Dating · Women

Female matchmaker has enough of women with unrealistic expectations

Alek Novy just shared a video in which a female matchmaker rants because her female clients had expectations that were completely out of touch with reality. Apparently, they all wanted the buff dominant-but-cucked 22 year-old billionaire who has so little self-respect that he would settle for a run-of-the-mill trashy woman:

Apparently she closed her business. Then again, I consider it just as plausible that she had a half-baked business idea and is now blaming other women for her inability to make it profitable. Well, that’s probably part of the story, too.

The video is quite painful to listen to as her voice is grating. I also had to chuckle at a few points she made, such as her claim that it does not matter “how big your butt is”. Sorry, sister, but African-American welfare queens with asses too big to get through a doorframe are the exact opposite of what successful men want.

Furthermore, an issue I have with the video is that she constructs a false dichotomy between sexy fuckboys and marriage-material men. It’s certainly not the case that all the superficially attractive attributes of the former are necessarily absent in the latter. This leads me to assume that she wanted to pair white losers with black welfare queens, and now that that business idea didn’t turn out so well, she’s blaming her black sisters.

14 thoughts on “Female matchmaker has enough of women with unrealistic expectations

  1. It’s female nature to look for guys that have higher status than they do. Hypergamy isn’t really the problem. It’s their inflated ego’s. They are given participation prices all their lives. They are told that they can have it all. They assume that having a worthless degree increases their sexual market value. They are told lies about themselfs and the world from a very young age. They get 200 likes on every selfy they post. They get 1000 swipes on thinder. No wonder they grow up to be self centered drama queens. No one is holding them responsible for anything. They are complimented for everything they do. If you combine that with a culture that paints normal men like idiots. And movies that tells them that plain girls can get with christian grey’s. It’s not that hard to see why they consider normal men to be beneath them. They are told so all their lives.

  2. “Hypergamy isn’t really the problem. ”
    Why not?

    “And movies that tells them that plain girls can get with christian grey’s”
    You mean that chick getting spanked in 50 shades? Looked pretty fuckable to me tbh.

    1. Neutralrandomthoughts: (Hypergamy isn’t really the problem. ”
      Why not?) Hypergamy is a female instinct. All women have it. It can never be changed. It has always been that way. The real problem is that there’s nothing to balance it in the Western world. In a natural situation the men’s dominance would balance things out. In a traditional society marriage laws balance things out. The problem in the modern Western world is that these things are no longer a balancing factor. Men are not allowed to express any dominance over women anymore. And things like adultery dont matter anymore in a divorce. Hypergamy is promoted. While the male counterpart (dominance) is outlawed. That’s wy things are spinning out of control.

    2. Neutralrandomthoughts: (You mean that chick getting spanked in 50 shades? Looked pretty fuckable to me tbh.) Yes she looks fuckable. But not good enough to marry a billionaire. I’m not a billionaire. And i had girls much better looking than that. I wouldn’t be impressed by a girl like that. A billionaire wouldn’t even consider dating a girl like that. And marriage would simply be a impossibility. Billionaires can have all the women they want. If you could fuck, date, marry every girl you wanted. Would you have chosen her? Why would you settle for fuckable, if you can have halaluya god send gorgeous?

    3. Let’s not assume that every billionaire is able to get a top-shelf wife. Just look at Bill Gates, for instance. Melinda Gates was never attractive. Heck, she even cost Microsoft billions because love-drunk Bill put resources into “Microsoft Bob”, which has to be one of the top 5 dumbest products to ever emerge from Microsoft, and given that company’s track record, that is saying something.

    4. Bill Gates? yha But are you sure mega nurd is realy a man? I’m not convinced. Maybe it’s one of those gender fluid things? lol.
      He could have hotter chicks if he wanted. But his divorce would be the most expensive in history. Plus there’s a very real possibility that Melinda Gates was the first to touch his peepee. Back then women were still allergic for nurds. Nowadays they know that they are often the best financial providers. Back then it was different. She might have been the first willing to touch it.

  3. “love-drunk Bill put resources into “Microsoft Bob”, which has to be one of the top 5 dumbest products to ever emerge from Microsoft, and given that company’s track record, that is saying something.”

    Hahahaha… this is such a funny remark, lovin it. You nailed it 🙂

  4. > she constructs a false dichotomy between sexy fuckboys and marriage-material men

    It’s not a false dichotomy.

    Women don’t have *high* standards, they have *impossible* ones. Impossible because their laundry lists specify mutually contradictory things. You cannot find a man who is both a successful athlete and also at the same time a really laid-back, chill dude. You cannot find a man who runs several businesses and at the same time prioritizes family time. You cannot find a guy who is really, really good-looking and at the same time does not have a lengthy sexual history.

    What women want is a harem of guys. One to earn the money, one to bond with emotionally, one to mentor her at work, and one to fuck. It’d be easier to matchmake them if they didn’t jumble all of these separate guys together on one laundry list.

    1. You cannot find a man who runs several businesses and at the same time prioritizes family time

      Or my favorite. A guy who’s succesful at something, and also has top 0.1% social/networking skills. Those are mutually exclusive*.

      The guy who’s in the top 0.1% of socializers, he got there by doing absolutely nothing else in life. He socialized for a living and literally sucks at everything else. The guy who knows exactly how to charm and befriend anyone anywhere, he did this by socializing night-and-day for years.

      I’ve never met a guy who was amazingly charismatic AND also succesful at anything else in life. Or even managed to hold onto a job without getting fired after a week.

      *- the one exception is if someone is born into wealth. If you don’t have to work for a living, you can be a rich socialite… but still, you’re not succesful at anything else. You just inherited the money.

      Women don’t seem to get that for men there are 24 hours in a day as well. If a guy busted his ass off working 16 hour-long stretches for years…. he couldn’t ALSO at the same time go out 7 nights a week.

    2. You cannot find a man who is both a successful athlete and also at the same time a really laid-back, chill dud

      These same chicks always wonder how come they always end up with unamibitous stoners. They can’t seem to put 2+2 together.

      If a guy is ambitious and trying to achieve great results at something, he’s going to be a little high-strung when he occasionally goes out. If he’s got a big competition or fundraising event the next day, he’s not going to let go as much as the stoners.

      Now there are guys who have both. They’re usually 40-50 years old. Like a guy who has been working super hard for 20-30 years. And they are able to relax into their success.

      But when a laid back successful 50-year old guy approaches her, she doesn’t like it. She wants a 25 year old man who’s successful AND laid-back. If you discount people born into wealth, and include that he also looks good… There are like 10 guys like this on the planet.

    3. “These same chicks always wonder how come they always end up with unamibitous stoners. They can’t seem to put 2+2 together. ”

      Well said!!!
      A bit further:
      I think Illuminatus had a reference to that on his old forum where he explains why phenibut gets you laid. It’s the relaxed facial muscles. When one thinks that thoughts are in essence tension, which primarily translates into facial tension, then taking away that tension it would mean that a guy with a relaxed face is free of thought (and therefore free of tension, which is a sexy trait to women). When I read that I understood, what I often observed: Quite beautiful girls having weed smoking boyfriends who suck at everything in life besides rolling joints.
      Phenibut is not very different than weed, it’s just making you less fuzzy. But the inner dialogue is like “poof” – gone, similar to long term effects of mediation, as Aaron said in one of the topics on this new blog.

      Now what’s interesting is that chicks will go for the solution that makes her feel good, i.e. the laid back dude in his 20s, who, well most often is this “unambitious stoner”. Why? I think it is because they can’t live with the tension that arises from having a guy next to her who is driven by something, but then, well, is not always the super social super funny guy.

      Let’s go further. Why can’t she live with the tension that this compromise “produces”?
      (as a matter of fact, having trouble with this kind of tension is not only a female problem, it’s a post 1968 generational problem).
      The answer is that the generation that became parents after 1968 wanted to get away from that previous authoritarian education style and whenever their child WANTED something (irrespective of the fact that it might not NEED it), they gave it to him/her. They were reminded of their parents being hard on them and didn’t realize the childish expression for what it is, a childish expression (moreover, an opportunity to teach their kids a lesson about frustration). The superficial observer will shout “Spoiled kid!”, but it’s deeper. It’s a kid that has never learned to live with frustration. Frustration is fine, it’s OK. Anger is OK, so is resentment. Yet the solution is so simple – “sweetheart, I know you feel angry when you don’t get that ice cream, but I don’t want to eat ice cream before lunch” and then go away. The kid will cry, but it’s not gonna die. Do that a few times, be nice and firm. 15 years down the road it’ll pay off.
      And so the chicks you refer to have indeed a problem of living with the thought of “can’t have it all”, because they are used to get the frustration taken away from them. The subconscious feeling of frustration goes like this: “I’m frustrated because I want the ambitious guy, but now I have him, but he makes me feel uncomfortable a bit in front of my friends because he’s not all too funny/socially skilled. Someone take that conflict that frustration me away from me!… What, nobody to do that? Oh I’m gonna do it myself and go for the short-term satisfaction and get this chilled weed smoking guy, he’s funny.”
      One month later we are at what you said. Closed circle of childish feelings clashing with the reality of “can’t have your cake and eat it, too”

    4. This is a great reminder for me to not bemoan certain side effects of Sleazy’s personality! I should be glad that he even pouts 😀

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