Social Justice · Women

The Problem With Wanting to Help Women

This morning, on the way to work, I noticed a woman messing around with her bike. She wasn’t overly serious about it, and her mini skirt seemed a bit out of place. I was about to walk past, not paying any more attention to her. Yet, she got up and addressed me, asking if I could help her fix her bike, something with the tire was wrong. I just walked past, not making eye contact and telling her that I can’t help her. This was an intuitive reaction, but as I thought about it some more, I was quite surprised how much depth there was to it.

I have lived in London and Berlin for around five to six years. Those places are real shitholes, with more shady people in them than you can shake a stick at. When dealing with that kind of scum, say a drug dealer wanting to engage in a short-lived business transaction with you, or a cultural enricher from the Middle East looking for a fight, there are a few basic rules. I think the most important one is: Fucking keep moving, and don’t even think of stopping. Also, don’t say anything stupid to needlessly provoke them. A quick, “nah, not interested” is enough to get rid of your typical drug dealer. In hindsight, I was amused that I had subconsciously lumped that woman lumped in with drug dealers and welfare leeches from backwater countries. Yet, there was a lot more to it.

In particular the contrast with my recent vacation in Singapore made me aware that I always have my guard up in the West. You don’t put your smartphone in your back pocket, you do lock your door even if you just bring out the trash, you walk on the other side of the road if people who look like trouble show up on the horizon. Now, this being the West, which has completely given up on the idea of ensuring safety for its citizens, it is not at all inconceivable that that woman was simply baiting guys to help her — and once you squat down to look at the tire, two guys jump out from around the corner and rob you! I wish I could say that this is an exaggeration, but things like that happen here. A case from some months ago I remember consisted of a woman pretending to have an issue with her car. Some cuck got out of his car and tried to help. He got beaten up and her accomplices stole his car.

There are many further issues, even though the issue of her being part of a setup to rob some unsuspected guy would be the most serious. The biggest issue is that there is absolutely no way you will benefit from helping her. If you fix her issue, she may thank you, if you are lucky, but she’ll likely take it for granted anyway. However, that is the best case. What if you fix her issue but you ruin your clothes? Let’s say you end up with some grease on your nice dress shirt, which cost $100. Do you think she’d offer to replace it? Exactly, I don’t think so either.

Then there is the problem of what happens if you end up damaging her bike, or she simply claiming you damaged it. She could easily throw a fuss and demand that you compensate her for the supposed financial loss she’s suffered. Since I live in a typical cucked Western country, it’s absolutely plausible that the police would quickly show up, and then there is the legal system backing her up. You know, the executive and judicial branches of government won’t go after some Arab clans who terrorize entire districts, but if your behavior could be interpreted as the slightest transgression, the state will ruthlessly go after you.

More generally, there is the phenomenon that female colleagues walk around the office, looking for some beta cuck to do their work. In this case, you’re of course always busy. Protecting your psychological boundaries is very important in that kind of situation. By doing so, you are also teaching women a great lesson, provided there are no cucks in the office, namely that she has to take responsibility for her own actions and fix her own problems. If you step in and take over, you’ll just add to her learned helplessness. Thus, it’s essentially a humanitarian duty to not help out any woman.

Lastly, your time is valuable, and so are your skills. If you help a woman for free, you are giving away your time and money for free. Yet, the skills you apply when doing her a favor may have a clear market value attached to them. In the office, you’re helping her to earn her salary for free, and she may even boast to the boss about the work she did, even though it’s all yours. In the case of some woman wanting you to fix her bike, the situation is the same: she wants you to work for her for free. Now think about this: How likely is it that this woman, or any woman who isn’t your mother or loving girlfriend, would do anything for free for you? I’d say it’s extremely unlikely.

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8 thoughts on “The Problem With Wanting to Help Women

  1. “Since I live in a typical cucked Western country, it’s absolutely plausible that the police would quickly show up, and then there is the legal system backing her up. You know, the executive and judicial branches of government won’t go after some Arab clans who terrorize entire districts, but if your behavior could be interpreted as the slightest transgression, the state will ruthlessly go after you.”

    The US is not even quite as close as a cucked country as those western European countries. At least Donald Trump is President! The “cucked” areas in the US are just a handful of areas, most of them in the Northeast and West Coast. The South and Mountain West areas are very traditional/conservative socially and fiscally. In most states in the US, a person can get a gun fairly easily because they are shall issue states, meaning local governments can’t deny you your right to buy and own a firearm as long as you meet certain requirements. Since Trump became President, the number of refugees coming in to the US has drastically declined.

    I have also heard recently that London’s murder rate surpassed New York City’s.

    1. To the point of gun ownership Nick made:
      Aaron, say you lived in the US or in CZ, would you carry?
      I remember that on one of your blogs where you discussed immigrating, you listed liberal gun laws as a criteria.

    2. I definitely would carry. I’d probably get a Sig P226, based on my research on handguns. However, I’d try it out on a shooting range first.

    3. Nick: (The US is not even quite as close as a cucked country as those western European countries.) It depends on the issue. The divorce laws are extremely anti male in most states for example. Some things are better in Western Europe. Some things are better in the USA. But overall your fucked anyway if you’re a white man living in the Western world. And Trump isn’t exactly much different. Sure he’s better than Clinton. But for a nation that present’s itself as the greatest in the world. I have to ask the question. Is this really the best you got to offer? As long America keeps voting democrat and republican nothing will really change. It’s best hope would be a independent candidate or revolution. Trump isn’t really going to change anything. He’s just as fake as all the others. If the american people really want change they have to do it themselves. Wearing a red cap and voting for the same party isn’t going to do it.

    4. thumbs up for the Sig. I had shot a glock 17 before and the moment I took a Sig P226 Legion in my hand it was an instant match. Love at first touch I guess 🙂

  2. “Fucking keep moving, and don’t even think of stopping.”

    The iron rule of what to do when accosted in public. Don’t even break stride.

    1. Yep. Applies to junkies and/or drunkards asking for money for their fix as well. I haven’t been a victim of too many mugging attempts, but I guess it works for thugs who are on their own (maybe in couples even) and have no firearms, in most cases.

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