Open Thread

Open Thread 2019 (#4)

The Open Thread is a place for open discussion among my readers. Post anything you feel like sharing! From now on, the Open Thread will no longer be monthly. Instead, there will be a new Open Thread whenever it is adequate. The stage is yours. Go ahead! Note that there is also an Open Thread on Aaron S. Elias’s site.

Please consider throwing a few coins into the tip jar, and buy my books! They are great. Your support is greatly appreciated.

83 thoughts on “Open Thread 2019 (#4)

  1. Why isn’t it possible anymore to criticize German mass migration politics? I’ve been active on a few German boards (Computerbase, 3DCenter, med1…), but on all of them they’ve put muzzle gags on everyone who dared to talk about it. It’s a taboo subject.

    I’ve gad the guts to criticize Merkel and her insane Open Borders politics many times, and I’ve been sanctioned, banned, and got the “Nazikeule” in response.

    It’s like in the DDR. No free speech anymore.

  2. Why isn’t it possible anymore to criticize German mass migration politics? I’ve been active on a few German boards (Computerbase, 3DCenter, med1…), but on all of them they’ve put muzzle gags on everyone who dared to talk about it. It’s a taboo subject.

    I’ve had the guts to criticize Merkel and her insane Open Borders politics many times, and I’ve been sanctioned, banned, and got the “Nazikeule” in response.

    It’s like in the DDR. No free speech anymore.

    1. Your conclusion is correct. Free speech is dead. Furthermore, contemporary Germany has been turning itself into a more modern GDR. In fact, you could even make a good argument that the GDR annexed the FDR, not the other way around. For instance, the successor party of the SED is alive and kicking. Could you imagine Hitler’s Nazi party ruling, in one way or another, after the end of World War II?

  3. Blackdragon and Krauser are having a feud after Krauser put up a post accusing him of being a fraud. I’m not a Krauser fan but he made Blackdragon look pretty ridiculous. Apparently Blackdragon is paying for sex now? And is married to a 37 year old woman he claims is a 10.

  4. I remember I asked this from you guys way before now too. However, I haven’t solved my problem yet. That is, my friends and typically the female friends wants me to show them my girlfriend. I have FB relationships so it is not unlike fucking escorts and I have no one to show to my female friends. Simply ignoring their request is hard. They think I might be gay. What do you think?

    1. Why don’t you just tell them the truth: that you are sleeping around? Will this ruin your reputation and make you a social pariah? Otherwise, telling the truth will make things simple.
      Also, why is it a big issue if they think you are gay? Do you think they will stop associating with you because of that? Your FWBs know the truth and that’s what matters.

    2. If they were my actual friends then they would already know my lifestyle choices to a degree. If they weren’t my friends, then they wouldn’t know at all and I wouldn’t give a damn if they though I was gay or not. I don’t have female friends btw.

    3. I only hang out with females, but I’ve never been asked this. I do know most of my female acquintances assume I’m gay.

      I know coz the first time we get to a hand job or fingering they say: I can’t believe this is happening… all of this time we thought you were gay. And tells me how she and other girls in group discussed how I must be gay.

      That’s what girls do if you don’t have an outright girlfriend and also do not hit on or act desperate around females.

    4. Thanks Alek for reconfirming my beliefs. The problem with being called gay is that it is very illegal where I live to be gay. So, go figure.

    5. Why not just bring an FB to meet your friends? Bring a different one the following time and they’ll get the idea.

    6. @Burt, I always felt like my sex life is something to hide. I have never considered telling the truth. I probably won’t. It’s to do with my conservative upbringing.

    7. Perhaps this is just me, but it sounds they are not friends but more aquaintances – cause i tell friends about women i want to fuck and women i am fucking. Also ‘yea, i am seeing some girl(s) but nothing serious’

  5. Maybe this have been already asked:

    Aaron, reading your stories i always got the impression that you got easily laid based on your looks.

    If you would put your self on a scale of 1 to 10, where would you be?

    I ask this because i am curious to know how much someone should be on looks to have a similar sexual experience you had

    1. Just speaking for myself, on a scale of 0 to 10 and the possibility for negative ratings where 0 is a manlet such as Danny De Vito and 10 is a Millionaire footballer, I am a 8. I would be a 9 if I was in perfect footballer shape. I get laid often enough. If you think asking these questions will help you in pickup, you are the most mistaken.

    2. I think Aarons stories are possible with an 8 face and 9 physique.

      Do note that he hit very specific niche scenes though. He would have less of those stories going to less productive clubs.

      Also, its about the rejection to lay ratio. He was able to rack those up without a bunch of rejections. A less good looking guy would be able to get the same stories if he’s willing to get a bunch of rejections. Like get rejected 300 times to get one of Aarons bathroom pulls.

    3. I dont think aaron have a 9 phisique,
      He described himself as slender and tall.
      That would put him on just the average-above average tier in ny opinion

    4. I’m 6’3″, which puts me in the top 2% in terms of height, probably closer to the top 1%. To put this into perspective: I am almost always the tallest guy in the room. This also applies when the ‘room’ is packed, i.e. a crowded dancefloor. Now imagine a guy with that height with a slender and toned body (visible abs). If you think this is average to above average, then maybe tell us a bit about the country you live in. It must be quite the place.

    5. You seem to have reading comprehension issues. I didn’t answer “here’s what I think Aaron is like”.

      I answered with an example what it takes to replicate his results.

    6. Just for the record, since we’re going there. A tall slender guy is actually in the top 1-2% of physiques for women’s tastes.

      A muscular guy beats out a slender guy only by a bit (all else being equal). But if other things aren’t equal, slender guy beats out muscular guy.

    7. Dont trigger yourself alek,since you are here from a long time i thought you knew how he is.

      Anyway, thats interesting. As a guy that had always troubles gaining mass in the gym because of being ectomorph i never even thought to be even above average in terms of phisyque

    8. Just look around you, who are the hottest chicks with? Most of them are with tall slender guys, and a smaller portion are with buff guys.

      *tall* slender guys since chicks prefer height, and the ones who choose get to choose taller guys… but 95% of the time it’s a slender dude. So they choose from the pool of tall guys, and they choose the slender (or buff) guy.

    9. I agree with Alek that tall and slender beats buff. Think about it this way, who would a woman do ceteris paribus, an Abercrombie model or Ronnie Coleman?

    10. Yea, when I think slim and slender I definitely don’t picture an Abercrombie model. They generally sport more of the adonis look which is a pretty decent amount of fitness. Versus a professional bodybuilder which I’m sure most women are turned off by. It’s all about proportion relative to height. Ronnie Coleman has the proportions for someone who is like 7 foot tall.

    11. Yeah, women do prefer a tall abercrombie model (tall and buff) over tall and slender. But women don’t get that choice. Not even hotties.

      Hot chicks are way more common than a tall AND buff guy. So again, hot girl’s first criteria is height, second is physique.

      And when it comes to their taste in physique… Buff is a nice “bonus” over slender. If she can get a tall guy who’s also buff, sure she’ll take him, but they have no issue “settling” for tall guys who are “just slender”. I.e lean without the added muscle.

    12. The way it works is (hierarchically)

      1) Guys who are tall and buff
      Are only barely or slightly ahead of
      2) Guys who are tall and slender
      Who are significantly ahead of
      3) Short* buff guys

      *-Or compared to average-height but buff guys, the lead is still significant. It is less, but still significant

    13. ==Restructured==

      A) Guys who are tall and buff

      — Are only barely or slightly ahead of

      B) Guys who are tall and slender

      — Who are significantly ahead of

      C) Buff guys that are short* or average in height

      *-Tall slender guys are significantly ahead of both short and average height buff guys. The degree is obviously different for short and average. But in both cases significant.

    14. So, unless you are elite AKA at least 6ft + and slender or at the very very least average height with top tier physique, don’t bother with quick and easy pickup at all unless you want to waste a ton of essential video gaming time playing the numbers game. Got it.

    15. Pickernanny… you forgot the qualifier “and you’re a random nobody in a cold environment”.

      If it’s not a cold environment and it’s a niche where you have tons of status – then it’s different.

    16. If I’m not mistaken, isn’t status your forte these days? I remember you talking about how chicks generally offer up sex im exchange for status vs when you had a top tier physique and they instead offered it up lustfully.

      I have no status in any niche at all, and am not banking on that possibility. But kudos if you do haha. I’d definitely be dangling it in front of their faces if I did.

      Btw, to confirm your analysis with an anecdote, I’ve personally been blown out of a ‘sure thing’ by a taller guy on at least two occasions.

    17. don’t bother with quick and easy pickup at all unless you want to waste a ton of essential video gaming time playing the numbers game

      That’s a false dichotomy. It’s like saying “if you can’t be an olympic medalist, why even bother with physical activity at all”.

      Those things are cool to brag about, but don’t have much real-practical value. Like… I’ll never get to experience pulling a random chick to a bathroom. And I’m fine with that.

      One reason is that I have done this with chicks from social circle. Friend of a friend, acquintance (etc). I’m not gonna cry myself to sleep that I’ve never done it with a random chick that I have no connection to.

      I remember you talking about how chicks generally offer up sex im exchange for status vs when you had a top tier physique and they instead offered it up lustfully.

      In social circle where and contexts where I had status and social proof (not just the physique). Being of average height, I wouldn’t be able to replicate it in a club with random chicks that I have no connection to (even a niche club).

    18. Being of average height, I wouldn’t be able to replicate it in a club with random chicks that I have no connection to (even a niche club).

      But if you really really want to experience what it’s like pulling it off with a random chick (whom you have no connection to or common acquintances)… you can go to the numbers path, just get rejected a bunch of times until you do it with one chick.

      And then you’ll get to see it’s not that special, and it’s not a big deal to be missing out on. So what if tall guys can get it more easily/frequently?

      Or if you insist on banging random chicks without building up a social circle and reputation in a niche (banging hotties while still being a random nobody to them)… then you can give up the same-night-part… and use a method that involves befriending them, exchanging contact info and hanging out with them a couple of more times before trying for sex. Not so bad.

    19. It’s only this extreme combination that’s not possible for non-tall guys:

      – Bang hot chicks

      – That are completely random and whom you have no connection to whatsover

      – And do it instantly without additional steps and meetings, on the same night

      – Without having any status and being completely random yourself

      – And experiencing no or very little rejection ever

      It’s only this crazy combination that you have to accept as “impossible” if you’re not tall enough. But it’s a fucking crazy combination. Change one factor (give up one factor) and it becomes possible.

    20. I want to add to what Alek said that you can make a club your social circle. Like for example, by being an DJ comes to mind.

    21. I want to add to what Alek said that you can make a club your social circle. Like for example, by being an DJ comes to mind.

      Anything aside from being “some random guy” will increase chances tremendously.

    22. Interesting discussion that sparked here,
      i will try to add my 2 cents: in my opinion there is a sweet spot in both being tall in buff where an increase doesnt bring a good return or at some point, it becomes negative.

      I think that every girl has somehow a standard in her mind. For example she may think that he needs to be atleast 5 10 or 6ft or whatever, depending on how hot and superficial she is.

      Once you met her standard, being even more isnt going to make a noticable difference.
      Of course the taller and buffer you are, the wider the spectrum of women you can have will be. The same we can apply for other things (status, money, face etc…)

      At this point we could draw a graph where could take the average of the standards that women have and apply those to the male population and we will probably see what have been always said here, ie that around the 20% of men met those. Also in my opinion we will would probably see that if we exclude the top tier (1-2%), and if we compare the rest between them, the quantity of women they get will differ only based on their effort/preference (if they prefere ONS or relationships)

    23. What kind of height are we actually talking about when say “tall”? Taller than the girl, top 30% of men, top 20%, 10%?

    24. Interesting discussion that sparked here,
      i will try to add my 2 cents: in my opinion there is a sweet spot in both being tall in buff where an increase doesnt bring a good return or at some point, it becomes negative.

      It’s not a problem you’re likely to have though lol XD

      The odds that you’re born too tall are pretty small, and why would we even discuss it if it’s a matter of birth?

      Being too buff? Like you accidentally shoot gallons of steroids in yourself by accident? The funny thing is that getting to what’s peak attractive takes a shit ton of work (without steroids).

      Unless you use steroids, discussing the problems of being too buff is just… ridiculous. You’re not going to become too buff by accident.

    25. In other words, yes, there is a point of muscular development beyond which more muscle gives no more benefits with women (or rather the point of rapidly diminishing returns).

      Most humans can’t even reach that point without training like a professional for a decade (or using steroids).

      Same with height… You have a 1% chance of being born at the height which is the “peak height”… Let’s say that 6’2 is the height beyond which there are no further benefits/diminishing returns begin.

      You’re not likely to be born much taller than 6’2 or 6’3… so again it’s a moot discussion.

    26. Once you met her standard, being even more isnt going to make a noticable difference.

      Kinda true.

      – Let’s say her threshold is top 30% physique
      – That means it’s enough for you to qualify as her provider

      When she’s riding the cock carousel however and racking up casual sex experiences, you can bet she’s going for the top 5% physique guys (if the only criteria is physique).

    27. Now, this isn’t to say guys should be focus on minmaxing physique… We’ve talked against minmaxing a lot here. There are diminishing returns in terms of effort (not effect).

      What does this mean?

      – A chick is far more likely to wanna lust after you at top 2% physique than you at top 10% physique (all else being equal)

      – However, in terms of where you wanna invest your effort, there are diminishing returns past top 10% physique… Here’s the secret.

      It takes less effort to become a top 10% guy in 5 things… than to become a top 2% guy in one thing.

      – If you only do one thing in your life and remain average at everything… yeah go for the top 2% physique thing.

      – However with the same effort you can become a top 10% guy in half a dozen things… and things similar or better results with women… as well as better overall life satisfaction

    28. Alek i dont agree with you this time:

      Being in top 20% doesnt put you in the provider zone.

      To be a provider you only need to bring a fixed income to the table. At that point you can be below average in everything else and still be able to provide for her.

      It is also true that if a girl want to ride the cock carusel, she will go for the hottest guys avaible to her. That doesnt mean necessarly the god tier because they have standards or not br avaiable

    29. I still can’t decide if you are a troll or genuinely have the worst case of low reading comprehension.

      I didn’t say “females as a gender require a 20% physique to allow you to provide for them”. That’s preposterous.

      I said “Let’s say her threshold is top 30% physique”. Meaning a specific given chick, not women in general. Women’s criteria do depend on their own hotness.

      All women require less looks in a provider than a lover. But the numbers are different woman to woman.

      For an average woman she might inssist on at least 20% physique for casual sex, but she’ll settle for an average physique in a provider (bottom 30-50 %) or even less if he’s rich.

      A really hot chick might have a top 2% physique requirement for casual sex, and “only” require a top 20% physique in a provider. And of course less for a rich guy.

    30. English is my second language so i may not grasp some things.

      Now with this your new answer i agree with you.

      Your last answer missed this important part

    31. Your last answer missed this important part

      No it didn’t miss a part. I use very precise grammar to keep comments short. If I use the grammar that points to a specific scenario, it refers to that specific scenario.

      I can’t actually insert 897 disclaimers and clarifications like “Now, i’m not saying that A or B, I just mean C” Comments can’t actually be 780 pages long.

    32. Alek i understand that but you had to complete that with these details.

      Its like i said “a guy can grab a womans pussy and get along with it” without saying that he needs to be Trump

    33. AFTER reading this section i think i should forget about hot women. lol. seems i am destined to not get hotter then 6 without putting in some provider nonsense atm service. i am average height who is probably around 7 , if i go gym i am sure i can reach 8.
      but that is it.

    34. AFTER reading this section i think i should forget about hot women.

      You mean forget about quickly pulling random hot women to the bathroom as you come up to them out of nowhere?

  6. Guys, based on your experience what are the signs that a girl with a lot pf sexual experience will show?
    Besides obvius ones (drugs, tatoo, excessive alchool…)

    1. Lucas is only interested in perpetuating a conversation. He even said that above. This question is another attempt at that. A normal person would not care about this question namely because it’s impossible to know that for sure. That is, he is a troll. Don’t feed the troll.

      Please Don’t feed the troll.

    2. @Don
      Thats ridiculus where i said that? Also if you are not interested to talk with me you can ignore me but dont call me a troll

      I honestly would never trust her about that

    3. Lucas, I meant that if you act ike you don’t care, women will actually tell you about how promiscuous they’ve been. They will volunteer the information without you asking. They only hide it if you seem conservative. I had a girl tell me she had been a “sexual adventurer”.

  7. So has anyone here tried wearing shoe lifts? I assumed it wouldn’t make a difference for me as I’m tallish at 5’11”, but all this discussion has me wanting to test them out.

    1. I already purchased mine (2cm and 3cm). I will use them as soon as i have money for new shoes because i always had only low sneakers (you can obviously use them only in high sneakers and boots)

      I would say go for it, they are very cheap. Also i notice the difference in my self (i am 5 9)

    2. it will be more interesting how much 2-3 cm will change your sexual ranking among females.

    3. Unless you find them uncomfortable to walk with, they are basically free points there for you to grab

  8. Hello friends,

    I recently made another trip to a bar and have further questions about realistic results:

    -The bar I went to was highly rated and a popular one in the central city. When I arrived, it was apparent that many of the guys were quite tall (again) though I did not get completely dwarfed as I was still taller than most of the girls. However, many of the girls were in huge single gender groups of 4+ sitting at tables and either playing with their phones or talking loudly to each other without looking at any guys around them. When I tried to test the waters by asking whether a seat was free, they didn’t even respond and simply turned away. Was I right to discontinue talking to them in this case?

    -Is it even worth it trying to talk to huge groups of girls?

    -How do I remove this feeling that I am shit and don’t deserve girls because of continuous rejection? It’s strange because I have been told that I should focus on other things in life, but my education, physical state and hobbies have never been better and I have seen improvement in all of these areas. However, because I am not good with girls, all of these achievements seem worthless.

    Thanks guys.

    1. -How do I remove this feeling that I am shit and don’t deserve girls because of continuous rejection? It’s strange because I have been told that I should focus on other things in life, but my education, physical state and hobbies have never been better and I have seen improvement in all of these areas. However, because I am not good with girls, all of these achievements seem worthless.

      Simple: Talk to girls in those areas first. Get that positive feedback loop going.

      If you talk to a girl in your hobby context, and she responds well… you then go to a club and talk to a girl who IS NO BETTER than the previous girl… you will not take it as a rejection. It will look completely different “but wait a way cuter girl was super-nice to me in the hobby context just earlier today, so this means nothing”.

    2. At a popular bar you are just another guy looking to get laid and most women are there probably just to get some male attention rather than getting laid or finding a boyfriend.

      You’ve probably heard that success with women is a function of your LMS. Well, at a bar you are just another brick in the wall and your status is mostly 0. In other words you won’t get very far unless your looks can compensate. Another thing to note is that status doesn’t generalize. You might be killing it at work or some hobby but at a bar you will just be another random. So your goal should be to avoid being another brick in the wall. Simplest way to do that is to pick a social hobby which involves women, show you are safe guy with a good personality by befriending everyone and become competent. If you do all that you will be able to punch above your weight romantically even if you don’t consider yourself particularly attractive.

      Best way to stop feeling shit is to stop basing your self esteem on how strangers react to you. Start interacting with women in a social niche which is close to your interests and personality.

    3. Hey again guys,

      I recently joined a social sports club (lacrosse) at my university based on your recommendations. I genuinely found the sport enjoyable as it was a nice break from the intensity of martial arts and I believe I was pretty good at it based on comments from other people. Furthermore, 75%+ of the players were women, and most of the guys did not seem to lift. I got along pretty well with most of the people at this club.

      The only problems with this club are that it only operates once a week, and many people appeared to rush off to go elsewhere after their game (multiple teams with different people spread across multiple hours).

      How should I continue in this context aside from continuing to go and potentially becoming good at the game?

    1. “Do someone have improved his standing posture? If yes how you did/ what did you use?”
      => Is this because of what Jordan Peterson wrote in his 12 Rules, where he said to fix your posture (with the implication that all the great fortune will flow to you)?

      Anyhow, there are apps, wearable tech and back straps you could buy to help you keep your posture erect.

      But a cost-free way is to simply be mindful to stand straight. Remember that scene in the Matrix when Neo bent backwards to avoid the bullets on the rooftop? Well, you can do a mini-variation of that: roll each side of your shoulder back one at a time. Boom. Posture straightened.

    2. I never consciously tried to improve my posture but I fixed my forward head as a side effect of doing ‘Superman’ exercise for core strength. From what people tell me improvement is quite noticeable.

    3. I used a reminder app on my phone. Basically it checked in with me many times a day to see if I’m doing the habit i’m practicing.

      Among other habits, I really focused on posture. So it kept reminding me/asking me to check my posture.

      I know it worked coz people asked things like “hmmm, wait, you’re taller than so and so”. With so and so being a guy who’s actually taller than me.

      They didn’t even know why they asked the question, but i’m guessing because they remember I was the shorter guy, and now I appear taller.

  9. Funny interview with a rapper who identified as a ‘female’ so that he could break the women’s world record in dead lifting :

    No doubt a publicity stunt but the rapper is quite articulate in his responses.

  10. Eddie Fews EXPOSED – Fraud, filthy scam artist.

    This message is to warn you of a PUA scam artist lurking on the internet, named “Eddie Fews”, better known as Eddie Jews, for his dishonest business practices.
    Do not work with this cockroach, he will sell you trash he found online, for a highly exaggerated price.
    He claims to be “experienced”, an “alpha male”, a “teacher”, and so forth but it’s all bullshit, as he doesn’t know a thing about teaching, or anything about women himself.
    He is a disphit who never did anything in his life. He dropped out of a bumfuck community college in the bronx, and has lived in his grandfather’s apartment ever since.
    The only thing he’s good at, is plagiarizing free dating tips that he found on someone else’s website. That is his scam.
    You can just go online, google for dating tips and so forth, and read them. Or you can come to Ed, and throw $1,000 down the drain for him to regurgitate all of that to you.
    By the way, his “books” are also a bullshit scam. I put that word in quotes because at 80 pages, they are not long enough to be books, they are pamphlets. One “book” (way of the player) is an exact copy of his blog. That’s right, he’s selling you his blog for $40 on a pdf file. Most print books don’t even sell for that much, but this rat is arrogant enough to ask $40 for a pdf, of some shit that’s already free. But that’s his scam. By the way, his blog posts are nothing but pseudo-philosophical, disorganized bile. The same verbal diaherrea as typical PUA scammers.
    The fact he’s making a book out of his blog, should be a clear signal to you that he doesn’t have shit to say.
    The other “book” of his (Laws of Social Wisdom) is also 80 pages long, and is a collection of quotes from other people. Another clear signal that he doesn’t know shit, he can’t even craft a book without having somebody else’s ideas in it. And he plagiarized these laws from a buddhist website (

    If you take coaching with him, it’ll be 1 hour long, $100 session of him rambling about some miniscule “concept” that he stole from someone else. The best advice on women he can give you, amounts to something along the lines of “Just talk to her ”. “Brush your teeth” “Make sure you take showers”. That’s right, for $100 an hour, you get a couple tidbits of bullshit.
    There’s more I can expose, but I feel this is enough for people to recognize him as a dipshit fraud, a stinking con artist.

  11. Jay Magical (Jay Kuhny) EXPOSED – Fraud, scam artist.

    Another stinking rat lurking on the internet is this Jay. He is a filthy redneck and bum. Unlike Ed, he has his own shithole apartment! WOW! He can’t afford the heating bill though, so he has to wear a winter jacket indoors.
    He is a drug addict, and used car salesman….If that isn’t evidence enough, then read on..

    As with ed, he copies other people’s advice that he took from the internet. Nothing useful, just the same tidbits of generic doo-doo.
    As a typical fraud, he doesn’t have shit to say, but will refer you to Mark Manson, Good Looking Loser (Another fraud).
    Essentially all that he has to say, is a copy of GLL’s bullshit.
    He also has this scam going, where you can pay him $10,000 to “be your friend forever”. For $10,000, you can call him on the phone anytime. WOW!! What a deal!! Spend 30% of a year’s salary for some stinking redneck to be your friend. Word has it, there was just one guy who took him up on this offer. A young, brain-dead, autistic gentleman who Jay promised would become a “power salesman”! The next “wolf of wall street”!, but instead is just working at a cell phone store.
    Another scam, is the “bootcamp” that he offers. Again, for exhorbiant con artist prices. He claims you can “transform” with 1-3 days. Pffft. It takes real students several months to transform into someone with good skills. He’s taking you for a fool, taking a huge chunk of your money in exchange for pipe dreams. You CANNOT learn these skills overnight. And you CANNOT learn anything from him, as he only has regurgitated, generic, tidbits of caca.

    1. Found this FaceandLMS video about a 3 foot something circus performer with a bone disorder. It’s basically a documentary critique where they’re trying to set this mid 30’s looking 23 year old woman up with a guy who must be at least 6 foot tall. I didn’t make it very far through the video but I believe she ends up turning down a guy who is way higher SMV than her.

  12. I was wondering when someone would post this, and am surprised no one has yet. It was a pretty big story.

    Basically research came out confirming lots of the stuff we’ve been discussing around these parts for a while… Men are having less and less and less sex…. male virginity is at a record high… while women are having more sex…

    I.e. women are having more sex with a smaller portion of the men… Tim pool has a great overview (this is part 1)
    Title: Young Men Have Been Left Behind

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