all seriousness, do you want to make the claim that without the b.s. pandemic, people would just have stayed home, stopped working, stopped traveling abroad, and stopped shopping locally? Do you realize how absurd your position is?

      Yes, of course wealth concentration is inevitable in our system. Yet, this does not mean that Covid did not disproportionally benefit the 1%.

    10. Then why are they lifting restrictions & lockdowns in many countries now?
      Why not just keep them up forever?

      If your argument is, that the population will rebel at some point.
      And I buy this, but then you also have to see, that this whole lockdown business is a pretty risky play by the elites.

      Maybe it actually made them more rich. But it could also cause a revolution, people getting upset.

      If I was a rich person, and I got get a guaranteed profit, or an even bigger profit but also the risk that the population rebels against me, I don’t see this as a worthy risk.

      I would prefer a happy and docile population.

      What is more likely in my opinion is that Covid happened, and then obviously the elites took advantage of it.

    11. Yes, it is a risky play. Somehow, the behavior of the elites over the last few years reeks of desperation, in my opinion. They have gotten more and more brazen. If you are sure of winning, you don’t act like this. Maybe it’s as simple as guys like Soros getting really old. Thus, they tell their minions to speed up the program because they want to see fireworks before they die. An alternative explanation would be that they have gotten completely out of touch with reality, but for that, there is too much widely-known manipulation going on. You wouldn’t print 100,000s of pre-filled voting slips for Biden if you think that you’re on top. Instead, we are seeing one Hail Mary after another.

    12. @ubermensch

      The goal is depopulation.
      Our rulers already own 98% of the world, banks, governments etc. They can print money. They don’t give a fuck about economical growth lol. Open your eyes dude. If you’re opinions are Just like 80% of the masses then you’re the sheep.

      What’s next, when we see ufos flying in the air and they tell us we’re made from aliens you’re going to believe that too?

      Or if you hear voices in your hear from them using the voice of god machine you’re going to believe that too??

      It’s blatantly obvious and really you don’t even have to do a lot of research you Just have to open your mind to the possibility that’s we are being manipulated and brainwashed with media and this show everywhere we go that this is a serious thing.

      You know you have roughly a 1% chance of dying every time you drive a car, yet how many times have you died driving a car? Zero….

      It’s ok to do some self reflection and accept that you may have been wrong about something, also prove to us that covid is real besides saying yoooo I know people who died. Yooo people had a worse cough then any other flu…

    13. “You know you have roughly a 1% chance of dying every time you drive a car, yet how many times have you died driving a car? Zero….”

      JUST LOL

      go back to school and learn elementary math. Maybe learn about the conspiracy theories later.

    14. Hey Uber you know what I meant. I wrote that while taking a shit at work.

      Seems like the most educated sometimes are the most loss…

      I wish you the best of luck.

    15. Hey Uber you know what I meant

      With him and cqv it’s hard to tell if they’re pretending to be dense as a tactic, or if they’re genuinelly autistic.

      If it’s the latter, he might genuinelly believe you meant that you should die 1 out of a 100 times you enter a car.

    16. “If it’s the latter, he might genuinelly believe you meant that you should die 1 out of a 100 times you enter a car.”

      It’s not easy to make me laugh, but this time you killed it!

    17. Yes. I actually believe that people like Deus who struggle with numbers, are the same group of people who believe that there is a genocide of humanity in progress.

      If you want someone to take you serious, you should not post numbers that are off by like a magnitude of level 10000

      That you think those details are not important in making your argument, tells me exactly how you would perceive the world in other cases as well.

    18. What’s the percentage of whites, globally, in the current year? What was the percentage of whites in 1920? How many white ethno-states exist? How many non-white ethno-states exist?

    19. @Aaron: I don’t know and I don’t care.

      It’s probably going down or you would not make this argument.

      Does not mean there is a conspiracy against them. They just don’t want to have babies anymore. No one forces them to not have babies.

      Your victim mentality when it comes to whites is very astonishing, Aaron. They seem to be removed from any agency and responsibility in your eyes, and it is always someone else who is at fault.

      Is there a different group who argues the same way? *hust* BLM *hust*

    20. Sure, for absolutely no reason at all whites don’t want children anymore. It is impossible that it has anything to do with heavy-handed changes to our societies over the last 100 to 150 years or so. Everything you see is organic. People really want kindergarten kids exposed to LGBT indoctrination etc. It must be true because otherwise there wouldn’t be such a well-funded and very vocal minority that gets showered in money by luminaries like Soros. I mean, what reason could such an ugly toad have to want to destroy society?

    21. Again Aaron, what is up with your victim mentality.

      Black people make the same arguments “buh huh our families are destroyed because of the state, our sons join gangs because of the war on drugs, we cannot be held responsible for anything!”

      If you don’t see the symmetry here, I don’t know.

      If white people had a problem with LGBT education, they could just stop sending their kids to those indoctrination camps. The could elect politicians who don’t support this bullshit.

      It is definitely in the power of white people, to act against this.

      You are removing any agency from them, ironically painting them as complete children.

    22. I don’t think that elections work, which is precisely why we got “democracy” in the first place. Also, good look taking your kid out of school in most (all?) of Europe.

    23. Whites are still the majority in most Western countries.
      So even if I buy your argument that democracy does not work.
      If whites were willing, they could overthrow the government easily, given that they are still the majority.

      At some point, you have to put some of the blame, on whites.

      Or you keep playing the victim game, but then you also have to concede, that whites are basically adult children without any self responsibility.

  9. I’d like to touch on the notion of the counter culture in the US in the 1960s being inevitable. That logic in and of itself wreaks of Marxism. It also disregards the fact that communists played a direct role through KGB agents infiltrating protest movements. As well as Frankfurt School zealots taking over our higher educational institutions after the second world war, and successfully promoting cultural Marxism. None of this was organic.

    The “repressive” 1950s era was the worst in US history.

    Except for all of the other eras.

    1. I have rarely come across claims that the degeneracy, err, liberalization of the 1960s was inevitable as the entire movement was full of communists. It was probably the first color revolution in the world.

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