
Thots and their “comfortable” gym clothes

One of my readers recently posted a picture of gym thot fashion, which shows a woman wearing see-through leggings that reveal her underwear. No, not just the shape, but the color and fine details as well. Here is what this looks like:

“Comfortable” yoga pants and panties

This is by no means the most provocative kind of outfit you can see in gyms. Some women wear sports bras. Others walk around in low-cut tops that exhibit part of their breasts. Some women skip the bra altogether and, if you were so inclined, you could check out their nipples. Exposed mid-riffs are common, too, and so are either very short shorts if not hot pants as well as tight yoga pants.

Now, if you ask a woman why she is wearing outfits like that, her reflexive response would be, “Because it’s comfortable!” It has become a cliche by now. Yet, it is obvious that this isn’t comfortable clothing. Were do people wear comfortable clothing? At home! Yet, this is where you see women lounging about in loose sweat pants, possibly even tracksuits that completely hide their womanly shapes. Only once such women leave the house, tight and revealing clothing is the immediate choice.

What annoys me most about gym-thot clothes is not necessarily that it is revealing. I’d much rather encounter only young, attractive women in tight clothes day-in and day-out than what I’m exposed to in the real world. Instead, the issue is the utter hypocrisy of the claim. No, thot, you are not wearing these clothes because they are comfortable! If those clothes were comfortable, you’d wear them at home as well. You’d sleep in them as opposed to your baggy pyjamas. The reason women wear such clothes is simply attention. Mere attention is often enough. However, what they really want is some buff billionaire. As women bring only their looks to the table, that is what they are offering.

I would have a lot more respect of gym thots if they frankly said that they like looking good in such clothes or that they wear them because they flatter their figure (better hope this is true, because for most women it is not). A bit of honesty is too much, though, so you get their endless lies.

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45 thoughts on “Thots and their “comfortable” gym clothes

  1. I always have to laugh when “they” tell me that they wear thong underwear due to comfort reasons…

    But as soon as they marry and give birth to some children, they start to dispose of their thong undies and switch to granny panties.

  2. Imagine two women fighting over you, they won’t fight intellectually with words how successful they’re with their grades/work, but they will fight mostly to try to be more slutty than the other or try to behave like a “good wife”.

    What I’m pissed nowadays is not how they dress or if they could wear it, what pisses me off is getting them laid is pretty hard work: they show off to make easy prey, but expect men have to do every step and be persistent with all their shit.

    1. What I’m pissed nowadays is not how they dress or if they could wear it, what pisses me off is getting them laid is pretty hard work: they show off to make easy prey, but expect men have to do every step and be persistent with all their shit.

      You have to remember they don’t dress like that for the average guy tho. When you remember they dress like “easy prey” for the Chad, then it’s not as contradictory. He doesn’t have to do every step or be persistent.

      When a woman advertises that she’s an easy lay with her clothing… she’s not lying… it’s not even lying by omission… as nonchads are invisible to her. To her Chad’s are “men” and she tries to advertise to men that she’s easy.

  3. „When a woman advertises that she’s an easy lay with her clothing… she’s not lying… it’s not even lying by omission… as nonchads are invisible to her. To her Chad’s are “men” and she tries to advertise to men that she’s easy.“

    I don’t agree with you on that and I will tell you why: there is a difference in dressing up a certain way to show sexual interest or to dressing up to get attention.

    A few years ago (I draw a line at the dating situation we had before social media pushed by smartphones and the situation now) women where not lying of their interests in men. They showed it and pushed the dating forward, because they were interested in sex too.
    Older women (30+) who grew up and developed their sexuality before social media still click like that.

    The dating situation we have now has been transformed from social life to online. I don’t have a problem with that, because I know I’m good looking, I get still everyday matches on tinder, women look and smile at me by day. girls like my insta gym picture…just normal life for me: I get a lot of interest.

    But here’s the thing: it’s just interest. So if girls (under 30) dress up a certain way, they mostly do it for attention. They like giving me their number, we add on Instagram, we chat….but the same way I hit on older women leads to easy sex and leads with younger women to nothing.

    To wrap it up: women before social media technical stuff can be easy laid, women after it seem like have not developed their sexuality yet and are satisfied with getting attention.

    1. But here’s the thing: it’s just interest. So if girls (under 30) dress up a certain way, they mostly do it for attention. They like giving me their number, we add on Instagram, we chat….but the same way I hit on older women leads to easy sex and leads with younger women to nothing.

      Because you’re not a chad. They’re not dressing that way to get attention from you, don’t flatter yourself. It’s just a side-effect that they get from dressing up for the chads.

    2. Older women (30+) who grew up and developed their sexuality before social media still click like that.

      If you took a time machine back to 2008 and met those women in their twenties they wouldn’t be easy for you to lay. But 2008 chad would lay them effortlessly.

      They’re easy to lay because they’re 30+ not “because they formed their sexuality before social media” and other such nonsense. Women’s sexual criteria drops with age as they can no longer get Chads they drop down to chad-light.

    3. Anecdotal Chad story. In a certain social circle, a Chad I know recently got divorced because he cheated on his hot wife with another Stacy, wife found out as it was ongoing. She divorced him clean. No kids involved, and she didn’t press for alimony or anything.

      You’d think this would be disgraceful and unforgiving, and normally it would in our society. But he’s Chad. So all the women around feel sorry and try to make him feel better, he even cried in front of them. One such young, pretty and unexperienced woman in the group decided to make him feel better by riding his dick and making him her new boyfriend. The woman he married was also a virgin when they got together.

      Chad can do no wrong. Even if you’re a criminal like that Jeremy Meeks guy, women will have rape fantasies about you. Sorry if this sounds too blackpill lol but I did actually observe this.

    4. I think Jeremy Meeks is one of the biggest ‘black pills’ out there as it shows that the evolutionary programming in (some) women is so strong that they throw caution completely out of the window. Another aspect is that he is one of the very few cases where a guy followed the traditional female script, due to the weakening of traditional roles in society. In the past, a beautiful secretary from the underclass could marry the CEO. Today, we have handsome criminals who are courted by the daughters of billionaires. With more money and power flowing to women, the question is if we will see more such cases in the future. I’d assume that society will collapse before a trend gets established, but we may see a few more such cases.

    5. It’s all true. People who haven’t hung out with/been around chads think this stuff is an exaggeration. It’s not. There’s a whole different set of rules, regulations norms and alternate society for Chads.

    6. I can confirm and witnessed similar situations and agree with AlekNovy that they basically live another reality, which could also not be a good thing in my opinion.

      Also here we never discussed in detail what exactly the title of “chad” represent

      Percentages have been throw like the 80/20 referring to the okcupid polling but the definition is still very arbitrary.

      Maybe we should discuss what it should take for someone to “enter” that threshold if he is down to invest in lookmaxing

    7. The kind of stuff described here doesn’t happen to guys who are merely in the top 20% (that’s 1 in 5 guys).

      – Being top 20% of looks is barely enough to be “chad light”. I think chad is at least in top 5% of looks.

      – It is true that 20% of guys get 80% of the sex… That number includes guys who get laid due to status and/or money… it includes guys who get more sex just through sheer persistence and playing the numbers etc…

      – If you break those 20% further by ease of getting laid and the kind of sex they get, you’ll see another pyramid emerge… chads are on top of that pyramid…

    8. Being top in 1 in 20 guys seem still not enough to me but maybe i am too conservative.

      Also, i have always considered “being chad” with something with you either are born or maybe become with extreme surgery (eppley style).

      Recently though i have witnessed a guy with normal/above average face and with 1% physique slay easily several chicks in chad style.

      The question then is: some guy who is not chad, can he consider invest in “lookmaxing” (whatever that could mean) to enter this threshold or he should just forget about it, still investing some time to better himself but without getting too obsessed given that his “marginal gains” per money/energy spent wouldnt be that great?

    9. Recently though i have witnessed a guy with normal/above average face and with 1% physique slay easily several chicks in chad style.

      Be aware though… unless you spent a ton of time learning what makes a male face sexually attractive… you probably cant tell. Our natural instincts about what faces should be attractive are all wrong.

      After watching all those black pill videos presenting the science on male faces… I was blown away.

      All those guys that I knew who slayed despite having an “average” or even “ugly” face… turns out they were actually quite sexually attractive.

      Remember, we try to use male criteria to determine if a guys face is good looking. That’s why we usually look for a “pretty” face in guys and are surprised when guys without a pretty face get laid…

    10. The confounders here are those damn male models. They have both “sexy” features and “pretty features”.

      Like a male model will have a compact midface, the right kind of sexy jaw (etc)… but we just notice that he’s pretty (symmetry, complexion, etc)… so we say… hey women like pretty faces.

      Then we are baffled when the “ugly guy” cleans house…

      It’s because he has a compact face and sexy jaw… it’s still sexy even without the prettiness which is just a bonus.

    11. @Aleknovy: You talked about this compact midface stuff a few months ago and I browsed some Black Pill content to get a better grasp… I still don’t get it. A masculine jaw, I think we all have a pretty good idea of what that looks like, but compact faces? At the risk of sounding like one of those guys who don’t want to do their homework, can you point us out some graphic examples (celebrities and the like)?

    12. Yah, months back I shared a link from a video that explained it with celebrity examples. Probably in one of the open threads.

    13. @AlekNovy: nope, no video. That’s why I went and browsed some incel forums for explanations, but it’s hard to find worhtwhile content with all the flaming and petty bickering.

      I did some more digging now and I’m kind of getting it. Incel forum users are still debating though on what the ideal midface ratio is. ?

    14. This study from BlackPillScience sounds like it’s discussing the compact face stuff:

      Men with dominant, aggressive faces (high fWHR) are preferred for short term relationships.

      Facial Width-Height Ratio (fWHR) is a proportionate measure of a man’s facial width to his height, measured laterally from the edges of the zygomatic processes and vertically from the mid-brow to the top of the upper lips. Two examples of how this measure works are posted under ‘Figures’ below….



      In this study attractiveness (= AlekNovy’s “pretty”?) and high fWHR (= AlekNovy’s “compact face”?) are separate predictors for STR and LTR. Attractiveness seems to play a greater role in both STR/LTR, but fWHR seems also to be important, especially for STR. Although it’s not clear how independent these variables are.

      Predictor LTR STR Chance of Being Chosen
      Age .32 .21 .26
      Attractiveness .51 .44 .47
      Adiposity -.12 -.25 -.23
      fWHR .15 .31 .30

    15. “Chad” is also highly context dependent. In certain niche venues I get treated like a Chad, even though 99% of the time I get the “regular guy” treatment. It is worth exploring different places and seeing how different types of women react to you.

    16. Thanks for singling that bit out, @GMoney.

      Welp, I did some amateur measurements with 3 post-adolescence pictures of mine, and the average fWHR I got is 1.92.

      Even though as I said above, incel forum users are still debating this stuff, I guess this reinforces my belief that I’m squandering good potential (together with my height of 1.80, which is tall for Latin America) by not getting into shape (not obese by any means either).

    17. “Chad” is also highly context dependent. In certain niche venues I get treated like a Chad, even though 99% of the time I get the “regular guy” treatment.

      I think you might be confusing status with being a chad. In some places you might be getting a higher-status treatment. The chad thing is context-irrelevant.

    18. Alek, I don’t have any real status to leverage and certainly didn’t have any high status in those venues. There may have been a boost from being perceived to be part of the same subculture as the women present, but almost every guy there had that (these were very niche venues that most outsiders would avoid) and I was actually a member of an adjacent/similar scene rather than the one those venues focused on.

      I think it was because my physical appearance conformed more to what women in that scene see as attractive, which is a bit different to “normal” women.

    19. I didn’t say “high status”, I said status. Conforming more to an image in a certain niche doesn’t make you chaddier. It’s not how it works. Chad-features are universal.

    20. Alek, you said

      “I think you might be confusing status with being a chad. In some places you might be getting a higher-status treatment. The chad thing is context-irrelevant.”

      So you did mention higher status. What do you mean by higher status treatment and how does it differ from how Chad gets treated?

    21. So you did mention higher status. What do you mean by higher status treatment and how does it differ from how Chad gets treated?

      I’ve been able to experience both. It’s kind of hard to explain, so i’ll give you an example that might help.

      – Imagine that a girl is kissing up to you because she want to jump on your cock and she’s turned on by your veiny biceps.

      – Imagine that a girl is kissing up to you because you’re the highest status guy in her niche and she wants to get some of that status.

      But of them are her kissing up to you and hanging off every word you say. But it’s still different. I wouldn’t even know how to explain except through example.

      When I was at my peak looks I had chicks hit on me hard… and then i fattened up like a big (while at the same time gaining status). Then I got to a point where chicks were hitting on me due to the status. But its just different.

      It’s like the difference between porn and erotica. I don’t even know hot to explain it. Like when a chick wants you for your physicality it’s just a lot more porn-like. Hard to explain.

    1. Her justification is meme-worthy: “I Literally Do Not Try and Show My A**'”, as she does that very thing. This is similar to women seemingly believing that they are not cheating on their boyfriend because they, right at this very moment, don’t have some other guys’ dick in them.

  4. Unfortunately there is no surgery to change your race or safely make yourself taller. If you are not genetically gifted, a 1% physique requires taking black market steroids which is like playing Russian Roulette with your organs.

    Looksmaxxing only takes you so far if you want a Chad-like life. Like the Indian caste system, you are either born with Chad genes or not.

    If you have anti-Chad genes, lower your expectations or pay for prostitutes.

  5. @Aleknovy..
    “When a woman advertises that she’s an easy lay with her clothing… she’s not lying… it’s not even lying by omission…”

    What I don’t understand is following. Boy meets girl at club/bar. Girl is dressed slutty. Boy isn’t able to take her home (sex) that same night and schedules a follow date. On date night, the girl is now dressed conservative (I have seen this from personal experince). What gives? She met the guy while she was dressed slutty, and now chooses to dress conservative. Is this an example of a fake conservative woman trying to latch a guy? If so, how would a guy spot and identify a fake conservative girl?

    1. I don’t see anything confusing here. It makes perfect sense. In the club she was dressed slutty hoping a Chad would pick her up.

      She settled for being courted by a non-chad. Of course she dresses conservative for a date where she’s basically interviewing you for the provider role.

    2. On top, in a club environment, slutty clothing is not only accepted but actively encouraged. Yet, during the day, slutty clothing is, at most, tolerated. You will find very few girls dressing like club whores during the day. The few you may see tend to be on a “walk of shame”, i.e. going home after getting railed by Chad in his apartment.

    3. If so, how would a guy spot and identify a fake conservative girl?

      Easiest way is if you have a chad friend. We used to do this test with my friends. When we wanted to test if a girl was as “pristine” and pure” as she presented… we’d just invite a chad friend for a mutual outing. The fake conservative girl will turn slutty instantly around him.

    4. In addition to what Alek said, another good test is to encourage her to drink some alcohol. It’s quite surprising how quickly some women let their guard down. Some down shots like nothing if you tell them that drinks are on you. (Don’t worry about the cost; it’s a trivial expense compared to the investment of time and money a relationship requires.) They have a drink or two and before the alcohol could have had any effect, they are already plunging on your cock in a bathroom stall. I had sluts suck me under the table…

  6. @Aleknovy../
    “They’re easy to lay because they’re 30+ not “because they formed their sexuality before social media” and other such nonsense. Women’s sexual criteria drops with age as they can no longer get Chads they drop down to chad-light.”

    Does this mean that women who are 30+ are more conducive and ideal for one night stands since their sexual criteria drops with age relative to 18-29 year old women? Or, are women who are 18-29 more slutty than 30+ year old women? How to do these two age brackets differ in sexuality? I’ve seen girls who are 18-25 who are extremely promiscuous, and that’s because they are strippers. What are your experiences and thoughts on it?

    1. You can’t generalize like that. However, with a more fine-grained approach we’re getting a lot close to the truth, e.g. older women who want to have a one-night stand tend to be easier than younger women as they are desired less. Also, I think you have cause and consequence with your strippers mixed up: because they are highly promiscuous, they ended up stripping, not the other way round.

    2. @Chris

      I worded it very inelegantly. But I meant to say what Aaron said:
      “older women who want to have a one-night stand tend to be easier than younger women as they are desired less”

      You have to consider the context. I was responding to a guy who believes it’s easier for him to lay older women “because they grew up in pre-instagram era”… completely forgetting the fact they’re less desirable and more desperate than their younger equivalent.

  7. Aaron, in regards to promiscuity in general, I recall that you made a comment in one of your articles/comments (I can’t recall which one) stating that women have become more promiscuous than ever before. This can be attributed to feminisms and popstars like popstars like Kim Kardashian, Cardi B, Black Chyna, Nicki Minaj, and Amber Rose who all have glamorized promiscuity and have had an impact on woman’s sexuality in a positive light which has enable the average guy to get laid much easier. If we deduce this phenomenon, can we say that woman who are 18-29 are as equally as promiscuous as their counterparts, 30+ year old women, and therefore, both age brackets are ideal and conducive to one-night stands?

    1. I am not sure there is such a large difference in age brackets nowadays, for me context is always a much better predictor of my chances of getting a woman laid. most of my lays this year have clustered around 25-27 years old with some outliers at 21-23 and one at 40.

      It the upper age brackets it might be easier because you will have fewer competitors, but you know your are reaching for the lower hanging fruits.

    2. BTW, if you were wondering, I myself am in my mid-thirties (but to most people I look a few years younger).

    3. Such claims would be difficult to make. Instead, focus on the same age group at different times, e.g. 18-29 year-olds in 1980 vs 2000 vs 2020. I bet you could make the claim that they have gotten more promiscuous over time. For the inference you’re suggesting, we’d need a bit more data, anecdotal or otherwise. Another difficulty is that it is quite difficult to compare a single 18 y/0 with a single 30 y/o.

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