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According to feminism, your only option is to wait for ugly girls to approach you (Guest post by Alek Novy)

Alek Novy just left an excellent comment on my post on the feminist #metoo circle jerk, which deserves wide attention. He systematically dismantles the myth of sexual harassment and male power, until he arrives at the one category of girl a high-quality male, according to feminists, is allowed to get involved with, and only under very specific circumstances. Here is Alek’s post:

This give me the perfect reason to go into a theory on feminism I’ve wanted to share for a long time. If you look at most of these stories, most are nothing more that failed flirting attempts right? (sure, there’s a couple of actual harassments among the stories, but most aren’t).

So if you actually confront the feminists, ok so asking for a date/kiss/sex is now harassment? Giving a compliment is harassment? DO YOU UNDERSTAND that you’re saying one of TWO things:

A) Either you’re saying humans are telepathic and should only show interest if they telepathically know it will be reciprocated


B) You’re saying that 100% of all humans are “rapists”

That’s what the logical conclusion is… Are you saying either A or B?

The thing they come up with (the ones who don’t just shout you down) is “NO ITS ABOUT THE CONTEXT, ITS ABOUT POWER”. “If a man holds power over a woman, she feels pressured”.

{Note, very few feminists actually give this argument, most just tell you to kill yourself if you ask for a clarification on this illogical inconsistency}.

so we arrive at a logically consistent point

I’m not saying I agree with it. But their claim is at least logically consistent. There are no contradictions if the claim is “you can’t show interest in people who have less power than you”.

But let’s discuss this for a second, why does a special interest group for unattractive people promote this theory and wants it established in law?

Therein lies the key. I figured it out when I watched a video by lacey green summarizing everything that is “sexual assault” or “harassment”.

So she was saying how:

– If a celebrity has sex with a fan, this celebrity has commited rape, because the celebrity has “too much power” and the fan is unable to give consent. WTF? Apparently a raving fan is like a toddler in terms of mental ability when around a celebrity.

But this is where the other important thing comes in

A) Either you’re saying humans are telepathic and should only show interest if they telepathically know it will be reciprocated

Feminists do in fact respond to this one as well. And they say something along the lines of “You will know if a woman is interested at all, because she’ll THROW HERSELF AT YOU”. Interested women are NEVER subtle, never hesitant. It’s like they throw themselves at you.

Some of you guys might remember some feminist troll who came on here claiming to be a man and that “he” had sex with a gazillion women, because apparently as man you just leave the house and women throw themselves at you.

Back to that youtube video detailing the feminist outline

– So if you have high-status/power/authority and get intimate with a girl, that’s always “rape”. It doesn’t matter if she threw herself at you and begged for your cock. According to feminist logic “a person with less power” is like a little kid, incapable of giving consent.


It doesn’t matter if she threw herself at you and begged for your cock.

Remember that feminists insist a woman has to be throwing herself at you for it to be “consensual”. If you approach a woman and ask her out, it’s harassment, even if she says yes. Why? Because she didn’t eye-fuck you before you approached her. Because she didn’t say “OMFG I AM SO HAPPY you are talking to me, you’re the hottest guy ever” before you asked for the date. Because she was merely friendly during the conversation (and not super-giddy and horny and all over you).

According to feminists any “hesitation” or “mixed signalling” (less than 1000% starstruck enthusiasm”) means that you’re harassing the girl. Even she says yes to the date, and you kiss, and you become an item, and marry and have kids… According to feminists, you harassed your wife into marriage.

(less than 1000% starstruck enthusiasm”)

Wait, so feminists are saying that unless a woman is throwing herself at you like as if she were a groupie – it’s harassment to show interest in her.

But when actual groupies throw themselves at a celebrity, he’s harassing them by showing interest back in that groupie!?!?

How does that make sense, doesn’t it make all of human mating illegal!??!?!

And when I asked myself that question, I got the answer… Actually there is one scenario left 🙂 There is one scenario that feminism doesn’t outlaw. Think about it guys.

– So wait, I’m only allowed to go for girls who throw themselves at me

– But the only time I’ve had girls throw themselves at me was when I had power or status or authority

– But if I go for a girl who pursued me due to my status, i’m a rapist

So what the fuck is left then?!!?!

Well there is one scenario left

Think about the only other time in life when you’ve had a girl throw herself at you, even if you weren’t high-status or an authority. Think about this for a second.

Aside from groupies (to men of power, status etc), what is THE ONE other group of girls who throw themselves at a guy.

Again, remember, according to feminism:

– You can only go for girls who throw themselves at you
– But it can’t be due to status, power or authority

The only thing left is unattractive (and-or masculine) girls who throw themselves at you and pursue you, because you’re more attractive. The only time when girls throw themselves at a guy without power or status – is if he’s in a much better league… and the girl in question is somewhat masculine.

Feminism is nothing more than a cartel trying to make it so that guys are forced into dating feminists. Studies have shown feminists are less attractive and more masculine than the average population. These are the only types of girls who will pursue you without fame, status or authority.

16 thoughts on “According to feminism, your only option is to wait for ugly girls to approach you (Guest post by Alek Novy)

  1. The only thing left is unattractive (and-or masculine) girls who throw themselves at you and pursue you, because you’re more attractive. The only time when girls throw themselves at a guy without power or status – is if he’s in a much better league… and the girl in question is somewhat masculine.

    Feminism is nothing more than a cartel trying to make it so that guys are forced into dating feminists. Studies have shown feminists are less attractive and more masculine than the average population

    This also explains why women get into feminism after they hit the wall. This is the point when their testosterone starts to go up. They (biologically) speaking become more masculine. Anyone who’s dealt with cougars knows the deal.

    Post-wall women are a lot more likely to throw themselves at you and pursue you.

    So (conveniently), at this age they also start promoting the theory that a guy be legally mandated to wait for a woman to throw herself at him.

    Oh, but it can’t be a starry-eyed 24 year old who looks up to your accomplishments. If the starry-eyed 24 year old throws herself at you, that makes you a criminal. It has to be someone else. How convenient.

    1. Neatly tied argument.

      Ugly feminists and anticapitalist intellectuals have something in common: they cant play the game well (seduction, money), so they try to rig it.

  2. Feminists either don’t understand female nature, or are in denial about it. Saying that women will so blatantly throw themselves at you if they like you, or eye-fuck you to signal attraction…oh please! I liked Gavin McInnes’ commentary on “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” being about romance and not rape– seduction is a dance with push and pull!
    I wonder if feminists who go on dates practice what they preach, like giving the guy a list of everything they consent to, or expressing their interest 100%.

    “The only thing left is unattractive (and-or masculine) girls who throw themselves at you and pursue you, because you’re more attractive.”
    Or if you’re in Sweden, where gender roles have switched and women make the first move 😉 I’ve seen the Swedish male gaze once (not that it was directed at me), and it was cute! In a small, shy boy way 😀

    1. I wonder if feminists who go on dates practice what they preach, like giving the guy a list of everything they consent to, or expressing their interest 100%.

      Great question. I will probably write an entire addendum on this when I get around to it.

      Short-ish answer:

      – most believe that they do practice what they preach (some admit they don’t).

      — She might actually believe she’s giving 100% clear and unambigous interest and men are dumbasses who are “playing dumb” to her obvious communication just to annoy her.

      – Most don’t practice what they preach in a meaningful way.
      — Zero feminists practice it literally (like giving lists of things they consent, moment to moment).

      – A sizeable portion do practice it. These are the feminists who pursue and throw themselves at attractive men.

      I have had women pursue me in a direct (unambigious and throw herself at me) way. They were all either:

      A) Young hot girls in a niche where I have status

      B) Older women

      C) Feminists

  3. Talking about ugly girls who throw themselves at you, doesn’t being more attractive exert some kind of “power” over her as well?

    1. The thing about marxist-based philosophies is that they get to define what is relevant and what is power – based whatever is convenient to achieving a certain goal.

      Try (for example) to get a feminist to admit that a 21 year old model has power over average men based on her looks. And that this gives her much power over the average man.

  4. Feminism is nothing more than a cartel
    Good grief they haven’t started killing and beheading people fighting for their turf.


    1. Good grief they haven’t started killing and beheading people fighting for their turf.


      Well they actually do the western civilization modern equivalent. They ask for the head of their main opponents and get it done.

      Off with their head – and a critic of feminism loses their job
      Off with their head – and a critic of feminism loses his nobel prize
      Off with their head – and a critic of feminism loses his credentials

      etc… there’s hundreds of these cases every year of feminism going “off with his head”.

  5. Sailer’s Law strikes again.

    “The most heartfelt articles by female journalists tend to be demands that social values be overturned in order that, Come the Revolution, the journalist herself will be considered hotter-looking.”

    1. reminds me of this New York Times article that recently came out. Some 30 year old woman is upset that guys apparently get a few extra years to play the field and it’s just not fair (!). This is based on how there’s usually an age gap between married couples (with the guy being about 2-3 years older).

      I wonder if she partied up between 18-29 and getting her share of cock, cock, cock…

      Classic beta bucks, alpha fucks. (Get the alpha during her prime years and then be entitled to settle down for a dutiful beta in her declining years after 30).

    2. I was going to comment, but there’s so much stupid in that article, I don’t want to bother. Like… where do you even begin.

  6. A guy in Great Britain has been convicted for grabbing a girl’s boob while having consentual sex. He’s going down for sexual assault for leaving a bruise on her boob while he was fucking her. His medical career is ruined. While not to long ago they let a young female medical student walk after stabbing her boyfriend with a knife. Because the judge didn’t want to hurt her career prospects. These double standards are becoming worse with the day. I never expected rational thinking from feminist. The real problem is that they get this crazy thoughts into law. And that this crazy stuff is now part of our education system. When girls are in their teens and twenties they dont want a committed relationship. In their thirties they ask, where have all the good men gone? And when they are 40, alone and miserable. They blame men, call them pigs and join the feminist movement.

  7. Nothing can really save you from false sexual assault accusations.I faced false rape accusations from a girl after i rejected her. I refused to fuck her. And still she accused me. No one is save anymore. Now i simply refuse to socialise with any Western woman. It seems to be the only way to avoid this. Just dont come anywhere near them. Dont talk to them.

  8. I wonder what happens if you’re banging a girl from behind and she quickly says no and then yes: then one of the strokes would be technically defined as rape. Also, whilst you’re banging her if you say that she’s sexy (and she doesn’t like it) then that would be sexual harassment. I often wonder about these things when I through the peephole that I drilled in the wall of the changing room.

  9. More evidence for this theory:

    Feminists want to make it a punishable offense for guys to ask women out if the woman is smaller than he is. Oh how convenient, with this whole system they’ve built up… asking out chicks who are feminine (attractive) is conveniently under the no-no category… and all you’re left with is that it’s ok to ask out masculine chicks/or chicks who are as big as you are. XD

    1. This is ridiculous. Well, there is another option: not asking out any girls at all. Of course, there are other universities, and other countries, so “Mizzou” will only dig themselves into an even deeper hole.

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