Open Thread

Open Thread 2019 (#11)

The Open Thread is a place for open discussion among my readers. Post anything you feel like sharing! From now on, the Open Thread will no longer be monthly. Instead, there will be a new Open Thread whenever it is adequate. The stage is yours. Go ahead!

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65 thoughts on “Open Thread 2019 (#11)

  1. “Far-right racists threaten to burn down German kindergartens because they stopped serving pork” – source:

    “Why did two Leipzig kitas’ ‘pork free’ menus spark a nationwide row?” – source:

    “German day cares under police protection after plans to stop serving pork” – source:

    “Child nurseries given police protection after anti-Muslim anger over removing pork from menus” – source:

    1. @Sleazy

      Get a taste of this.,.. ;=)

      Kita-Chef Wolfgang Schäfer verteidigte seinen Entschluss zunächst via “Bild”-Zeitung. “Auch wenn es nur eine Familie wäre, die das Seelenheil ihres Kindes aus religiösen Gründen durch unreines Schweinefleisch beeinträchtigt sieht, setze ich diese Neuerung jetzt durch.” Hintergrund der Entscheidung sei die Rücksichtnahme auf zwei muslimische Mädchen, die die Kindertagesstätten besuchen. – source:

      That’s leftist Utopian “democracy”…

    2. why pork free? Germany is muzzi country? majority are pork eaters no?
      what is this muzzi fanboism of a government?
      put the muzzies and their supporters in their place pliz.

    3. @Sleazy

      Here te full quote:

      Nach Informationen der Zeitung sah sich die Kita-Leitung wegen zweier moslemischer Mädchen zu der Essensplanänderung veranlaßt. „Auch wenn es nur eine Familie wäre, die das Seelenheil ihres Kindes aus religiösen Gründen durch unreines Schweinefleisch beeinträchtigt sieht, setze ich diese Neuerung jetzt durch“, betonte Kita-Chef Wolfgang Schäfer. Protesten der Eltern erteilte Schäfer eine Absage: „Es wird keines der Kinder darunter leiden, auch wenn es zwei Handvoll Hardliner bei den Eltern gibt, die unbedingt ihr deutsches Mittagessen fordern.“

      Am Abend ruderten die Kitas zurück. Die Einrichtungen setzten die Entscheidung vorübergehend aus und kündigten an, die Maßnahme zu Beginn des neuen Kita-Jahres im August bei einem Elternabend zur Diskussion zu stellen. (tb) – source:

    4. @CENA

      Germans are brain-washed do-gooders and want to please Muslims.

      Yes, majority are pork eaters. Germans eat 60kg of meat per year and person, from which 40kg are pork meat…

    5. Nebeninfo am Rande:

      “Auch der neue Jahreskalender 2019/2020 wurde vom Kita-Träger am Dienstag zunächst zurückgezogen. In dem Kalender kamen christliche Feiertage kaum noch vor; Weihnachten, Ostern und Pfingsten fanden keine Erwähnung. Im Gegensatz dazu waren zu den muslimischen Feiertagen Ramadan und Bayram “Thementage”” vorgesehen. – source:

  2. Life’s not fair, is it, my little friend? While some are born to feast, others spend their lives in the dark, begging for scraps. – Scar (The Lion King)

    1. Well, the dating coach is kinda right. You are not nearly as bad looking as you think.

    2. “Vibe” and “personality” DO matter. For an example we need look no further than the famous Elliot Rodgers. He was fairly good looking and rich (his daddy’s money) but he was still an incel. Why? He had a terrible personality (look up the posts he wrote on forums and you’ll see what I mean) and creepy, serial killer vibes. Most people are convinced he was suffering from mental illness, so it’s no wonder his vibe was off-putting.

      In terms of LMS, he had good levels of Looks and Money but his behavior and way of speaking communicated extremely low social Status.

      Most girls want a (good looking) guy who is relaxed, confident and know how to have fun. Elliot Rodgers was a shrill, self-centered whiner. Learn from his mistakes Lisbon.

    3. So on tinder i had 0 matches and its because of my vibe and personality? On tinder?

      And why in real life they avoid eye contact in 2 seconds? Even when im smiling.

      Even if i pay Aaron Sleazy or this dating coach for skype session, what they can do for helping me? If is all about looks, im fucked, because i don’t have male model looks and i don’t look like a thug.

      All girls have high standards. Thats why more mass shootings will happen in the future.

      Incels are the next terrorist group.

      Now what is the excuse? Game? Body Language? Behavior? Act like alpha? Come on guys…

    4. “So on tinder i had 0 matches and its because of my vibe and personality? On tinder?”
      Why the fuck are you still using Tinder? Everybody knows that only the top guys get laid on Tinder, normal guys like you and me get laid through social circle game or club game.

      “And why in real life they avoid eye contact in 2 seconds? Even when im smiling.”
      Every PUA these days admit it’s a numbers game to do cold approach (whether you do it in the street or in a club). Like, they claim 5 lays for 100 approaches or something like that. Aaron Sleazy recommends looksmaxing and then looking for signs that a woman is interested in you, and then approaching. What type of women are you approaching anyway? Since I only use social circle game (I hate clubs) I have a pretty good idea who is interested before I make my move. These women tend to be about my looks level, plus or minus a point or two.

      “Now what is the excuse? Game? Body Language? Behavior?”
      Body language and behavior definitely matter! You’d have to be completely socially retarded to not know that. Have you considered if you are on the autistic spectrum, like your idol FaceandLMS clearly is? I don’t mean that as an insult but as a serious question. FaceandLMS is a mega autist who’s obsessed with the static components of looks (facial bone structure and having a lean and ripped body) and completely ignores the dynamic components of looks (posture, eye contact, facial expressions) and non-verbal communication like physical distance and when, where and how to touch people. If you actually want to lose your virginity you should not take advice from an ultra autist.

    5. I dont have high standards. I want my looks match. But even land whale arent interested in me.

      Body language and behavior definitely matter! I dont denied. But in my situation it doesnt matter, because they show fuck off signals in 2 seconds. I know how to read microexpressions.

      Even a land whale want chad, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in looks.

    6. Lisbon, I have shittier looks than you (weaker chin, bigger nose, dark circles under my eyes) and I lost my virginity when I was 23 to a looksmatch girl. So the claim a guy who is as ugly as you can’t get his looksmatch rings false when I, who are slightly below you on the looks scale, did.

      I don’t think it’s your facial structure that keeps you a virgin, I think it’s your strategy.
      “in my situation it doesnt matter, because they show fuck off signals in 2 seconds.”
      Sounds like you are cold approaching women, is that true?

      I recommend that you try social circle game with a demographic that is into your type of man. I can see you are slightly dark skinned, so you obviously shouldn’t try to score in racist circles. But what interests and passions do you have? Try meeting chicks through that!

      I met my lays at university, at a dance course and while doing volunteer work. And what helped me the most was having social skills, being able to lead the conversation. When the girls saw that I was relaxed, confident and fun, some of them flirted with me (a minority of them, mind you, I didn’t become an irresistible pussy magnet or anything) and I asked them out. On the dates, I escalated and brought them home.

      I know short foreign guys, fat foreign guys and even bald foreign guys who got white girlfriends who they were looksmatched with through social circle game like this. None of them were as attractive as you, to be honest.

    7. Burt, i’m ugly. If women don’t show me choosing signals, indicators of interest, it’s over. I agree with Aaron Sleazy about approaching women when they show you sign of interest. I don’t cold approach women anymore, i have trauma, i have PTSD, my brain is fucked up, Mystery, Beckster and Dan from Badboylifestyle fucked up my brain totally with cold approach shit. I lost ton of money and i lost my youth with cold approach and going to clubs to get humiliated.

      Even when i was in shape, i still got 0 indicators of interest, this is me in 2014:
      I’ve done my best in looks and style.

    8. AlekNovy, i don’t care about Tinder anymore, i deleted my profile.

      So why quote it as form of evidence? Nobody gets matches on tinder. You brought it up and used it as “evidence”, not us.

    9. Incel Project:

      I watched the entire interview. Thank you for sharing. It was really, really good.

      Still doesn’t change the fact that you’re a fakecel/mentalcel though. It’s not your looks that gets you those reponses… You’re attractive enough to get laid decently well.

      Hint: I got those same responses of disgust anytime i talked to a girl as myself, for YEARS. You know what I did? Stopped cold-approaching. Then developed some status, got some hobbies and got laid a ton with better looking girls from social circles.

      “as myself” = If I really force myself to control every aspect of how I come across, my body-language, distance, pace of speech, the size of my smile, how my eye-contact is, etc… i can get positive reaction in cold approach. I just decided it’s too much work and quit trying to “master cold approach”. Some of us are more autistic than others, and our “natural self” gets the disgusted response in cold approach. It’s not your physical looks. Take an autism test and see if you don’t believe me.

    10. Lisbon, I still believe that working on your socials skills and doing social circle game could get you laid. I swear you’re not that ugly, I do know etchnic guys uglier than you who got their dicks wet with 1-2 women.
      But perhaps this PTSD you speak of is what fucks you up when talking to girls. Maybe you are indeed gone past the point of no return in the dating game, but because of your mental issues rather than your looks.

    11. @ Burt

      How did you go about meeting these girls? I happen to do the exact same stuff as you currently (university, dance, volunteering) but I haven’t had any luck at all. Girls don’t want to talk at all beyond the usual formalities.

      I’m not ugly, nor do I have bad social skills.

      Is it just a massive numbers game?

    12. Con, it is a numbers game. At the dance courses I found on average 1 girl per course who was interested in me (each course had about 12 female participants). I made small talk and joked a bit when dancing. Took note of which girls reacted positively (giggling, smiling, puppy eyes). Found some pretext to go on a date during the small talk and invited them out.

      At university, 2 girls out of about 15 in the class were interested in me. I invited each of them (separately) to my dorm to watch a movie and escalated kino. One of them gave a cold response during kino so I backed off. The other reciprocated so we went all the way and became fuckbuddies. That went on for 6 years.

      As for the volunteer work, it was an open group where new people were always joining and quitting the activity. I did it for 5 years and after 6 months I was the most skilled participant. I was named the leader of the group when the former leader quit. I then had status and confidence (because I had developed a high level of skill) and became very relaxed in the group. I lead the flow of conversation and made jokes. Everybody deferred to me and many looked for my approval. New women who came to the group noticed immediately that I had the highest status and this increased their attraction to me. Since I felt secure in my position I would discreetly ask the women who giggled and smiled at me the most if they wanted to meet just the two of us at a café and get two know each other better. If I asked in front of the whole group it could be potentially embarrassing for her, so I took the opportunity when noone else was paying attention. When the café date was over I would invite her for dinner at my place (on another day). After dinner we either watched a movie or danced in my living room. I would now escalate the physical contact towards sex.

      TL;DR: it is a numbers game but statusmaxing can help if looksmaxing isn’t enough to get the results you want. It can sometimes be better to be the big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a great ocean.

    13. @ Burt

      Thanks for replying.

      My dance studio (Salsa) is heavily skewed towards the 25+ age range, which is not convenient given that I am below this age. Unfortunately this is the best dance studio in my city as all the other ones have very low numbers of people. Should I go to Salsa bars/events instead?

      Also, how did you go about meeting girls in your classes? Did you just sit next to them and start talking? At my university, it is incredibly unusual for people to speak to each other – people like to leave 4+ seats between each other.

    14. “Should I go to Salsa bars/events instead?”
      I also live in a smaller town. I have actually only been to latin dance bars/events a handful of times, and I didn’t score at any of them. My hypothesis is that many women join dance classes because they are lonely and looking for romance and/or friends. So a few women in the class will be open to romance. But at the dance bars/events everybody seems to know everybody, they are a tight knit community (as I said, it is not a large town), so the women there aren’t lonely anymore. They get validation/attention from all the skilled guys in the community and dance with them all night. A guy who just finished his first beginner course in salsa is far less fun to dance with, so if your skill level is not high they may only give you a song or two out of politeness. A 6/10 guy who dances like a god may get more female attention then a 9/10 guy who dances like a drunken mule. Conversely, in the dance class everyone is approximately the same skill level so your status won’t be automatically low on account of being less skilled than other men.

      “Also, how did you go about meeting girls in your classes?”
      The university I went to had a break in the middle of each lecture. During this break students would socialize with each other. We also had group assignments and people who were attracted to eachother where more likely to team up. So they got plausable deniability for hanging out in eachother’s dorm rooms.

    15. @ Burt

      Currently, there is only one girl around my age in my dance course (8 weeks or so) , and she already has a boyfriend (he turned up). However, I seem to be developing a bit of a reputation among everyone at the studio for learning quickly. Should I just carry on with what I’m doing here (improving dance skills) and just wait until the next course?

      I also read that I should avoid “racist” groups. What are some signs that I should look out for? It seems hard to distinguish between people who aren’t prejudiced and others who are only tolerant when I’m completely passive.

    16. “Should I just carry on with what I’m doing here (improving dance skills) and just wait until the next course?”
      In my experience there is like 1-2 or 2 girls who I could potentially get laid with in every course. And then I don’t always score with them either. So this particular numbers game is for guys with patience.

      But your dance skills can be used to impress girls you meet everywhere, you can ask them if they dance and even if they don’t you can show them a few moves. This is socially acceptable kino! If you are in a private environment it is easy to go from sensual dancing to making out, and so on.

      You can use your latin dance moves on normal club dance floors to lead girls and spin them around and stuff. Most women like this. I think “Skills” has some stuff on that on his youtube channel or website.
      So learning latin dance is an investment that doesn’t just help you latin dance socials. It is an asset with girls over all.

      “I also read that I should avoid “racist” groups. What are some signs that I should look out for?”
      I wrote that to Lisbon because I saw that he isn’t caucasian. I meant that he has better odds in subcultures where fucking foreigners is accepted and perhaps even counts as virtue signaling. Like hippie/spiritual women who idealize far eastern culture, or leftists and “refugees welcome” people.

      In the latin dance community people are usually accepting to latino and african looking men as long as they act and dress classy. No favela/ghetto style allowed. Keep in mind that dances like kizomba and merengue were invented by black and brown men. Western dancers are “appropriating” their culture. A latin dance enthusiast who snubs black/brown guys just because of their skin will probably be seen as a fake and a bigot.

    17. In dancing the instructors, super-advanced dancers and chads get all the lays. Because of the low barrier to entry every chick that you hit on has been hit on 15 times before you. What do you think all the other guys are doing? You thought you’re the only one who picked up dancing for this reason?

      *-Working on your dancing skills as a way to get laid is a bad idea if you’re just starting out. It’s going to take you 15,000$ worth of privates (if you wanna get that level in 5 years). If you wanna take a cheaper route, going to take 15 years.

      By this I mean a skill level where the skill is actually what gets you laid. If you’ve only been dancing for 1 year and took a couple of courses and got laid, it’s not coz of your dancing skill, trust me… you’re not that impressive.

    18. You’re setting up yourself for failure if you sign up for dance classes to lay chicks “from the course”. I’m not saying don’t pick low-hanging fruit when it appears, but you’re setting up yourself for resentment if this is your goal.

      You should however pick up dancing to get laid…

      Am I contradicting myself? Not really. Problem is you guys always think in terms of 1-step thinking, and you gotta think in 2-steps. Dancing is a great way to get you good at kino, and comfortable with girls and make a ton of female friends.

      Fuck THEIR friends. Fuck their sisters, fuck their neighbors. There isn’t “2 girls who are fuckable in your course”… There’s at least 30-40… Go out with all of the girls in your class, organize going together to parties, be the initiator… and they’re going to bring FRIENDS. See those “not fuckable chicks in the course”? One of them has a super-easy-to-lay hot sister. And she’s going to be so easy to lay since her sister vouches for you.

    19. There isn’t “2 girls who are fuckable in your course”… There’s at least 30-40…

      Let me rephrase that… There isn’t just 2 girls you want to lay from your course. There’s 30-40 girls fuckable girls that you get access to. That’s because you get access to all the friends of chicks in your class if you play your cards right. And it’s actually easier to get them to bring their friends over to a party than to bang the chicks from course directly.

      But 1-step thinking is easier for the mind. Think in 2-steps guys and see your opportunities multiply.

    20. @AlekNovy:
      “There isn’t just 2 girls you want to lay from your course. There’s 30-40 girls fuckable girls that you get access to. That’s because you get access to all the friends of chicks in your class if you play your cards right. And it’s actually easier to get them to bring their friends over to a party than to bang the chicks from course directly.” […] “Go out with all of the girls in your class, organize going together to parties, be the initiator… and they’re going to bring FRIENDS.”
      Good point, I need to work on this.

      You mentioned most of the people in your dance class are older than you at “25+”. Is that really a deal breaker for you? I assume you are at least over 18, sleeping with an attractive 27 year old wouldn’t be so bad, right?
      If you act on AlexNovy’s suggestion I assume most of the friends brought by these women will be in the same age bracket. Unless they’re trying to hook you up with their little sisters.

  3. @Aaron “Sleazy” Elias

    Could you please write an article on the subject of height: its importance, ideal height, thresholds of height, compensating height deficiencies and so on.

    It think that this subject concerns many of your readers.

  4. Burt, i’m ugly. If women don’t show me choosing signals, indicators of interest, it’s over. I agree with Aaron Sleazy about approaching women when they show you sign of interest. I don’t cold approach women anymore, i have trauma, i have PTSD, my brain is fucked up, Mystery, Beckster and Dan from Badboylifestyle fucked up my brain totally with cold approach shit. I lost ton of money and i lost my youth with cold approach and going to clubs to get humiliated.

    Even when i was in shape, i still got 0 indicators of interest, this is me in 2014:
    I’ve done my best in looks and style.

    1. Have you tried hooking up with Indian chicks? Not like there are a ton of 6 foot tall Indian guys walking around as far as I know.

    2. Yes, i tried and 0. Indian girls are very conservative. They are “princess”. Sex is taboo in indian culture. In my opinion you have more probability to hookup with white girl than indian girl.

      And i know, indian man are the most sexually frustrated man in this world. Indian culture is s**t, i’m indian and i don’t like indians. Sex is a taboo. Being indian is death sentence. Look this guy:

  5. I met this girl, but she lives far from me: 1 hr 40 min by public transport, only 40 min by taxi. We are supposed to be meeting up, which is likely to lead to her coming to my place. But I kinda feel bad sending her on her way afterwards, so I’ve been considering paying for her taxi ($10). Do you guys ever “help out with” logistics like that or do you consider it her problem how she’s gonna get home? Also do your FBs ever stay overnight or do you insist they leave soon after sex?

    1. That depends on the economic disparitities. If you have a well-paid job but she does not, then paying for her coffee or taxi is justified.

      About fuck buddies sleeping over: generally, I’d not let them. She’ll want to stay over in an attempt to solidify the relationship.

    2. When I take girls home, they usually stay for the night. Generally, this means another round of sex in the early morning… and maybe even another in the afternoon, depending how much i like her.

  6. I haven’t really kept up with the whole Epstein thing very much, but I did just watch Molyneux’s latest update on the ordeal:

    From what I understand, Epstein apparently had secretly filmed numerous people performing illegal acts with underage girls to essentially lord it over them if he felt the need. It would appear that Epstein was murdered and the evidence confiscated in an attempt to protect a bunch of powerful lefties.

    1. That is probably true. However, the names that have come up in the context of the Epstein affair are mostly, or possibly even exclusively, of prominent lefties.

    2. Didn’t a member of Epstein’s clique mention that Trump did not have sex with any of those underage girls?

      I don’t know anything about the political leanings of Prince Andrew. My perception of the Britsh royal family is that they exert very little political influence. Also, if anything, they are left-leaning and virtue signalling to the hilt as evidenced by their recent diversity move of adding a non-white woman who is also a serial divorcee to their ranks.

    3. I remember vaguely Aaron posting something about the normalizing of pedophilia among other things, I can’t remember exactly the context. Why is this even a thing? Looking back into history, is it not true that Roman civilization (and perhaps other empires), during it’s decline, was accepting to adult male and young boy couples?

      Is pedophilia just one of the many telltale markers that surface during the decline of civilizations? I honestly can’t imagine something like that ever being accepted by the rational community, though it’s become increasingly normal to dress young boys in drag and parade them in front of grown men. If you react in disgust then you’re somehow labeled a Nazi or something ridiculous.

    4. @Pickernanny: The roman empire tolerated adult male and young boy couples throughout it’s 500 year history, both at the height of it’s power and in it’s decline. Same with the ancient greeks, who some call the progenitors of western civilization.

      Note that it was considered shameful for a man to be penetrated in the mouth or anus by a penis. Therefore ideally only slave boys should subjected to these acts . Penetrating a boy who was going to grow up to be a free citizen would be a bad, because it would feminize him and the romans didn’t want the state to be governed by feminine men.

      Of course some free men took a liking to being penetrated anyway. A few of the emperors belonged to this category, though they were not remembered for being good rulers.

      The greek pederasty involved sexual relationships between free adult men and free boys, but the men just rubbed their dicks between the boys’ loins so they wouldn’t be feminized by penetration.

      Many ancient chinese dynasties also allowed paedophilia with young boys or eunuchs. The texts tell us that some chinese noble women had squads of beautiful young eunuchs trained specifically for cunnilingus. The ancient japanese also had legal pederasty.

      TL;DR: some of the greatest empires were ruled and populated by paedophiles, that alone is not enough to bring a civilization to ruin. It’s still a vile practice, of course. All the civilizations I mentioned here also practiced slavery and horrible torture, so it seems “being the good guys” is not at all a requirement for having a strong dominion over the known world.

    5. I have not looked into pedophilia in Ancient Greece and Rome in detail, but from what I’ve read, my impression was that those were erotic relationships instead of sexual ones. Wasn’t it the case that upper-class families even wanted their boys to be taken under the tutelage of a prominent member of the societal elites?

    6. @AaronSleazy
      A pederastic relationship between a man and a boy from the upper class was a mentorship and a love affair combined, yes.
      But intercrual intercourse was often a part of pederasty.

      The love and mentorship were probably the main part though, since paedophiles in the ancient world who just wanted to sate their perverted lust didn’t need to go through the trouble of mentoring a noble boy for it.
      Young slave boys could be legally be sexually abused however their owner saw fit.
      They could even castrate the boys to keep them hairless and effeminate as they aged.

    7. @pickernanny “I honestly can’t imagine something like that ever being accepted by the rational community, though it’s become increasingly normal to dress young boys in drag and parade them in front of grown men.”

      => kids in drag seems a quick slippery slope towards pedophilia. It’s mind boggling how degeneracy is normalized.

      I mean here’s a national broadcaster airing a documentary about kids in drag:

  7. FUN FACT: A Piranha can smell a drop of blood from 2 miles away. A human female can smell an opportunity to fleece a man from several thousand miles, and this takes into account for a shift in the wind, air pollution…and solar flares.

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