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Status Update (May 2019)

The paperback edition of Sleazy Stories III was released on 15 April. I will prepare the Kindle edition soon and hope to have it out by the end of June. Sleazy Stories IV is currently in the proof-reading phase. I can’t give you a precise release date yet. However, it seems likely that it will be out in September or October.

I have mentioned that I have been working on two more books: one on relationships, and one on online dating. The latter is my current top priority. I am busy writing the various chapters. The book on relationships is in a very early stage. I am still working on the outline and bullet-point versions of the various chapters.

As you have noticed, I have been putting a few more blog posts up recently. I am currently in a pretty productive phase. You can expect some more bursts of activity. My other blog, Aaron S. Elias, is not dormant. I published two posts on there on the weekend. Also, I have two bigger projects in the pipeline. You may have read my 18-part series on my experience in Singapore last year. I have taken a trip to Beijing, China, last autumn. You can expect a short series with reflections on my observations as well.

The other project for my Aaron S. Elias blog is a series on Germany and its gradual transformation towards a Second World country. I was raised in Germany but since 2006 I have spent most of my time abroad. Yet, visit quite frequently as I still have friends and family there; sometimes, I have to go there for business. I have seen Germany deteriorating quite significantly. This is an aspect that is shockingly underreported. The perception is that Germany is a rich country. That depends on the metric; the man on the street certainly isn’t rich. On top, he has to watch the country falling apart. I will explore this topic in some depth.

3 thoughts on “Status Update (May 2019)

  1. I am looking forward to read your Germany shithole series… :=))

    I will read your Singapore-experience and I am awaiting your China experience ;=)

    1. Anxiously looking forward to the “Germany deteriorating into a shithole country”-series as well!

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