Dating · Society

Open Post: “I’m playing these women hard like a pimp in today’s dating market”

Jack Ryan left a great comment on the new reality of dating in a world stricken by the Covid-19 hoax. He writes:

I work as a Correctional Officer in a state prison in the United States and I can tell you everything you said is on point. I noticed when I was still going to work full time women were very much checking me out in my uniform and smiling at me more than I ever had prior to the COVID 19 pandemic. This is when toilet paper was sparse. Women were very much wanting me to come over and protect them and all that bullshit whereas before it never came up ever. Now all the sudden the tables have turned. And most of these women were making money from some dumbass service sector job like dog grooming or something stupid that’s not really essential for keeping civilization going. I love how this dynamic is now going to be in play for awhile and I’m going to cash my chips when I see fit. I also go to the gym and get my buff on so I can be both stud and provider but I’m playing these women hard like a pimp in today’s dating market.

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