
Reddit/Marriage: husband makes a shit salary, wife doesn’t want to work

When I want to have a good laugh, I stop by Reddit and check out the “marriages” and the “relationships” board. You wouldn’t believe what you find on there. Here is one of my favorites: How do I tell my wife that one income isn’t going to work?

My wife had been out of work, by choice to raise her daughter and go to school for 3 years before we were married. When we got married she was aware of my immature financial decisions, which lead to a bankruptcy and foreclosure. She sold her car to help pay for this bankruptcy and to help get us back on our feet. Of course, I hated to have her do that but she felt it was the right thing to do. We were able to get an apartment and get back on our feet, and at this time she was pregnant with our son.

OK, so the guy has been financially reckless. He also thinks he owes his wife perennial gratitude. He does not specify how much they got for the car, but it probably wasn’t a lot, seeing, as he will later reveal, that he doesn’t make a lot of money.

During this time I have worked for the same company for 11 years and continue to pursue opportunities within my place of work to help provide for my family better. Over the years I have gotten raises and wage increases, while my wife takes care of the kids at home.

I love this part because he makes it sounds as if he’s pulling down six figures and everything is working great for them.

We have had to take out several pay-day loans for emergencies to compensate for her ex’s lack of motivation to financially support his daughter through Child Support.

The rabbit hole deepens. It amuses me when people only gradually reveal how fucked up their lives are. That guy was in a completely untenable situation a decade ago, but now it’s due to her (where did that come from?) wife’s ex lover, whose kid that loser has to provide for. Pay-day loan spells low-class trash. But, hey, breeding is fun, amirite? Financial responsibility is so 1950s.

We have had no choice but to rely on this as this is the only additional source of income besides my work. When one thing goes wrong, another follows suit. We have had several arguments about finances and continues to raise conflict today.

No, you’ve had a choice. Don’t marry a single mom. Don’t make babies if you can’t provide for them. Don’t let your wife stay at home if you can’t afford it. Whom are you kidding, you’re not raising the next Richard Feynman!

We have had a separation in an attempt to cool our heads (well my head) and I happened to bring up her not working, which she wasn’t happy about. Her argument is that money isn’t everything and that I should step it up and find a better paying job.

Hahaha! Money only isn’t everything, if it’s about your money. I recall girls telling me I should buy a car, an apartment, or spend $10k for a trip around the world, but money isn’t everything, right, bitches?

Reddit, where do I go next? How do I explain to my wife that one income nowadays isn’t going to cut it?

Does she know mathematics at the level of a six-year old? That should be enough!

Now it gets really funny:

Edit: I want to add that I make $17 an hour and support a family of four on my own. As I mentioned the only additional income we get is Child Support for her daughter. Of course, she made it clear to me that she wanted to stay home and care for the kids until she can continue her school. This was well before shit hit the fan with cost of living in my area. She has been out of work for nearly 9 years and wants to wait until our son starts school (he is 2).

He’s been chasing promotions for over a decade and only makes $17 an hour, yet he wants to have kids? His wife has been unemployed for about as long and still hasn’t finished “school”, in which she is probably pursuing some bullshit degree anyway.

Bottom line: don’t marry a single mom. Don’t have kids if you can’t afford them. Don’t marry a lazy woman. He also complains about cost of living in his area. Well, how about moving into a cheaper place?

12 thoughts on “Reddit/Marriage: husband makes a shit salary, wife doesn’t want to work

  1. That was just sad. I’ve encounteres lots of story like this. The questions are always geared around “how do i tip-toe around my wifes needs by giving up everything and asking for nothing?”

  2. I read the relationship subs on Reddit occasionally and I often end up feeling much better about my own life. Unfortunately, I then sometimes read the Red Pill sub and find out where PUA mythology is alive and well and get so depressed it all balances out…..

    Train wrecks like the one above are pretty common. What I find interesting is usually that the problems are ongoing and long term and the people are asking the internet for advice after either ignoring the issues as long as possible or doubling or tripling down on bad initial decisions over time.

    1. -Lack of higher education
      -Lack of effort
      -Lack of balls (a.k.a. quit your shitty job and look for something better)
      The saddest thing is that with that salary in my country any single guy would be just fine. Sometimes I feel bad for not getting any attention from girls. Then I remember how some cucks like this guy are brutally exsanguinated by such harpies. And then I happily masturbate to Riley Reid.

    2. because he’s a broken horse and depends on his shit job. companies love guys like this. they know they can screw him. he just bends over and takes it. at home and on the job. i hope one day he’ll wake up and stand up for himself. it’s just sad to see guys like this.

    3. because he’s a broken horse and depends on his shit job
      Bad choices lead you to this kind of situations.

  3. it seems to me this guy is trying real hard. ok he’s not really on top off the food chain and he didn’t make great choices in life but he’s not sitting on his ass. i can’t help feeling sorry for this guy. just one off many that bought the lie that if you’re nice and work hard you’ll get the love and respect from your wife and society. not every guy can earn loads off money. specially now women have entered the workforce and the labor prices are going down. sadly even the low quality women think they should be worshipped and served. poor guy. soon his wife will file for divorce and he’ll be screwed even more. she’ll get the money, the house, the kids and he’ll be paying most off his small income every month. and if he can’t pay his child support they will throw his ass in jail. while his single mom ex-wife gets support and praises for being a strong independent woman.

  4. “We have had no choice but to rely on this as this is the only additional source of income besides my work. ”

    Pay-day loans are not “income”, idiot.

  5. Oh – in this situation, if a person has elected to be homemaker for the couple then it that person’s full-time job to stretch every dollar and shave every penny. Mending clothes. Making stews out of cheap meats. Buying groceries in bulk, in season, and making them last a year.

    If this single mom is doing this, well that’s a whole different story. But you and I both know that not even isn’t she, not even does she not know how – she doesn’t even know there is such a thing.

    1. Oh – in this situation, if a person has elected to be homemaker for the couple then it that person’s full-time job to stretch every dollar and shave every penny. Mending clothes. Making stews out of cheap meats. Buying groceries in bulk, in season, and making them last a year.
      I can say from personal experience that some people are so delude that believe they can give themselves a life they can’t sustain. They waste resources on unnecessary luxuries that help to keep the façade that they’re doing just fine, even if they keep the house together with needles and ductape.

    2. I think there is a very sinister alternative meaning behind society and advertising telling people that they “deserve” a lifestyle they cannot afford, encouraging taking out loans and digging themselves into a deeper hole. At the end, interest payment on their debt will overwhelm them, and that is indeed what fiscally irresponsible people deserve.

    3. At the end, interest payment on their debt will overwhelm them, and that is indeed what fiscally irresponsible people deserve.
      Indeed, Aaron. As a saying here says, “never trade your today for a bit of tomorrow”. Let’s remember that this kind of mindset, coupled with the bankers greed and other factors led to the subprime mortgage crisis.

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