Black Pill · Mindset

The Wisdom of “Looks Maximus” (I): You are a Pleb

I have listened to quite a bit of Looks Maximus’s video, which you can find on YouTube and Odysee. He has a pleasant voice and he brings up some rather interesting points. In this article, and subsequent ones, however, I want to focus on key themes of his message. Some of them he does not explicitly discuss. Yet, they have implications that hold valuable lessons for men. The first one is related to his frequent use of the term “pleb” to describe himself and his listeners. The counterpart in his lexicon is “VIP”, i.e. someone very rich.

The message that you are a pleb is a very important one as it puts into perspective a lot of the status jockeying that is going on in the world. Growing up, I never met anyone who was genuinely rich. My parents have a house in a fairly well-off part of the country, and so did the parents of all my childhood friends. Some lived in houses that were a little bigger, others in houses that were a little bit smaller, but qualitatively there was little difference. There was one outlier, a dentist, who had a pool in his basement. Still, that family was more upper middle-class than in an entirely different league.

In primary schools, there was plenty of status jockeying going on. Some kid may have boasted about his dad having bought a 7-Series BMW while some other kid’s dad may have driven only a 5-series or a 3-series BMW. Or maybe some kid boasted about having both a Sega Genesis and a Super Nintendo at home, or about having gotten two games for his birthday instead of one. Back then, this felt like a big difference, but it was all a joke, really. None of the kids was markedly better off. (I should add that a billionaire sent his kid to the primary school I went to a few years after I had left. This boy was chauffeured to school and had bodyguards with him. I have only heard about it. Yet, this was certainly a potentially good lesson for the pleb kids about their real position in society’s general hierarchy.)

The first time I got to know really rich people was when I studied in England. I attended two good universities. One of my class mates was heir to one of Germany’s richest families, but if she had kept her Facebook profile locked down I would not have found out about this. More relevant where the cases of some male students I frequently interacted with. Some of them habitually spent long weekends traveling all over Europe. I recall one dude asking me if I’d like to join them for three days in Paris, but the price tag would have hurt quite a bit. I also met children of very well-to-do families in my dorm. One of them was barely 18 years old. He drove an Audio R8, which his dad paid for on a whim. (Article continues below.)

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I had more run-ins with the rich when I accompanied clients of mine to the French Riviera. In some of those places you see one supercar after another. In clubs, guys spend 2,000 Euros on a table and a few thousand Euros more on a few bottles of champagne, and they tip 50 or 100 Euros several times a night. On one night such people may spend more on entertainment than the average pleb earns in half a year. Yet, those people do not really want to impress others because they also know that they are plebs compared to some others. Once I was at a club where an Arab sheik spent several tens of thousands of euros on champagne bottles for everyone in the club. They carted many dozens of bottles of Moet & Chandon in and his lackeys were just handing them out. One bottle would cost 500 Euros.

The bottom line is that, yes, you are a pleb. You are a pleb even if you are in the top 5 or top 10% of the income distribution in your country as there is a stratum of society you can’t access. At best, your life will be a bit better than the average pleb’s, meaning that you may drive a somewhat nicer car or live in a nicer, bigger apartment in a nicer part of town. Sure, you may be able to afford better restaurant, but you will not habitually eat in the best restaurants. You are not going to own a supercar, you are not going to own a palatial home, and you are not going to drop 5k on a night out with your buddies. You won’t because you are a pleb and will only ever be a pleb.

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99 thoughts on “The Wisdom of “Looks Maximus” (I): You are a Pleb

  1. Not all “plebe’s” are created equal. Some of us are built to be kings.

    I will not own a supercar; I will build a factory to manufacture supercars, then sell them to plebes.

    I will not build a palatial house; I will build fortresses.

    I’m not going to drop 5k on a night out with my buddies…because I’m not a wasteful dumb ass.

    The “Arab sheik” you mentioned did not create a dynasty, he inherited his grandfather’s wealth. Spending tens of thousands to buy champagne for the house isn’t a sign of strength, it’s a sign of weakness; virtue signalling writ large; a stepping stone on the road to poverty. Likewise, the billionaire’s son with the bodyguard escort is pathetic.

    The Chinese have a saying: “wealth does not pass three generations.” Are you a wealth creator, or wealth destroyer? The former are worthy of respect, and the latter are not.

    1. Chances that you will become a “VIP” in your lifetime are infinitesimally small. This does not meant that you cannot build some degree of wealth obviously.

    2. Very delusional. For every king there will be millions of plebs. Cannot be any other way in a hierarchical society. And of course all the plebs think they are going to make it, but most will fail out of mathematical necessity.

    3. “the billionaire’s son with the bodyguard escort is pathetic”

      Uhm, it is smart, not pathetic.
      The son will be a target for kidnapping.

    4. The Chinese have a saying: “wealth does not pass three generations.”

      That is also a Vietnamese saying:
      “Không ai giàu quá ba đời, không ai nghèo quá ba họ”
      Trans: ” No-one continues to be rich after 3 generations, no one is going to be poor pass 3 generations.”

      The moral of the saying is that you will lose your wealth if you do not educate your children to conserve wealth.

      This doesn’t apply to long aristocratic families. This issue is well-observed in the Asia. Aristocratic families remained powerful generations, supplying a source of recruitment for government officials in top positions. When they witness their downfalls, it is because the change in socio-political situation, not because they are out-competed by powerful adversaries.

  2. There is also a big issue of survivorship bias here.

    I would say getting a good job is a much better strategy than trying to start a business, if you are not born into wealth (if you can afford to waste time because your daddy is rich anyways, then obviously it makes sense to take risks)

    For every Zuckerberg there are millions of men who quit college and ended up with nothing, because their business failed. We just don’t hear about them.

    So starting a business is most likely a -EV move.

    1. You can be certain that this pleb is just posturing. Starting a business in a mature industry requires enormous amounts of money, which makes it a non-starter for a pleb. The avenues plebs can go into tend to not pay so well. He also does not seem to understand that humans like to segregate. For a deca-millionaire spending a few thousand euros on a night out is not a waste of money because they also want to be among people like themselves. They would not like to party in some supposedly “cool” underground club full of shady characters. That amount of money is just not really a factor for them. It’s comparable to a pleb going to a midrange restaurant, if at all.

  3. What is the lesson to take from this post – that sacrificing time for money is not worth it beyond a base level since you wont get to the very top levels of wealth anyway? For example going from middle class driving a Toyota to upper middle class driving a 7 series BMW, or living in a $400k house vs $900k house?

    1. Yes, it is about the barrier separating “plebs’ from “VIPs”. As you rightly point out, a pleb may end up with a nice house and a big BMW but this would not make his life much different from another pleb who has a smaller house and maybe only a Toyota. In contrast, a VIP may have multiple cars and residences etc. Cars are a good example. You probably only have one car and it would have to be some kind of an all-round vehicle like a sedan or an SUV. In contrast, a VIP may have a supercar, a fancy sedan such as Bentley, and an electric vehicle, and each of those would be out of reach for a pleb. The gap between a nice BMW and a Bentley is quite staggering, in fact. From the vantage point of a VIP, it must look absurd when a pleb is bragging about his BMW.

    2. This is exactly what I’m talking about Aaron. What you call a “VIP” is just a higher rank of “plebe”, “serf”, or “debt slave.” Lasting wealth and power is what matters, and that goes far beyond what kind of car one drives, or even how many dollars are in one’s bank account. Some of the wealthiest people around are often happier, yes happier, driving a Geo Metro or a Ford Escort than a supercar. The people who are always spending big money on big fancy cars, big fancy houses, nice clothes, superyachts, going clubbing all the time, etc aren’t rich, they are POOR.

    3. A billionaire or a multi-millionaire will not go broke because he bought a second or third Porsche. You are talking about plebs who massively overspend. This is also a topic in “The Millionaire Next Door”.

    4. It isn’t the 2nd or 3rd Porsche that’s the problem, but the mentality behind the purchase.

      There’s a big difference for example between a car nut who buys an old Porsche at a discount price from a debt slave doctor to refurbish or rebuild, doing his own mechanic work, building up a stable of interesting old cars, and the guy who doesn’t know a spanner from a monkey wrench who spends big money on expensive cars as status symbols to show off and impress people.

      There’s a big difference between a stately old house someone bought at a fire sale auction, and a McMansion someone spent ten million dollars to build in a fancy neighborhood, with million dollar chandeliers like rappers brag about.

      There’s a big difference between having nice, presentable, quality clothes, and spending $10,000/month to fill a closet larger than most people’s living room. Etc.

      People who continually blow through wealth won’t keep it over the long term. They will raise up a generation of kids who are spoilt rotten, who take money as a given, who are even more profligate spenders than their parents were. Those will in turn raise up another generation of big spenders who are far detached from the original source of wealth, who will continue blowing through the family fortune until there is nothing left.

      The tendency of the first generation wealthy man to use his wealth to marry a trophy wife only exacerbates the problem. Take the guy who likes clubbing and banging random club whores as the perfect example. He marries a woman based on her looks. She comes from a long line of men and women who have been bred for their looks alone. Odds are her looks don’t come with intelligent, wealth-building genes attached. The second generation, their sons and daughters, have good looks from their mother and money from their father, but without the genetics or the training to keep, preserve, and further increase that wealth. So they blow through it. Then they themselves marry good looking men or women who are likewise ill equipped to build and maintain wealth, and the spending accelerates. By the third generation, all the wealth is gone. That’s why, in general, “wealth does not pass three generations.”

      An individual who has earned millions or billions or dollars does not in itself impress me. Let’s look at his family 50 or 100 years down the road and see where they are then. 90-95% of them will be dirt poor once again.

      There is a vast difference between “old money” and “new money” for that reason. Old money families are very careful about who they mate and breed with, so that the next generation will have genes for success, and also careful in how they raise and tutor their children so that they will be equipped to become wealthy in their own right. They don’t send their children to “plebe school”, to hang around with “new money” kids who grew up being handed money and spending it like it’s free.

      Take the Rothschild family for an example of an extreme outlier here. They have relied on inbreeding to keep from polluting their family with “plebe” genes. This will eventually come back to bite them in the ass, just as it did for the Habsburgs for example. In the mean time their wealth will continue to grow and grow, because they carefully preserve it over generations rather than YOLOing $5000/night at expensive clubs.

    5. This is one of the most absurd sentences I have read in my life: “a stately old house someone bought at a fire sale auction”.

    6. @Dave Blanchard
      You give a sound statement of how wealth can be built through generations.

      But I would say, sometimes, the fortune of a family entirely depends on the innate characters of its offsprings. Some kids prove resilient to the teaching of their parents. They would waste money on all issues. This is why in Asia, we have a saying: “Parents give birth to the child, his personality is shaped by Nature”.

      However, this tendency is somewhat mitigated by the auxiliary branches of that same family. One branch may die off due to extinction, but others continue to flourish.

    7. Care to explain your reasoning behind that statement?

      Many of these “VIP” types are too poor to pay the note on the debt they eagerly load themselves up with. When hard times come as they inevitably do, they end up having to sell off their assets at discount prices to smarter money.

      I own such a home myself. Not a large one, but a well built one on a nice piece of property. The former occupants spent a good deal of time and money fixing this place up for me.

      Have you ever compared the quality of lumber of a house built in say 1960 to one built today? I couldn’t be paid enough to live in one of these shitty McMansions that these “VIP” types blow millions of dollars building. Not interested in living in the neighborhoods they build them in, either.

      Actually, we are very close to another massive collapse in U.S. real estate, which will result in some amazing bargains for those who have been quietly saving their money over years. I give it less than one year.

    8. When Looks Maximus speaks of “VIPs” he refers to people with a net worth of many millions of dollars. In contrast, your interpretation of the term is closer to this being high-level plebs who spend their money frivolously. In “The Millionaire Next Door”, those types are described as “income-rich but cash-poor”. Examples given in this book include doctors how live above their means or sport stars who are multimillionaires but live a lifestyle that would require much more money than they make to be sustainable.

  4. Re: the billionaire kid with bodyguard escort:

    > ‘Uhm, it is smart, not pathetic. The son will be a target for kidnapping.’

    If these people are so damn smart, why are they sending their kid to school with a bunch of plebes? Would you send your children to school in the ghetto? Even broke people recognize the value of homeschooling; wouldn’t you have your kid tutored at home, or at least send him to school with other billionaires, if you were a billionaire? If they were determined to send him to “plebe school”, how is he ever going to form normal relationships and have a normal life with bodyguards following him around everywhere? Again: that is a family of idiots.

    > ‘I would say getting a good job is a much better strategy than trying to start a business, if you are not born into wealth. For every Zuckerberg there are millions of men who quit college and ended up with nothing, because their business failed. We just don’t hear about them.’

    Typical plebe mentality. This is why you are broke and will always stay broke. You will never get ahead by being a wage slave. You are risk adverse.

    Zuckerberg is not an actual billionaire, by the way. He is a front man, for the intelligence service with created Facebook. Just like Bill Gates or Elon Musk, for example–or even Donald Trump. None of those people created their own wealth, or as wealthy as they are claimed to be. The “world’s wealthiest people” lists are all bullshit.

    Step one in advancing in the world is to see through the lies. understand how the world actually works.

    > ‘Chances that you will become a “VIP” in your lifetime are infinitesimally small.’

    “Chances” have nothing to do with anything. I was born with the genetics that I was born with, and here I am. There are some incredibly famous and powerful people in my family tree, including many kings and emperors. They didn’t get to where they were by “chance.”

    I hate to even tell you this, because you will likely use it as Yet Another Excuse why you can’t get ahead, rather than the actual source: your self-defeating mentality.

    Every one of these powerful male lines in my tree (and in yours also), when traced back to their origins, started with some “plebe” who was born with the right traits and characteristics to enable him to “level up” to a greater degree than the “determined-to-remain-plebes” around him. The #1 trait being his refusal to listen to said plebes telling him he can’t make it, to give up, etc. After proving himself in the world, often he would marry the daughter of some prestigious family, and the rest would be history. Happens all the time.

    The main limitation preventing you from accumulating wealth and power is your own mind.

    On the other hand there are other lines which existed contemporary to those, where an existing family with wealth and power spent itself into poverty and was heard from no more. That happens all the time also. For example:

    > ‘For a deca-millionaire spending a few thousand euros on a night out is not a waste of money’

    Yes. Yes it is. If said “deca-millionaire” keeps wasting money like that, before long he will be uber-broke. That is not how wealth is accumulated, but how it’s squandered, by idiot children who have no conception of wealth accumulation.

    As long as you continue to admire and envy such people, you will remain broke yourself. Read “The Millionaire Next Door” for true knowledge of how wealthy people actually live. They generally don’t go to clubs in the first place, let alone blow huge wads of cash on entertainment.

    Right now as we speak, Saudi Arabia is running out of oil. What do you think is going to happen to all of those thousands of “deca-millionaire” princes in the near future? Bloodbath, followed by poverty. Back to camel herding for the lot of them. Happens all the time.

    1. “The Millionaire Next Door” is a scam. The whole strategy is predicated on hope. Hope that the job market, the housing market and the stock market will always go up, so you can penny-pinch your way to riches via compound interest. Maybe in the 1950s you could expect to keep your job for the next 30 years and retire with a golden rolex as a thank you, but now the times are different. And even then, why would you do it? Why would you live a miserable life so you can have a million in your 60s or 70s? Wealth in a wheelchair doesn’t sound good at all, the golden years aren’t as golden as you think. Enjoy going to the club with an oxygen tank, there’s also no place for a wheelchair in your Ferrari. But Wallstreet will thank you for your life-long participation. I googled the author, he was killed by a drunk driver in 2015 at the age of 71. It seems that I forget that living long enough to enjoy the fruits of your labor is another hope this strategy is predicated on.

      I would rather recommend the book “Unscripted”. Entrepreneurship is the way to go. It’s not easy, but you can increase the probability of success. You’re right about the figure-heads like Zuckerberg, Musk and all the other people who are being promoted. But there’s also the millionaires nobody knows about in boring industries and/or smaller niches who have like 5-10 million in the bank after working at it for ~10 years and then selling it for a multiple of the yearly profits. I think that’s the only option if you want to enjoy your life while still having a full head of hair.

    2. Also, the script that worked for the boomers no longer works that well. Everything is more expensive nowadays. Look up price/earnings for stocks, for instance, or research actual purchasing power. Fifty ears ago, one income was enough to support a family. Today, this only works if you have a very well-paid job. We were royally screwed by the boomers.

    3. Dude, I did not got to primary school in a ghetto but instead what would in US parlance be called an “affluent suburb”. Back then it was also 100% white, not that that could have played any role. After primary school, that kid was sent off to boarding school abroad. By not doing this sooner, the mother was able to spend more time with the kid. Here I am only speculating, but this would strike me as a relatively plausible reason. Also, in the country I grew up in, homeschooling is illegal.

    4. The “boomers” were just as much of a victim as you are. They are pawns in a larger game, just as you are.

      Would you have rather been born in the 40s, lived your adult life in the USA of easy money and endless warfare, only to watch helplessly as it all falls to pieces in your twilight years, as is happening right now? Work all your life to buy a home in a nice neighborhood in Detroit or Baltimore or Gary, IN only to watch it crumble to dust around you, with the entire culture going to shit? Or would you rather be a relatively young man right here and now, as hard as it may be, but having the opportunity to ride through the collapse and build something big on the other side?

      Imagine what it was like for those boomers who were for example clued in to the Federal Reserve scam and other conspiracies back in the 60s or earlier, only to be laughed at, mocked, and ignored by mainstream society all their lives, while the entire nation steamrolls towards destruction. Would you like to be in their shoes?

      Count your blessings.

  5. It sounds like you’ve read a totally different book than the one I read. You’re attacking a strawman here.

    “Millionaire Next Door” explains that the two wealthiest demographics in the USA are Scots and Russians. Not explained is that this is for two different reasons: Scots are good at not spending money, and Russians are good at making it. Learn from the two demographics, combine their characteristics, and you have a foundation of big time success.

    “Entrepreneurship is the way to go. It’s not easy, but you can increase the probability of success. There’s millionaires nobody knows about in boring industries and/or smaller niches who have like 5-10 million in the bank after working at it for ~10 years and then selling it for a multiple of the yearly profits. I think that’s the only option if you want to enjoy your life while still having a full head of hair.”

    This is exactly the sort of person “Millionaire Next Door” is talking about–except without the “get rich quick” illusion. If you expect to be a multi-millionaire within 10 years starting from nothing, it’s possible, but you should prepare to be disappointed. It took Col. Sanders until his 60s to achieve success with his fried chicken recipe. Ray Kroc didn’t stumble onto the McDonalds franchise until his 40s, IIRC.

    If this were the USA of the late 1800s and you were exceptionally talented, sure, you could become a “robber baron” in no time, but the USA of 2020s is a totally different animal. In either case true wealth doesn’t come about instantly, but is built up over multiple generations. You have to be in it for the long haul.

    This is the root of the problem with the “only a small percentage make it big, so give up now” line of argument. Persistence. If you study all those millions of failure stories, you will find a common thread: they worked at something for a time, encountered some kind of problem…then gave up, quit, and rejoined the rat-race. The ones who eventually find big success encountered plenty of problems and difficulties also, and failed over and over, but always picked themselves and tried again. That is the sole factor differentiating them from the failures.

    The real question is, why would anyone be so concerned about “clubbing”? That’s the type of stuff 20 year olds think is the essence and purpose of life. To those who are fully mature at 35-40+ years old, clubbing and other inane activities hold little to no attraction anymore. Are you going to meet your future wife and the foundation of your family’s success at a club? Of course not. Banging random club whores is no kind of life, and has no future in it.

    At 37 years old, here’s what excites me a hell of a lot more than blowing money on club whores: designing and building a factory. Designing and building an interesting piece of software, or an engine, or an electronic circuit. Clubbing is WAY down there on the list.

    1. Scots and Russians aren’t the wealthiest demographic, you should know who is by now. They may hide behind Scottish and Russian names though. I’m also not attacking a straw man. It doesn’t matter whether Scots are good at not spending money, or that Russians are good at making it, in both cases they have to rely on mainstream investments to get rich via compound interest and a long time frame, or how do you think they got supposedly so wealthy? By clipping coupons? Or are those Russians making 200k+ a year or what?

      Sanders opened KFC in 1952, and sold it in 1964 for 2 million ($16.5 million today). So it’s in line with the 10 years. How is 10 years get rich quick? Wealth building over multiple generations sounds like BS. It’s like those religious nuts who suffer today because they will reap the benefits after they die. How can you expect your children to continue your struggle? They won’t except if they inherit a fortune and have a head-start over others with plenty of guidance. It takes one offspring who would rather follow his dream than continue with your struggle and your whole plan is over. What if they orchestrate the next war and evacuate your city and after you return everything is in shambles? You can’t plan ahead for generations, except if you’re rich already, i.e. an insider with a lot of options to move his liquid capital.

      The elites maintain their wealth by regular intermarriage between the same families. That’s probably what the intertwining Tree of Life of the ancients means. Stanley is a peerage name for example, that’s the author of the book you mentioned, so I think he’s pushing his ideas for his cousins on wall street. If you look at the elite families, they didn’t build their wealth by clipping coupons for generations, there was one ancestor who made the big bucks, which is the foundation of all dynastic wealth.

      Our system is rigged, and working for the “long haul” isn’t some kind of badge you can proudly slap on your chest and run around feeling superior to others. You’re still a serf and whether your ideas will have any merit is still unknown.

      Clubbing was just an example, you can substitute it for whatever you like in life. You appear to not get my point. It’s about enjoying life when you’re still healthy. Your dreams appear to be pipe-dreams. Designing a factory? An interesting piece of software? An engine? An electronic circuit? Get a grip, man. How about finding a need in the market place that you can scale? I can tell you right now that you won’t invent the next engine. But maybe you can improve upon a software for dentists and build a customer base over time or improve upon existing consumer goods like popular items sold on Amazon who have sup-bar reviews and then move it to your own site and become brand that i know for quality goods, importing isn’t that hard anymore you know.

    2. “Wealth building over multiple generations sounds like BS.”
      In Asian cases, that’s not bullshit. That is the secret of wealth-building in China, Vietnam, Korea and Japan. We sacrifice for the good of our children and grandchildren.

      I would say Asian society is designed in a way to counter Jewish penetration in all levels.

    3. > ‘Scots and Russians aren’t the wealthiest demographic, you should know who is by now.’

      You are referring of course to “The Jews[tm].” This is misinformation. There are many common “European” names with no more than average wealth, which are actually Hebrew names in disguise. The average Hebrew isn’t particularly wealthy.

      > ‘It doesn’t matter whether Scots are good at not spending money, or that Russians are good at making it, in both cases they have to rely on mainstream investments to get rich via compound interest and a long time frame,’

      For vast stretches of human history, there was no such thing as getting rich via “compound interest”, at least not via bank deposits anyhow. That’s mainly an artifact of post-WW2 America. Actually, collecting any interest at all has in many cultures been considered usury, which is immoral and even illegal. See the “Islamic banking” fad from about 10 years ago which quickly died on the vine once people realized that usury is prohibited by Islam.

      “The Richest Man in Babylon” is a great book which explains the basic principles of wealth building, including compounding of interest, not through banks but through smart lending practices to individuals.

      > ‘or how do you think they got supposedly so wealthy? By clipping coupons? Or are those Russians making 200k+ a year or what?’

      Did you read “Millionaire Next Door”? The answer in many cases is yes, and yes.

      How much wealth is passing through your hands right now, which you waste on bullshit like clubbing, instead of saving it and putting it towards some kind of productive use?

      The problem is this belief that you HAVE to blow that money pointlessly, on clubbing or other such dead end activities, otherwise you will have a boring and shitty life. But that is a mindset which has been programmed into you by constant exposure to an extremely wasteful society, with the resulting desire to always be “keeping up with the Joneses.”

      Try living in absolute poverty for 10+ years, and you will over time come to understand what really matters in life. I have done that myself. I blew through lots of money early in life, not knowing its true value because I had also been programmed to be a debt slave by the serfs around me. Nowadays I’m that guy who can be perfectly happy driving a Geo Metro rather than a supercar, and will always remain so to the end of my life, even long after I could pay cash for a supercar. I wear T-shirts and blue jeans and tennis shoes, and I’m way happier in life than many of these “yacht people.”

      > “Sanders opened KFC in 1952, and sold it in 1964 for 2 million ($16.5 million today). So it’s in line with the 10 years. How is 10 years get rich quick?”

      Sanders struggled all his life with one failed venture after another, and was in his 60s before he finally hit pay dirt with his fried chicken recipe. If he expected to be a millionaire by his 30s, he was sorely disappointed.

      Yes, I too assumed at 18 years old that I would surely be a millionaire by the time I was 30. Didn’t work out that way. Success does not come overnight; it’s built over the long term. 10 years is not a long time to be working on anything.

      > ‘Wealth building over multiple generations sounds like BS.’

      See: the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and other “old money” families as existence proof.

      You think wealth can easily be gained overnight (10 years), but long term wealth building is bullshit? With that mentality you will always be poor.

      > “It’s like those religious nuts who suffer today because they will reap the benefits after they die.”

      It’s called “long term thinking.” Also “wisdom.”

      > ‘How can you expect your children to continue your struggle? They won’t except if they inherit a fortune and have a head-start over others with plenty of guidance. It takes one offspring who would rather follow his dream than continue with your struggle and your whole plan is over.’

      Which is why such families are very careful about who they breed with. They don’t have children with random club whores. They don’t select their mates based on looks alone. They don’t send their children to “plebe” schools to rub elbows with new money serfs.

      > ‘What if they orchestrate the next war and evacuate your city and after you return everything is in shambles?’

      What if you foresaw the war coming because intelligence and foresight is what has been bred and selected for in your family? What if you had mayonnaise jars full of gold and silver coins buried in remote locations? What if you lived on a vast country estate rather than a city compound like the new money rats do, because that’s what old money does? What if you didn’t have to worry about your estate being bombed or taken over, because you and your family cultivated powerful connections–like the guy who prevented the town of Madison, GA from being burnt down because he went to school with Gen. Sherman?

      > ‘You can’t plan ahead for generations, except if you’re rich already, i.e. an insider with a lot of options to move his liquid capital.’

      On the contrary: the people who plan ahead for decades and generations are the ones who tend to become wealthy. The ones who live only day to day and in the moment are nothing better than animals.

      > ‘The elites maintain their wealth by regular intermarriage between the same families. That’s probably what the intertwining Tree of Life of the ancients means. Stanley is a peerage name for example, that’s the author of the book you mentioned, so I think he’s pushing his ideas for his cousins on wall street. If you look at the elite families, they didn’t build their wealth by clipping coupons for generations, there was one ancestor who made the big bucks, which is the foundation of all dynastic wealth.’

      If you look at the elite families, they maintain their wealth generation after generation because they don’t just randomly outbreed with serfs, but intermarry into other powerful families so the wealth-building GENETICS are conserved. They also make political alliances in the process, which is another wealth conserving and building mechanism.

      > ‘Our system is rigged, and working for the “long haul” isn’t some kind of badge you can proudly slap on your chest and run around feeling superior to others. You’re still a serf and whether your ideas will have any merit is still unknown.’

      Unknown to you, perhaps, but God knows the truth.

      > ‘Clubbing was just an example, you can substitute it for whatever you like in life. You appear to not get my point. It’s about enjoying life when you’re still healthy.’

      Translation: blowing money on pointless dead end pursuits, living for the here and now rather than planning for the future. 100% serf mentality, leading to everlasting poverty.

      > ‘Your dreams appear to be pipe-dreams. Designing a factory? An interesting piece of software? An engine? An electronic circuit? Get a grip, man.’

      Hard to explain such concepts to a person with a serf mentality.

      > ‘How about finding a need in the market place that you can scale? I can tell you right now that you won’t invent the next engine.’

      I can tell you right now that I already have.

      > ‘But maybe you can improve upon a software for dentists and build a customer base over time or improve upon existing consumer goods like popular items sold on Amazon who have sup-bar reviews and then move it to your own site and become brand that i know for quality goods, importing isn’t that hard anymore you know.’

      If that’s what works for you, go for it.

    4. Mr. Blanchard,

      I’m afraid you may have missed and misinterpreted a lot of things from The Millionaire Next Door. As Aaron pointed out, the book makes the point that what would be foolish spending for a “regular” millionaire is really nothing for decamillionaires. IIRC the book refers to solid decamillionaires “the glittering rich,” (or maybe that term was introduced in the sequel The Millionaire Mind, I can’t remember) and explicitly mentions that for them there is no harm in spending a ton of money on items that would be foolish and wasteful for a “regular” millionaire.

      You also misinterpret some data. One example is when you say the book states that the wealthiest ethnicities are Russians and Scots. That’s not the case. It lists the number of millionaires per ethnicity, but remember that a single billionaire is worth a thousand millionaires, and Scots and Russians have a high number of single-digit millionaires, which is why they score so high on the list in the book.

      (For the record, the wealthiest ethnicities in the U.S.A. tend to be WASP-types and Jews.)

      Also, while I generally tend to stay away from picking on people or using what they say and do outside this forum against them, your behavior kinda makes it necessary. You talk a big game about how you know so much about wealth-building strategies and so on, yet most of your information seems to be misinterpreted or at least poorly interpreted information from a mass-market book many of us have already read.

      You also link your posts to a webpage where you peddle off-brand fertilizer/plant food for $34. This isn’t exactly congruous with what you write on the page, and you’re not likely to become a member of the “glittering rich” any time soon doing that.

      Sorry if this sounds harsh, but I hope you understand why it makes it very hard to take any of your claims to knowledge in the field very seriously?

    5. > ‘I’m afraid you may have missed and misinterpreted a lot of things from The Millionaire Next Door. As Aaron pointed out, the book makes the point that what would be foolish spending for a “regular” millionaire is really nothing for decamillionaires. IIRC the book refers to solid decamillionaires “the glittering rich,” (or maybe that term was introduced in the sequel The Millionaire Mind, I can’t remember) and explicitly mentions that for them there is no harm in spending a ton of money on items that would be foolish and wasteful for a “regular” millionaire.’

      And who are you holding up as examples of “decamillionaires”? Many of these public figures aren’t nearly as wealthy as they claim to be, or the media has painted them to be. For example: Mark Zuckerberg. Elon Musk. Bill Gates. Donald Trump. None of whom are actually billionaires.

      A foolish purchase is a foolish purchase, regardless of how wealthy a person is, or is purported to be. Spending tens of thousands to buy champagne for a club like the example of the “Arab sheik” is just plain retarded.

      > ‘You also misinterpret some data. One example is when you say the book states that the wealthiest ethnicities are Russians and Scots. That’s not the case. It lists the number of millionaires per ethnicity, but remember that a single billionaire is worth a thousand millionaires, and Scots and Russians have a high number of single-digit millionaires, which is why they score so high on the list in the book.’

      The book was written in the mid 90s, when a million dollars was worth much more than it is today. There weren’t quite so many billionaires then, and again, most of these so-called billionaires today aren’t actually billionaires at all.

      > ‘(For the record, the wealthiest ethnicities in the U.S.A. tend to be WASP-types and Jews.)’

      The wealthiest people in the world are not in the USA, and they neither WASP types or Jews. But what I’m actually doing here is having a discussion about what you or I can do to build wealth. Scots are well known money savers, and Russians are well known money makers. Combine both characteristics and a person can go a long ways in this world. That was the point.

      > ‘Also, while I generally tend to stay away from picking on people or using what they say and do outside this forum against them, your behavior kinda makes it necessary. You talk a big game about how you know so much about wealth-building strategies and so on, yet most of your information seems to be misinterpreted or at least poorly interpreted information from a mass-market book many of us have already read.’

      So I’ve only read one book? And I’m misinterpreting that information, in your view? Tell me more.

      > ‘You also link your posts to a webpage where you peddle off-brand fertilizer/plant food for $34. This isn’t exactly congruous with what you write on the page, and you’re not likely to become a member of the “glittering rich” any time soon doing that.’

      LOL @ “peddling off-brand fertilizer.”

      Hey sparky, you do understand there can be many reasons for having a web presence and a web store besides just “peddling” things–not all of which are immediately obvious at first glance, right?

      Actually I still haven’t even managed to sell the first bag of fertilizer through that web site. I’m a real fuckup, aren’t I? lol.

      > ‘Sorry if this sounds harsh, but I hope you understand why it makes it very hard to take any of your claims to knowledge in the field very seriously?’

      Somehow I manage to glean tidbits of wisdom from just about anyone, even if I feel they have presented their argument poorly. I guess that makes me smarter than the average moron.

      The entire point of my argument, which you have helped to move us far away from, is that “you are a plebe” is a shitty way of thinking about the world and about one’s place in it. Not all of us are content to be low level drones.

    6. “The wealthiest people in the world are not in the USA, and they neither WASP types or Jews. But what I’m actually doing here is having a discussion about what you or I can do to build wealth. Scots are well known money savers, and Russians are well known money makers. Combine both characteristics and a person can go a long ways in this world. That was the point.”
      You have hard statistics to prove this? It seems that this is based on stereotypes.

  6. “If you look at the elite families, they didn’t build their wealth by clipping coupons for generations, there was one ancestor who made the big bucks, which is the foundation of all dynastic wealth.”
    That is exactly right. The first generation usually capitalize on a fortunate circumstance, a lucky opportunity (like privatization in former Soviet Union or current China or Vietnam). The first generation is responsible for creating wealth, the next generations, if being educated the right way, conserve and expand wealth.

    When it comes to marriage, they usually marry families of the same social strata, that means wealthy families marry each other.

    1. “In Asian cases, that’s not bullshit. That is the secret of wealth-building in China, Vietnam, Korea and Japan. We sacrifice for the good of our children and grandchildren. I would say Asian society is designed in a way to counter Jewish penetration in all levels.”

      I know what you mean, and I’m sure there are also a lot of people in the West who are trying to give their children more opportunities so their grandchildren have it even better. But this wasn’t exactly the context that I was writing about to Dave Blanchard. Striving for a better life is a common thing, although I have to agree that hedonistic countries tend to atomize the individual and destroy the family unit and extended family ties. I meant it more in the way of propagandists pushing ideas to the masses that benefit Wall Street cloaked in a kinda “work for the long haul” way. While those propagandists don’t work for the long haul themselves, they get multi-million dollar book deals and are pushed on the NYT bestseller list.

      In regards to Asian countries and Jewish penetration, I encountered peculiar things in my research, so my gut feeling goes towards them being as infiltrated as the West but in a different style. Like for example in the case of Singapore and Lee Kuan Yew, I’m pretty sure he’s from Jewish lines, I did pretty deep research on him, I lost the notes, but I’m pretty sure it’s the case. Bruce Lee has a Jewish ancestor for example, this really astounded me.

      I obviously can’t research in Chinese, but I’m also sure Chinese people are more oblivious to what’s going on behind the scenes, like is there even one person who is able to research the elite families, are there geneological databases like, are there people who debunk obvious hoax events or question history in general? These thoughts and questions are rapidly progressing in the West right now because there is enough opportunity to connect online and discuss it and a critical mass has been reached I guess. This isn’t happening in Asian countries as far as I know. I can only assume, correct me if I’m wrong.

      I think the Chinese state system is constructed in a way that you can’t do this stuff as freely as in the West, like publishing your findings on the web in English and so on. Or I would have found it already. And a lot of people have to work the whole day anyways, there’s no time for research, Maslow’s pyramid of needs demands food on the table before trying to find the meaning of life. There are simply differing purposes and goals for different countries, I think. But the elite families are present in every country and they’re interconnected.

    2. @Through the Looking-Glass

      ” Like for example in the case of Singapore and Lee Kuan Yew, I’m pretty sure he’s from Jewish lines, I did pretty deep research on him, I lost the notes, but I’m pretty sure it’s the case. Bruce Lee has a Jewish ancestor for example, this really astounded me.”

      Sorry, but I burst out of laughing when I read that Lee Guang Yew is a Jew. Please don’t be offended because I am right now in the same position. I have looked up on the genealogy of almost all individuals I know, suspecting that they are Jews. Yesterday, I posted about Yury Andropov being a possible Jew, the day before I posted about Felix Dzerzhinsky being a possible Jew. I actually in the state of hysteria because anybody who held and has held in key positions in modern History could be Jews.

      I guess this is common among us. However, part of me is still resilient to the Jewish hysteria.

      I would say Lee Kuan Yew is not a Jew. The population of Jews in the history of China is very small. The Kaifeng Jews numbered no more than 1000. If you have lived, worked, or studied in China, you would immediately note that Chinese as an ethnic group was very good at absorbing foreign peoples. The Jurchen-Manchu were all well integrated in their societies and lost their identities entirely, the Tangut lost their identities completely during the early Ming dynasty, so I think the Jews could not do any better, given their small population.

      One of the reason to believe that they were not dominant in key positions in China is because they had to abandon their religions completely and adopted the Confucianism or Neo-Confucianism in order to advance deep into pre 1949 Chinese society. In giving up their religions and inter-marry with local women, they would lose their identities.

      So no, I don’t think they were predominant in China, in Vietnam, in Korea or Japan.

      That being said, I think Jewish intellectual movements, particularly neo-liberalism, could have a subversive effect on modern China and other East Asian countries. It is worrisome that women in Vietnam now started to demand more rights, kids borned in 2000s started to disobey their parents and pursue a Western style of lifestyle. Jewish ideologies could definitely have an intended or unintended consequences on Eastern societies, and I find that worrisome. Suddenly, your cultural immunity vanishes, leave you bare to the hazardous effect of Western and Jewish influence.

      One thing that we can be more positive about East Asian societies is that banking has not fallen into Jewish hands. In a modern Communist societies, banks and large corporations could not corrupt the government the same way in the West. They are all subjected to the strict control of the Communist Party. This is the strength of China that I can think of. That being said, the Communist Party is a party of corruption of incredible magnitude that they lose the trust of their people.

      Overall, I would say Jewish subversive influence lies predominantly in culture and intellectual, not in ethnicity. The threat can also come from the naivety that Chinese people have for Jews as a religious and ethnic group. This means they would be more susceptible to Jewish cultural products. This is certainly something we have to watch out for.

    3. The Chinese seem to be quite resistant to Western influence. One good example in recent years are Hollywood movies, which have not faired particularly well in China. Concomitantly, the Chinese have ramped up their domestic movie production, with engrossing movies that nonetheless do not fail to instill traditional values or highlight the importance of national unity.

    4. The uber-rich right now has a way to keep off the rise of their competition. This is through financial engineering. They, as a group, have far more connections in the government to redirect the public policy towards their own interests. They already possess super advantages in scales, they can shoulder more economic losses while garner larger profits. The middle-class and the potential soon-to-be-rich elements have nothing but their bare bodies laid out under the surgical knives of the riches.

      One of the key thing we can see, a strong change since the day of Franklyn Roosevelt, is that American public officials no longer fight for the interests and protection of the middle class. They collude with the corporations and the uber-rich to keep the rest of the population at bay. Before, we have anti-trust laws in effect, we have political cartoons depicting senators as puppets of their corporation bosses. Now, all these forms of oppositions are all removed.

      It is worthwhile to research into the history of the evolution of this kind of collusion. I don’t where to start to do research.

    5. @Sleazy

      I have been following News in China. And after voluminous reading, I notice that Xi Jinping’s reign sees the revival of traditional Chinese culture. He wrote many quotes from ancient thinkers like Han Feizi. The official ideology is still Marxist-Leninist, but it is just a means to continue their legitimacy.

      It is interesting to see how the Chinese government evolve after Xi Jinping. The system is still highly authoritarian and repressive in many ways, but is much more flexible ideologically.

      This is a natural response to the fall of Communism.

    6. I have anecdotal evidence to support this. I was in China a few years ago, during Golden Week. The friend I was staying with pointed out to me that the festivities on TV, of which we watched parts of, had a very strong focus on traditional Chinese culture in terms of dance, clothing, and music. In one segment we watched there was not a single person wearing Western clothing.

    7. As a soon to be American, I feel sad that the sense of patriotism die in the US. I am not even talking about new immigrants like me, I am talking about whites. They are all about consumerism and money. They demand their rights but rarely talk about their duties to the states.

      In contrast, Vietnamese immigrants have benn, for most parts, very loyal to America because the community as a whole feel a moral obligation for the US. The US has been the shelter for Communist dissents, South Vietnam veterans and their children.

      The Chinese community, however, is much opportunistic. They even spread the flag of China to celebrate the Chinese National Day (October 1). I view this as a threat to the US national security.

      But this is to blamed the US government. That is the consequence of active accepting immigration no matter what. They didn’t seem to screen the Chinese for their political affiliation.

      The US government seems to no longer care about the definition of American. Instead of heralding American values, promoting cultural integration between white and other culture, to forge the unique identity, they run for Black Live Matter, LGBT and feminism.

      Ethnic identity can absolutely be shaped by indoctrination, education and propaganda. The state should be responsible for that.

      The only ethnic that is stateless, without loyalty to any hosted country, without any affiliation to any soil, is the Jews. I mean those affluent Jews, not all Jews.

    8. The current opinion of Vietnamese military is that the US army is just a bunch of mercenaries fighting for contracts and economic opportunities. They do not go through intense political indoctrination like Vietnam or China. Both countries retain conscription partly because they view as a passage of rite to the fatherland.

    9. That is the version of China that I want to see. If they could revive their traditional culture and gradually erase the damage done by Communism, then they could eventually heal the wounds of the past. Yang Jisheng still hopes that the Chinese political system shall go through peaceful transition from within.

      The trajectory of Chinese modern history is as followed: they need to eradicate traditional culture because they viewed as the cause of national impoverishment (after the Qing dynasty), they then went through a period of radicalization to uproot all feudal influence, then after the death of Mao, they gradually re-open the economy, they then witness an increase in material wealth, they then revive their traditional culture and retrace their roots.

      The US seem to go the other ways, from national solidity to internal corruption and degradation.

    10. If you are interested, you may try to find the so-called Document No.9. China rises her guard to Western influence:

      (1) The threat of hostile Western power to subverse Chinese national consciousness/ideology ( I don’t know how to render 意识).

      1) Against the infiltration of Western ideas via media.

      2) Against the infiltration of Western values via cultural commodities.

      3) Against the use of educational and intellectual exchanges to masquerade the implant of Western values into the minds of high leveled scholars,
      intellectuals and the elites of our society.

      (2) Various trends of Western thoughts influence the authority of our mainstream ideology.

      (3) Eastern European and Soviet revolutions (苏东剧变) weaken our belief in our ideology

      (4) Themes in development and goals in modernization weaken the opposition between our and Western ideology

      (5) Ideoloies of diverse origins conflict with our mainstream ideology

      (6) The challenges posed by information and internet to our control of our ideology.

      This is taken from:

      The English version is:

      I could not find the entity of this document in Chinese. It seems to be dissimulated by a Chinese journalist.

      There is a possibility that is is a Westernn fabrication. But even so, it is a good overview of Chinese government’s modus operandi.

    11. If this is a fabrication, then it is seemingly similar to “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. While this document has, obviously, been dismissed by the leftist mainstream as fraudulent it nonetheless clearly describes observable Jewish behavior. Similarly, someone could have observed Chinese behavior and wrote that document. I find it rather amusing how Wikipedia claims that it is a “confidential internal document”, despite the absence of any proof. By that very same standards, the Protocols should also be considered authentic. Ah, the mind of the Left! (Orwell mocked the ability two hold two contradicting thoughts at the same time as “double think”. He was part of the elite, so he probably knew what was up in the more progressive parts of his circles.)

    12. I did read the wiki page of the Protocol. It is absolutely abhorrent to me that the page cannot be edited. It is certainly a document that is highly valuable.

      The Jews strike me as group that averses direct confrontation. They seem to have a long termed plan to subverse their hosts. They also willingly change their identities temporarily to disguise their true intentions. It is very hard for me to trace their true intentions. You only come to know its effects long after it takes place. It is very lethal in this way. Mc Donalds did talk about their high intelligence, I think they possess superior strategic thinking to whites.

    13. BTW, I made the translation, but after I notice the English wiki contains the English possible original, so I correct my translation. In some parts, I think my translation stays truer to the Chinese text. If the Chinese version is the translation of the English wiki, then mine is just a re-translation.

    14. “Wikipedia claims that it is a “confidential internal document”,”

      Oh, you did point this out. I didn’t notice this. During my years of researching Chinese history, I almost have never come to any leaked documents of the current Chinese government.

      The Communist regimes keep a high priority of guarding their archives and internal documents. Archives of the Politburo, the Central Committee, the Party, the diplomatic conversations, etc, remain sealed without day of expiration, unlike the US.

      If internal documents are that easily leaked, we could read the Pentagon Papers long before its publication.

    15. > “While this document has, obviously, been dismissed by the leftist mainstream as fraudulent it nonetheless clearly describes observable Jewish behavior.”

      It is obviously fraudulent. If you were a Jew, and it was your people who were the string pullers behind every world conspiracy, don’t you think you could do a better job of hiding yourselves?

      The Jews are being set up as scapegoats by the Roman Church. It is the Romans who are behind the plan outlined in the Protocols. The “Jewish” authorship is fake.

      This plan goes all the way back through the Reformation and beyond. Read up on the origin of the Jesuits, the military branch of the Roman Church who have sworn an oath to destroy all Protestants and anyone who opposes absolute Church dominion over the world. They have been working on this scheme for a long time.

    16. “It is obviously fraudulent. If you were a Jew, and it was your people who were the string pullers behind every world conspiracy, don’t you think you could do a better job of hiding yourselves?”
      The point is no whether is it is a forgery, the point is that it may give some pointers to the Jewish modus operandi.

      I personally think that only few Jews have such a powerful influence on modern world politics.

      I apply a law in History called the law of division, it states roughly like this: “In almost all human organization and communities, rifts and divisions will certainly surface and exist. If an organization is united at the beginning of its formation, it will surely be divisive after sometimes.”

      Using this observable law, I posit that Jews are equally divisive in their worldview, their goals, their wealth, their national allegiance, etc.

      But we are talking about some elite Jews who want to impose control on the rest of the population. In this process, they also bring benefits to Jews as a whole.

    17. As a minor defence to China, some might look at document No 9 and say that Chinese elites attempt to make China an intellectual hermit. This is absolutely not the case. During my stay in Shanghai, I had a chance to visit the Shanghai library, the second largest library in China second only to the Beijing library. There were a huge selections of Chinese translations of classical Western philosophical and political science works of the West. I was particularly interested in the L’esprit des lois of Montesquieu.

      The Chinese students were very keen on discussing political thoughts when I was with them in a class on comparative Chinese-Western culture. Many even tried to advance an argument on the difference of the concept of “law” in China and in the West.

      It could be said that Chinese are sheltered from the harmful effects of Western excessive liberalism (multiculturalism, loose immigration policy, LGBT, unrestrained pornography, etc). They are still allowed to engage in the crystal and diamond of Western thoughts.

      My teacher used to say he wish the West could revive the great Western tradition handed out to them by the Greeks, just like the Renaissance. This didn’t strike particularly special to me until now. Now, I think that the cultural movement called neo-Classism during the 18th century is much more refined, powerful and beautiful compared to the trashes we have in our Western culture at the moment. You can read Pope and Dryden and see in them the influence of Roman poets. In contrast, what do you see in the verbal garbage of contemporary rap music?

    18. It’s no accident that things have become like this. It’s the same reason all of American industry was exported to China during the 80s, 90s, and on into the 2000s, leaving us with nothing. We have been purposely set up for destruction–sabotaged–whereas China has at the same time been anointed. It’s the Hidden Hand at work. They are at work in all nations, in every corner of the globe. The appointed time has come for the USA and UK’s destruction.

      Look at pictures of Shinzo Abe, former prime minister of Japan. Can you see that he has British ancestry?

      These people literally *breed people* to be their slaves. See the Kubrick movie “Eyes Wide Shut” for one example of how that works.

  7. Sleazy, I send you an email because I wish to have a consultation.

    Also, I have many posts waiting for approval

  8. Cuong Quoc Vu
    I am not offended. It was a lot of work to accumulate the data points and be able to spot the connections and learn to research in such a way. I can’t expect you to see it. You seem to read a lot of “stories” and you believe in them as fact as long as they are written in a book. If someone proposes something that is not part of your worldview, you only skim it without understanding the bigger picture. Did you know that Iran’s rulers are Jewish? Seems outlandish, doesn’t it? It’s all part of the Grand Theater.

    1. Sorry to disagree, but I have a habit of cross checking sources. As I said, you need concrete evidences for your claim

      Anti-Semitism has a distinct feature of seeing Jews everywhere. I want to avoid even though I am starting to adopt some of these views.

  9. I’ll try to find my notes, I can’t be bothered to research this again. As for evidence in general, I gave you several papers, probably more than 100 pages where you can see obvious photographic manipulations and historical inconsistencies. But you only skimmed them, missing the bigger picture completely. Like your explanation why Stalin used a code word as his name. If you would’ve read the whole thing, you wouldn’t even try to find an excuse for this, it would be rather pointless. And you’re still bringing up “serious works” as some sort of magical dispensers of truth, although they are based on these manipulations and use them as the agreed-upon foundation.

    About Iran:

    1. Thanks for providing the source. I had a quick look at it and must say that the reasoning does not fully convince me. The main argument is based on similarity of names. Don’t you think that if the rulers of Iran were really Jews they would run the country a bit differently?

    2. You have to be careful about Miles Mathis. He is a “gatekeeper” psyop. Like all gatekeepers, his job is to mislead you, while spreading just enough truth that you will trust him.

      “Jews are behind everything” is part of the lie he spreads.

      Remember the ultimate goal as laid out in the “Protocols”: to introduce a one world government and one world religion by setting all religions against each other and destroying them. It wasn’t “the Jews” who came up with this plan; they are a target also.

      In the Christian and Muslim world, Jews are made to be the scapegoats of everything. In the Jewish world, I’m sure it’s the same for Christians and Muslims.

  10. When I found his website, I only skimmed some of his papers and dismissed them. I thought it was ludicrous. I think I needed 2-3 years to finally read a couple in full. And even then I wasn’t fully convinced. The things stayed at the back of my head, and I sometimes remembered them when reading other alternative news sites like Zero Hedge or what have you. So I started again with some earlier papers like Kennedy, Lincoln, Tate Murders, etc., some of the more well-known and current events. At some point, I started to see the patterns. The Hitler ones gave me the most problems because I was invested in the alternative view on WW2, so I wouldn’t recommend starting with that. Marx or Napoleon may be better options. The later parts of the Iran paper, those that are more about our times (Beverly Hills, etc.), may convince you to keep going, but I don’t want to force you or present it as the ultimate truth. It simply helped me to understand some things, so maybe it does the same for you. It’s just my own experience with appreciating something that I dismissed so heavily at first. The most research-heavy papers deal with the European aristocracy, they have far less deductions because the geneological links are well-documented. That’s why the similarity of names in the Iran paper are a critical way to start and form a hypothesis. This is based on earlier patterns that appeared again and again. The later discoveries will make it more plausible. It’s hard to explain, like you need to attack a topic from as many angles as possible, some threads end but can be picked up again at a later time.

    1. Careful; as stated above, Miles Mathis is a gatekeeper. If you start trusting him, he will mislead you. “The Jews are behind everything” is one of his lies.

      Another is “it’s the Stewarts.” You’ll notice in his genealogical tracings he likes to point out any connection to the Stewarts he finds, as if it’s the Stewarts who are “behind it all.”

      Interestingly, I’ve never once seen him point to the Garrard surname as being tied to any evil doings. Yet Garrard comes from Gherardini, who was an Italian prince who just so happened to migrate all the way from Italy to England in 1060, six years before the invasion of William the Conqueror. He was a spy for the Pope. Now we are starting to get to the real root of the problem–which is why Miles Mathis will never, ever mention this.

    2. Another example of one of his lies is his low opinion of David McGowan, whom he claims is lying or exaggerating. Red flag.

      Then there’s also the government ballwashing he does about the nuclear weapons fraud in the last paragraph of bikini.pdf:

      “Whatever explanation you choose to embrace should give you a surge of hope. Things may be bad, but they may not be quite as bad as the story we have been sold. The fact that our government has long been faking so many events gives you no reason to trust them, but it beats the hell of the events being real. Given the choice of an honest government and terrible real events or a dishonest government and terrible fake events, I will take the second any day.”

      See what he’s done there?

      Be very cautious and “wise as a serpent” in reading his works.

    1. I just skimmed those papers. They don’t immediately strike me as far-fetched as the one on Iran. In fact, one of the key arguments presented, i.e. similarity in names and logos, can be readily observed. It is clear that the global elites have a shared playbook. Just look at phrases like “new world order” (mentioned in those papers as well) or its current version, “the great reset”, which are uttered by elites all over the world, even those of supposedly diametrically opposed political corners. They even have their great-reset lapel pin nowadays.

    2. This is exactly what I’m talking about. Miles Mathis seems to lie more and more, as time passes and people begin to trust him more. These papers are full of misinformation, from beginning to end.

      Besides the usual “it’s the Jews”, and “it’s the Stewarts”, we have here “it’s the corporations”, and “it’s the Gates.” All of which are lies and misdirection.

      The true enemy we face and have always faced is the Roman Empire, and the Church it spawned which controls the Western world. You’ll note that Mr. Mathis never, ever explores that line of reasoning.

      Here’s the truth:

      1) Jews = scapegoats, placed prominently into positions of power and at the center of conspiracies everywhere throughout the Western world to anger Christians who notice this. If they were the real rulers of the world and originators of evil doings, don’t you think they would do a better job of hiding themselves?

      2) Stewarts were and are good people. Stewarts opposed the New World Order, which is why the Church worked to destroy that dynasty, culminating in the beheading of Charles I; then through a series of maneuverings ultimately placing the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas aka “Windsors” as puppet rulers on the throne.

      3) “Corporations” are being scapegoated everywhere you look, because one of the ultimate goals of the NWO is to destroy the ability of people to band together into powerful groups (like corporations) to fight the One World Government they plan to introduce. See the Gorillaz song “Feel Good, Inc” as another random example of corporations being demonized. (Lucifer’s minions are everywhere, pushing the same message.)

      4) Bill Gates is and always has been nothing more than a front man–exactly like Mark Zuckerburg or Elon Musk for example. He’s not an actual billionaire, and he’s definitely not the string puller behind the scenes of anything. George Soros and “The Koch Brothers” are two other examples of prominent names and faces who are scapegoated, held up as the ultimate mastermind of everything, when in reality they are just low level puppets.

      The More You Know…

    3. Regarding Bill Gates, I would say the evidence is clear that he is a puppet. He put most of his wealth into his foundation, if I’m informed correctly, and only kept a few measly hundred million for himself. It is quite possible that he was strong-armed into doing so. It is also rather interesting that he was a buddy of Epstein, and we now know how this racket went, i.e. Epstein, as an Israeli agent, filmed influential men having sex with minors in order to be able to blackmail them. The end result was that Gates’ billions are used to push the NWO agenda via his charity, which he very well may have little control over.

      Also note that a lot of powerful men seem to get suicided, falling off tall buildings or getting hit by bullets from impossible angles. Thus, it is quite easy to get even the CEO of one of the wealthiest corporations to comply. There are other underhanded things governments do. I recall that many years ago documentation about a Trojan horse in use by the German secret service was revealed. This showed that they have the ability to upload files to your computer without you knowing (at least if you use shitty Windows as an O/S, go figure!). The next thing you know is having police kick in your door, taking your computer and arresting you for being in the possession of child pornography.

    4. A couple more comments on the same paper:

      a) Much is made about the Orlovs, and a visual comparison is made between Tsar Nicholas II, his cousin King George, and Dmitry Medvedev, with the implication being they are all closely related Jews. In fact all of those plus the German Kaiser of the same period are descended from Queen Victoria, which is where they got their identical looks (and genetics) from. Yes, the three leaders of three nations at the center of WW1 were close cousins. Their ancestor Queen Victoria was a member of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha puppet dynasty that had been placed on the throne after the Stewarts were removed. Not surprising to learn Medvedev is related also. None of this is an accident. This is the outcome of a centuries long breeding program, meant to breed the perfect royal puppets; slaves for the NWO. Has nothing to do with “Jews.”

      b) “Spanish flu” is presented as a corporate scheme is distract from world war and make profit. In reality this “flu”, just like COVID, is *bacterial pneumonia*. It has nothing to do with “distraction” from anything, but is a central part of the script. You will almost never find anyone telling you this “virus” is actually bacterial, but that’s exactly what it is. Given that piece of knowledge, you can see that the masks actually act as incubators for the bacteria, thus helping to amplify and spread it, and the oxygen ventilators they put people on are nothing more than a death sentence. It is murder orchestrated on a worldwide scale, hidden behind smoke and mirrors.

    5. “This showed that they have the ability to upload files to your computer without you knowing (at least if you use shitty Windows as an O/S, go figure!). The next thing you know is having police kick in your door, taking your computer and arresting you for being in the possession of child pornography.”

      This is scary. I am not tech savvy and am highly vulnerable to that kind of manipulation. The only hope is that I am a nobody so they won’t touch me.

    6. You could also use different hardware and software to protect yourself. Using Tor is a good start. You could also run Tails O/S, which I’m not doing yet. I think that the government should not be particularly interested in my writing. Then again, there are people in the US who want to completely remove online anonymity by tying services to your ID (the push of big tech to add your phone number as a “safety measure” is a step in this direction already), yet the same group of people thinks it’s “racist” to have to show a valid ID for voting.

    7. “You could also use different hardware and software to protect yourself. Using Tor is a good start. You could also run Tails O/S, which I’m not doing yet. I think that the government should not be particularly interested in my writing. Then again, there are people in the US who want to completely remove online anonymity by tying services to your ID (the push of big tech to add your phone number as a “safety measure” is a step in this direction already), yet the same group of people thinks it’s “racist” to have to show a valid ID for voting.”

      They are learning from China (all internet shops in China ask for your ID to register. I am not sure if Chinese internet providers are required to take your ID and your personal info). Obviously many Americans are so stupid that they don’t even know their rights and advantages in their own country. I hope that this suggestion is not taken up by the government.

    8. Beware of Tor. Like Bitcoin, it was created by the NSA. Likewise, I wouldn’t trust Tails or any other mainstream Linux distro. You definitely cannot trust the “Brave” browser which is recommended by well meaning people on the internet, or DuckDuckGo search engine, or VPNs. People using those services and thinking they’re safe are sheep being led to the slaughter.

      I built my own OpenBSD-based operating system from scratch to achieve some level of security. Even so, I’m not invulnerable. At least I’m not low hanging fruit.

      The current state of computer security in 2021 is “there’s no such thing.” Phones, TVs, computers, automobiles are completely compromised and full of malware, from the factory. To spy on you or even to order your death increasingly becomes as simple as flipping a switch.

      The sort of discussion we are having here could draw unwanted attention to you, if your blog were to become more popular. For the moment you’re probably OK.

  11. I think VIPs are the biggest slaves, living in a golden cage. I mean LOL at not being able to get a damn coffee without being followed by bodyguards.

    It’s not a far fetch to life the VIP lifestyle even as born pleb. If you make 80k a year remotely and you are willing to live in SEA your can geo arbitrage a mansion with someone to cook, clean, and driving you around. In places like Bali, you can have your own pool villa with a cook and housekeeper starting at 700$ a month. So 2-3MM net worth would be more than enough to be comfortable. (Yet we don’t know for how long SEA is going to stay cheap.)

    As far as spending money in clubs, it’s just low IQ and unnecessary. It doesn’t add up to your happiness at all. And it gets old fast.

  12. @Dave Blanchard
    In his paper on Newton he ties the Garrards to the usual suspects. So what now?

    You can trace Queen Victoria back to the Jagiellons, so I don’t understand your point.

    If the Church is to blame for the beheading of Charles I and they put a puppet on the throne, why did Cromwell destroy Catholicism in Ireland and steal large parts of the Church’s wealth a couple years later? Can we even be sure that Charles I was beheaded? The public was kept at a great distance, I doubt they could see his face. The English Revolution is a really tough one.

    I also don’t get your points about the Roman Empire. Rome was supposedly founded by a noble from Troy, who was the great-grandson of the founder of Troy. And Miles is of the opinion that Troy was founded by Phoenicians (who hide behind the Jewish label). Which means Rome was under their control from the very beginning.

    Bill Gates is from the Gates family, which is a prominent family. I don’t understand why you say low-level puppet or front man. There are more or less influential families and they put their children in various positions of power with or without merit. Of course they are guided by others in what to do.

    About bikini.pdf, I don’t get what you mean.

    1. > ‘In his paper on Newton he ties the Garrards to the usual suspects. So what now?’

      “The usual suspects” are who, exactly? “The Jews”, you mean? Not the Church and its power structure?

      > ‘If the Church is to blame for the beheading of Charles I and they put a puppet on the throne, why did Cromwell destroy Catholicism in Ireland and steal large parts of the Church’s wealth a couple years later?’

      The real question is, why was a staunchly Protestant dictator put on the British throne in place of Charles I? To set the stage for who came next. These people (no, not “The Jews”) are experts are playing one group against the other group to achieve long term goals.

      Like Republicans and Democrats, as a perfect example. See how they’ve put an empty headed Democrat puppet in charge for a time, along with limp wristed and borderline criminal Democrat and female governors, to set the stage for a hard right shift?

      “Catholicism” being persecuted in Ireland was most likely a planned “purge” of the Church hierarchy. If you find it hard to believe that Catholics would arrange for the persecution, torture, and execution of fellow Catholics, you don’t know these people very well.

      Who replaced Cromwell? And then who replaced that person? And then who replaced that person? Step by step, the British throne was maneuvered into the hands of the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas, by playing one group against the other. It wasn’t an accident they ended up on the throne.

      > ‘I also don’t get your points about the Roman Empire. Rome was supposedly founded by a noble from Troy, who was the great-grandson of the founder of Troy. And Miles is of the opinion that Troy was founded by Phoenicians (who hide behind the Jewish label). Which means Rome was under their control from the very beginning.’

      Amazing how all roads always lead back to the Jews, in his “research.”

      How often does Mathis point fingers at the Roman Church and the Jesuits? How often does he link conspiracies and conspirators back to the Church? Never. It’s always about “The Jews.” Oh, and the Stewarts.

      > ‘Bill Gates is from the Gates family, which is a prominent family. I don’t understand why you say low-level puppet or front man.’

      You really think Gates was the genius founder of Microsoft as he is claimed to be? Microsoft was really created by the same people who created Facebook, and Google, and Apple, and Space-X, and all these other big companies. They understood what the “computer revolution” would mean long before the common idiot on the street did, and they got out in front of it. Gates, Jobs, Zuckerberg, Musk, etc are just the front men. They aren’t actual billionaires as they are claimed to be, and they are not any kind of string puller.

      > ‘Miles is also not scapegoating Jews like you want everybody here to believe.’

      Really? Then why do all roads always lead back to the Jews in every single one of his papers?

      Remember how Germans were tricked into blaming “The Jews” for everything, then that country was destroyed (by design), and the Houghton-Mifflin textbooks taught us “nationalism” was the reason for said destruction?

      The Protocols call for the destruction of all existing powerful world governments and religions in order to create the one world government and religion. Guess which powerful nation is next on the chopping block?

      Hint: you’re standing in it. They’ve got you blaming “The Jews” for everything once again, totally unaware as to who the real power structure is and how they are maneuvering you right toward destruction.

    2. @ Dave Blanchard
      > The usual suspects” are who, exactly? “The Jews”, you mean?

      Don’t move the goal post. You said that he never tied the Garrards to any evil doings, but he did. He tied them to the Barkhams, Newtons and Barrows. And the Barrows were marrying into the Knight and Pope families at that time, so there is your link.

      > Not the Church and its power structure?

      These families put several Popes in power like Pope Leo X who was a Medici, and there were others. The Church lost a lot of its power through machinations on the outside and the inside. The French Revolution threw them out of France, the English Revolution from England, the Reformation did its thing in Europe. The bankers don’t want to share anymore, so the tithe had to go. They plundered the monasteries everywhere they could.

      > The real question is, why was a staunchly Protestant dictator put on the British throne in place of Charles I?

      You mean he was Puritan, he discovered it at 39 they say, what BS. The Church didn’t get rid of Charles I, it was the Stanleys. With Charles I, the country would have become more Catholic and would have given Rome more power. So you have the whole thing backwards. Puritanism, Calvinism, and all the other sects that came before that or after that like Theosophy or the importing of Eastern spirituality into the West have only one goal, and that is to splinter Christianity.

      > How often does Mathis point fingers at the Roman Church and the Jesuits?

      If I remember correctly dozens of times. But I haven’t read all papers. You always point at them in an absurdly abstract manner, like it’s The Church, it’s The Jesuits, that’s a really great help, mate. These are organizations run by people and those people are part of influential families, how hard is it to comprehend that? E.g. Pope Pius X was a Medici, that’s a concrete thing.

      > You really think Gates was the genius founder of Microsoft as he is claimed to be?

      Probably not. But he got his life-time acting role because he’s from a prominent family and this family or a related one is unbelievably rich. How this technology was created I don’t know. Probably a dance between intelligence agency tech projects and buying off geniuses in the real world. Like Aaron guesses one time, they observe and choose the winners.

      > Really? Then why do all roads always lead back to the Jews in every single one of his papers?

      Because Phoenicians were the first to globalize. That’s it.

    3. In regards to the protocols I have a treat for you:

      “So let’s unwind the next tangle. I have said that the aristocrats have leaked a lot of true information about their opponents. But does that mean that everything they say here is true? Of course not. To start with, they are trying to pin everything on the Jews, but we know that all the top financiers are not Jews. So why would the aristocrats imply they are?”
      This by itself blows your whole argument out of the water.

    4. > ‘Don’t move the goal post. You said that he never tied the Garrards to any evil doings, but he did. He tied them to the Barkhams, Newtons and Barrows. And the Barrows were marrying into the Knight and Pope families at that time, so there is your link.’

      Move the goal post? Again, let’s go back to the beginning of the Garrards. Their ancestor, a man named Gherardini, decided for some strange reason to move from Italy all the way to England, in the year 1060, just six years before William the Conqueror invaded. Very unusual, wouldn’t you say? He didn’t exactly hop on a jet aircraft and fly there. How common do you think it was for a person to migrate such a long distance in those days, from the center of civilization to this backwards, barbarian island?

      Both Gherardini and William were agents of the Church. Gherardini was a spy who laid the foundation for William’s invasion. “The Jews” have nothing to do with any of this.

      > ‘These families put several Popes in power like Pope Leo X who was a Medici, and there were others. The Church lost a lot of its power through machinations on the outside and the inside.’

      The Church has never, ever lost power. They are firmly in control of the Western world, and always have been since they were founded.

      > ‘The French Revolution threw them out of France,’

      Who do you think organized the French “Revolution”, and why?

      France, a powerful nation, was weakened and destroyed by this “revolution.” Large numbers of aristocrats were murdered, with most of the “revolutionists” themselves being murdered in the process; e.g. Robespierre. All well planned and coordinated.

      > ‘the English Revolution from England’

      Who do you think organized the English “Revolution”, and why?

      Who controls the Anglican Church? Who controls Britain, via their Saxe-Coburg-Gotha puppets?

      > ‘the Reformation did its thing in Europe.’

      What thing? The Church is more powerful than ever! Now there is talk of “unity” and “understanding” between Catholics and Protestants!

      Read up on the Jesuits, and the vow that every Jesuit takes upon his ordination, to kill, maim, and destroy all Protestants or anyone else who rejects absolute Church authority. Do you think they’re kidding about that, or have given up their mission?

      > ‘The Church didn’t get rid of Charles I, it was the Stanleys.’

      These “Stanleys” you reference are only mid level players. They are a family of puppets. Over and over you are giving credit to puppets, rather than looking behind the scenes to notice their masters pulling the strings.

      > ‘With Charles I, the country would have become more Catholic and would have given Rome more power. So you have the whole thing backwards.’

      Charles was placed on the throne for a specific purpose, just as those who came after him were.

      Rome has never lost power in England. Ever heard of the “City of London”? Just like the Vatican, and just like Washington D.C., it is a city state with absolute powers unto itself within the confines of a larger country. All under central control.

      > ‘If I remember correctly dozens of times. But I haven’t read all papers.’

      I just searched through every single paper. The word “Jesuit” is not mentioned once in any of Mathis’ papers.

      The commentor ‘learnofjesuits’ on ZeroHedge has tried over and over to warn people about the threat they pose, but he is one small voice shouting into the wind. I think he eventually got banned, although I’ve seen him there later posting under a different name. His avatar is a pyramid with the all-seeing-eye at the top.

      > ‘You always point at them in an absurdly abstract manner, like it’s The Church, it’s The Jesuits, that’s a really great help, mate.’

      I’m trying to teach you something here!

      > ‘These are organizations run by people and those people are part of influential families, how hard is it to comprehend that? E.g. Pope Pius X was a Medici, that’s a concrete thing.’

      Lucifer is the title of the one man who is in charge of it all. Each of these “influential families” are in lockstep with a central agenda. The ones who refuse to get on board don’t tend to maintain their wealth, power, or lives for very long.

      > ‘Probably not. But he got his life-time acting role because he’s from a prominent family and this family or a related one is unbelievably rich.’

      If by “unbelievably rich”, you mean of middling level of wealth, sure. Front men are cherry picked from various mid-level families and chosen to play various roles, according to what kind of face is needed where. For the role of “Microsoft founder” they needed an autistic virginal geek, and Bill Gates fit that role perfectly.

      Notice how little ole Microsoft Corporation played the foil to Big Brother IBM? They made it appear as if this was the little guy, the independent geeky teenager, fighting back against the big, ugly, monolithic corporation which people were beginning to mistrust.

      Likewise, remember this Apple ad?

      > ‘How this technology was created I don’t know. Probably a dance between intelligence agency tech projects and buying off geniuses in the real world. Like Aaron guesses one time, they observe and choose the winners.’

      The transistor, and analog/digital computers, originated from military intelligence projects in WW2. They were always under military intelligence control from the very beginning, and have never been allowed to become otherwise.

      “Intel” Corporation does not stand for “Integrated Electronics” as they claim; it stands for “Intelligence”, as in “intelligence agency.” It’s not a coincidence that an Intel processor, rather than Motorola for example, was chosen as the foundation of the IBM PC.

      > ‘Because Phoenicians were the first to globalize. That’s it.’

      No. The real reason all of Mathis’ research leads back to Jews time and time again is because Miles Mathis is a “gatekeeper”, whose primary purpose is to feed us lies and misinformation, with just enough truth sprinkled in to keep people trusting him.

      Exactly like Alex Jones, Dane Wiggington, Mike Adams, on and on, ad infinitum.

      Do you really think ZeroHedge for example was founded by three Bulgarians, or Romanians, or whatever they claim? The real founders were Hedgeless Horseman, William Banzai, and maybe a third person. Ever notice how those two guys were the only ones to allowed to post pictures on ZH for many years, until they finally quit doing so because it was drawing too much attention to themselves? Whatever their intentions were in founding ZH, they sold us all down the river long ago. Same thing that always happens.

      People who create “truth” outlets which become popular will at some point be made an offer they can’t refuse. If they do refuse, they could be “cancered”, like David McGowan for example, or taken out in any number of other ways.

      Notice that Mr. Mathis is a talented painter? And who does he paint? Wealthy people. Hmm. So a guy with known connections to wealthy families suddenly starts spilling truth about everything. He does this for years and years….and he’s still allowed to continue doing so all these years later without getting killed off or otherwise silenced. Yeah, that doesn’t happen. In reality Mr. Mathis is an intelligence asset, and always has been.

      There are countless examples of lies that he tells, which will become more obvious when you start studying him with a critical eye based on what you’ve learned from other sources. As mentioned before, the fact that he dismisses the research of David McGowan ought to be a huge red flag. In fact it was one of the first clues I noticed which made me start to realize he isn’t who he claims to be.

      Have you read Mr. McGowan’s work? If not, look up his web site “Center for an Informed America” and start reading. It’s a great read. After absorbing all of that obvious truth, now come explain to me how Mr. Mathis can be an honest man while also calling Mr. McGowan a liar.

    5. If they do refuse, they could be “cancered”, like David McGowan for example, or taken out in any number of other ways.

      This is an excellent point. Intelligence agencies are in the possession of very powerful poisons and viruses. Recall the Skripal incident in the UK, where a powerful nerve agent was used, or the assassination of Kim Jong-nam. The latter is particularly interesting as the setup was that a ditz was trained to spread some cream in people’s faces for supposedly viral videos. Once her training was complete, she was tasked with smearing that guy’s face with a nerve agent, and he soon afterwards died. Those two cases are uncontroversial, I would argue. I once also came across speculations that intelligence agencies have substances that can make you so depressed that you will commit suicide. This may sound outlandish at first, but I don’t think this is unrealistic. This would probably work via reducing your serotonin levels, which will trigger a depression.

    6. “This by itself blows your whole argument out of the water.”

      Really? How so? I thought my whole argument was that it’s NOT “the Jews.” So he confirms this obvious truth for once, unlike every other paper where he always traces things back to “The Jews.”

      Notice he doesn’t point any fingers at the Church or Jesuits in this paper? Of course not. He never does. Now it’s “aristocrats” who are the boogeymen du jour.

      “Aristocrats”, like the ones who were set up to be murdered during the French “revolution”, which was planned and orchestrated by those who wrote the Protocols: JESUITS.

      “Aristocrats” are the natural enemy of Jesuits and their Luciferian masters, because aristocrats are an essential component of “all existing world governments” which are planned to be destroyed prior to the introduction of the one world government and religion.

  13. @Dave Blanchard
    Miles is also not scapegoating Jews like you want everybody here to believe. It’s always about certain figures who act in certain ways and the games these prominent families play. The common Jewish person is as powerless as we are, as you can see in the case of Israel and their vaccination game plan.

  14. lol what if the anti -Zionist are also evil Jews, mind fuck! this blog has gone full conspiratard I better stop reading the comment section or I may end up putting some bombs in Oklahoma City.

    1. I don’t think the blog is to incite people to violence. As much as a new anti-Semitist myself, I would say that there lots of rooms to understand Jews. Even if I want to turn away from all forms of anti-Semitism, I cannot deny the fact that:

      1) Jews are highly disproportional in banking
      2) Jews are highly represented in financial service fields, including insurance
      3) Jews are highly represented in intellectual fields (both natural and social sciences)

      Historically, one do want to dig deeper into Jewish history to answer:

      1) Why Jews were constantly repressed, oppressed, segregated, discriminated and massacred
      2) Why, across the Eurasian continent, except for East Asia, Jews were demonized, contempted, envied and feared

      With hard proofs and evidences, one can unveil these inquiries. There must be some great explanations for these inquiries.

    2. “Historically, one does want to dig deeper into Jesuit history to answer:

      1) Why Jesuits were constantly repressed, oppressed, segregated, discriminated and massacred
      2) Why, across the Eurasian continent, except for East Asia, Jesuits were demonized, contempted, envied and feared”

      Do a search for “Jesuit expulsion.”

      Why are we always told about Jews being kicked out of various places, but the Jesuits being expelled from different countries isn’t common knowledge?

      Here’s some books you may find useful in learning about this underappreciated and little understood threat to Western civilization. Listed in no particular order:

      F. Tupper Saussy – Rulers of Evil: Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies
      M.F. Cusack – The Black Pope: A History of Jesuits
      Thomas Leyden – Secret Instructions of the Jesuits
      R.W. Thompson – Footprints of the Jesuits
      Malachi Martin – The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church
      Edmond Paris – Secret History of the Jesuits
      Eric Jon Phelps – Vatican Assassins

    3. What about the Jews predominance in American media? About 60 percent of media and Hollywood executives are Jews, while they are about 2 percent of the population. Think about the mind control that wields. Before the internet (not that long ago) that’s all we fucking had.

    4. @ Dave Blanchard
      > I just searched through every single paper. The word “Jesuit” is not mentioned once in any of Mathis’ papers.

      Why are you lying? It seems it’s you who is the gate keeper, else you wouldn’t lie all the time like with the Garrards before. How can you misdirect this heavily? You can pick out public figures who have a track record of doing evil things, and you can trace their ancestry on or some other geneological site and tie them all together as the hidden forces. And then here you go, you shut it down and say, look guys, forget it all, it’s the Church and Jesuits, some abstract organizations that you can read about in the following books, written by the same people I misdirected you from. Oh, and by the way, they work for Lucifer.

    5. > ‘Why are you lying? It seems it’s you who is the gate keeper, else you wouldn’t lie all the time like with the Garrards before. How can you misdirect this heavily?’

      The real question is, why are you so determined to remain a moron?

      Is this a fun game for you, a dick measuring contest? Or do you actually understand on some deep level that learning the truth is *serious, important business*? Do you actually care about the truth at all, or are you just a common, run of the mill idiot?

      As it happens, I forgot to use the ‘-a’ flag on tell ‘grep’ to search through these PDFs (on my Linux system), rather than automatically skipping them as it does by default. Do you know anything about that?

      Let’s examine your wild claim that I’m “wrong once again.” Looking through these links you’ve found, time and time again we see Miles Mathis up to his same old trick: blaming Those Jews for everything. Why, it seems Jews are behind the Jesuits also! Really. Each of those brief references to ‘Jesuit’ in those papers you linked claims “It’s The Jews.”

      It turns out this tiny, inconsequential ethnic group (“The Jews”), which has always been under steady, constant attack by Jesuits from day one, has secretly been in control of these Jesuits the whole time! Yes, it seems the Jesuits have been nothing more than a Jewish conspiracy to persecute themselves, from the very beginning, for hundreds of years. Makes perfect sense.

      Why are you so madly in love with the idea that Miles Mathis Simply Couldn’t Possibly Be Lying To You, anyhow? Are you an idiot? How old are you? Serious question.

      Once again I call your attention to World War 2, where one nation of simpletons were convinced to blame “The Jews” for everything, and ended up being totally destroyed and massacred before it was over with, with their names slandered in the history books to this day and beyond. Hello, fuckwit? Don’t you see that was all by design? That they were set up to take the fall? You ready to rush down the same road, or can you be reached at all?

      How about reading the books I linked you to above and truly educating yourself, for the first time in your life? The most important lesson in life which you clearly haven’t yet learned yet, is that you don’t know everything, and clearly never will!

    6. Dave, I’d recommend you tone down your language. Instead of accusing others of being “morons”, why not just refute their clearly stated points? Obviously, if they are so stupid, it should be a piece of cake.

    7. > ‘Instead of accusing others of being “morons”, why not just refute their clearly stated points? Obviously, if they are so stupid, it should be a piece of cake.’

      That’s exactly what I did, and yes, it was.

  15. You don’t need to write me those walls of text. I am seeing right through you. You are so incredibly angry, did I hit a nerve? I am asking you again, do you realize that you were lying? You stated things that are lies, I am proving you that they are lies, and you start to deflect by drifting into different topics. I don’t care about your views on these topics, I want you to admit that you lied. You said that he never mentioned the Garrards, I showed you that he did. You said that he never mentioned even the word Jesuits, I showed you more than 10 papers where he did. How can you expect me to engage you on the interpretation of historical topics when you act so conniving? I have absolutely no interest in discussing with you other topics until you don’t admit that you either lied or pretended to have looked into things while you clearly didn’t.

    > Once again I call your attention to World War 2, where one nation of simpletons
    Now I see…

    1. I find it entire plausible that “Dave Blanchard” is a Jew working for one of the myriad of Jewish organizations. Even though my blog is relatively small, it is certainly big enough to be on the radar of the rabid. This is not at all an outlandish claim. I mentioned before that I briefly worked in PR and there, they used sock puppets to “infiltrate” Facebook groups with four or five people that had little to no activity, always ready to spring into action if someone said something negative about their corporate paymaster.

    2. > ‘I find it entire plausible that “Dave Blanchard” is a Jew working for one of the myriad of Jewish organizations.’

      Really? Then maybe you should read some of the books I’ve pointed you toward so you can educate yourself and dispel these delusions.

      > ‘Even though my blog is relatively small, it is certainly big enough to be on the radar of the rabid. This is not at all an outlandish claim.’

      Yes, it is an outlandish claim.

      > ‘I mentioned before that I briefly worked in PR and there, they used sock puppets to “infiltrate” Facebook groups with four or five people that had little to no activity, always ready to spring into action if someone said something negative about their corporate paymaster.’

      So now I’m a sock puppet?

      Funny, here I was thinking that I just happened to stumble on your blog by accident, and was compelled to refute your belief that we are all useless “plebes.” “The Jews” had nothing to do with anything until Y’ALL decided to expose your own ignorance on that subject.

      Have you read any of those books yet? They are all freely available online. Get to it.

  16. Look around you, idiot. Notice you are standing alone in a pile of your own shit?

    > ‘You said that he never mentioned the Garrards, I showed you that he did. You said that he never mentioned even the word Jesuits, I showed you more than 10 papers where he did.’

    Yes, you discovered two minor, inconsequential errors–and when these errors were investigated, (by me, since you didn’t bother), in both cases the facts continue to support the argument I’m making. In neither case did you find any evidence to disprove my argument. Nor will you. Because what I’m telling you is the truth.

    Idiot. Hillbilly. Simpleton. Logic is obviously not your strong suite.

    You are determined upon your own destruction, and will happily drag the rest of the nation down with you to the grave, all in the name of being “proven right”–when the facts show you are wrong. You are dishonest, and you are stupid.

    I hope third party observers will learn a valuable lesson here: this is exactly how Germany committed mass suicide back in the 30s-40s. Were you wondering how that came about? Now you know: a nation of arrogant idiots, just like this fool.

    Those who plan to survive the days ahead had better be, or become, a lot wiser than this jackass.

    I almost got sucked into the “Jews Are Behind It All” bullshit also. The difference between me and this guy is I kept reading, and kept learning.

    I recommend the books “They Thought They Were Free” by Milton Mayer for a glimpse into Nazi Germany (America) before the devastating war which destroyed that nation, and the book “Hellstorm” by Thomas Goodrich to familiarize yourself with what the “during” and “afterward” looks like.

  17. > I recommend the books “They Thought They Were Free” by Milton Mayer for a glimpse into Nazi Germany (America) before the devastating war which destroyed that nation

    I read his wiki page, it’s full of red flags. He looks like a spook to me. Failed his university degree, was on probation for throwing beer bottles out of his dormitory window, but had no problem working for reputable companies, getting his own column, teaching at several universities and consulting the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions. His brother broke the Leopold and Loeb case. And his son was one of the principal managers of the Grateful Dead. He also became a Quaker and was Jewish of course. A spook working at spook hangouts, and his relatives doing the same thing. You are boring, I am through with these projects.

    1. I’m rather amused by how spectacularly the pro-Jewish shilling of little David here backfired. His sudden outburst of aggression is also rather typical of Jews, in my experience. They pretend to be nice people as long as they get their way but the moment they face opposition, they blow up in your face, which is rather comical. (I happened to have a Jewish co-worker once.) Interestingly, narcissistic women behave very similarly. All it takes is one clear “no” and they instantaneously turn into demons.

    2. He literally exploded. The one thing he was absolutely right about was:

      > I hope third party observers will learn a valuable lesson here

    3. > ‘I read his wiki page, it’s full of red flags. He looks like a spook to me.’

      Well, that settles it then. There’s no reason for you to read the book and learn anything from it. Just judge the book by its cover.

      Fucking Retard.

    4. > ‘I’m rather amused by how spectacularly the pro-Jewish shilling of little David here backfired. His sudden outburst of aggression is also rather typical of Jews, in my experience.’ They pretend to be nice people as long as they get their way but the moment they face opposition, they blow up in your face, which is rather comical. (I happened to have a Jewish co-worker once.)’

      Fascinating! Here I was thinking that I was a Cherokee, descended from the man called Sequoyah (well known for his literacy), also descended from various kings and queens and emperors of Europe (including emperors of the Holy Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire), born and raised in rural southeast USA far from the nearest synagogue–but as it turns out, I’ve actually been a Jew this whole time! Because Aaron met a Jew once, you see. He knows.

      Read the books I suggested for you and educate yourself, tool.

  18. LOL at the audacity of this Yew (@CQV, Lee Kwan Yew’s last name actually sounds like a Hebrew word. :D) shill.

    In my Eurotrip from 2 years ago, I met a Norwegian expat in Prague who I kept in touch with for a while on FB. He was into conspiracies, alternative right wing media, etc., and he was also a staunch critic of the Catholic Church and the jesuits (Dave Blanchard, whose real name must be something along the lines of Shlomo Shapiro, is right about the latter being negative influences, the broken clock and all), but unlike the aforementioned shill, he pointed the finger at (((them))) as well.

    1. The same as his fellow countryman, Varg Vikerness, BTW. They may be wrong in blaming the Church for the current state of the Western World (at least beyond not preventing it thanks to forgetting itself), but at least we can be sure they’re honest.

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