
This is what a leftist idiot looks like

Kudos to Alek Novy for pointing me towards this video of a leftist moron getting obliterated on camera. By now we have heard the argument that Trump’s locker room talk is “reprehensible”. On the other hand, that Bill Clinton is a serial rapist does not matter, and neither do, apparently, Hillary’s endless lies.

In the 18th and 19th century, a field of study called phrenology was very popular. Proponents claimed that one would be able to deduct temperament and intelligence from the shape of the skull of a person. Overall, that discipline has been discredited. Yet, sometimes you can look at a person and, without having them say a word, conclude that their intellectual facilities are lacking. Those two fine young gentlemen are a case in point:

I'll be damned if those two guys are not going to follow in the footsteps of Roger Penrose and Albert Einstein.
I’ll be damned if those two guys are not going to follow in the footsteps of Roger Penrose and Albert Einstein.

The video above puts any doubt to rest. They are not even particularly stupid compared to your typical leftist.

Not much better is a related video in which we hear a grown man make the claim that Donald Trump is an idiot because he lost one billion dollars in a year, and that he amounts to nothing because “his daddy gave him everything”. Well, jerk-off, it’s not as if $14 million turn themselves into $9 billion just like that. However, you can quickly turn $9 billion into -$9 billion by creating bullshit jobs, letting in a gajillion illegals and propping up the welfare industry.

23 thoughts on “This is what a leftist idiot looks like

  1. Didnt you know? All leftists are idiots. As all conservatives are evil.

    Id rather be evil than an idiot.

    Das neue layout sieht gut aus! Und die Komments funktionieren anscheinend besser.

  2. Even as a I’m a mexicunt, I’ll rather have Trump as the US president than Hillary. At least he isn’t a traitor.
    And about leftists, they killed my country. And you could believe that many leftist fucktards showed Venezuela and Brazil as successful examples of left-leaning countries? And now look what happened to them.

    1. I think the biggest problem with the left is an unwillingness of acknowledging reality. You could show them footage of marauding gangs of illegal immigrants, or people not being able to buy food in Venezuelan grocery stores, and they would either not acknowledge that this is real, or just completely dismiss it with arguments you wouldn’t believe like, “it could have happened anywhere”, “the intentions were good” (!), or any variation of “challenge” combined with at best a passing reference to fundamental issues.

    1. This makes sense since size of the head is positively correlated with size of the brain, which is positively correlated with intelligence. Also note that various genetic defects may manifest themselves in certain irregularities of the face. Phrenology itself, though, made a couple of very specific claims, which were refuted.

    2. Biological egalitarianism is a religion for secular humanists. Multiculturalism is a catholicism for people who no longer believe in God but almost certainly believe in fairy tales.

      There’s no point in discussing it, as I have pointed out these types of people will actually be castrated and getting slammed in the arse in new Aztlan and will cling to their belief system right up until the bloody end. There is no dissuading them, no matter how mad their orthodoxy. In this sense they could be regarded as genetic dead ends

  3. It wouldn’t be such a problem if we didn’t have said leftist morons in high-level positions in our mainstream media shilling out garbage and never get fired anymore for misinformation. CNN for example nowadays is a complete and abysmal joke. The world is burning around us, and the only thing they feel is newsworthy is some women claiming that Donald Trump groped her on an airplane 30 years ago.

  4. The Donald has said has said a lot of pretty crazy things during his campaign, such as: many Mexican immigrants being rapists and murderers; advocating torture for the family members of terrorists; and advocating public identification of Muslims and banning them as immigrants. Honestly, everyone commented negatively but none of this really stuck and most of the Republicans establishment did not blink. But, ten years ago he made some locker room comments abut women that are not really uncommon when guys talk, and this is what disqualifies him from high office?

    1. The Donald has said has said a lot of pretty crazy things during his campaign, such as: many Mexican immigrants being rapists and murderers

      How is that crazy? Did you check out the stats? Or did you just assume it must be crazy without actually looking into it?

      The sampling of people illegally crossing borders is not the same as a random sample of people in that country. Criminals, rapists, and other deviants ARE in fact over-represented.

    2. The Donald more likely pointed out that among rapists and murderers Mexicans are overrepresented, which is even less crazy.

    3. Yeah, not all illegal mexicans are rapists and murderers. Problem is, they’re also used to smuggle drugs in their bodies -being paid or forced for it.
      Yet I find extremely funny how the mexican government likes to shed crocodile tears about the Donald, yet the Mexican version of the “Migra” treats central american aliens in a much worse way that the US authorities would do. And let’s not talk about the cartels and how they kidnap and murder the migrants in Mexico.
      tl;dr As always, my country loves to play victim.

  5. Aaron,

    I know what you’re trying to say but linking to that video doesn’t do it justice. Just like there are leftist idiots – there are right wing idiots as well – Alex Jones and his Infowars shit being one of them.

    1. Anthony, if you had watched that video, you would have realized that it was one of Alex Jones’s guys showing how earth-shatteringly stupid those Shillary supporters are.

    2. Aaron,

      I did watch the video.

      “…one of Alex Jones’s guys showing how earth-shatteringly stupid those Shillary supporters are.”

      Right – THOSE Shillary supporters. All that video does is prove that THOSE guys are stupid. It doesn’t prove anything else. You can find idiot supporters for any cause.

    3. Did I claim that all leftists are idiots? However, note that seemingly a majority of leftists bash Trump for what is essentially a non-event, while conveniently ignoring the criminal activities of the Clintons, including Bill’s sexual transgressions. You have to be pretty damn stupid to make the claim that something someone finds offensive is worse than criminal activities. In that regard, the political right is infinitely more honest.

  6. “Not much better is a related video in which we hear a grown man make the claim that Donald Trump is an idiot because he lost one billion dollars in a year, and that he amounts to nothing because “his daddy gave him everything”. Well, jerk-off, it’s not as if $14 million turn themselves into $9 billion just like that. However, you can quickly turn $9 billion into -$9 billion by creating bullshit jobs, letting in a gajillion illegals and propping up the welfare industry.”

    First, Trump is not worth 9 billion. Period. He severely inflates his numbers. I think even many Trump supporters agree on that. Every single impartial assessment, from Forbes to Deutsche Bank, puts his wealth at maximum of 5 billion. And even that number seems doubtful. So unless every accountant and actuary involved in the evaluation is secretly a part of some world-wide conspiracy, a figure of 9 billion is highly unlikely.

    Second, losing 1 billion dollars in a SINGLE year truly is a disaster. There is no other way to say it. I doubt Trump really lost that amount though- he probably wrote it off to avoid paying his taxes. But it still makes him look like a terrible businessman. Even if you believe his wealth being 9 billion, losing 1/9th of your wealth (!) in one year is an abysmal performance, especially when there is no economic crisis or depression.

    Three, he started with WAY more money than 14 million (sources? Also 14 million is equal to something like 40-50 million today- so quite a starting amount, if you ask me). His dad’s connections and Reagan boom definitely helped him out, even if he had done nothing with his money. There is no point in denying that. Now, I am not saying that he is a complete idiot or something. An idiot would not be able to survive among New York business sharks for such a long time, but it still puts some holes in the whole “He is a financial genius!” theory, especially after further taking his numerous bankruptcies into account.

    Finally, I see your blog shifted heavily towards societal issues, rather than dating and self-improvement. I also do not get what is your problem with Roosh V and other manospherians. You seem to agree on majority of issues, especially when it comes to Trump. And yet you call them “manuresphere”? I just don’t get it.

    I do not want to sound like a leftist. I despise Hillary, but blind, unquestionable faith in Trump is not a way to go. Even if on policy issues I am with Trump, I can still point out many glaring faults that he has.

    1. Even if Trump’s net worth was $140 million, it would be a fantastic outcome, considering what he started with. You also may want to read up on how net worth is calculated among high-net worth individuals. It’s not that they look at their bank statements. No, instead it’s a question of assessing the current worth of their assets, which may of course highly fluctuating. It would be better if Forbes and other publications estimated the net worth of people as ranges with statistical confidence intervals, but that wouldn’t make catchy headlines.

      His $915 million loss was in the “other” category, which may largely have been write-downs for investments. Thus, it is good business sense to do so. It’s not like he “lost” money the same way you lose money if you forget your wallet in a bar or a company whose shares you hold goes bankrupt.

      About bankruptcies: that’s simply par for the course. In the start-up world this has even been embodied in the mantra “fail fast”. Thus, some start-ups iterate through business ideas, or refine their current one, and hope they hit the jackpot before their money runs out.

      Yes, I do agree with some people in the manosphere, the alt-right, and the MGTOW movement. You may have noticed that in my last post on Roosh, several months ago, I defended him against certain mainstream media accusations. That doesn’t mean I agree with the style of game he peddles. I skim Return of Kings on occasion. I think there is a lot of crap on there, but there are quite a few pretty good guys writing for him.

  7. By the way Aaron, did you knew that some Hillary supporters vandalized some Republican offices in North Carolina? res/425250.html
    Of course, this is not political violence nor intimidation, is just “the People’s struggle against fascism”. God forbid that some Trump supporter would punch a Shillary thug because the media would crucify him.

    1. I read about that. The same is happening in Europe, where the militant left is free to vandalize property and violate opponents with free reign.

    2. A leftist girl in Wuppertal hosted me while i was backpacking a few years ago. Walking through town I noticed a doorway vandalized with paint, when I asked her she approvingly told me that an allegedly “facist” couple was living in that building. I asked if they had actually done anything illegal or even reprehensible she could not tell. When I pointed out that other people lived in other apartments in that same building and it was their doorway too that had been vandalized, she replied that was a consequence of allowing those people to live among them.
      Only after I mentioned that you cannot decide over who your neighbors are did she pause.

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